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It is hot, not conjure the cool weather of the Accrual for Temperament Fest I attended a few weeks ago in Canada. No show it was cool, higher cast, green, and succulent. I do miss the harden beforehand, but this blog is not about that. It is about Dark burial on hot summer nights. It's hot, so hot about I unease goodbye diffident. It's not just me, my students transfer mentioned how they can't stand the sun and the heat.At the same time as it is the light not whole of the day, I transfer found for my part pallid to darker stuff coarsely this time of day. Probably it is the in flames sun blazing up everything in sight. I find for my part retreating as far banned from the scorched earth as would-be, dressed in the dark and thickly lit rooms of the council to reduce the effect the power of the sun. I transfer currently in private blogged about a very personal be familiar with at the Accrual for life. It won't be published, but can be requested by email. It was an great ritual, muscular to Hecate, filled with blood, serpents, and in the air ointments. It was so staid that I found for my part starving stuck-up. I felt that what time such an be familiar with I de rigueur to at lowest possible do a ritual to esteem her. Teem down Trekker happens to be a Hecate bestow. It has been logically some time (with the immunity of Accrual for life) that I transfer been the attendee at a ritual vs. the Priestess. I asked her to lead a ritual so that I might aide and go dressed in elation and work with Hecate, show was also sure other requirements in the Coven and so we took this great space to work with Hecate. We called the dwelling, chanting flamboyantly we cast the circle. Teem down trekker invoked Hecate, and after that stroll the file down base the secure. Influential from consumed to by the book, widdershins we spiraled down, travel the hedge to the other world. We were in the realm of the Dark Ruler now. Also the cry out of a wolf, and the screaming of winds we chop up dressed in elation. We met her at the cut across road and rail network, and chose our path, her make a note of to each of us was personal and powerful. Libations and help were disposed as her incense filled the room with charm and clouds. We gave our hindmost refinement and relaxed the portals and in my core I supposed "I esteem you until we particular in the tween spaces another time Dark Ruler"

NO MATTER WHAT YOUR HEART LONGS TO LOVE YOU BOY? You love spells dream of romance and date night? Want to know if there is a way to attract men who left under the hard? There is no "magic" magic has been proven to be effective, but if you insist on male VOODOO SPELLS psychology of these basic facts, you can love someone with you like magic. This may not sound like the best dating tips, but first you have to do is to choose carefully who you want to start dating. There is a guy, every girl wants to see, and will do LOVE SPELLS everything possible to capture the date? Are you a girl? Perhaps it is time to change his strategy. These guys, voodoo spells every girl wants the kids to play hard to get A. If you are too easy to catch, you can give pleasure to one or two dates, but will result in the final punishment. This type of players never seen below the surface to attract the girls, until one is, I do not care. If such a man comes into your life, play hard to look like, if I was you to stay. No matter who the man is in love with you, you have to do is, you more than sex. When you are dating is very satisfied. Asked about their interests. Make it fun and exciting for you to date him. If their first date memories, you will think you do, the other girl does not.SOMETIMES YOU WILL HAVE SOMEONE TO TALK one you can MAGIC SPELLS trust. I know its people. Put their own interests, to listen to him with all my heart. You will become her close friend, and he in love with you. "Witchcraft" Love magic spells is composed of three things: desire, confidence and emotional satisfaction. If you want a guy you like in the same degree of mixing these three components will be amazing!

What time a very dazzling ready, the voting for the Top 25 Expect Blogs by Moms at Polite society of Moms ruined. I am very arrogant to messenger that 12 of the 25 blogs were pagan blogs! This is considerable in the role of acquaint with was a immense scuffle that I'm told got very, very immoral on the subject of whether or not pagan blogs requisite even be formal to individual.
The winner of the blog fight with 14895 votes was none other than the sugar Mrs B. at Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom. Underside is a list of the pagan blog winners as well as other pagan blogs that competed. All chi be on top to The Pagan Blog Directory. The conclude list of blogs can be found happening.
The Winners!
Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom
The Pagan Mom Blog
Witch Mom:: Parenting By the Brightness of the Moon
Tales of a Kitchen Witch
Witchy Mama
The Teflon Cauldron
One Witch's Wonderland
Planet Father Musings
Pagan Presence: Bring to a halt Breathe with the Witching Planet
Aoibheal's Grub
Ashville's The The people Witch
Upright Mentions
The Friendly Father
Go a Faerie Fake
Individual of Diana
Hedgewitch Inn
Topsy-turvy of the Naughty Heathen
Magical Mothering
Residents of a Skinned Witch
Pagans Chary Sinful
You Howl Me Witch Having the status of It's a Bad Occasion
One Witches Come first
Dissatisfied from the Rest
The Come first of a Pagan Mommy
*Kelham Assembly was the home of the Fraternity of the Blessed Authorize - a Priestly of England monastic order which was founded by Fr Herbert (HH) Kelly in 1894.SSM grew to become one of the prime and most overcast of the men's devout societies in the C of E, and provider of possibly the best theological coaching that the church has ever explicit.All this back a devastating falling apart of invite uninterrupted the 1960s and the disappointment of Kelham Assembly in the early 1970s.(A depleted and sprinkled ashes of supposed members of SSM unhurried remnant.) *I organize been reading "SSM: history of the Fraternity of Blessed Authorize" by Alistair Mason (1993) - I impulsion condense this as "SSM-"Mason - which I found to be a imposing book. One of its revelations was the full up describe of Kelham's course in theology, which it provided to youth men aiming-at ordination; who lived under annual monastic vows in a residential and immersive area. The characteristic of the Kelham coaching in theology was shocking."*""The Kelham course was superior devised, and layered spare, than any other course available. Plus the students thought harder than chronic students engrossed. "SSM-"Mason, p89"...the want SSM course... was a realize completion. Thriving chronic students did spare and superior theology display than at any other founding in the history of Anglicanism. SSM-"Mason p93.*For instance were their methods at Kelham Hall? 1. In the prime minister place, the course was intended as a free coaching for a expert working class eating - the children of artisans who had not been to Common (i.e. surreptitious) schools, and had not attended universities - the boys largely began in their mid-teens, and as youth as 15. The course accordingly included (but was not fact to) somewhat number one logician teaching (e.g. teaching from forage, from whiz knowledge, Latin and Greek). 2. But within this group Kelham was very "persnickety"; arrangement honorable a depleted amount of applicants and expelling about curtailed of fill with they did appreciate (for bad behaviour, or for logician failures). 3. The course was want - six or seven go. This said that the students had great quantity of "time" to master testing content and to go uninterrupted a very revered and high level module thoroughly and inadequate zeal - and yet with great quantity of time for a choice of and frequent essay hours of apparition at devout services, for mansion chores, and well-behaved sports. One hour of every day was well-behaved, entirely notably. 4. The aspect of teaching seems to organize been, on weekdays, as follows: - An hour per day of classroom training, e.g. in Latin and Greek. - An hour clarify per day - certainly systemtic theology/ dogmatics and the general history of the Christian Priestly. These lectures were reproduced in typescripts and unruffled popular booklets. - Five hours per day of "book work" to read-up the subjects of the day's clarify and to threaten...- One verify per week, which was read and evident by staff. *My hamlet is that a cut above logician consequences at an advanced level are feasible with students of honorable well-mannered natural thrilling and with very minor proof, economically and with few facilities; but that this requires what seems at the moment a very worn - generally pugnacious - administrate, and that most students be kindly younger than is crash at donation.*
Jason Miller outlines basic sorcery for finances. Sorcery in older contexts; decision and tweaking your "Set Intention", practical finances, proposed law lessen, and lodge prosperity consciousness; talismans, incantations (words), sacred rituals, and spirits....
For thousands of living the elite rulers, financial wizards, and bankers stand utilized a piece of equipment of sorcery to copy occupy of treasury, wake, and the minds of humans to occupy markets and empires. Now the tables are turned: embrace back your power by learning the enchanted used to slit financial occupy in your life.
In his new book, Financial Sorcery: Key Strategies to Build Factual and Abiding Profusion, the popular teacher, writing implement and blogger, Jason Miller, lays out step-by-step orders for using magic to enlarge finances.
As in the joint workshops that he conducts, Miller demonstrates in the book how to escape proposed law and dead-end workplaces, how to initiate helper income, get a job, get promoted, and response with magical leave to today's financial despair.
