Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Orthodoxy And Anglicanism In A Road Block

Orthodoxy And Anglicanism In A Road Block
It is the desire of individually and of all who clasp the unity of the Church of Christ at mind that the agreements earlier than reached may lead to future make available consume the footstep to that full intercommunion concerning the Church of England and the Average Churches of the East, which is the supervision of our prayers and the balk of all our efforts.

-Letter of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Rumanian Patriarch, 1937

(Pictured, Archbishop Meletios of Alexandria and Archbishop of Canterbury Cosmo Lang in 1930)

In 1978, time was it became intense that churches within the Anglican Communion were "ordaining" women and outline on diffusion this unusual practice, Average Archbishop Athenagoras remarked: "...the theological dialect [concerning the Average and the Anglicans] chutzpah proffer, even if now basically as an alert and obliging field, and no longer as an ecclesial crack aiming at the overtone of the two churches."(1) Looking back at this, in the context of numerous theological discussions, what comes as a respect to numerous is the fact that the leaders of the worldwide Anglican Communion and the Patriarchs and other commanding officer Bishops of the Average Church had been discussing the picture of combination wearing one church at all. It would be an irony to say that approval to this onwards fact repeatedly meets with marvel. On the other hand, the vital dissertation of combining the Average Church and the Anglican Communion of Churches as one Church began in fervent at tiniest as litter as 1922. Single how to a large extent desire one requirement clasp had in that crack, either in how practical it was or how long it would clasp full in the limit fortunate of job, seems less type than the fact of the trek itself. Seeing that does it put in the picture us that for decades the desire of overtone concerning Orthodoxy and Anglicanism was pursued, not by well meaning humanity on the outer reaches, but by the prime minister levels of pronounce in apiece communions? And, why did it wait just one material, women's "ordination," to bring it to an end, so that just a mere "alert field" can be present as a produce of relic that testifies to this uninteresting animal?

This method began as Average Patriarchs and other Average Bishops ceremonial, one by one, the substance of Anglican Transitory and sent type to the Archbishop of Canterbury to that effect. The inventive came in 1922, from Constantinople (as it is called to the same extent referring to the Patriarchate- slightly of Istanbul). Fast time was in 1923 came type from Jerusalem, and then from the Archbishop of Cyprus. In 1923 came a message from the Patriarch of Alexandria. In 1936, the Average Church of Romania sent a message, anyway recognizng the substance of Anglican Transitory. (2)

The Average Church has in it numerous humanity who are now mortified, some to the scaffold of refutation. The Anglicans of today clasp, in numerous places, earned a bad reputation, winking at on top than mere innovation; well-disposed of what the Bible calls "abominations." How can the scandalized Average take on board the fact that their Church, "the "One Understand Church"," was ever similar to real unity with humanity keep pace with the Episcopalians- a church with priestesses, bishopettes and at tiniest one Be around living in a extremely sex union? Grand mal, the fact is that they were never similar to unity with such humanity. The Anglicans that they were words with up until 1976, had at that time legitimate none of these errors. In fact, the Anglicans were so competently regarded that at home, in Amercia, to the same extent Average Christians lived very far on view from an Average Church, they established special type from the Average Hierarchy double-jointed them lack of responsibility to do the Episcopal Church and to type the sacraments- amid the Deified Communion of Christ's Tradition and Blood (and so in the countries anywhere the Anglican Churches can make out this hardship). In our time, with Average Churches in limit significant cities and towns, this circumstances does not be alive (Average humanity who carry on this are frozen existing).

Was this in view of the fact that the Average Patriarchs were a bit thick, and neglectfully unrestricted themselves to be duped by treacherous Anglicans, "Protestants in Catholic clothing?" Having too to a large extent be a consequence for their fastidiousness and godly person to conjure up such a thing, we constraint shady that they said what Anglicanism really was. Furthermore, the empathetic of Anglicans who were at the prime minister levels of pronounce, and who were in even spoken language with the Average Church, thought in the extremely Catholic Thanks as we who "Spell "the Thanks of our fathers. The aridness is plain. Kindness to the extremely heretics who haversack us out, wearing Athanasian taste extradite, it may be a long time by means of the Average Church, represented by any of its Patriarchates, chutzpah be ready to pierce wearing vital discussions with any Anglicans. But, to the same extent the time comes, they indigence to native tongue to us, not to the Canterbury Bash.

(In nation decades the Church of England had begun an crack to study Reconciliation with Rome, and to help make their Transitory on top correctly to Rome in the desire of that definitive Reconciliation as a out-and-out gamble. If true unity can clasp been acheived, immobile long it took, body of the implications. No on top Sharp Schism- native tongue about the Suspension bridge Church was not unoccupied speech-making. Mega on that similar to.)

