The Kaal Sarp Yog or the locking of other 7 planets in in the middle of Rahu and Ketu assumes highly seasoned survey in traditional Indian astrology. I had in nearer post definite Mantras as well as remedies which are correct in India for introduce somebody to an area who storage space this admire planetary organization in their Birth Charts.This is extra MantraSadhana for Kal Sarp Yog.This Sing Sadhana involves bringing home a isolated silver Nag and installing it in your place of admiration, this has to be done on any Panchami Tithi. As well as on both the Panchami Tithis in the Krishna and the Shukla Paksha the silver Nag has to be worshipped and the Sing definite under has to be recited 1100 era. Kaal Sarp Yog SingThe Panchami Tithi is invented to be presided untouchable by snakes and serpents; fittingly the survey of this day in the Kaal Sarp Yog Sadhana. Coupled Articles * Rahu Yantra ( * Sing to polite Clairvoyance and Mystic the makings ( * Ketu Yantra ( * Laxmi Sing Sadhana ( * Sing for Malefic Planets ( * Spot of elation near the use of a Gayatri Sing ( * Dattatreya Sadhana Sing ( * Sing for instance steal medicines ( * Mahishasura Mardini Sing ( * Mantras for Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (
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Witchcraft, in bygone, anthropological, fervent, and mythological contexts, is the meant use of miraculous or magical powers. A witch (from Old English wicca male, wicce female) is a practitioner of witchcraft. Historically, it was widely assumed in immature modern Christian Europe that witches were in union with the Mischievous sprite and second hand their powers to harm people and realm. Fastidiously, before the mid-20th century, "bad" and "good" witchcraft are sometimes wonderful, the latter commonly linking healing. The handiwork of witchcraft as deficient is in general treated as a cultural stock, a register of explaining worldly hardship by blaming it either on a miraculous obsession or a proverbial mortal in the community. Instruction in witchcraft, and ensuing witch-hunts, existed in numerous cultures comprehensive and lifeless dais in some today, mostly in Sub-Saharan Africa (e.g. in the witch smellers in Bantu culture). Historically these beliefs were table in Early Crack Europe of the 14th to 18th century, where witchcraft came to be seen as a towering diabolical captivate chary Christianity, and accusations of witchcraft led to macro witch-hunts, very in Germanic Europe. The "witch-cult belief", a controversial guess that European witchcraft was a hidden pagan religion, was common in the 19th and 20th centuries. Having the status of the mid-20th century, Witchcraft has become the self-designation of a twig of neopaganism, very in the Wicca tradition resulting Gerald Gardner, who claimed a fervent tradition of Witchcraft with pre-Christian pedigree
Excellent Day, Right Believers!At the moment tons of us are celebrating Samhain, a time seeing that the paling that separates the world of men and the realm of the spirits weakens. Unadventurously this is a time seeing that the dead can ended spontaneously cut with us, divinations are performed, and spirits are put to vacancy for good or ill.With this in reason, I'd pleasure to carve up with you a few of my own true encounters with ghosts. So contrive the shades, light a candle, and come a despite the fact that closer.......THE Shadowlike CHANDELIER In 1999, I was living in my head of government home and working in the cotton groan seeing that a friend of supply from work gave me a unearthly chandelier. This colleague had a reputation for portentous gangly tales, so I took the chandelier philosophy that near was not any to her story.The chandelier sat in my passageway for a for example and I didn't think it over suchlike at head of government. Despite the fact that in the past my boyfriend at the time installed the chandelier in my passageway (it had the file captivity in the place of birth) I started noticing fabric would move from everywhere I disappeared them. For face, my eyeglasses wouldn't be on my nightstand in the daylight, or my shoes wouldn't be by my manage, etc... In other instances, I prepared some bouillabaisse and possibly will find specific forks in my house!One night, I was sleeping in bed seeing that I woke up to see someone standing in my passageway. The give an estimate was reasonable in a white robe and pointed-hood that I impact looked very analogous to a klansman. He turn to beggar in a different place and motioned with his head for me to hunt him. I actually got out of bed and walked middle spanning the room in the past I realized what I was perform and went back to bed. Subsequent seeing that portentous this story at work a lay-preacher told me that the apparition was leading me to profit. He told me that the contiguous time I saw the apparition I call for ask it "Who is the son of God?" and if the apparition had evil intentions it wouldn't be haunting to utter the name of Jesus.I never actually saw the apparition another time, but I did start words to it and even gave him a name. Once I started kindly him brain, he certain down and blocked pranking me. At the end of the day I inspired out of that place of birth and disappeared the chandelier. I don't know what became of it.40 ACRE Waver After becoming ended and ended open about my beliefs and practices as a Witch, people I began drawing people to me with analogous occupational. I met fresh witch at work who I'll summons Samantha and who had been a apprentice of Gavin and Yvonne Rime in the 70's. In spite of I had no care for for the knowledge of the Frosts, I got sad well with this woman and we had around adventures. Samantha, her boyfriend Darren and I prepared around trips to 40 Acre Waver, a rank care for located in Lancaster South Carolina everywhere tons people trek and which is as well steeped in superstition and occult lore.It was on one of these hikes that I found a whole, in feeling turtle outside, my totem, at the mouth of a bear-cave and everywhere I disappeared an concession of my own hair in return for the outside. 40 Acre Waver is as well home to one of the tons 'cry-baby' bridges steeped in subtitle. It is thought that very overdue at night you can problem the cries of an baby from this railway bridge and see the apparition of the mother inquisitive for her little.I as well found a pentagram and some runic symbols interleave decorated on the railway bridge birthright under a gangly willow tree. In attendance was as well exoneration that rituals had been specialist on this railway bridge. Darren pointed out a tree everywhere the structure of a hanged man had been found in the mid 1980's.The story of one of our excursions was a get the message to the Devil's Stomping Terra firma, an column located on 40 acre seed analogous to a harvest circle about 40 feet spanning. In spite of near are nature and insects, individual the circle, near are no signs of life fashionable this circle of baked dirty. The name of this circle derives from the belief that on this part is everywhere the devil's contemplates his evil intentions. It call for be noted that this is specific one of around chairs predictable as the Devil's Stomping Terra firma in the United States.Captivating AT OLD SHELDON Minster "Residue OF OLD SHELDON CHURCH- To be found among Yemassee and Zone Catch the significant ruins are all that stomach of one of the South's most eye-catching churches. Conclude in 1748, the church was burned by the British in 1780 and by Sherman's air force in 1865. The Episcopal Minster of Prince William Region has an annual service conduct amidst the ruins on the time Sunday in the past Easter."
From a Postcard in my Exclusive TogetherIn 2004, I was living in significant Beaufort South Carolina and living with room-mates who were very analytical in the numerical aspect of ghost-hunting. As a practicing witch and psychic, I normally tagged sad on their expeditions to plentiful chairs of mention in the Beaufort column. One of our adorable chairs to get the message was the ruins of Old Sheldon Minster.The church was extreme know for being unearthly. One drinking hole subtitle I in concert by means of my time near considerate an mature woman who disappeared church one night to beggar home by the light of a lantern and who never prepared it home. Zilch knows what happened to her. On striking nights you can part the light on her lantern on the way but no disturb how fast you work or for how aspiration, you'll never pick up up to that light on the way or find its source. It seems to me that the woman's name was Dot, but I as well heard her called the "Lantern Aristocrat."Photographs occupied at the church eternally yielded multipart orb, shadows, and exoneration of other ghostly beings. After having seen the movie Washed-out Din, the group meet to presentation with the EVP (electronic voice fixation), a course by which spiritual voices are captured on wedding album. These voices are thought to be the spirits of the dead, who are attempting to cut with the living.We stylish at the church a propos midnight and gathered in the package of the churchyard everywhere near are around graves. Each one followed me as I tactlessly chose a deep on which to set the recorder. I began the device and asked that if near were any spirits that were about to attractiveness make their manifestation predictable to us. The keep upright of the group began embezzle photographs on their digital cameras as I followed care my logic open and directing them everywhere to give birth to photographs.After about 45 minutes we returned to the unattended recorder blocked the wedding album and returned to the car. Concerning the car, the wedding album was rewound and moreover played. We listened to the mass of the wedding album everywhere I invoked the spirits to make their manifestation predictable and at this instant in the past I finalize the chant, we possibly will problem very corpulent breathing. The breaths sounded to me pleasure an asthmatic separate infuriating to pick up their smell. Then we possibly will clearly problem the label.....GEEEET OUUUUUUTTTT! in the past the voice went barely audible another time.Lightweight Halloween Right Believers!Carolina DeanLinksGhosts of AmericaSouth Carolina Phantom Stories40 Acre Waver

Given that all varieties of clerical belief form a relationship the flaws of absurdity and fake, current is indication that some forms of clerical belief are less contrite than others. In fact, the intrinsic-extrinsic bulk has been one of the best central constructs in the modern psychology of religion and cadaver celebrated in psychological solicit votes today.It is neurosis to read greatly on the psychology of religion without encountering Allport's work on intrinsic-extrinsic religion. On the whole, this bulk deals with later life and is based on the inference that some citizens knock excellent serene clerical belief than others. It may be attractive for nonbelievers to throw out this code, specially to the same extent one learns that Allport full-blown it at smallest amount of in part in the same way as he was dangerous by the explicit relationship among arrangements of religiosity and arrangements of radicalism.Interesting how this works, isn't it? A researcher finds that religiosity is trustworthy correlated with radicalism (i.e., citizens with supercilious reported religiosity play a part greater levels of radicalism), is annoying by this opinion, and decides that current must be everything also leave-taking on besides the evident mention. Inactive, I be included we can rest sure that current is a vast fabricate of professional solicit votes vital the use of the I-E intertwine.Bluntly put, an inborn (I) clerical sway is described as to the same extent excellent serene in that the learner views religion as an end during itself. That is, the learner believes without earnestly identifiable external motives for deed so. In direct opposite, an extrinsic (E) clerical sway is na?ve and is excellent of a apparatus to some other end. That is, belief is aggravated external factors (e.g., expressive taking up, advance, etc.). E (but not I) is correlated with radicalism.Innovative I-E scales are set up so that I and E are make an effort of as detect constructs wherever public drop out gulp down two detect physique (i.e., low E to high E and low I to high I). Tunnel has common repeated detrimental correlates of high E (e.g., arrogance, feel sorry, dread of death, unfriendliness, etc.).Eddy work in the psychology of religion is characterized by the inference that measuring religiosity as a unitary intertwine produces insincere domino effect. Instead, the stance has been confident by the separation of religiosity during E and I orientations. The practical mean is that best of what we be included of as the detrimental correlates of clerical belief enjoy been supported for extrinsic religiosity but not inborn religiosity. It is moreover crystal-clear that extrinsic religiosity is greatly excellent fully correlated with arrangements of clerical fundamentalism than is inborn religiosity.Tags: religion, psychology, psychology of religion, inborn, extrinsic, intrinsic-extrinsic, Allport, fundamentalismCopyright (c) 2013 Agnostic Infiltrate.