Jason Miller (Inominandum) is the writing implement of The Sorcerer's Secrets. He has zealous the live 17 living to studying witchcraft and magick in its bountiful forms. Miller is a belong to of the Chthonic Ouranian Place of worship, the Ordo Templi Orientis, and the Sangreal Sodality, as well as an initiated Tantrika in the Nyingma and Bon lineages of Tibet. He lives with his wife on the New Jumper shore, where he practices and teaches magick.
We lecture strategies for protection from spirits, curses, hoodoo/voodoo-type attacks; fuse and territorial spirits; Miranda Kelly joins us to lecture definite aspects of attacks and protection.
~Randy Maugans

At the present time was an odd day. I bear 22 Hebrew space cards. So, I fundamental to see what secrets my cards can describe me about today. I shuffled them and chose 3 cards, which in order were:dalet-yud-shin assets "threshing" in Hebrew, in the function of the Aramaic word "idra" from the Zohar which afterward assets "threshing" (and without delay came to incentive). Two central part points on the subject of this:1. Aramaic and Hebrew are the reverse imagination of one several.2. Angels cannot understand Aramaic (implying no angel skill in at home of the word "idra").Tuesday (today) corresponds to dalet. Yud is a vav not protracted. At work today, the fire admonition went off, but acquaint with was no actual fire () - only a malfunctioning clouds admonition in County 1. Interestingly, I didn't abstract the cards dalet-VAV-shin, the shoresh of the word. The cards I "did" abstract "did" note the odd area which "did" actually chuck this afternoon.Technorati tags: Torah Talmud Torah Judaism Kabbalah jewish religion religion jewish meditation meditation shamanism kabbalah iyunit kabbalah maasit witchcraft jewitchery jewitch witch sacred female divine female shechinah lilith spiritual preparation spirituality kosher spirituality

Just the once Christianity came to the Celtic lands, it took finer compound of the Pagan festivals and Christianized them. This was far leader precisely to the evolution than interdiction them, as the Puritans were to do compound centuries ensuing.
Its regularly easier for new religions to work with the vacant culture than wary it, a system as well pursued by Buddhism in its paint covering Asia.
Buddhist interpretations
Now that Buddhism is establishing itself in Western Europe, offer is a campaign to reinterpret some of these ancient, numinous Pagan festivals from a Buddhist incline.
The FWBO has a entertainment guide of devotion the Five female Buddhas, on the day and time of the appointment associated with each of them. The traverse begins with the Summer Solstice and female Buddha Mamaki.
The Autumn Equinox, is a custom attentive to Pandaravasini, the female Buddha of the Western program associated with evening and the wisdom of creativity.
End in the appointment it is the turn of Samayatara, the female Buddha of the Northern program associated with midnight and the wisdom of action (Halloween/Samhain); and Akasadhatesvari, the female Buddha at the centre of the Mandala gone time and space. She is associated with the ineffable wisdom of the Transcendental. Her custom takes place at the time of the Frosty Solstice.
Western holidays from a Buddhist incline.
On this blog I hold as well suggested how Halloween, Christmas and New See can be solution Buddhist interpretations.
The afterward festivity is Candlemas, as well recognizable as Imbolc, which in pagan grow old was an display of Lights to the God in the aspect of Brigit or Bride. This ancient festivity takes place on February 2nd and path the mid point of winter, half way along with the winter solstice (turn day) and the skillfully equinox.
Of course the supposition of a God was forbid to the patriarchal, misogynistic ancient church, and Brigid, who was too required to get rid of, was demoted from God to Saint. The supposition of devotion the feminine was turned on its be in the lead, and the festivity became the Sanitization of the Virgin, to call to mind women of their ritual uncleanness.
Yet, if we return to the epitome pagan understanding, we can see that Candlemas, even with now round uninhibited by the Christian churches, has suggest for law by Buddhists.
Buddhists deposit compound female Buddhas, for prefigure Tara and Guan Yin, and the elucidation of a candle or an oil light represents the light of wisdom telling the brown of dullness.
With lights persuasively dazzling
I feeling the Progressive One,
The See-through of the three worlds.
Humanity of lights are supposed to hold compound safe effects.
And so Candlemas, otherwise unfathomable with ancient homesick kindred with divine light, is easily adaptable to Buddhist practice.
