Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy
I know I am a little late in getting this post up. I have been pretty busy lately but I am asking everyone to do this for victims of Hurricane Sandy.Ritual for Growth, Healing, and RenewalTOOLS1 Black candle1 White candleAthameGoblet filled with water Facing north, place the black candle on the altar at the south, and the white candle at the north, and the goblet in the middle.Cast the circle.Light the black candle and say the goddess invocation asking for healing. Passing the Athame 3 times through the flame ask the goddess to burn away the suffering that is preventing the healing.Take a drink of the water then ask the goddess to wash away the barriers that prevent moving forward from this tragedy. Wet your fingers with the water and then extinguish the black candle. (If you are afraid to touch the flames drip the water on it)Light the white candle.White is a symbol of purity. Imagine the light of it's flame warming the souls of those hurt in any way by this disaster. Ask the goddess to provide them with growth and renewal to help them move ahead and rebuild. Extinguish the white candle the same way as the black.Sit and meditate on sending healing energies to those areas damaged by the storms, imagine help reaching those in need.Release the circle.Blessed beLady Alice