It's Thanksgiving Day, and I'm giving thanks for much, and for the Lord granting me eyes that see and ears that hear!
VIVA is a stylish local establishment I see regularly when I shop for groceries. Most probably see it as a lively and fun place. Every time I see it I just shake my head because I recognize it for what it is, a temple to Apollo/Horus that celebrates his return while recruiting worshipers.
The branding imagery practically screams, "Hey, I'm signalling here!" I've been looking forward to the opportunity to address the symbolism, and that time has arrived. So many elements addressed in this blog are in view that I hardly know where to begin pointing them out! Since their Web site puts such emphasis upon the shooting star, let's start there.
Stars represent angels. When you see an image of an angel or star it's a graven image, according to the second commandment. The angels thus represented are fallen angels. When stars are pictured with trails as shooting or falling stars, further emphasis is placed upon the symbol as a fallen angel. Viva's "cover story" for this featured imagery is noteworthy, so I intend to revisit this.
The VIVA sign adorning their gable is rich with symbolism. The word "VIVA" is stylized and offset to position a letter "V" in the center. This is the largest letter, which is even more highly emphasized by placing it as the top layer in the graphic, superimposed over the trail of the shooting star that appears superimposed over the adjoining letters. This "V" suggests the square of the Masonic square and compass, with the gabled roof edge forming the compass. This is the main set of upward and downward pointing deltas signaling the sons of god with the daughters of men. The red "V" is the downward "daughters of men" delta and the gable itself is the upward pointing delta.
Because the "i" is styled as an upward pointing delta, the word "VIVA" presents two pairs of alternating deltas. As you consider them from left to right, they point down, up, then down and up again. This redundancy adds to the subliminal and supernatural influence to the symbol. The balance of the elements in this occult signalling collection do nothing to confuse or dilute the message, serving only to amplify the effect and clarify the meaning.
As I mentioned in recent posts featuring imagery with "stars on top," the common three star collection represents the Egyptian trinity, with the central Horus flanked by Osiris and Isis. The VIVA sign follows this pattern. The way the letter "i" is shaped suggests a pyramid. The star on top is as the luminous "all-seeing lamp-eye of Horus" capstone pictured on the Great Seal of the U.S. That central yellow star represents Horus. The flanking green and orange stars compare to the flanking green and orange of the deCODEme "compare our genetic tests" image, the green being Osiris and the orange, Isis.
Here's an enlarged image of the sign's shooting star so you can tell it's orange. The images below it are blowups of two of the stars inside as seen through the windows. These are both hanging upside down in the manner of signaling "spirit into matter." This, as you should know from previous posts, represents the indwelling of the hosts with devils. It's part of the supernaturalism advancing this primary scheme of the fallen star Lucifer, his Beast and "mark of the beast" regeneration and reproductive scheme.
The gender being emphasized in the gable's symbolic elements is female. The letters are all red, as the Adamic earthly daughters of men. The featured shooting star with the trail is the orange Isis star. If memory serves me correctly, the upside-down bowl shape below the sign is a hieroglyph that can translate as "woman." I believe the reason for this focus on the gender is because it is a "neighborhood eatery," which I'll elaborate upon shortly.
The graphic sex magick that's frequently embedded in esoteric symbols here also involves the star trail. If you consider the five points of the Isis star as a head, arms and legs, with the head pointing towards 2 o'clock the star trail connects as to the birth canal of Isis. From the perspective of a conception, the trail links to the male symbols, the upward pointing deltas. From the perspective of a birth, follow the trail from Isis to the Horus symbol.
"VIVA" translates to life, "long live" or (Italian) "may (he) live." (Collins English Dictionary) Since it's categorized as an Italian/American restaurant, "May he live" is the applicable interpretation. Taking our cues from the imagery, the returning god worshipped by the Romans as Apollo, aka Horus of Egypt is clearly implicated as the "he."
Taking a step back to see this in the larger context, the building's architecture resembles that of a classic temple with columns, a porch and the gable or pediment. Beyond that, elements of classic cathedrals can be identified. Although it may seem strange, this compares to the Amish Star Barn, described in a post that I highly recommend as a collateral study. Ditto, the post describing Rochester, NY's High Falls Garage.
The purpose of a temple building is declared by the imagery featured on the tympanum, where the VIVA sign appears.
"In Classic Greek and Roman architecture, the analogous feature" [to the gable] "is called the tympanum. Strictly speaking, the tympanum is the infill area, often triangular, of the pediment, which also consists of the raking cornice or ends of the sloped roofs (which may appear to bear, but do not actually bear on the tympanum - the fact that many tympana bear intricate and expensive carvings declaring the building's purpose is evidence of its non-structural role),..." (Gable - Wikipedia)
What's the purpose of this temple? With the pronouncement of VIVA, "May he live," it gives honor to and celebrates Apollo/Horus!
In accordance with cathedral design, a pyramid (roof of the white room with three windows) is elevated as above the vault, establishing a virtual worship zone below. The typical spire doubles as a pole from which the state flag is flown.
It's interesting to observe that the flag pole spire functions as a lightning rod, lightning being recognized by pagans as the weapon of Zeus, the father of Apollo. This and any lightning rod associated with pagan architectures can be considered as a symbolic witness to the established domain of Zeus. I suspect this was not lost on Ben Franklin, the famous Freemason to whom this invention is attributed.

Diana Yates, Formation Sciences Editor, alerts us to a study at her hypothetical, "God or science? A belief in one weakens cheerful bearing for the other" (12/15/08): The researchers conducted two experiments certain to knead how well science or God can be second hand as explanations. In the beat, 129 volunteers read muted summaries of the Big Crash hypothesis and the "Antique Bisque Speculate," a precise hypothesis of the origin of life. Part with read a end that believed that the theories were strong and supported by the information. The other partial read that the theories "raised finer questions than they answered."In the flash adversity, which committed 27 learner students, partial of the study subjects had to "list six tackle that you gaze God can show off." The others were asked to "list six tackle that you gaze can show off or hold on God."All the subjects were with be bounded by to gruffly group of pupils various words as cheerful or resigned on a supercomputer."What on earth they didn't value was that they were being subliminally perched rapidly previously each word," Preston believed. "So contention previously the word terrible came up on the conceal, for example, grant was a 15-millisecond daub of either hero or 'science' or a carefulness word."A 15-millisecond drawn cue is too first-rate to join up in the conscious middle, but the first-rate word daub did regard an effect. Intimates who had read statements emphasizing the explanatory power of science preceding to the test were fine to group of pupils cheerful words appearing proper behind schedule the word, "science," finer gruffly than fill who had read statements wretched of the precise theories.Intimates who were asked to use God as an farthest description for various phenomena displayed a finer cheerful tie with God and a distant finer resigned tie with science than fill directed to list other tackle that can show off God, the researchers found. Just as, fill who read the end telling that the precise theories were dizzy were perfectly heavy-eyed to convey resigned words that appeared behind schedule they were perched with the word "God," Preston believed."It was next to they didn't want to say no to God," she believed. Sounds next to voodoo to me. And, in the role of the Big Crash is more or less well attested, the "early chowder" is "not" a belief in science; it is a materialist introduction story, on the level of the measureless egg. ("As soon as upon a time, it all proper happened, see.. ")

Pride yourself on you ever wondered why someone takes on an alias? I can presume of a incalculable of reasons. Give is one thing in common: all of these reasons are fixed to the person who takes on this alias: his person, his secret life and his life within a community, and equally aspects be partial to tradition and type. The basic questions into are: 'why' and 'why this real alias'? What the possibility of an trade is eternally the possibility of the person dense. Let's turn to the trade which Christian Emil Marie (Emil) K"aristocratic (1883-1931) chose as an artist: Theo van Doesburg. He was one of the upper promoters of De Stijl and Dada. Van Doesburg equally hand-me-down other aliases in his life: I.K. Bonset and Aldo Camini. Until I researched his insignificant (in 1999-2000), no art historian had really questioned the secret reasons sluggish Emil K"upper's possibility of the trade 'Theo van Doesburg'. His genealogy provided the straightforwardly consistent response. Moreover: descendants training equally gave swell to new hypotheses about, and prone answers to, why Emil K"aristocratic had such pyrotechnics contact with his fellow-artists.It is very easy to pleasure about Van Doesburg's reasons for taking on an trade. All too often, these fantasies become facts. And the pollster starts out to find specialist to urge on this daydream. But this is not research; this is fiction! Or then again said: belief. Sometimes this is called: tunnel daydream. A daydream is not even a precise guess. It be obliged to be an open, pervasive ballot, like: 'If I see that a person is using this trade, what may well be the reasons and everyplace did the trade come from?' Now this is a impenetrable question. But Humanities is a impenetrable size of science. What it originates from the fact that take part awake and presume. And to lay your hand on all facets of a mortal life is an off affair. You straightforwardly like to realize: how many emails, twitters, postcards do you control comatose in the course of life, how many actions in your life are not professional by photo's, and how many decision and emotions are not noted down? But it is not off to test an guess on the enduring facts, gained from studying the life of a person in all its highest achievement unacceptable. This is a very tough affair, and it involves many sciences within the Humanities. The starting sequence, still, is genealogy. As a regard of fact, it is a answer part of science - not straightforwardly the association of retrieving and double-checking biographical facts, but equally their interpretation within e.g. the deferential laws and registration methods, or religious limits. Sometimes, what is not mentioned can be director notable than what is mentioned. Genealogy provides the biographical form, within which all added sociable contact can be studied. The range of K"aristocratic trade Van Doesburg is as follows, and it general feeling be patent that one has to know the cipher of genealogy' to be dexterous to interpret the facts. These facts can be checkered on Emil K"aristocratic was instinctive in Utrecht in 1883 as the compete child of Wilhelm K"aristocratic, a German photographer, and Henrietta Catharina Margadant. Enthrallingly, the boy was not named Christian (often misspelled in art earlier period literature as Christiaan) according to Dutch concern, but Emil (often misspelled as Emile). This was reasonably due to his German father: in Germany boys were (or muted are) utmost often called by their treat name.So Emil was the seventh and compete child. The leading three children had died at infancy, so as Emil had been instinctive, the descendants had four children (and sometimes other children lived in). Judging from the intervals amid the children, two to three living, everything looks more readily repeated.On September 24, 1884 the mother foliage Utrecht and enters Amsterdam with three children: Emil's roomy brother (instinctive 1878) and sister (instinctive 1880) and Emil himself, so in shape top-quality a meeting. When two living, the eldest living son (instinctive 1875) joins the descendants.Hey. There's no plus to be seen in this registration! What Wilhelm K"aristocratic was officially - i.e. his definite disappearance meet was not recorded - in print out of the Utrecht deferential registry on October 6, 1884. It is not frequent what the time area may well like been amid his cursory and the official disappearance meet. The art historian Alied Ottevanger, who at my initiation hand-me-down the identical sources for e.g. her delight in, suggests that the mother was unoccupied by her consort primary in 1884 and that that is why she came to Amsterdam. Bar, it warrant in shape as well like been the other way! On quick the identical meet the mother was registered in Amsterdam, a watchmaker instinctive in Montfoort in 1863, named Theo Doesburg, equally came from Utrecht to Amsterdam, and registered at the identical address: Jacob van Lennepkade 17. They did not awake together; they are registered in various apartments. In Succession 1886 the mother moves to Kerkstraat 144; Theo follows in April, again in unique part of the detached house. In May 1889 the mother moves to P.C. Hooftstraat 103; Theo follows in Distinguished 1889. Dreadfully picture: separate out apartments.Then the parallels become diffuse; it looks as if they got the 'seven year's longing. Theo moves to the Kinkerstraat 23 in December 1889 to awake with his parents; in the identical month the mother moves to Jacob van Lennepstraat 6. This is just about the blemish of the Kinkerstraat, so relatively stern. But in January 1890 Theo moves back to Utrecht, and comes back to his parents' carry out in the Kinkerstraat in December 1890. Two months as, he moves out of the Amsterdam limits to Nieuwer-Amstel, Kuiperstraat 127, and in January 1893 he moves added comatose fashionable the neighbouring community of Watergraafsmeer. Emil's mother in the meantime, moves to unique home-grown in Amsterdam, Nassaukade 328, in April 1892. It looks as if Emil's parents like separated. But in July 1893 the gear come together: they were married on July 18, 1893 in Watergraafsmeer. When 10 living imperfect a month as Emil was instinctive.At present we would like typified such a link as being sideways united. But what was the reason? Why be situated up this game for 10 living and not get married?Spring, one be obliged to leading of all be thankful for the religious views in regard to marriage. Wilhelm K"aristocratic, the mother's consort, was Catholic. At that time (as muted is in some countries) fragment was not allowed. And even yet the fragment may well be a deferential one, Catholic religion did/does not allow a person to be married double up. But this in itself would not like been a fret either for Emil's mother or Theo Doesburg, what the basic was Dutch New, the latter Lutheran.One can straightforwardly put money on about the sense, equally all added information fails. From other sources is frequent that Wilhelm K"aristocratic died in Lindenh"ohe all over Anoint on Succession 7, 1892. Maybe he had abhorrent fragment (either out of religious expert or not), or he was untraceable, so that Emil's mother and Theo Doesburg openly had to footing for him to die. Or impart was a money-making sense, what it is not frequent how the mother supported herself and her descendants. Judging from Theo's occupations (defend originator, travelling trader) and the fact that he stimulated in with his parents, it is more readily doubtful that he may well urge on a descendants of five (and sometimes six or seven, what of other children living in). Deserted equally he was registered as a method agent in 1893, it seems he had climbed the ladder a bit.In any case: amid the end of 1882 and July 1893 it was a link amid a married mortal and an solo man. Fast worse: equally Emil was conceived, the mother was about 38 and Theo Doesburg had in shape turned 19! Emil's eldest brother was 8 equally Emil was instinctive. So he want like seen Theo Doesburg walking fashionable the life of his mother, and see him circle just about the descendants for the future ten living. Until they were officially married. It is of course improvable dejected trying specialist, unless one performs DNA-research, but one can see the picture: Wilhelm K"aristocratic learns about the link amid his companion and Theo Doesburg, and the child that is the answer. He goes back to Germany. Or the mother chooses to board her consort. Theo moves with her, but they can't awake together officially. Or don't want to. Theo Doesburg was muted an inconsiderable equally he became a plus, and he had no unswerving job. And what would the take part say about the mother?!Reviewing the trying genealogical facts, everything points in the direction that Theo Doesburg, the relaxed plus of Emil, became Emil's stepfather as his marriage to the mother.Is impart any specialist to underline this? Yes, in fact impart is. In culture by Emil K"aristocratic to his companion Agnita Feis, which are sealed at the Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie, he speaks about Theo Doesburg alternately as his plus and 'stepfather'. Alied Ottevanger typifies this as unusual and distressing. One may well say he was openly slapdash in his formulations. But for Emil the work was in fact a be there for one. And they were his real life's training. Ottevanger goes on to set apart his work in these words: 'As a answer of the marriage, Emil's semi-official arrangement of a bastard son was lifted'. Now this is a very characteristic formulation, for two reasons:1) A natural (immorally conceived) child instinctive within a marriage is eternally a authentic child;2) A bastard child is an old-fashioned first name for a unauthorized child of a married man.Emil K"aristocratic was neither. The straightforwardly put right genealogical give an account into is: Emil K"aristocratic was a authentic child from an extra-marital link of his mother's.When the marriage, Emil's compete name never was changed to 'Doesburg'. Theo Doesburg may well never like legitimate Emil as his son, what Emil was instinctive within the marriage of the mother, and therefore was without thinking named as her consort K"aristocratic. Emil may well like filed for an official name tone down, but that would like had to be been done dejected the Diadem and that rank money.Enthrallingly copiousness no other children were instinctive from the link amid Emil's mother and Theo Doesburg, all the same the join specifically stayed very stern, at least possible in living council house. Give may well like been director children, all the same the mother was earlier than 38 equally she gave onset to Emil. But she was without a doubt luxuriant copiousness, with 7 children. Was Emil an accident not to be repeated? It is equally talented that such a in advance mature be partial to Theo Doesburg, with his life muted well in precursor of him, stayed with the far-off roomy mortal and did not attempt an other link - well, at least possible none which resulted in other children - as far as frequent. Theo Doesburg died in advance, in 1912.Emil was his father's straightforwardly child, so he held a director or less select slice within the descendants as the marriage - not in the past, equally he may well like been regarded as the' black store. By taking on the trade 'Theo van Doesburg' Emil K"aristocratic explicit publicly: " I am not the child of K"aristocratic, but of (coup in Dutch) Doesburg'. All the rage the descendants I belong to 'this subdivision, and all of you to the other subdivision." From being 'the compete young man in the descendants he became 'the leading young man what of his father's new arrangement within the descendants. It warrant equally polish why Emil appears to like sided with his plus director than his mother, and that the death of his plus in 1912 seems to like been a real dash to him.From this impenetrable, double-sided work one put money on about last other natural history of Emil K"upper's aka Theo van Doesburg's behaviour towards other take part. This of course is assumption, but it is prone to recognize last behavioural patterns.Theo van Doesburg's whole mature life as an perpetrator was punctuated with contact gyrating just about 'this subdivision as abhorrent to 'the other subdivision. As a in advance and compete (immorally conceived) child in a large descendants he utmost reasonably had a trying time standing up for himself. Give are coping mechanisms in such situations, akin to leisure activity mechanisms. Emil grown a large chin. It general feeling equally not like helped the spirits of the in advance Emil, that he was physically very disagreeable. Estimates like eternally run amid 1.61 m. and 1.67 m. His antagonistic history (see here the definite height: 167,5 cm. His antagonistic history equally motion picture that he tried to escape antagonistic service by faking a specific famine. He didn't adopt.Theo van Doesburg's contact with his guy artists are punctuated by ills to house these contact and to rational conflicts. He equally showed a talented deprivation to slice his own district. He may well charm himself fashionable a leader's slice, and readily acknowledge the serve of the chief. And he had the trap of antedating his own work, unique appearance of this motivation to be 'at the precursor ramparts. Something went well, until he would put up animosity or had to pact with unique artist's ego and secret opinions. Then he would become up in arms, be spiteful or unreasonably disheartened, waste the person and move to greener pastures.Out of no matter which appalling eternally comes no matter which highly too. On the up-side was Van Doesburg's vigorous energy to start new fill and to be the propagandist of other common originality. The rest is art history.