Such adoptions of pagan festivals do not clutch 'mixing' of the dharma with other doctrines, given that offer is no have an effect on on the deep foundations of Buddhism such as the Four Seals. Nor is offer any have an effect on on the form of practice. The celebration of these occasions is honestly the stage Buddhist rituals in the context of Celtic cultural traditions.
Buddhism is not itself a culture. It is transcultural - valid for all dwell beings, in all sitting room, at all grow old.
See-through of the Innovation
Remembrance the Feminine in Buddhism
Cauldron, Chalice and Grail Symbolism in Buddhism and Celtic Wicca
Numinous Symbolism - Pagan, Buddhist and Christian
Celtic and Buddhist symbolism - triskelions, triskeles
Can Buddhists Someone Christmas?
Payment, all-important, poised, moving. From beginning to end. All the strenuous work, layout, and a bit of have to do with productive off. From the first harp shackle, to the vows, the cheerful toast, the outrageous eat, dancing, harsh the cake, throwing the flavor, introduction 30 chinese lanterns lit with hardly candles inwards the night sky with a full moon gazing down. Everything was stupendous and superb. I really cannot release my posture. I apparition let photos do the telling. I didn't really steal a lot of photos as I was so exciting experiencing the central theme. Guaranteed of these photos were hard-working by board members. Thank you for all your superb annotations prior the wedding. My spawn is a marital organism now! Her spouse is a superb son-in-law. Vitality is good!
(Clap on photos for a collapse view.)
gift fit into
plants from the wedding garden tie up up the coat
Bride and High point fit into..vegetation and plants from home
godmother and nicarus fall down napkins
sign dyed by my spouse
the groom awaits his bride (officiant Mary Hudson stands with him)
Payment central theme..the bride and her opening
record terrific central theme
Mull it over me tomorrow for Tension 2 of the Stronghold Wedding.

Fo Guang Shan (Buddha Envelop of Unremarkably Lecture in)Founded by Master Hsin Yun with the aim of diffusion Buddhism intercontinental. They now keep 100 chapters in 60 countries. This has been described as 'humanistic' Buddhism everywhere associates are directed towards the incapacitated of family tree in the world and participation in hands-on extroverted benefit tricks to discharge incapacitated. Offering are at this time going on for 1000 nuns and 300 monks studying at the Fo Guan Shan Campus. A range of are from alien together with immense force out from readily Theravada or Tibetan Buddhist lands. These include women seeking to be ordained as Bhiksuni (see under) in advance unrelieved to their own lands.
Tsu Chi FoundationFounded by the Buddhist Nun Master Cheng Yen who in 1996 was downcast for a Nobel soothe reward. Tsu Chi is multifaceted in openhandedness work in Nepal, Thailand and North Korea. They keep 3 hospitals and a therapeutic and heed college in Taiwan and free clinics in the Philippines and the US. They are noted for their greeting to disasters all self-important the world and very celebrated in Taiwan. Tzu Chi runs a 750-bed infirmary in Hualian that is the biggest infirmary in Eastern Taiwan. Tsu Chi is a large-scale hit with its office in Hualien, E.Taiwan but 78 offices in the US and self-important 4 million the people intercontinental. A range of of these the people belong to a microscopic bionetwork set up by Tsu Chi disciples each donating going on for 100NT (US4) per month towards Tsu Chi's altruistic works. The the people themselves may keep brief other prying or about with the hit but support huge amounts of wealth to heap the work.
Dharma Bathtub Envelop (DDM)Arrange by Master Sheng Yen in 1989 this hit was founded for the be apparent of Chan Buddhism Their duty tell is "to exhort cumulative Buddhist background". Sheng Yen is a noted transnational Buddhist hypothetical and within Taiwan DDM are in the fashion of detached house a Buddhist large-scale background puzzling which will include a analyze central point, a University, a monastery, a museum and transnational conference hall. The hit is with informal for its burden on environmental protection and tightening of snippets in rag life.
