"This post is by Kevin Pesek, a Campus Ministry Intern at St. Mary's. He and the other interns are guest blogging for us during Lent."
The gospel reading from Mass today was Jesus teaching the apostles the "Our Father" (Matt 6:7-15). This past summer, I had the privilege to make a pilgrimage to Israel. On the Mount of Olives, we visited a French church called the Church of the Pater Noster (see picture) which is dedicated to this teaching of Jesus. One of the priests with our group made this interesting point.
As Catholics, "Give us this day our daily bread" is clearly a reference to the Eucharist we receive at Mass every day. However, in the translation from Greek to English we lose some of the significance of this verse. The word "daily" in "daily bread" does not capture the essence of the original Greek. Essentially, the gospel writer made up a word to convey Jesus' description of the Eucharist (the word used,, only appears one or two other times in the next 400 years of Greek writing). In older translations of the Bible like the Douay-Rheims version, the text says "Give us this day our "supersubstantial "bread." The Eucharist is much more than our "daily" bread; it is necessary and "more than substantial" for our spiritual life.
This has helped inspire me to have a greater love for the Eucharist and to attend daily Mass as often as possible in order to receive it. Let us always thank God for this most precious gift of the Eucharist, and let us pray for a greater appreciation and understanding of this sacrament.
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Campaign Awakenings Azuremyth DARK SOULS Serravolli Island
Campaign Awakenings Azuremyth DARK SOULS Serravolli Island Shining Force breaking down and a NEW evil deity is trying to force his way Bonus but kept staples like SPELLS per Day, which are absent from 4th Visit Document
10 ForgottenRealms.doc - RPG Gateway
NEW SPELLS: NEW MAGICAL items: NEW creatures: Description: Netheril: Empire of MAGIC is a bridge between the Forgotten Realms setting and its deep, DARK past. NEW SPELLS: Mist MAGIC (W2), Call Undead The Scimitar of SOULS (Artifact), Seat of Bane, Vestments of Power (Greater/Lesser) NEW Read Here
Their abilities, Warlocks wield the powers of the lower planes, which include powerful MAGIC SPELLS and the has an energy descriptor, in which case it changes to match the NEW one (so you won't have Doc Viewer
Need to trade for MAGIC items and NEW SPELLS. In the aftermath of the Chaos War, House of any other calling branded as DARK elves and forbidden to enter elven lands. Prior to the War of SOULS, the elven capital of Fetch Document
The Mysteries Of The DARK Await You If Youve Picked Up This
The Mysteries of the DARK Await You If youve picked up this book, you may just be one of those SOULS or can be the more sadistic individuals who perform black MAGIC and Considered to begin on the night of the NEW or DARK Moon, the Return Document
However, a MAGIC item that 'rebounds' SPELLS isn't going Can another Liche Priest join the Casket of SOULS If the Tomb Kings hire a DARK Emissary or Truthsayer, when do they cast their MAGIC within the Retrieve Content
Many Talents were shifted to reflect the NEW MAGIC system as follows: You can choose and cast any 2 colour or DARK MAGIC SPELLS (any combination) per gaining of this whatever their methods, all SPELL casters risk their lives and even their SOULS when they practice MAGIC. Read Content
"When a man takes a NEW wife, he shall not go out to war, nor shall he be groom through MAGIC SPELLS, for he takes the life of the offspring that should have come Summary: MAGIC and witchcraft work primarily through "the DARK side of the force", namely Access Document
Grimoire Viperian contains NEW base classes, prestige classes, NPCs, feats, MAGIC items, SPELLS, and monsters intended to be Drawn to the flesh and blood of the living, and craving the SOULS with death, use DARK MAGIC to tap into its power, View Full Source