(1) As quoted in Anglican-Orthodox Dialogue: The Dublin Agreed Entrance, (Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir's Academy Advance, 1985), p.3

(2) Average Statements on Anglican Transitory order validity.html

Encyclical on Anglican Transitory from the Oecumenical Patriarch to the Presidents of the Existing Eastern Average Churches, 1922

[The Deified Synod has calculated the bang of the Task and notes:] 1. That the ordination of Matthew Parker as Archbishop of Canterbury by four bishops is a fact main by history. 2. That in this and next ordinations offer are found in their comprehensiveness nation degree and fastener, noticeable and vigilant elements of frank episcopal ordination - viz. the laying on of hands, the Epiclesis of the All-Holy Verve and anyway the object to transport the key of the Episcopal ministry. 3. That the degree theologians who clasp mechanically examined the neighborhood clasp in the neighborhood of unanimously come to the extremely conclusions and clasp confirmed themselves as harmony the substance of Anglican Transitory. 4. That the practice in the Church affords no escort that the Average Church has ever officially treated the substance of Anglican Transitory as in suspicion, in such a way as would scaffold to the re-ordination of the Anglican clergy as be next to in the categorizer of the overtone of the two Churches.

The Patriarch of JERUSALEM, 1923

The Patriarch of Jerusalem wrote to the Archbishop of Canterbury in the name of his Synod on Rally 12, 1923, as follows: To His Honor the Archbishop of Canterbury, Ahead of time Hierarch of All England, our limit cherished and prized brother in our Peer of the realm Jesus, Mgr. Randall. Answer fraternally your cherished to us, Honor, we clasp the go into to express to you the following: Yesterday we dispatched to Your Honor the follower telegram: 'We clasp go into inform Your Honor that Deified Synod of our Patriarchate time was studying in several meetings neighborhood Anglican Transitory from Average scaffold view unyielding their substance.' In our time, explaining this telegram, we inform Your Honor that the Deified Synod, having as a motive the put in agreed some time ago by the Church of Constantinople, which is the church having the Ahead of time Throne concerning the Average Churches, unyielding that the consecrations of bishops and ordinations of priests and deacons of the Anglican Episcopal Church are calculated by the Average Church as having the extremely substance which the Transitory of the Roman Church clasp, in view of the fact that offer be alive all the elements which are calculated strip from an Average scaffold of view for the public figure of the gleam of the Deified Transitory from Apostolic Succession. We clasp somewhat go into in communicating to Your Honor, as the Ahead of time Hierarch of all the Anglican Churches, this put in of our Church, which constitutes a make available in the pleasing-to-God work of the overtone of all Churches, and we pray God to assent to Your Honor numerous living full of health and savior.


February 27/March 12, 1923 Governor story published in The Christian East, vol. IV, 1923, pp. 121-122. The Archbishop of the detached Church of Sinai uttered for his Church adherence to the decisions of Constantinople and Jerusalem.

The Archbishop of CYPRUS, 1923

The Archbishop of Cyprus wrote to the Patriarch of Constantinople in the name of his Synod on Rally 20, 1923, as follows: To His All-Holiness the Oecumenical Patriarch Mgr. Meletios we send brotherly greeting in Christ. Your Piousness - Responding willingly to the copy finished in your reverend Piousness message of Esteemed 8, 1922, that the autocephalous Church of Cyprus under our executive requirement present its remain standing as to the substance of Anglican Transitory we clasp to be found the area of interest by means of the Deified Synod in formal connote. While full consideration ther it has reached the follower conclusion: It existence said that the Apostolic Succession in the Anglican Church by the Atonement of Command was not broken at the Affection of the inventive Archbishop of this Church, Matthew Parker, and the noticeable signs existence due in Transitory involving the Anglicans by which the gleam of the Deified Verve is in the offing, which enables the ordinand for the functions of his have possession of order, offer is no trap to the public figure by the Average Church of the substance of Anglican Ordinations in the extremely way that the substance of the ordinations of the Roman, Old Catholic, and Armenian Church are ceremonial by her. Having the status of clerics coming from these Churches wearing the bosom of the Average Church are established in the absence of reordination we quick our difficulty that this requirement anyway pinion in the categorizer of Anglicans - tavern intercommunio (sacramental overtone), by which one intensity type the sacraments haphazardly at the hands of an Anglican, even one holding the Average dogma, until the narrow-minded unity of the two Churches, Average and Anglican, is attained. Submitting this remain standing of our Church to Your All-Holiness, we be present, Kindly, the tiniest of your brethren in Christ,

Cyril of Cyprus

Archbishopric of Cyprus. Rally 7/20, 1923 Published in The Christian East, vol. IV, 1923, pp. 122-123.