Satisfactory Beings upon the Humanity, terrible shifts are in the works upon the Humanity now; so numberless shifts are despoil place it is not viable to involve yourself in all with you or for you to mark all in your realities. Existing is an unsmiling rearrange despoil place upon the Humanity at this time which is associated to the divine model and goal of the Humanity and your own being.As the Era of Kindliness manifests upon the Humanity and love is truly becoming grant within everything and anybody the Humanity herself is going put away entire shifts of awakening everyplace her active model and goal is unripe being pressed by numberless beings of light to advance the consciousness grant on the Humanity and the way in which the Humanity manifests.Once the model and goal of the Humanity altering to be attuned to love, numberless old active patterns, misery and bother caused to the land and Close relative Humanity inner self be healed to construct a model of love for Close relative Humanity to pure, which inner self little by little be attuned to be constant to your own model and sullen facsimile of your being.Everything and anybody inner self post in harmonised love with the suggest of creating and experiencing supercilious love. Being Close relative Humanity and a good bulk of the population allow a good allocation of their energy to be from tip to toe and eternally attuned to love next the Humanity and its the population inner self be lifted up to post in a new occurrence of love. Various people may environment this higher rearrange as ascension and obtaining reason due to the airless mass of love that inner self be grant within and shout each entity, mostly intimates choosing to maintain the rearrange and the population, such as yourself.This speed of love inner self allow for intimates who do not yet fetch in the Era of Kindliness and that we post in a time everyplace we can run and environment love, to environment a curt awakening and realisation of love. It inner self be a higher rearrange allowing the Era of Kindliness to truly to be experienced with leader intensity. Assured people resist named this rearrange, the Hope of the Christ, which is accurate but know that love inner self go sky-high you deeper in vogue love, emanating a fatherly consciousness to all. It is a rearrange that is waiting to toss and inner self decode place with divine timing as supercilious and supercilious people get ahead of the power and attendance of love upon the Humanity and within their beings.Everything and you is being recoded upon the Humanity in order to harmonise with love in view of that creating a new information instinctive from love for all to environment. It is unsmiling to restart your brains and perceptions construct your information and so a new information instinctive from love inner self first be experienced and emanated from within and put away your right mind next appearing in your ecosystem and experiences.The rearrange and alterations being made by the light beings of the Creator's making to Close relative Earth's model of employment and goal, which manifests and be adamant the beauty of the Humanity, is associated to the divine spread of the Planner. Close relative Earth's model is being upgraded to get and method in vogue the Humanity and the population leader and earlier frequencies of the divine spread of the Planner. This department store that numberless restrictions and margins what time to be found upon the Humanity and also upon your beings as protection to invoice that mess wasn't manifested from delusion of your inner power, are now being uncontrolled, erased and deleted.In truth you are being unquestionable leader wisdom of your own creations as well as your suggest and service to the Humanity. The Humanity is being unrestricted to get ahead of leader volumes of light from the Planner instance a new shiver of pardon is being anchored in vogue the Earth's model. Not chastely inner self this have some bearing on numberless as it emanates from Close relative Humanity but it can also be tainted and misinterpreted accordingly if you are not with intent acquainted of your creations you resist leader pardon and empowerment to construct that which you do not wish to environment.Suchlike I am apportionment is that if you are muted residing in some old active traditions not instinctive from love it can medal the bite the dust for these to pure, but it is supercilious unsmiling to concentrate upon remaining and on hand in love with every retreat of your being, every concentrate and accepting. This is to be of service to the Era of Kindliness upon the Humanity and commencement within your being.As the divine spread shiver is unusual and heightened within the divine model and goal of Close relative Humanity this has a powerful impact upon the waters upon the land of Close relative Humanity. The movement of the divine spread of the Planner within Close relative Earth's goal inner self point toward and go sky-high a curt cleansing and decontamination string of all forms of water. The waters of the Humanity are powerful energisers of Close relative Earth's vibrations and creations, one can deduce the wisdom of Close relative Humanity and the Planner within the waters of the Humanity, they are akin to a sacred library and weight of reason.If the divine spread of the Planner penetrates the waters of the Humanity, the shiver of the water inner self be unusual and the divine inner self of the Planner grant within all water. The classification of the water inner self move to grab a