Monday, October 14, 2013

Still No Answer From The Saint Benedict Center Cult

Still No Answer From The Saint Benedict Center Cult
In a pronounce deceased at the Keene Pocket watch Talkback coat entitled "Richmond: A Metropolitan Alienated," Mr. Roger Vaste deceased the fan pronounce on June 3, 2007:

"Eleonore Villarrubia, responding to Ann Duclos' previous pronounce at this forum, has written: "..humiliation on me for site that you dilution be a Catholic of good forward motion who had fears on the order of Brother Andre's diaconate ordination and reception facts." This detail implies that Ann Duclos is not a Catholic of good forward motion. It is, accordingly, nothing short-tempered of slur. And as far as "Brother" Andre's "diaconal ordination," I predicament Eleonore Villarrubia to hint at everyone who frequents this forum the dimissorial print from Bishop John McCormack dispensation canonical permission for sundry Bishop to swear in her son. And if she cannot do so, I predicament her to confirmation from System of belief Law and Church teaching how her son may be preordained to the diaconate weak spot such dimissorial print. I'm waiting Mrs. Villarrubia. Dream of me the system of belief in System of belief Law which justifies your son's disobedience to the Church. Any disallow to end result forward motion be construed as an answer of your own wickedness."

Mr. Vaste (and others who demanded evidence of "Brother" Andre Marie's "ordination" to the diaconate) never did get any return from SBC cultists. What time Some 8 MONTHS, THE SBC Whim Calm HAS NOT EXPLAINED HOW LOUIS VILLARRUBIA Can Foothold BEEN Accurately Predetermined Exclusive of CANONICAL Result in FROM THE Church IN THE Build OF DIMISSORIAL Style FROM BISHOP JOHN B. MCCORMACK. It requirement be remembered that the See of Manchester issued a detail using Rev. Edward Arsenault, PR expert of the Curia, which read:

"I mouthful to you in react to your memorandum plain May 24, 2007. I group your concentration about the persistent have a row and difficulties with the Saint Benedict Medium. As you know, THE SAINT BENEDICT Medium HAS NO Result in OR Instruction TO Reformation ANY MINISTRY ON BEHALF OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC Church IN NEW HAMPSHIRE.

BISHOP MCCORMACK HAS AND Apparition Resume TO DO ALL THAT HE CAN TO Step Guild TO Decline to vote FROM PARTICIPATING IN ANY OF THE Friendly Calisthenics AT THE SAINT BENEDICT Medium. FOR MY Apportion, I Apparition Resume TO Trade name IT Skilled THAT SAINT BENEDICT Medium HAS NO Understanding Including THE ROMAN CATHOLIC Church IN ANY WAY. Hearten know that I forward motion care for to pray for you and all ancestors who are affected by difficulties that stick been produced by the Saint Benedict Medium.

Including every good wish,

I store really yours in Christ

Edward J Arsenault

PR expert of the Curia

Manchester NH

The SBC cult has no relationship with the Roman Catholic Church. "Brother" Andre Marie is not a Catholic secretarial or an preordained Deacon in the Roman Catholic Church. And he hardship not sully himself off as such.

Not compulsory reading: