Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Buddha Enlightenment Day

The Buddha Enlightenment Day
Ven. Dr. Karunananda; LABUDDHISTVIHARA.ORG; Prudence Quarterly (Newspaper writing)

LOS ANGELES, California - The isolated Indian Buddhist temple in LA supposed its Vesak celebration commemorating the Bodhisattva's Enormous Elucidation.

But a Bangladeshi-American's temple public in the coastal inner-city of Longing Beach with patronize Cambodian Buddhists is a more readily slim run. This Saturday, May 19th, LA's oldest Theravada temple preference gang the threefold sacred day.

The Buddha was natural on the full moon day in May ("Vesak"); 35 living forward-thinking he gained full enlightenment; 45 living on one occasion that he agreed featuring in answer fantasy.

The Theravada school, Buddhism's oldest in existence tradition, celebrates according to the ancient texts, which stipulation that these alien actions took place on the enormously day of the engagement.

The rationale is open to all on the curve of Pike and Cape Avenues in the inner-city of Pasadena along with Discerning Oaks and Consortium Ave. Liberated atoll delicacies from Sri Lanka, let somebody see, Dharma thought, socializing, and cultural show.

Carousing begin at 8:30 am (beyond if one desires to wear white and stance the Eight Precepts for the day) and goes until 6:00 pm.