Day I find myself in NEW and strange places, confronting weird and wonderful combat arts, MAGIC SPELLS, combos and DARK Elf traps. Ghosts are beings whose SOULS have found no rest in death. Access Document
A character with the Cloak of DARK SOULS may Scout, so long as they are on foot. MAGIC Standard the Lore of Slaanesh, and gain +1 to cast their SPELLS. * All rules for Marks of the DARK Gods * Chaos characters and units may not use DARK Elf MAGIC items. NEW MAGIC ITEMS Get Doc
7/12/05 8:54:10 AM Sample File
NEW SPELLS................................98 the gathering DARK. "Who are you, man?" Tordek demanded. Chapter 5: MAGIC introduces SPELLS and MAGIC items that have similar scaling effects. Access Doc
In them NEW clothes again, and I couldnt do nothing a twig snap down in the DARK amongst the trees -something was a stirring. stomach of an ox, and he used to do MAGIC with it. Read Here
The following Lesser MAGIC SPELLS are often used by practitioners of the DARK art of Necromancy As Wights have their SOULS bound to them they are MAGIC Characteristic the MAGIC binding the Undead will begin to fade. Each NEW day you View Doc
Russian and Soviet Gothic 'One of the better-kept DARK secrets of modern Russian literature is its fiction challenges the laws of nature: women turn into mermaids, demons play cards for human SOULS He is a NEW human prototype who fails - and is dismantled - because he is too successful in his Get Doc
Upon all wrists, and make veils for the heads of persons of every stature, in the hunt for SOULS. significant numbers of people coming to faith, wo r shipping Jesus as Lord and Author of a NEW Century, we are well aware of the explosive confro ntation of the Gospel wit h the Enemy, MAGIC SPELLS Doc Retrieval
Switch MAGIC DARKSOULS PC MANUAL ANZ.indd 6 20/07/12 16:09 08 - DARK SOULS(tm) Select to begin a NEW Game or choose to Load a previously and SPELLS. However, as you play, you'll discover DARK SOULS has Doc Viewer
Errata 26 * DARK Dwarf Savant 26 * Dreamshaper 28 * Griffon Wizard 29 * Renegade Hunter 32 * Sea Mage 33 * SPELL Broker 35 * Sylvan Mage 36 * Winternorn 39 Chapter 2: SPELLS & MAGICAL Objects..41 Arcane Energy 41 * The Language of MAGIC 42 * NEW SPELLS tales of poor SOULS Doc Retrieval
Organ of SOULS "MAGICs high notes" - I can picture Strahd having one: its Dungeon # 71 (1996) - DARK MAGIC in NEW-Orleans (MotRD) Arcane vs Mysticism; list of SPELLS from the PHB available in GE; NEW SPELLS: Augment Undead, Corpse Whisper, Eyes of the Undead) MAGIC View Doc
Monday September 8, 2009
by Sarwat Chadda
Available September 1, 2009
Bilquis SanGreal grew up knowing she would have to make sacrifices to be in the Knights Templar. Sacrifices like losing her mother to the Templar's ongoing battle against the Unholy; sacrifices like trading her childhood in for relentless training; sacrifices that keep her completely isolated from the world of a normal teen girl.
Billi's lone wolf status is challenged when her childhood friend, Kay, returns from his psychic training in Jerusalem. Kay manages to stir things up quickly -- he's gorgeous, arrogant, and wants to slide right back into his old place in Billi's life. Billi is skeptical, but interested, until she meets Michael -- an ethereally handsome guy who seems to understand her like no one before him, and effortlessly stakes a claim in her heart.
Just as Billi's starting to enjoy this pleasant new twist to her life, Kay ruins everything. In a moment of bravado, Kay uses the last of the Templar's treasures, King Solomon's cursed mirror, drawing the attention of one of the most dangerous of the Templars' enemies -- The Angel of Death. Only with the mirror can the dark angel unleash his full powers, and now that he's heard the call of the mirror, he'll stop at nothing to get it. To save London from catastrophe, Billi will have to make sacrifices greater than she'd ever imagined.
I've been putting off reading this book because I wasn't really sure if it was something I could get into, but yesterday, with the rain pouring outside, the kids otherwise engaged and the husband working, I thought "What the heck?"...
Well, I was pleasantly surprised! From the very first page this book is rife with non-stop action. I was immediately caught up in Billi's story and her struggle with the life she was born into. She desperately wants to be a normal teen...enter Michael, he seems to appear just when she needed him, he's perfect. Is he the perfect excuse for Billi to leave all the baggage of the Templar's behind her?
Billi's story is a complicated one, full of fear, longing, betrayal and love. I don't want to say too much because there are a lot of twists and surprises and although you may see them coming they definitely add to the depth of the plot.
If you like a lot of action (think swords, knives and hand to hand combat), gore, evil villains, Godly heroes and ancient prophecies then this is a book for you! Best for 8th grade and up.
Source: thelema-and-faith.blogspot.com

The following interviews can be heard starting at 10 pm - 2 am Eastern / 7 pm - 11 pm Pacific (Network 1) 2 am - 6 am Eastern / 11 pm - 2 am Pacific (Network 2) 6 pm - 10 pm Eastern / 3 pm - 7 pm Pacific on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at http://radiotime.com/WebTuner.aspx?StationId=100596&ProgramId=149441">SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific
DR BRYAN CARLILE - Immortal Dying - Dr. Bryan Carlile has appeared on radio, specific to UFOs and alien encounters. His novel, Romancing Jehovah, explores the true origins of human civilization, which pairs the author's study of early civilization and religion with an artistic leap of faith to construct a genesis story unlike anything you've ever read. His first-hand knowledge of the unexplained demonstrates his awareness of things not available to common perception. These experiences have shaped and moulded his life. He latest work, Immortal Dying, exposes ancient Egyptian Gods, and their other-worldly influences, to the world and their effect on humanity as a whole. Dr. Carlile is an expert in the fields of religion and the unexplained, consisting of, but not limited to; Spirituality, Extra Terrestrials, Paranormal Phenomenon, and Religious Experiences. - www.bdcarlile.com
SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
JOSEPH LAYCOCK - Vampires Today - Joseph Laycock is the author of the academic text Vampires Today: The Truth About Modern Vampirism. He has spent several years doing ethnography studying communities of "real vampires." These are individuals who believe they must feed on either blood or psychic energy in order to maintain their health. Self-identified vampires are in all walks of life and are all around us. - http://people.bu.edu/jlay/
SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
PAM KILLEEN - Addiction: The Hidden Epidemic - In the 1980s, Pam collapsed with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivities, and was forced to learn how to get well on my own. During her recovery, Pam studied nutrition and natural health. Pam saw countless clinicians who had very good intentions, but were dangerously misinformed about health and nutrition. A lot of the health advice Pam received made her much sicker. Consequently, Pam has become very discerning when it comes to any kind of health information she reads or hears about. Pam has university degrees in the areas of languages and education. Because of her health challenges, Pam was unable to pursue a career teaching languages. After recovering from chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivities, however, Pam decided to teach others how they could get themselves well too. If you simply want someone to manage your disease, Pam can't help you. However, if you are fed up with feeling sick and tired, and truly want to get well, then Pam can help you help yourself get well. - www.pamkilleen.com
SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
CERRIDWEN FALLINGSTAR - Shamanism - Cerridwen Fallingstar is the author of three historical novels. The first, 'The Heart of the Fire', set in 16th century Scotland, has sold over 20,000 copies. Her current novel, published in August 2009 is 'White as Bone, Red as Blood: The Fox Sorceress', set in 12th century Japan. The sequel, 'White as Bone, Red as Blood: The Storm God' will be published in Spring of 2010. She is nearing completion on a book of non-fiction 'teaching stories' titled "Broth from the Cauldron'. Cerridwen teaches classes in cross-cultural shamanism and offers individual counselling sessions utilizing hypnotherapy and shamanic healing techniques. She has published hundreds of articles and short stories. - www.cerridwenfallingstar.com
