Friday, November 29, 2013

New Moon Luisrowan Lunar Cycle

New Moon Luisrowan Lunar Cycle
"I'm one with the God

and open to Her Prudence."

1st Day of the 2nd Stellar Drive

Ruled by Persephone

Stellar Tree Drive of Luis/Rowan

3rd Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Luis/Rowan

Moon Phase: New - 2:39AM EST

Moon rises: 7:32AM EST

Moon sets: 6:13PM EST

Moon in the Fixed Air Breakthrough

of Aquarius

Blodeuwedd's Drive of the Moon

Stellar Meditation: A flowering shrub or flourish

of your right.

Sun in Aquarius

Sunrise: 7:37AM EST

Sunset: 5:26PM EST

Lunar Feeling for the Day: "Like musing

do you record appreciate?

Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter

of the Meeting

January 23rd, 2012

NEW MOON - Age 0 - 1 day old; the moon is 0-45 degrees immediately rapid of the sun, rises at dawn, and sets at evening. Magick requirement be performed concerning dawn and evening. A new moon's power may be hopeful, you can be compelled that the power of any spell cast at this time goes on. Occurrence with sun Goddesses such as Sekhmet, Vesta, and Heartha or the God Ra motivation appreciation power. Make easier for self-improvement, encouragement, careers, romance.

MOON DAY - the Day of Detection and Air - Picture Day.... Magickally, Moon Day encourages the lunar energies of motivation, trickery, futurist thoughts, emotions, psychic abilities, travel, women's mysteries and opulence.

The Celtic Tree Directory is a calendar with thirteen lunar divisions. Highest latest Pagans use defined dates for each

'month', rather than stakeout the waxing and fading lunar cycles. Myself I dig up the lunar cycles as you can model out from my weekly headings.' I am a very lunar oriented witch. But I bolt compound partners who use the Celtic Tree sheet and it any panic in with my Celtic/Avalon traditions.

The Celtic Tree month, the Luis/Rowan tree month began on January 21st - a defined refer to in this calendar. So time this is the prime minister day of the Stellar Tree Directory - it is the 3rd day of the Celtic Tree month. This modern Celtic Tree calendar is based on a universe that each mail in the ancient Celtic alphabet corresponded to a tree.

This month of Luis/Rowan is allied with Brighid, the Celtic goddess of fire and home. Honoured on February 1st, Imbolc, Brighid is a fire goddess who offers protection to mothers and families, as well as watching more the hearthfires. This is a good time of the rendezvous to perform initiations (or if you are not part of a group, to do a self-dedication). Accustomed by the Celts as Luis (conclusion "'loush' ), "the Rowan is allied with astral travel, deepest power and rap. A charm carved into a bit of a Rowan appreciate motivation protect the wearer from harm. The Norsemen were clear-cut to bolt cast-off Rowan branches as rune staves of protection. In some countries, Rowan is planted in graveyards to slab the dead from lengthened on all sides of too hanker.

IMBLOC Quarter - The Ooze Quarter of Imbolc brings the gift of insight and motivation and is a time of early stages and of essential accuracy. Begun in the dark and consistently icy days of first Ooze, it is generally the time to price unwariness, truth and justice, to make resolutions and policy and to think up for unfolding rendezvous. In the human arise train, Imbolc corresponds to the days of immaturity, what all stow are questioned or enjoyed for their own sake. Imbolc is a good time to feature the lives of all 'soul-midwives' who bolt skilled and calibrate us, all who bolt been upholders of justice and truth, all holy ones who bolt gone to the body of the quiz with complete clear thought and insight.