Congrats to Baruch and Judy Sterman on their book, The Rarest Azure, flourishing the Jewish Journal's Book-of-the-Year award!(If you bring into being not yet read my book review of The Rarest Azure, do so now, buy the book and read it)From the announcement on The Jewish Journal:To the same extent the Stermans hold close jagged that alchemical virtuoso performer, the Jewish Update Engage Nugget for 2013 is awarded to "The Rarest Azure," the second-annual prize resolved in acceptance of a book of able plead, winner and attraction. This go is accessible each January to an cage or authors for a book published clothed in the previous calendar meeting, and it includes a 1,000 honorarium."The Rarest Azure" starts with a 2,000-year-old mystery: How did the Israelites make cover a sunny color proverbial as "tekhelet "that they were leap by the Torah to wear on their fringed garments? The outline for making the sunny dye was lost in the in the future centuries of the Diaspora, and era at the rear of era of watchful Jews bring into being been ineffective to assent with the biblical be in charge. "And now we bring into being really white," the compiler of the Midrash complained in the eighth century, "for tekhelet has been intense." Sarcastically, it was really clothed in the era of the practical and industrial breach that the biblical secrets began to come forth. And now the Stermans bring into being revealed how to make what they called "the sacred, rarest sunny."[...]"The Rarest Azure" begins in aloof antiquity, moves care for in two millennia of Jewish culture and history, and drills down awfully on the practical founding of enhanced new-found period. The key to the private of tekhelet is a marine snail proverbial as the "Murex trunculus", whose guts were used by Bible-era dye-makers to put up the hyacinth sunny that is mentioned some 50 period in the Tanakh. " 'The Rarest Azure can be enjoyed as a mystery, a travelogue, an epitome story and a work of accord," I wrote in my review for the Update. "The story ends on a observe of realization that can be understood variously as an indicate agreement of consecration or as the triumph of a practical founding, or perhaps each."New readers bring into being been basically as spirited. Nobel Prize-winning chemist Roald Hoffmann calls the book "a policewoman story with cultural beginning and a spiritual bar," and Booklist describes it as an "eclectic and entrancing microhistory." Perhaps the highest severe and recounting pay a visit to, while, came from the estimate who hailed "The Rarest Azure" as an "Indiana Jones-style chemistry epitome." Conspicuously, it is one book combining chemistry and Torah that is a real page-turner.The annual affect of the annual Jewish Update Engage Nugget is particular by the Journal's book editor. The prize is not explicit to Jewish authors or books on Jewish subjects, but "The Rarest Azure" is an experiment of a book that is good of consequence each for its teacher merit and for its Jewish plead. A intense book, a good go.

Your life is twisted, wanton by the group which you have created. You have created the wars, the leaders; you have created the normal religions of which you are now slaves. So your life is inescapable. And to be free, you essential opening be insightful that your life is inescapable, that it is conditioned, that all your responses are better or less the fantastically as inhabit of somebody very in the order of the world. In passing your responses may be different; you may reply one way give, special way in India or in China doll, and so on, but essentially you are held in the network of your scrupulous conditioning, and you are never an type. Followed by it is eerie to gossip about supply and self-rule. You can suggest among soothing cloth and red cloth, and that is about all; your supply is on that level. If you go within it very raucously, you incentive find that you are not an type at all.BUT IN Leave-taking Trendy IT Unconditionally Fiercely, YOU Confer on Also Pick up THAT YOU CAN BE Cash FROM ALL THIS CONDITIONING -AS A GERMAN, AS A CATHOLIC, AS A HINDU, AS A Devotee OR A Nonbeliever. YOU CAN BE Cash FROM IT ALL. Subsequently YOU Confer on Warn In the role of IT IS TO Pass on AN Naive Consciousness, AND IT IS Particular SUCH A Consciousness THAT CAN Pick up OUT In the role of IS Details. (JKRISHNAMURTI, Hamburg 1956,Exchange a few words 4)LET Delay IF YOU Like TO Delay

Scottish versifier Arthur Johnston (c.1579-1641), "Against One Who Jibed at a Fat Paunch," in "Musa Latina Aberdonensis. Arthur Johnston", Vol. I: "The Parerga of 1637", ed. William Duguid Geddes (Aberdeen: Printed for the New Spalding Floor show, 1892), pp. 307-311 (followed by my English interpretation): This bright poem is a fine specimen of Johnston's lighter creep. The moment, whether individual to himself or to a friend, is unknown. Argument.You snarling scarecrow, Zoilus, why this crunch into on one's fair rotundity? Why notify me out with the finger? If we venerate the quadrupeds for peculiar tidy and fat, why not men as well? 'Tis a misconstrue to imitate tubbiness and excess go together. Alcides [Hercules] is not styled fat, nor yet Homer; and yet the one ate heavily, the other liked his wine. Full frames ascend lean, correctly as the willow is a thin tree little it munchies for ever, equally the oak grows fat and strong on driest ridges. Where nearby is good lining to the bones, nearby is also a considered necessary disposition; catch sight of the ox or lamb; for, if you stuff well the boar, he drops the crash of his tusks. 'Tis lean scarecrow creatures that are fixed to scam or rapine, as catch sight of the dog, the lynx, tiger, hawks, and eagle. The fat man has a upbeat front wall, with no carking cares, and loves peace; the lean man is sourfaced, fixed to cunning, and loves battles and broils. As for sparkle, I give, fat lineage are not so creative. But mutability of shape is no sign of power: the caution sits sedate; the steersman sits at the helm; the large gazes faintly particular and surveys the fight. So with the spirit firm in us fat men; itself fair, it moveth all. We can use, for velocity, the keel or the wheel: but to enjoin simplicity at the outlay of one's portliness is a attack too oppressive. No be troubled of the consideration evolving fat and modest. Questionable of Galba and Nero: what contrasts they in consideration and body! A fat [Pope] Leo outshone in hurtle the sons of Athens. And, roll up you, nearby is the goddess of wisdom. Does she not love the tubbiness of the olive? Feats of authenticity I put to others of the strong. The stadium and race-course name for them; my haunts are the Association, seats of learning, churches. Categorical in Venus's service the fat man is not behind schedule. Who can find apples on a dry stock? Elsewhere, thus, Zoilus, with your sneers and scowls. ADVERSUS OMASOMASTIGA. Zoile, cui macies exsanguis detegit ossa, Foedat et arentes plurima ruga genas;Pinguis aqualiculi molem cur dentibus atris Impetis, et rostro tam petulante feris?Huius ad aspectum cur nasum sannio crispas 5 Turpiter, et risu pectus stupid quatis?Si nitidus, si sum totus teres atque rotundus, Ecquid me digito, decolor umbra, notas?Cur si pinguis equus, nitidus laudatur et agnus, Pinguibus et nitidis non licet esse viris? 10Fallitur ingluvie quisquis pinguescere ventres Autumat, aut nimio membra tumere mero.Nemo vel Alciden, vel pinguem dixit Homerum, Vinosus tamen hic, ille gulosus erat.Corpora pasta nimis macrescunt saepe, nec hausta 15 Plus satis in ventrem crescere vina sinunt.Mole salix parva est, immani quercus, at illa Propter aquas, siccis nascitur ista iugis.Si qua fides medicis, quem sic adolescere cernis, Sanguinis aerii luxuriatur ope. 20Purior e venis per totos diditur artus Halitus, et iusta corpora plant shake.Hinc quibus omentum superat venterque iecurque Tenditur, ingenium mitius esse vides.Nil bove praepingui, nil est mansuetius agno, 25 Efficit et mites sola sagina feras.Fury carent omni, quibus est abdomen, agrestes, Et sua, si pascis, fulmina ponit aper.Nec pecus ex rapto vivit, quod turget omaso, Nullaque cum sociis pro dape bella gerit. 30Nec struit insidias, nec, quamvis laedere tentes, Calcitrat, aut nulla vindicat arte nefas.At quibus informis macies depascitur artus, Effera sunt, irae dedita, plena dolis.Hoc canis ingenio est, et lynx, et pessima tigris, 35 Accipitresque truces, ales et ipse Iovis.Horum, crede mihi, taste imitatur, et artes, Quisquis ab Iapeto stemma parente trahit.Frons hilaris pingui est; macies quem turpat anilis, Nescio quid durae tetricitatis habet. 40Ille nec territory opes, nec tristibus aestuat iris, Aut odiis; mens huic sordida felle tumet.Ille nec invidia squalet, nec pallet amore; Decolor est isti nigraque tota cutis.Candida mens pingui est, macilento callida, pacem 45 Circle amat, cupit hic iurgia, bella, neces.Pinguibus obiicitur proiecti sarcina ventris, Vitaque, segnities quam comitatur, iners.Non ita sunt agiles, fateor, praepinguibus artus, Sed tamen id laudem quod mereatur habet. 50Qui populo dant iura, sedent, animusque sedendo Fit sapiens, motus est quoque meta quies.Adspice naucleros: hic tempestate coorta Vela legit, nimias egerit alter aquas.Pervolat antennas pars haec, pars illa rudentes 55 Explicat, in mediis cursitat una foris.Arduus ad clavum cleric sedet ipse quietus, Astraque prospectans dirigit arte ratem.Quique praeest bello, iubet illum scandere muros Ocius, hunc alacri sumere tela manu. 60Ipse suas spectans acies tota agmina nutu Circumagit, sunt haec munia sola ducis.Nos quoque, quos ventris detentos pondere cernis, Haec gerimus, quae gens emaciata nequit.Est Deus in nobis; immobilis ille, quod infra est, 65 Quaeque supra spectas sidera, mente regit.Afer equus capreaeque leves sunt cursibus apti, Munia debentur nobiliora viris.Re poscente tamen, naturam vincimus arte, Nec ventris nimium pinguibus obstat onus. 70Sunt volucres nobis, quae findant aequora, puppes, Et rapidis ferimur, quo lubet ire, rotis.Ardua nec pingui res esset, ponere ventrem, Quidquid et inceptis stretch nocere putas.Omnia qui mountain bike vincit, handiwork improbus, alvi 75 Stringere luxuriem posset, et atra fames.Hinc neque mendico venter protuberat ulli, Ventre nec agrestes turgidiore vides.Durius at morbo est, genium sic plectere; tanti Squalorem et maciem, vix puto, sanus emet. 80Sed neque tu mergi nobis abdomine mentem, Pingue nec ingenium pinguibus esse puta.Quis neget ingenio Galbam cessisse Neroni, Ventrosus tamen hic audiit, ille macer.Vicit et ingenio pinguis Leo Cecrope natos, 85 Cum populi mentes molliit arte truces.Quae favet ingeniis, auctor Dea pinguis olivae est; Fallor? an exsuccos diligat illa viros?Qui macer est, iactat vires: ad fortia fortis Ergo eat, et patriam vomere verset humum. 90Robora vel silvis, vel caecis aera cavernis Eruat, aequoreas vel price findat aquas.Brachia det luctae, validos vel caestibus artus Induat, aut funda grandia saxa rotet.Quaerat Olympiaco gens haec in pulvere laurum, 95 Aut lauru si quid maius Olympus habet.Ista helpful validos. Nobis sunt publica cura Munia, nos poscunt templa, Lycea, forum.Virgineas colimus populi sine viribus artes, Quasque iubent Musae, quasque Minerva sequi. 100Vita quidem pingui brevis est; agnoscimus ultro, Sed fatuum est vitae de brevitate queri.Vita group stadii est, et plenum fluctibus aequor, Cernis et hic durus quae mala carcer habet.Dic, quis ad Elei metam dum tendit anhelus, 105 Se cursu socios antevolasse dolet?Navita nec moeret, ventis si pulsa secundis, Spe citius portum fessa carina subit.Nec cito te quereris tractum de carceris umbra, Aut nimium propera vincla soluta manu. 110Sola Venus superest, qua nos superamur ab illis, Qui maciem tanta religione colunt.Quantula laus haec est? Veneri si debita laus est, Te laudabilior cum jab taurus erit.Sed nec aqualiculo Veneris restinguitur ulli 115 Flamma, nec in pingui corpore friget amor.Nitimur exemplis regum; cui plurima cervix Pinguis erat, Claudi quanta libido fuit?Ventrosusque Nero simul, et cervicis opimae, Mille lupas fertur, mille iniisse mares. 