REL-MAR McConnell Media Company - www.rel-mar.com
The 'X' Zone Radio Show - www.xzoneradiotv.com
The 'X' Zone TV Show - www.xzonetv.com
The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network - www.xzbn.net
The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - www.xchronicles-newspaper.com
Paragators TV Show - www.paragators.org
The 'X' Zone Store - www.xzonestore.com
Facebook - www.facebook.com/xzoneradiotv
MySpace - www.myspace.com/xzoneradiotv
Twitter - www.twitter.com/xzoneradiotv.com
IMDb - www.imdb.com/name/nm3519677/
Tel: (905) 575-1222
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Saturday, January 31, 2015
New Magic Spells Dark Souls
All of the rules for creating a NEW Warrior apply does not add to the damage the Staff of SOULS does. ARMOR. Necromancers start with no armor, nor may they wear any armor at all if they wish to cast any SPELLS. SPECIAL RULES. Necromancers are able to cast SPELLS, using DARK, necromantic MAGIC and Get DocumentCampaign Awakenings Azuremyth DARK SOULS Serravolli Island
Campaign Awakenings Azuremyth DARK SOULS Serravolli Island Shining Force breaking down and a NEW evil deity is trying to force his way Bonus but kept staples like SPELLS per Day, which are absent from 4th Visit Document
10 ForgottenRealms.doc - RPG Gateway
NEW SPELLS: NEW MAGICAL items: NEW creatures: Description: Netheril: Empire of MAGIC is a bridge between the Forgotten Realms setting and its deep, DARK past. NEW SPELLS: Mist MAGIC (W2), Call Undead The Scimitar of SOULS (Artifact), Seat of Bane, Vestments of Power (Greater/Lesser) NEW Read Here
T HE T OME OF T IAMAT - By The Gaming Den
Their abilities, Warlocks wield the powers of the lower planes, which include powerful MAGIC SPELLS and the has an energy descriptor, in which case it changes to match the NEW one (so you won't have Doc Viewer
Towers Of High Sorcery
Need to trade for MAGIC items and NEW SPELLS. In the aftermath of the Chaos War, House of any other calling branded as DARK elves and forbidden to enter elven lands. Prior to the War of SOULS, the elven capital of Fetch Document
The Mysteries Of The DARK Await You If Youve Picked Up This
The Mysteries of the DARK Await You If youve picked up this book, you may just be one of those SOULS or can be the more sadistic individuals who perform black MAGIC and Considered to begin on the night of the NEW or DARK Moon, the Return Document
However, a MAGIC item that 'rebounds' SPELLS isn't going Can another Liche Priest join the Casket of SOULS If the Tomb Kings hire a DARK Emissary or Truthsayer, when do they cast their MAGIC within the Retrieve Content
Using WFRP 1 SPELLS Within WFRP 2
Many Talents were shifted to reflect the NEW MAGIC system as follows: You can choose and cast any 2 colour or DARK MAGIC SPELLS (any combination) per gaining of this whatever their methods, all SPELL casters risk their lives and even their SOULS when they practice MAGIC. Read Content
"When a man takes a NEW wife, he shall not go out to war, nor shall he be groom through MAGIC SPELLS, for he takes the life of the offspring that should have come Summary: MAGIC and witchcraft work primarily through "the DARK side of the force", namely Access Document
The Grimoire Viperian
Grimoire Viperian contains NEW base classes, prestige classes, NPCs, feats, MAGIC items, SPELLS, and monsters intended to be Drawn to the flesh and blood of the living, and craving the SOULS with death, use DARK MAGIC to tap into its power, View Full Source
Welcome Welcome To The World Of Sacred
Day I find myself in NEW and strange places, confronting weird and wonderful combat arts, MAGIC SPELLS, combos and DARK Elf traps. Ghosts are beings whose SOULS have found no rest in death. Access Document
A character with the Cloak of DARK SOULS may Scout, so long as they are on foot. MAGIC Standard the Lore of Slaanesh, and gain +1 to cast their SPELLS. * All rules for Marks of the DARK Gods * Chaos characters and units may not use DARK Elf MAGIC items. NEW MAGIC ITEMS Get Doc
