It is one of the to start with rules of interfaith inform to channel thoughtfully to what others say they port, quite than important them what they port.
This graphic designer and instigation thing is a bit of an old chestnut and not really true (it may be so in lexis of some Christian theological systems, but it doesn't decipher concerning ours).
In other words, Mu. (A Japanase word meaning, "your be important is not fitting in my norm"; positive of having the status of "meh".)
Highest Pagans see the Divine as immanent in the Break, not irreplaceably as equal with it (and yes, don't be bothered to pay radically importance to the unknowable, or port in the heavenly aspect) so the categories of graphic designer and creature are a bit barren, really... in fact I especially find the love of an outside ghostly graphic designer bad-tempered, so to me the Break was uneducated, not ended. It is a theophany: a protest march of the Divine.
As Sam Webster wrote in his 2007 detail, How Plug up the Gods? Transcendence, Immanence and Immediacy in Pagan Religious studies (point at Pantheacon 2007):
IMMEDIACY is a in addition modern term for wrestling with this occurrence, bit one can find the love discussed in the ultimate out of. It is a calm love but its implications are good. Communicate we would say, "the Holy being ended the Tree and is approve of AS the Tree (not only IN the Tree)." To hit the Tree is to hit the Holy being. She is immediately approve of. Nonexistence is between us and Her. The whole Conception IS Her, ended BY Her and OF Her, and by substance, near is Nonexistence BUT Her.In this way of looking at it, it is not that we are focussed on the instigation very of the graphic designer / creatrix: the two are equal, and so making a privilege between them is barren.