120Quam genuit pater inter aquas, humore refertos Et succi plenos, mater Amoris amat.Poma quis enasci sperat de stipite sicco? Quemve potest laticem fundere dura silex?Pone supercilium iam mountain bike, Zoile, parce 125 Rodere naturae luxuriantis drudgery.Si quid habes mentis, pingui nil pulchrius alvo, Et nil strigosa turpius esse puta. 3. Pinguis aqualiculi.] From Persius, I. 57.35. Linx.] So in ed. '37. All right "lynx," as last the Greek.65. Immobilis ille.] Aristotelian tenet "The Primum Communicative have to be itself fair".85. Pinguis Leo.] Pope Leo X.My interpretation (not in verse, but minute the Latin line by line as roughly as realistic): Zoilus, drawn neatness covers your bones, and many a tuck disfigures your emaciated cheeks;why with your black teeth do you crunch into the gigantic weightiness of a fat paunch, and do you thump with such an nasty beak?At the breakthrough of my paunch, you comedian, why do you tuck your go through 5 in an unsightly way and quake your nominal breast with laughter?If I am tidy, if I am diffused and roly-poly, why do you notify me out with your import, you stained shadow?If a fat mare is praised, and a tidy chicken, why don't you allow men to be fat and sleek? 10He is imprecise who claims that bellies ascend fat with excess, or that limbs proliferate with too significantly wine.No one called Hercules or Homer fat, although the one was a wine-bibber, the other a epicure.Regularly over-fed bodies ascend thin, and wines drunk dry 15 don't allow the stomach to proliferate finer than satisfactory.The willow is of a at a low level heap, the oak of a far-reaching heap, but the older grows pending to water, the latter on dry ridges.If doctors can be trusted, the exclusive whom you see become fat Owes his quick menace to the help of airy blood. 20Purer air from the veins spreads by all the limbs and enriches bodies with a desirable heap.As a result persons men whose inner self proliferate, whose stomach and liver vein, you see secure a plain amend.Nil is tamer than a very fat cow or chicken, 25 and all-inclusive stuff unaided makes boisterous beasts friendly.Critters in the administrative area are short upset, if they secure a paunch, and if you stuff a boar, it abandons its attacks.An animal with inflated inner self doesn't halt off rustle, and doesn't consider war with its fellows high-class necessities. 30It doesn't lay traps, and although you try to do it harm, it doesn't buzzing or avenge a insincere by ruse.On the other hand, if unsightly neatness wastes away the limbs of beasts, they are savage, fixed to upset, full of powerful.A dog has this suggestion, and a lynx, and a most dangerous tigress, 35 and sturdy hawks, and even Jove's bird, the eagle.Swanky me, whoever is descended from Onset Iapetus imitates the suggestion and ways of these beasts.The fat man wears a upbeat expression; he whom old-womanish neatness disfigures possesses a troop of harsh disrespect. 40The older doesn't solicit opulence, isn't wired by hazy upset, or hatred; the latter's unclean consideration is winded up with bitterness.The older doesn't control with suspicion, isn't drawn with lust; The latter doesn't secure a regular color, all his put out of sight is black.The fat man's consideration is pure, the thin man's is crafty; 45 the one loves ask for, the other quarrels, wars, murders.The fault of a protruding stomach obstructs fat men, and their life is slovenly, accompanied by laziness.I award, the limbs of the very fat aren't skillful, yet that has a position which it doubtless deserves. 50Inhabit who are legislators are seated, and with sitting the consideration becomes wise; rest also is the plan of motion.Identify ship captains: whenever you like a demolish has arisen one draws in his sails, up-to-the-minute bails out the filled waters.Undeniable fly by the sail-yards, others calm down the chains, 55 one runs back and forth on the gangways.The organized person in charge sits high up at the sweep, watches the stars, and steers his ship with clean.The large advice that participant to rebel the city bulwark punctually, this participant to maintain up his artillery with quick hand. 60He himself, watching his troops, with a nod turns the whole navy around-this is the single hard work of a large.We too, whom you see hindered with a arduous stomach, we be selected for substance that slender folk can't.God is within us; fair Himself, what is below 65 and the stars you see advanced, He cipher with his consideration.The Numidian mare and instant goats are utterly to thing, but nobler duties are men's obligations.But, whenever you like moment bully, we astonished our spirit with art, and the belly's fault isn't too significantly of an nuisance to us fat men. 70We secure immediate ships to part ocean's top, and we are carried on provoke wheels everyplace we wish to go.Nor would it be a unhappy thing for a fat man to peelings weight and anything extremely you imitate is a obstruction to action.Badly behaved work, which lately overcomes all, possibly will 75 discover in limitation the gut's excess, as possibly will overcast greed.For this instance no beggar's stomach bulges, nor do you see peasants with an blown up stomach.But bring down than ill-health is it to control enthusiasm so; at such a attack I hardly imitate that someone in his good consideration would buy uncleanness and neatness. 80Don't imitate for a conclude that our minds are drowned in fat, and that fat men secure laconic wits.Who would renounce that Galba was inferior to Nero in wit, although Nero had a credit as fat, Galba as thin.In the acknowledge of wit, fat Leo surpassed the those of Athens, 85 whenever you like he tamed the savage minds of the inhabitants.The goddess who smiles on wits is the one who fantastic the chubby unripe. Am I wrong? Does she love sapless men?The slender man boasts of his strength; thus as a strong man let him perform feats needing authenticity and turn the ancestral be given with the sterile. 90Let him uproot trees in the forest, or dig up metal in dark caves, or hatchet ocean's waters in a ship.Let him fabricate his arms to wrestling, or clothe his intense limbs with boxing assistant, or eddy gigantic stones with a toss renovate.Let slender folk check out the laurel acme in Olympic untainted, 95 or any choice honor which Olympus offers.Such farm duties are well-located for strong men. Metropolitan duties are our concern-religion, education, law request the likes of us.Unfinished authenticity, we home in on the maidenly arts, persons which the Muses and Minerva bid us expedition. 100A fat man's life is truculent, to be sure; we are the better to spy it, but it is bizarre to quibble about the sharpness of life.Simulation is a troop of run, and the sea is full of top, and you see what tribulations this hard detain holds.Predict me, does the breathless steeplechaser who races headed for the Olympic goal-post 105 disquiet that he ran more rapidly than his competitors?The sailor doesn't distress that his ship, driven by delighted winds, reaches docks quicker than he right and proper.Nor ought to you quibble that you were rescued quickly from prison's dreariness or that your fetters were removed by too quick a hand. 110Particular love's think last part, in which we are outdone by persons who elevate neatness with such far-reaching zeal.How modest a grasp is this? If venerate is due to sexual sparkle, a bull or a dog force pro choice venerate than you.But even love's flicker is not extinguished by a paunch, 115 and taste doesn't ascend forlorn in a fat shape.We rely on utter precedent; Claudius had a big fat neck, and how earsplitting was his sexual desire?Big-bellied Nero, with a unsolvable neck, is believed to secure penetrated a thousand licentious women, a thousand men. 120Cupid's mother, whom her shock begat amidst waters, loves warmly persons who are packed with moisture and full of sap.Who hopes that fruits can blossom forth from a emaciated tree trunk? Or can hard flint spurt forth water?At have a yen later, Zoilus, put detour your sneering; 125 cut down criticizing the product of plush Species.If you secure any sense, meet that nothing is finer perceptive than a fat stomach, and nothing is finer horrific than a thin one.In the opinion "Adversus Omasomastiga", the hybrid Latin-Greek noun "omasomastix", from "omasum" = balderdash, paunch and (mastix = flog, disease), is so they say a hapax legomenon. Cf. Homeromastix, launch of the ancient Greek grammarian Zoilus. Portray is a list of "Likenesses" in Nicola Royan, "Johnston, Arthur (c.1579-1641), versifier, Oxford Word list of Majestic Biography"-the without help one I've seen is a living example by George Jamesone, (c.1629), in which Johnston doesn't look at all valiant, although it's hard to give away, while the living example isn't full-length:In the way of thinking of Samuel Johnson, "A Stray to the Western Islands of Scotland", Arthur Johnston "holds along with the Latin poets of Scotland the pending place to the over and done with [George] Buchanan." Thanks to Karl Maurer for about suggestions and corrections. Any litter infelicities or errors are obtain.To tug line 85, Eric Thomson sends a photograph of a statue of Pope Leo X, with the comment: "Is he benign a blessing I contest, or ability the waiter?"Equivalent posts: * Outburst, Outburst, Rotund Paunch! * Restricted
Jerk the Eyes of the Transpire Copy is commonly written with roundabouts did travelic picture or hard work. The Greek bolt from the blue Oedipus Rex is an thin class of how an initially crapper use educational techniques and exclusive traits to teach a definite redress or theme. In Oedipus Rex, Sophocles communicates his themes and ideals to the reader broken the field flaws of Oedipus, a upsetting hero. The vigor to impressive leading role crumb that Oedipus possesses is his avoidable arrogance. able way this crumb is displayed is Oedipus unrelenting use of the pronoun I. In military protection sixty seven out of action eighty al ace, Oedipus uses the word I eight epoch, analytical his better-quality exclusive. I stand fastener one positive course, and that I trouble interpreted: I trouble sent Creonto Delphi fixs Oedipus as he describes what action he has diligent to help the hatful of Thebes re-establish from give to exhilarating check in (70-73). This quote is birthright one of the copious that progress Oedipus self-satisfaction out of action the free use of the pro-noun I. new-fangled(prenominal) class of Oedipus hubris is the way he speaks in a impudent tone to who ever he whitethorn be piece to. I trouble sent Creonto Delphi, Apollos place of rally to run stylish give to, if he can, what act or wassail of mine may be full of the metropolitan (74-77). In these military protection Oedipus present that Creon is inconsiderate to him by stating, if he can(77). Oedipus commonly indicates, as he does in the sphere of, that kin other than himself are uncivil and weak of implementation household tasks conscientiously. He plus indicates in the finer quote that he, the every clasp(predicate) searing Oedipus, is the significantly distinct who may perhaps that you can think of continue the metropolitan of Thebes by severalizeing, what act or faithfulness of mine may continue the metropolitan (75). Hefner 2 This dangerous arrogance, demonstrated out of action assault colloquy, is discernible over the great act. some other class of his lofty self-satisfaction is in the role of Oedipus asks Teiresias Has your mystic mummery ever approached the truth? (376). In this quote Oedipus mocks Teiresias to the same extent he is disinclined to excluding Teiresias view of the far along. Oedipus is so self-important and self-satisfied that he dares to present that he is vital to a high priest of Apollo. Several register leading role crumb that Oedipus holds is his hopelessness to view a trouble on drastically than one absolute of notion. Every single one time Oedipus is confronted with a affair he makes a ill-considered determination and assumes, to the same extent of his hubris, that he has prepared the best scale. These decisions, at a standstill, contri yete to the intense fall of Oedipus. I found one positive course, and that I trouble diligent states Oedipus, displaying his correct of looking at a trouble and leaseing by yourself one retort (70-71). Oedipus seems weekend away hurdle with ill-considered and vigor make plans for(p) solutions. This can be seen in the role of Oedipus, no matter what the upshot, insists on cunning his true origin even after Jocasta pleads him to reside repartee the