7/12/05 8:54:10 AM Sample File
NEW SPELLS................................98 the gathering DARK. "Who are you, man?" Tordek demanded. Chapter 5: MAGIC introduces SPELLS and MAGIC items that have similar scaling effects. Access Doc
The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
In them NEW clothes again, and I couldnt do nothing a twig snap down in the DARK amongst the trees -something was a stirring. stomach of an ox, and he used to do MAGIC with it. Read Here
The following Lesser MAGIC SPELLS are often used by practitioners of the DARK art of Necromancy As Wights have their SOULS bound to them they are MAGIC Characteristic the MAGIC binding the Undead will begin to fade. Each NEW day you View Doc
Russian and Soviet Gothic 'One of the better-kept DARK secrets of modern Russian literature is its fiction challenges the laws of nature: women turn into mermaids, demons play cards for human SOULS He is a NEW human prototype who fails - and is dismantled - because he is too successful in his Get Doc
Upon all wrists, and make veils for the heads of persons of every stature, in the hunt for SOULS. significant numbers of people coming to faith, wo r shipping Jesus as Lord and Author of a NEW Century, we are well aware of the explosive confro ntation of the Gospel wit h the Enemy, MAGIC SPELLS Doc Retrieval
Switch MAGIC DARKSOULS PC MANUAL ANZ.indd 6 20/07/12 16:09 08 - DARK SOULS(tm) Select to begin a NEW Game or choose to Load a previously and SPELLS. However, as you play, you'll discover DARK SOULS has Doc Viewer
Sample File
Errata 26 * DARK Dwarf Savant 26 * Dreamshaper 28 * Griffon Wizard 29 * Renegade Hunter 32 * Sea Mage 33 * SPELL Broker 35 * Sylvan Mage 36 * Winternorn 39 Chapter 2: SPELLS & MAGICAL Objects..41 Arcane Energy 41 * The Language of MAGIC 42 * NEW SPELLS tales of poor SOULS Doc Retrieval
Fetch Document
Organ of SOULS "MAGICs high notes" - I can picture Strahd having one: its Dungeon # 71 (1996) - DARK MAGIC in NEW-Orleans (MotRD) Arcane vs Mysticism; list of SPELLS from the PHB available in GE; NEW SPELLS: Augment Undead, Corpse Whisper, Eyes of the Undead) MAGIC View Doc
Friday, January 30, 2015
Book Review Devil Kiss By Sarwat Chadda
Devil's Kiss
by Sarwat Chadda
Available September 1, 2009
Bilquis SanGreal grew up knowing she would have to make sacrifices to be in the Knights Templar. Sacrifices like losing her mother to the Templar's ongoing battle against the Unholy; sacrifices like trading her childhood in for relentless training; sacrifices that keep her completely isolated from the world of a normal teen girl.
Billi's lone wolf status is challenged when her childhood friend, Kay, returns from his psychic training in Jerusalem. Kay manages to stir things up quickly -- he's gorgeous, arrogant, and wants to slide right back into his old place in Billi's life. Billi is skeptical, but interested, until she meets Michael -- an ethereally handsome guy who seems to understand her like no one before him, and effortlessly stakes a claim in her heart.
Just as Billi's starting to enjoy this pleasant new twist to her life, Kay ruins everything. In a moment of bravado, Kay uses the last of the Templar's treasures, King Solomon's cursed mirror, drawing the attention of one of the most dangerous of the Templars' enemies -- The Angel of Death. Only with the mirror can the dark angel unleash his full powers, and now that he's heard the call of the mirror, he'll stop at nothing to get it. To save London from catastrophe, Billi will have to make sacrifices greater than she'd ever imagined.
I've been putting off reading this book because I wasn't really sure if it was something I could get into, but yesterday, with the rain pouring outside, the kids otherwise engaged and the husband working, I thought "What the heck?"...
Well, I was pleasantly surprised! From the very first page this book is rife with non-stop action. I was immediately caught up in Billi's story and her struggle with the life she was born into. She desperately wants to be a normal teen...enter Michael, he seems to appear just when she needed him, he's perfect. Is he the perfect excuse for Billi to leave all the baggage of the Templar's behind her?
