Lead a scope of fuel - I use tree twigs that requisite be pruned pleasingly. I uniform a 12 inch scope about the compactness of my nickname. As soon as selecting the fuel I downgrade to the magickal vibrations of the awkward wood. I use apple for love magick, seven barks for money magick, Superior for fairie magick, oak for word-process magick, willow for widespread magick.
You phantom want a quartz crystal symbol for the tip - you may possibly use rose quartz on the love wand or amethyst on a wand for spiritual call and instruction.
Gouge a bit of fuel out of the tip of the wand to help firm footing the crystal - fasten with high temp hot fasten gun or a strong firm footing fasten - let set.
Now use fasten on base sides of crystal and top ionch or so of fuel, shroud with keep mum strips or edge or embroidery stripe in a color that goes with the feeling of the wand. That helps to abstract the crystal. Now shroud the pinpoint end of the wand by gluing fuel and covering with keep mum or comic story to make a hand firm footing. Use the exceptionally color as on top and reparation about 4 inches.
You may adorn the staff of the wand with symbols that enlighten to the feeling of the wand, such as runes and other symbols that persist meaning for you. You can use a bash, water foundation write, slap, woodburning tool, etc. You may possibly adorn the end of the top comic story with gemstone beads, metalbeads, fuel beads and tip it with miserable if you uniform. Cleanse and give as with any tool.
by Susan Baxter
Books in PDF format to read:Hugh Mynne - The Faerie Way A Medication Fall To Option Worlds
Nameless - Starting A New Coven Looking At Yourself
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