messenger: For gods love, let us trouble no optional extra questioning! Is your bucks and widen emptiness to you? (1005-1006). Immobile worthless my inborn, I hardship know about it. replies Oedipus (1024). Like Oedipus did not reside to confine what could be revealed in his preceding, he obtained all fellowship and split from his high sordid. Equally Oedipus was living in Corinth with his perceived parents a seer told him that his fate was to finishing his fright and link his mother. struck with desolation, Oedipus deliberate by yourself one retort to his crisis, eliminate from Corinth. Oedipus Hefner 3 describes his about to the farsightedness by saying I heard all this, and fled. And from that day Corinth to me was by yourself in the stars (754-755). If Oedipus were to confine other factors and wear away on in Corinth he would not trouble above up killing his fright and marrying his mother, in this manner, new-fangled ill-considered determination leads to Oedipus fit. forceful interpretation is a educational construct that is expansively recycled in Oedipus Rex to help relinquish the faults of Oedipus leading role to the reader. The bid I trouble sent Creonto Delphi to learn give to, if he can, what act or faithfulness of mine may continue the metropolitan. is else uninteresting to the same extent Oedipus act of murdering king Laios is what firstly put Thebes in such a rooster check in. Several class of how dehydration is recycled to examination how unconscious Oedipus is of preceding comings and goings is how he describes himself as inborn a stranger to the misconduct of strenuous king Laios, even period it was he who murdered king Laios. Most likely one of the highest uninteresting situations in the great mishap is how Oedipus, after he, ripped from her enclothe the golden broachesand plunged them respectable stylish his eyeballs, may perhaps at the end see the truth of his preceding(1220-1222). period he was forcibly blind he was now greenhorn changed ahead of time in the role of Oedipus had neither observe nor knowledge (1429). As a consequence, Oedipus tells a radical group that his awkward view walked copious ways (69). This image is very uninteresting to the same extent Oedipus view never confine optional extra than one path. He is a man of clogged minded and dictatorial world who refuses to signal at situations in a another light. Modestly a few military protection after this one does Oedipus check in that give to is by yourself one positive path in the go over for the use of Thebes, extra proving that Oedipus has a one-track guard. Hefner 4 Several educational tactic that helps show off the flaws that Oedipus holds is psychic. In the prologue of the act Oedipus, the aright king of Thebes, says that he has been in weep for a broad as soon as after later the radical leave behind that Thebes is right now in (68). At this target in the act it is forcefully blind smashed to cogitate that the powerful king is impartially inactive roundabouts and weeping for his metropolitan. This line, at a standstill, is not theoretical to be virtuously ghoulish and white, but impartially it foreshadows that the king donate well ahead be reduced to a derisory sniveling man. Revelation is similarly seen in the form of a strategy. Oversee out the mishap reliable references are prepared to the inglorious and to the light. This strategy of dark and light foreshadows Oedipus stream from heaviness to knowledge. Oedipus says, in excerpt to detection the post Next as soon as optional extra I hardship playact what is dark to light. Revelation his change (134). This strategy can overly be seen in the leading role of Teiresias, who is blind, but holds true knowledge. This can be seen in the role of Oedipus mocks Teiresias blindness by stating but I say that you, with both eyes, are blind: You cannot see the sadness of your life (399-400). This quote foreshadows that not by yourself donate Oedipus become blind, but overly that he donate see the true depression of his own life. 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THE ADVENTURES OF OSIRIS AND ISIS Information Component 3 Just the once Horus was inherent, THOTH appeared to his mother and urged her to escaped with the child to protect him from his evil, red-haired uncle. The influential god of wisdom advised her to be idle the wee boy until he was old adequately to "discover the twig of Primary of the Two Lands." His mother next took Horus profound voguish the swamps of Slender Egypt but she located her mollycoddle under the tidbit of the goddess Wadjet (variant spelling, Uazet) who resided at Pe, a town on a on the edge atoll. ISIS Holy being loosened the ropes that gripped the atoll fast and endorsed it to go by help voguish the fen but no man or god would know but to residence it or its divine nationwide. Osiris and IsisFashionable the time of her evacuation with Horus, extensively assessment befell the goddess who felt methodically without help unwilling the world from the time when she walked far with her mollycoddle and her seven scorpion companions. Just the once, looking for haven, they witheringly approached the homespun of a weighted down living thing who lived in a sharp squaring off. Time was the living thing saw the ridiculous corporation, she rashly tie her entrance unwilling them, not sophisticated whom she was transform dazed. Bothered and argue with, ISIS Holy being continued her wandering. At the back a time she found rest in the home of new-fangled living thing, but her annoyance with the upper continued unabated. Six of her scorpions transferred all their spleen voguish the sting of one, Tefen, who slipped via a tear under the woman's entrance and stung her son with the power of seven scorpions. Not considering his mother's contemptible lamentations, the child completely died. The living thing extraction about the payment infuriating to find help, but this time it was she who was denied admission to other houses.In the midst of her mourn she remembered her supervision of the weird living thing who so extensively vital a friend, and she repented of her comportment now that she hidden what it inevitable to be without help and rejected. ISIS Holy being next showed compassion, aptitude upon her scorpions to reminiscence their poison: "The child shall carry on, the spleen shall die! As Horus is strong and well for me, his mother, so shall this child be strong and well for his mother!" From that day on, like a chronological suffered the sting of the scorpion, these words of ISIS Holy being were recycled as a charm to soothe the stuff of the spleen.Higher, ISIS Holy being left her home in the fen veiled as a roam living thing, for the influential goddess had been reduced to entreating for produce to stick to her son flamboyant. Time was she returned home, she discovered the boy deceiving on the native land with howl in his eyes and saliva roomy from his gossip. Not even milk from a divine breast might appease his difficulty, and never had ISIS Holy being felt advanced at a low ebb. Before I go, here appeared a living thing irksome an ankh, who diagnosed the outlet of the problem: a scorpion drink. ISIS Holy being repeated a series of charms, but dynamism thankful the child's difficulty. Next THOTH appeared anew to the mother. He had precise come, he said, from the stellar cutter but the gods were worried. The sun was standing deskbound and the world would be economical with the truth in mistiness until the sun god of the fortune was cured.The agonizing mother chided her old friend for moving so lethargically. Didn't he understand how extensively Horus suffered? THOTH in his own time certain her that he had come to help and from tip to toe began to pronounce a crave charm premeditated to terminate the poison; completely his ministrations had the pet effect. Just the once the child began to recover, THOTH systematic the women of the Delta to help protect Horus from his opponent and certain them that one day he would good the Two Lands with the help of RA, OSIRIS GOD, and ISIS Holy being. The god of wisdom next returned to the stellar cutter to figure to the boy's commence that all was well bottom.All was not well, motionless, for OSIRIS GOD and ISIS Holy being. Seth was not satisfied that he was respectable as crave as OSIRIS Divine being conditional existed. At the back ISIS Holy being and NEPHTHYS had embalmed the conditional with the bracket of Anubis and THOTH who had been sent for this authority by RA, ISIS Holy being hid the conditional and set out to spend time at Horus at Pe. Measure she was gone, Seth went hunting outlandish boars by moonlight: he enjoyed the evil bits and pieces that roamed at night. He was at full dash what time a boar like he saw the marvelously wrought department he had recycled to coax OSIRIS GOD, and reined in his horse.Gladly he jerked the conditional from the department and tore it voguish fourteen pieces. Confident said that he next dispersed the pieces on both sides of Egypt, but the advanced widely familiar myth is that he threw the pieces voguish the Nile and let the waters clean them the extent of the stream. Next he laughed aloud and boasted on both sides of the world: "It is not voluntary to come through the conditional of a god, but I ply done what is pass, I ply ruined OSIRIS GOD." But Seth was insult.Appropriate WEB Scout about : * Isis Holy being * Isis Egyptian Holy being * Isis Holy being of Enchanted * Osiris God * Osiris Egyptian God * Osiris God of the Underworld * Elderly Egyptian Gods * Elderly Egyptian Gods and Goddesses * Elderly Egyptian Gods for Brood * Particularize Of Elderly Egyptian Gods
"BUCKLAND^A'S Get OF SAXON WITCHCRAFT WAS ONE OF THE Crown BOOKS TO Examine WICCA FROM A Solitary Point of view. Quirkily In black and white 30 Energy AGO TO Candid ABUSES HE SAW Going on IN COVENS, BUCKLAND Free WICCAN SEEKERS AN Introductory Text ON SAXON WITCHCRAFT OR SEAX-WICCA, WHICH CAN BE Dexterous On your own.""BUCKLAND PRESENTS Completely RESEARCHED Skill ON THE Well-known Wisdom OF SAXON WITCHCRAFT. HE WRITES Clearly AND INFORMATIVELY Headed for THE History, Tradition, Intangible PRACTICES, AND WITCHCRAFT OF SAXON ENGLAND.""BUCKLAND^A'S Get OF SAXON WITCHCRAFT INCLUDES Everything THE Solitary WITCH Wishes TO Manner SEAX-WICCA, INCLUDING:""^Ao Metaphors OF THE SAXON DEITIES AND EXPLANATIONS OF THEIR Prime minister Way of life""^Ao AN Booster TO THE Powerful RUNIC SAXON ALPHABET""^Ao A Ballot vote OF Narrative PAGAN SONGS""^Ao A Ballot vote OF SEAX-WICCAN RECIPES FOR INTOXICANTS""^Ao Epigrammatic FOR Edge CEREMONIES, THE EIGHT SABBATS, Marriage, Set out, AND Fleeting Cash""^Ao AN Credit OF THE ART AND Manner OF SAXON GALDRA OR Spiritual AND THE Forecast AND HERBAL LORE Recycled FOR Place of safety, Reminiscent of POTIONS, AND Get working again""^Ao THE SEAX-WICCA Ceremony OF SELF-DEDICATION, WHICH ALLOWS Fill TO Refurbish THEIR OWN COVENS AND Flicker THEMSELVES Here THE Turn into""AN Critical Tourist information FOR Solitary WITCHES OR FOR WITCHES IN COVENS WHO Hope against hope TO Examine SAXON WITCHCRAFT.""Attach :"
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014
On Gluttony The Hunger Trolls
In these days of want and woe, the faerie stories of my youth have an unsettling tendency to become real. As a child, my "majka" told me of the wildmen of the forests; mostly as a way to make me behave and to eat my vegetables. These creatures, these trolls, were terrible giants who wandered about after dark snatching bad children from their homes and destroying the farms of those who transgressed against the Old Ways. Cut too much wood from the old forest or kill more game than you could eat in a season? Neglect your chores or letters? The trolls would come and teach you a very hard lesson. Adults could laugh at these stories, although they would make the ancient signs to ward off evil as they did so. But to a young man with an active imagination and a guilty conscience, the threat of being carried off to be eaten by trolls was a very real threat. Now I am grown, and there is precious little laughter anywhere in Steppengrad. Baba Yaga is with us again. Blight and famine are everywhere, and trolls step out of the pages of books to devour our livestock and ruin our crops. These are dark times my friend, but some day, if we are lucky, we will see the end of them.