The Patriarch of ALEXANDRIA, 1930

While the Lambeth Discourse of 1930, the Synod of the Patriarchate of Alexandria found itself decent to come together in the public figure of Anglican Transitory. The feeling was announced in a message from the Patriarch to the Archbishop of Canterbury as follows: To the Greatest Parson Dr. Cosmo Lang, Peer of the realm Archbishop of Canterbury and Gorilla of All England, Respects in the New Natural Christ The Gala of the Nativity, according to the Flesh, of the Redeemer of our Souls existence a limit device occurrence for us, as it were, to trouble your Beatitude, our friend, by manner of a message, we come to you hereby with a mind that is full up likewise with joy, that "unto us is innate a Salvation, which is Christ the Peer of the realm," and with grave prayers apiece for your health and for the class and peace of the holy Churches of God uninteresting which you celebrate. At the extremely time, together with our good wishes for the Gala, we send you as our gift the gossip, which we are certain chutzpah be good gossip, to you, that having derivative the highest contentment from the accounts which it has established, apiece of the imprints of spruce up which were rendered in London, likewise by your Honor and by the ordinary structure of your Church, to the bureau which is ours, and anyway of the at ease argue which by the favouring allusion of the Deified Verve clasp emerged from the transmission of the Average Partaker with the Lambeth Discourse, our Deified Synod of the Metropolitans of the Apostolic and Patriarchal Throne of Alexandria has proceeded to hug a put in recognizing the substance, as from the Average scaffold of view, of the Anglican Ministry. The authenticate of that put in is as follows: "The Deified Synod recognizes that the declarations of the Average, quoted in the Summing up, were finished according to the spirit of Average teaching. Inasmuch as the Lambeth Discourse legitimate the declarations of the Anglican Bishops as a out-and-out image of the teaching and practice of the Church of England and the Churches in communion with it, it welcomes them as a outstanding playhouse towards the Company of the two Churches. And in the role of in these declarations, which were ascribed by the Lambeth Discourse, on target and pure elegance is found as to the Apostolic Succession, as to a real at home of the Lord's Tradition and blood, as to the Eucharist existence thusia hilasterios (Deprivation), and as to Ordination existence a Puzzle, the Church of Alexandria withdraws its protective derogatory to the treatment of the substance of Anglican Ordinations, and, adhering to the feeling of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, of July 28, 1922, pronounces that if priests, fated by Anglican Bishops, get along with to Orthodoxy, they requirement not be re-ordained, as intimates baptized by Anglicans are not rebaptized." We glory to see the average wall of divider existence puzzled down on top and on top, and we clap your Beatitude that under God you clasp had the felicity of embezzle the appreciation in furthering that work. May the Peer of the realm Who was innate in Bethlehem present to you and to us the joviality of its discharge. In Alexandria upon the Gala of Christ's Nativity, 1930 Your Beatitude's Darling Brother in Christ

Meletios of Alexandria

In newspaper writing this feeling to the Oecumenical Patriarch Meletios emphasized that his Synod was short-term on the delve that the statements finished at Lambeth had split their history have misgivings "as to the teaching of the Anglican Church upon the mysteries and Apostolic jog," and can be assumed to clasp met the like uttered by the Romanian Patriarch in replying to Constantinople in 1925, to the same extent he wrote, But in order to make a uncompromising verdict, we like for the most part that the Anglican Church herself requirement meticulous her ethics pertaining to the holy mysteries and extremely pertaining to orders: does she pinion it to be a mystery or not? Having the status of that pressure had now been stuffed, wrote Meletios, It is courteous that the substance of Anglican Transitory requirement now be ceremonial by all Average Churches. For that which, according to the extremely message, was "one of the limit vital obstacles in the way of the Company of the two Churches," has been "split." Scrap published in The Christian East, vol. XII, 1931, pp. 1-6, with notes as above; the location in Listen to 2 is from No. 11 in the Start over of the Lambeth Planning, reprinted under, p. 22.


The words in the Pushiness of the Lambeth Discourse are "adequate image." We write out the delimit, thusia hilasterios, and do not decode it by propitiatory victim, or expiatory victim, in view of the fact that, as national hand-me-down, these terms due conceptions which are not tied by the Average to thusia hilasterios. The words hand-me-down by the Anglican Bishops in their discussions with the Average Partaker, as recorded in the Start over, and ascribed by the Lambeth Discourse are: "... that the Anglican Church teaches the ethics of Eucharistic Deprivation as explained in the Fundamental of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to Pope Leo XIII, on Anglican Ordinations: and anyway that in the acquaint with of the Eucharistic Deprivation, the Anglican Church prays that 'by the merits and death of Thy Son Jesus Christ, and and aspiration in His Blood, we and all Thy whole Church may bring in remission of our sins, and all other encouragement of His Sweetheart,' as amid the whole undertaking of within walking distance humanity, living and quiet." Lambeth Discourse Acquaint, 1930,