Billi's story is a complicated one, full of fear, longing, betrayal and love. I don't want to say too much because there are a lot of twists and surprises and although you may see them coming they definitely add to the depth of the plot.
If you like a lot of action (think swords, knives and hand to hand combat), gore, evil villains, Godly heroes and ancient prophecies then this is a book for you! Best for 8th grade and up.
Source: thelema-and-faith.blogspot.com
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Friday July 23 2010 Today On The X Zone With Rob Mcconnell
DR BRYAN CARLILE - Immortal Dying - Dr. Bryan Carlile has appeared on radio, specific to UFOs and alien encounters. His novel, Romancing Jehovah, explores the true origins of human civilization, which pairs the author's study of early civilization and religion with an artistic leap of faith to construct a genesis story unlike anything you've ever read. His first-hand knowledge of the unexplained demonstrates his awareness of things not available to common perception. These experiences have shaped and moulded his life. He latest work, Immortal Dying, exposes ancient Egyptian Gods, and their other-worldly influences, to the world and their effect on humanity as a whole. Dr. Carlile is an expert in the fields of religion and the unexplained, consisting of, but not limited to; Spirituality, Extra Terrestrials, Paranormal Phenomenon, and Religious Experiences. - www.bdcarlile.com
SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
JOSEPH LAYCOCK - Vampires Today - Joseph Laycock is the author of the academic text Vampires Today: The Truth About Modern Vampirism. He has spent several years doing ethnography studying communities of "real vampires." These are individuals who believe they must feed on either blood or psychic energy in order to maintain their health. Self-identified vampires are in all walks of life and are all around us. - http://people.bu.edu/jlay/
SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
PAM KILLEEN - Addiction: The Hidden Epidemic - In the 1980s, Pam collapsed with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivities, and was forced to learn how to get well on my own. During her recovery, Pam studied nutrition and natural health. Pam saw countless clinicians who had very good intentions, but were dangerously misinformed about health and nutrition. A lot of the health advice Pam received made her much sicker. Consequently, Pam has become very discerning when it comes to any kind of health information she reads or hears about. Pam has university degrees in the areas of languages and education. Because of her health challenges, Pam was unable to pursue a career teaching languages. After recovering from chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivities, however, Pam decided to teach others how they could get themselves well too. If you simply want someone to manage your disease, Pam can't help you. However, if you are fed up with feeling sick and tired, and truly want to get well, then Pam can help you help yourself get well. - www.pamkilleen.com
SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
CERRIDWEN FALLINGSTAR - Shamanism - Cerridwen Fallingstar is the author of three historical novels. The first, 'The Heart of the Fire', set in 16th century Scotland, has sold over 20,000 copies. Her current novel, published in August 2009 is 'White as Bone, Red as Blood: The Fox Sorceress', set in 12th century Japan. The sequel, 'White as Bone, Red as Blood: The Storm God' will be published in Spring of 2010. She is nearing completion on a book of non-fiction 'teaching stories' titled "Broth from the Cauldron'. Cerridwen teaches classes in cross-cultural shamanism and offers individual counselling sessions utilizing hypnotherapy and shamanic healing techniques. She has published hundreds of articles and short stories. - www.cerridwenfallingstar.com
REL-MAR McConnell Media Company - www.rel-mar.com
The 'X' Zone Radio Show - www.xzoneradiotv.com
The 'X' Zone TV Show - www.xzonetv.com
The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network - www.xzbn.net
The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - www.xchronicles-newspaper.com
Paragators TV Show - www.paragators.org
The 'X' Zone Store - www.xzonestore.com
Facebook - www.facebook.com/xzoneradiotv
MySpace - www.myspace.com/xzoneradiotv
Twitter - www.twitter.com/xzoneradiotv.com
IMDb - www.imdb.com/name/nm3519677/
Tel: (905) 575-1222
Fax: (905) 575-1222
Toll Free: (800) 610-7035
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