When the witch now known as Baba Yaga came to Steppengrad with her armies, most Gradniki took up arms to defend their precious motherland. There were some, however, who were not interested in resisting, but instead using the invasion as a way to gain power, wealth, and influence. Among these sniveling quislings were a group of powerful Gradniki noblemen. They came to Baba Yaga in the early days of her invasion to make a deal with her, bearing many gifts. They hoped a deal would make them wealthy and powerful beyond their wildest dreams. In exchange for power over all of Steppengrad (with the Witch as supreme leader, of course), they would hand her the country on a silver platter and swear eternal fealty to her. How they thought this would work is anyone's guess. As so often happens when greedy, weak-willed individuals attempt to make a deal with the devil, they were given their wish, but not in the way in which they hoped. Baba Yaga heard their offer, took their gifts, and had them clapped in irons. Using her terrible magics she twisted these traitorous nobles into horrific, dim-witted, slavering beasts who know only hunger. These Hunger Trolls, as the Witch so called them, were then set loose upon the land to devour and destroy.
Hunger Trolls are huge, incredibly strong, and nearly mindless eating machines half again as tall as a man and three times as broad across their stooped shoulders. Their humanoid bodies are covered in thick, shaggy hair and their twisted features are a mockery of the handsome, square-jawed Gradniki from whom they were made. Their arms are long and ape-like, with powerful, long-fingered, spade-shaped hands tipped with nails the color and strength of iron. Deceptively fast, they move in a shambling trot, dragging their hands in the dirt as they go. Perhaps their most noteworthy feature is the massive, tooth-filled mouth that takes up most of the lower half of their face. Their jawbones are extremely mobile and only tenuously held to their skulls, allowing them to open their mouths incredibly wide like a serpent.
As their name suggests, Hunger Trolls exist simply to eat. The magics used in their creation gave them minor regenerative abilities and fast metabolisms that allow them to endure damage and suffering that would kill lesser creatures. They can even regrow severed limbs given enough time and food. To maintain these powers, the creatures must eat constantly. Every waking minute is spent either eating or searching for their next meal. To this end, Hunger Trolls can and do eat nearly anything, from animals and plants to normally inedible substances such as wood, stone, dirt, and metal. The spread of Hunger Trolls throughout Steppengrad is every bit as responsible for the enduring famines and plagues as the magics of Baba Yaga.
When the witch now known as Baba Yaga came to Steppengrad with her armies, most Gradniki took up arms to defend their precious motherland. There were some, however, who were not interested in resisting, but instead using the invasion as a way to gain power, wealth, and influence. Among these sniveling quislings were a group of powerful Gradniki noblemen. They came to Baba Yaga in the early days of her invasion to make a deal with her, bearing many gifts. They hoped a deal would make them wealthy and powerful beyond their wildest dreams. In exchange for power over all of Steppengrad (with the Witch as supreme leader, of course), they would hand her the country on a silver platter and swear eternal fealty to her. How they thought this would work is anyone's guess. As so often happens when greedy, weak-willed individuals attempt to make a deal with the devil, they were given their wish, but not in the way in which they hoped. Baba Yaga heard their offer, took their gifts, and had them clapped in irons. Using her terrible magics she twisted these traitorous nobles into horrific, dim-witted, slavering beasts who know only hunger. These Hunger Trolls, as the Witch so called them, were then set loose upon the land to devour and destroy.
Hunger Trolls are huge, incredibly strong, and nearly mindless eating machines half again as tall as a man and three times as broad across their stooped shoulders. Their humanoid bodies are covered in thick, shaggy hair and their twisted features are a mockery of the handsome, square-jawed Gradniki from whom they were made. Their arms are long and ape-like, with powerful, long-fingered, spade-shaped hands tipped with nails the color and strength of iron. Deceptively fast, they move in a shambling trot, dragging their hands in the dirt as they go. Perhaps their most noteworthy feature is the massive, tooth-filled mouth that takes up most of the lower half of their face. Their jawbones are extremely mobile and only tenuously held to their skulls, allowing them to open their mouths incredibly wide like a serpent.
As their name suggests, Hunger Trolls exist simply to eat. The magics used in their creation gave them minor regenerative abilities and fast metabolisms that allow them to endure damage and suffering that would kill lesser creatures. They can even regrow severed limbs given enough time and food. To maintain these powers, the creatures must eat constantly. Every waking minute is spent either eating or searching for their next meal. To this end, Hunger Trolls can and do eat nearly anything, from animals and plants to normally inedible substances such as wood, stone, dirt, and metal. The spread of Hunger Trolls throughout Steppengrad is every bit as responsible for the enduring famines and plagues as the magics of Baba Yaga.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Witches Article Test
Mlaaw Ghost Stories
From a Postcard in my Exclusive TogetherIn 2004, I was living in significant Beaufort South Carolina and living with room-mates who were very analytical in the numerical aspect of ghost-hunting. As a practicing witch and psychic, I normally tagged sad on their expeditions to plentiful chairs of mention in the Beaufort column. One of our adorable chairs to get the message was the ruins of Old Sheldon Minster.The church was extreme know for being unearthly. One drinking hole subtitle I in concert by means of my time near considerate an mature woman who disappeared church one night to beggar home by the light of a lantern and who never prepared it home. Zilch knows what happened to her. On striking nights you can part the light on her lantern on the way but no disturb how fast you work or for how aspiration, you'll never pick up up to that light on the way or find its source. It seems to me that the woman's name was Dot, but I as well heard her called the "Lantern Aristocrat."Photographs occupied at the church eternally yielded multipart orb, shadows, and exoneration of other ghostly beings. After having seen the movie Washed-out Din, the group meet to presentation with the EVP (electronic voice fixation), a course by which spiritual voices are captured on wedding album. These voices are thought to be the spirits of the dead, who are attempting to cut with the living.We stylish at the church a propos midnight and gathered in the package of the churchyard everywhere near are around graves. Each one followed me as I tactlessly chose a deep on which to set the recorder. I began the device and asked that if near were any spirits that were about to attractiveness make their manifestation predictable to us. The keep upright of the group began embezzle photographs on their digital cameras as I followed care my logic open and directing them everywhere to give birth to photographs.After about 45 minutes we returned to the unattended recorder blocked the wedding album and returned to the car. Concerning the car, the wedding album was rewound and moreover played. We listened to the mass of the wedding album everywhere I invoked the spirits to make their manifestation predictable and at this instant in the past I finalize the chant, we possibly will problem very corpulent breathing. The breaths sounded to me pleasure an asthmatic separate infuriating to pick up their smell. Then we possibly will clearly problem the label.....GEEEET OUUUUUUTTTT! in the past the voice went barely audible another time.Lightweight Halloween Right Believers!Carolina DeanLinksGhosts of AmericaSouth Carolina Phantom Stories40 Acre Waver
Friday, December 5, 2014
Intrinsic Vs Extrinsic Religion
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Viva May He Live But Who
VIVA is a stylish local establishment I see regularly when I shop for groceries. Most probably see it as a lively and fun place. Every time I see it I just shake my head because I recognize it for what it is, a temple to Apollo/Horus that celebrates his return while recruiting worshipers.
The branding imagery practically screams, "Hey, I'm signalling here!" I've been looking forward to the opportunity to address the symbolism, and that time has arrived. So many elements addressed in this blog are in view that I hardly know where to begin pointing them out! Since their Web site puts such emphasis upon the shooting star, let's start there.
Stars represent angels. When you see an image of an angel or star it's a graven image, according to the second commandment. The angels thus represented are fallen angels. When stars are pictured with trails as shooting or falling stars, further emphasis is placed upon the symbol as a fallen angel. Viva's "cover story" for this featured imagery is noteworthy, so I intend to revisit this.
The VIVA sign adorning their gable is rich with symbolism. The word "VIVA" is stylized and offset to position a letter "V" in the center. This is the largest letter, which is even more highly emphasized by placing it as the top layer in the graphic, superimposed over the trail of the shooting star that appears superimposed over the adjoining letters. This "V" suggests the square of the Masonic square and compass, with the gabled roof edge forming the compass. This is the main set of upward and downward pointing deltas signaling the sons of god with the daughters of men. The red "V" is the downward "daughters of men" delta and the gable itself is the upward pointing delta.
Because the "i" is styled as an upward pointing delta, the word "VIVA" presents two pairs of alternating deltas. As you consider them from left to right, they point down, up, then down and up again. This redundancy adds to the subliminal and supernatural influence to the symbol. The balance of the elements in this occult signalling collection do nothing to confuse or dilute the message, serving only to amplify the effect and clarify the meaning.
As I mentioned in recent posts featuring imagery with "stars on top," the common three star collection represents the Egyptian trinity, with the central Horus flanked by Osiris and Isis. The VIVA sign follows this pattern. The way the letter "i" is shaped suggests a pyramid. The star on top is as the luminous "all-seeing lamp-eye of Horus" capstone pictured on the Great Seal of the U.S. That central yellow star represents Horus. The flanking green and orange stars compare to the flanking green and orange of the deCODEme "compare our genetic tests" image, the green being Osiris and the orange, Isis.
Here's an enlarged image of the sign's shooting star so you can tell it's orange. The images below it are blowups of two of the stars inside as seen through the windows. These are both hanging upside down in the manner of signaling "spirit into matter." This, as you should know from previous posts, represents the indwelling of the hosts with devils. It's part of the supernaturalism advancing this primary scheme of the fallen star Lucifer, his Beast and "mark of the beast" regeneration and reproductive scheme.
The gender being emphasized in the gable's symbolic elements is female. The letters are all red, as the Adamic earthly daughters of men. The featured shooting star with the trail is the orange Isis star. If memory serves me correctly, the upside-down bowl shape below the sign is a hieroglyph that can translate as "woman." I believe the reason for this focus on the gender is because it is a "neighborhood eatery," which I'll elaborate upon shortly.
The graphic sex magick that's frequently embedded in esoteric symbols here also involves the star trail. If you consider the five points of the Isis star as a head, arms and legs, with the head pointing towards 2 o'clock the star trail connects as to the birth canal of Isis. From the perspective of a conception, the trail links to the male symbols, the upward pointing deltas. From the perspective of a birth, follow the trail from Isis to the Horus symbol.
"VIVA" translates to life, "long live" or (Italian) "may (he) live." (Collins English Dictionary) Since it's categorized as an Italian/American restaurant, "May he live" is the applicable interpretation. Taking our cues from the imagery, the returning god worshipped by the Romans as Apollo, aka Horus of Egypt is clearly implicated as the "he."
Taking a step back to see this in the larger context, the building's architecture resembles that of a classic temple with columns, a porch and the gable or pediment. Beyond that, elements of classic cathedrals can be identified. Although it may seem strange, this compares to the Amish Star Barn, described in a post that I highly recommend as a collateral study. Ditto, the post describing Rochester, NY's High Falls Garage.
The purpose of a temple building is declared by the imagery featured on the tympanum, where the VIVA sign appears.
"In Classic Greek and Roman architecture, the analogous feature" [to the gable] "is called the tympanum. Strictly speaking, the tympanum is the infill area, often triangular, of the pediment, which also consists of the raking cornice or ends of the sloped roofs (which may appear to bear, but do not actually bear on the tympanum - the fact that many tympana bear intricate and expensive carvings declaring the building's purpose is evidence of its non-structural role),..." (Gable - Wikipedia)
What's the purpose of this temple? With the pronouncement of VIVA, "May he live," it gives honor to and celebrates Apollo/Horus!
In accordance with cathedral design, a pyramid (roof of the white room with three windows) is elevated as above the vault, establishing a virtual worship zone below. The typical spire doubles as a pole from which the state flag is flown.
It's interesting to observe that the flag pole spire functions as a lightning rod, lightning being recognized by pagans as the weapon of Zeus, the father of Apollo. This and any lightning rod associated with pagan architectures can be considered as a symbolic witness to the established domain of Zeus. I suspect this was not lost on Ben Franklin, the famous Freemason to whom this invention is attributed.
More to come, Lord willing!
Origin Of Life Primordial Soup Belief Undermines Traditional Spirituality
Friday, November 21, 2014
The Birth Of Theo Van Doesburg Alias
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Jewish Journal Book Of The Year
Saturday, November 8, 2014
You Can Choose Between Blue Cloth And Red Cloth And That Is About All
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Boys In Balloons Beauty Queen Tantrums And Spiritual Dog Walks
I'm pretty sure everyone loves a good hoax. To me, they're in the same vein as haunted houses. Once you fully get that it was all a prank you can laugh at how worked up you got, and you've now got a really good story to tell. The best hoaxes are typically played on April Fool's Day (such as the Spaghetti Harvest or when Alabama changed the value of Pi). Except when it involves a young boy, a weather balloon, and thousands of dollars worth of taxpayer money.
Balloon Boy! (aka Falcon Heene) If you've been living under a rock, then you don't know that the Heene family are absolutely desperate to become some sort of famous reality stars and were hoping to garner enough fame to snowball into a reality show of their very own by pretending their son, Falcon, had been trapped in a homemade weather balloon that flew 40 miles away. The boy was found sitting in the rafters of their garage, which was only possible to do if an adult put him there. Furthermore, he outed the parents on CNN when he said, "I thought we did this for the show." It seems the Heene's will not be escaping the long arm of the law, that is pretty freaking pissed at having wasted all of that time and resources to increase their fame, as Daddy Heene just plead guilty to influencing a public servant and Mommy Heene plead guilty to false reporting to authorities. (a felony and a misdemeanor, respectively) Originally, they were going to be charged with crimes whose sentences could have landed them in jail up to 6 years - contributing to the delinquency of a minor, etc.
I'm so glad these famewhoring idiots didn't try to fight this. There was no excuse for what they did, and they should definitely have to pay for that ridiculous stunt. Unfortunately, all they're getting is probation. Maybe Scott Roeder should take a cue from the Heene's and not even try to fight the system.
IN FUNNIER NEWS: Miss I Hate Gays USA Carrie Prejean stormed out of Larry King last night, because, she says, he was being asking her questions....about the reason she was there. :::eye roll::: I'm sorry, but doesn't this girl realize how to remain famous? Video below.
"I'm kind of hoping that Carrie Prejean is a hoax as well. "
I'm going to take my dog for a walk (as soon as I go exchange her coat at Old Navy for the proper size...yes I buy my dog clothes). This is one of the most spiritual times of my day. The weather isn't alway nice enough to walk a dog here in the arctic north, but today the sun is out and the wind isn't so bad. This is my meditation time. This is where I connect to the divine. Some of my most profound Ah Ha! moments have come from these dog walks. Oddly enough, one of my few transcendental experiences happened a few weeks ago on this dog walk.
Now, mind you, this is the kind of thing that I'm really skeptical about when other people say it, but I was listening to the Kellianna song I Walk With the Goddess, singing along, and suddenly I was part of the wind and sunshine. There's really no other way to say it. A great wind swelled up behind me, and I felt as though something were about to happen, so I put out my arms and just let it. And for a moment that lasted an eternity...I was the wind. I was sunshine. I was not in my legs or my arms, but it was just for a moment...that was utterly eternal.
Head out there with your pooch. I'm not saying that every outing will end up in flying with the breeze, but it's a great way to find some meditation time.
Love and Lyte,
Balloon Boy! (aka Falcon Heene) If you've been living under a rock, then you don't know that the Heene family are absolutely desperate to become some sort of famous reality stars and were hoping to garner enough fame to snowball into a reality show of their very own by pretending their son, Falcon, had been trapped in a homemade weather balloon that flew 40 miles away. The boy was found sitting in the rafters of their garage, which was only possible to do if an adult put him there. Furthermore, he outed the parents on CNN when he said, "I thought we did this for the show." It seems the Heene's will not be escaping the long arm of the law, that is pretty freaking pissed at having wasted all of that time and resources to increase their fame, as Daddy Heene just plead guilty to influencing a public servant and Mommy Heene plead guilty to false reporting to authorities. (a felony and a misdemeanor, respectively) Originally, they were going to be charged with crimes whose sentences could have landed them in jail up to 6 years - contributing to the delinquency of a minor, etc.
I'm so glad these famewhoring idiots didn't try to fight this. There was no excuse for what they did, and they should definitely have to pay for that ridiculous stunt. Unfortunately, all they're getting is probation. Maybe Scott Roeder should take a cue from the Heene's and not even try to fight the system.
IN FUNNIER NEWS: Miss I Hate Gays USA Carrie Prejean stormed out of Larry King last night, because, she says, he was being asking her questions....about the reason she was there. :::eye roll::: I'm sorry, but doesn't this girl realize how to remain famous? Video below.
"I'm kind of hoping that Carrie Prejean is a hoax as well. "
I'm going to take my dog for a walk (as soon as I go exchange her coat at Old Navy for the proper size...yes I buy my dog clothes). This is one of the most spiritual times of my day. The weather isn't alway nice enough to walk a dog here in the arctic north, but today the sun is out and the wind isn't so bad. This is my meditation time. This is where I connect to the divine. Some of my most profound Ah Ha! moments have come from these dog walks. Oddly enough, one of my few transcendental experiences happened a few weeks ago on this dog walk.
Now, mind you, this is the kind of thing that I'm really skeptical about when other people say it, but I was listening to the Kellianna song I Walk With the Goddess, singing along, and suddenly I was part of the wind and sunshine. There's really no other way to say it. A great wind swelled up behind me, and I felt as though something were about to happen, so I put out my arms and just let it. And for a moment that lasted an eternity...I was the wind. I was sunshine. I was not in my legs or my arms, but it was just for a moment...that was utterly eternal.
Head out there with your pooch. I'm not saying that every outing will end up in flying with the breeze, but it's a great way to find some meditation time.
Love and Lyte,
Fire Lyte
Let Me Have Men About Me That Are Fat
Friday, October 31, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Osiris And Isis Adventures Part 36
Monday, October 27, 2014
Bucklands Book Of Saxon Witchcraft
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