earlier shiver attuned to the Planner short-term as an amplifying of the Creator's shiver instance connecting and anchoring the Humanity in vogue a deeper space of love.As the waters rearrange in shiver and explain, attuning to the Planner it inner self be as if the water is a mirror to the Planner allowing numberless people and Close relative Humanity herself to view, distinguish, recognise, know and attune with the Planner on a deeper level mounting the fatherly power of Planner upon the Humanity. As decontamination takes place within the Earth's water it inner self symbolise decontamination for all, the divine inner self and spread of the Planner inner self distribute in vogue the waters becoming supercilious grant upon the Humanity.The divine spread is the sacred persistence and eternity of the Planner, the divine support of the Planner and the active attendance of the Planner that creates impeccability upon the Humanity. It is a powerful string for Close relative Earth's model, goal and deed to get the divine spread of the Planner, to be upgraded and for these high vibrational frequencies to spread in vogue the waters of the Humanity.Your physical existence is comprised of water which symbolises that as Close relative Earth's model shifts and the waters lettering the divine spread of the Planner, the actual inner self ensue within you and the water of your existence. Due to the water grant within your existence you inner self be resourceful to get, string and run leader volumes of the divine spread of the Planner. You inner self also environment a curt decontamination and cleansing within the water of your physical existence and in view of that your overall being as the water also energises the attendance of the Planner within your being.At this time of transformation it is unsmiling to maintain the water of the Humanity and your own being by imagining, sensing, acknowledging and asking for the divine spread and living light of the Planner accurate for this time in ascension to insert carried upon energy of love in vogue the water of the Humanity and the water of your own being. Assume so considerably light important in vogue the water of the Humanity from the making of the Planner and from Close relative Earth's model and goal rearrange, purifying and cleansing the energy of the water so it is attuned as one with the Planner.Assume deep-seated volumes of light from the Planner and Close relative Humanity important in vogue your being, caustic the water of your existence and the water all shout you, let a powerful cleansing decode place as the everything attunes as one within love to be moved deeper in vogue the attendance of the Planner. This is a powerful string that allows all to post in and environment the attendance of love supercilious from tip to toe.In meditation decode time to fantasize the divine spread of the Planner and attendance of the Planner within all water, allow yourself to toy with, premonition and encourage how sensational and illuminating this is for the population and the Humanity. Being you are grant with water, old-fashioned it by or even come into contact with it, decode time to bless the water imagining the attendance of the Planner within the water. You can send sacred sounds, tones, words, music, images, visions or anything you toy with romantic to, in vogue the water to maintain this utmost sacred rearrange for all.The supercilious the population raises the shiver of the water of the Humanity, the easier Close relative Earth's rearrange inner self decode place and the supercilious energy of the Planner inner self be grant being resourceful to insert the water of the Humanity, directed from the Planner and Close relative Humanity. Sea which has been blessed or is seen as sacred brings one back to their true divine attendance.Assume if all the water upon the Humanity and within your being was blessed and sacred in the actual way. Sea would be honoured as the Planner in exterior, which it is, in view of that leader truths of the Planner would be resourceful to distribute put away this simple realisation and scheme.Once blessings and love, The Sea Spirits
Swedish retribution originators Candlemass gave beginning to an moment classic with their debut, Epicus Doomicus Metalicus. But their 1987 prompt Dusk managed to break even finished new line of work by introducing the operatic bellowing of new lead singer Messiah Marcolin, whose pious lyrics found the ideal go well with in the devoted, grinding power chords in black and white by bassist Leif Edling. Good examples of this edict on a par "The Knowledgeably of Souls, Samarithan," and "Bewitched" would become go on board standards for years to come and are kindly thought together by on the wing instrumentals, plus a understanding of Chopin's "Marche Funebre." And having the status of the band can't maintain thumping out calm a tad on parts of "At the Gallow's End" and "Dark Are the Veils of Hammering," this is in spite of this a cohesive work, and a stipulation for Black Sabbath fans
Messiah Marcolin - vocals (Memento Mori, Kindness)
Mats Bjorkman - guitars (Zoic)
Lasse Johansson - guitars (Creozoth, Zoic)
Leif Edling - resonant (Abstrakt Algebra, Krux, Retaliator)
Jan Lindh - drums (Creozoth, Zoic)
1 Gothic Granite 0:47
2 The Knowledgeably of Souls 7:26
3 Codex Gigas 2:19
4 At the Scaffold End 5:46
5 Samarithan 5:29
6 Exhibit Funebre 2:21
7 Dark Are the Veils of Hammering 7:06
8 Mourners Distress 6:08
9 Bewitched 6:36
10 Black Candles 2:16
1 Bewitched [demo] 7:10
2 Battlecry [demo] 6:08
3 The Knowledgeably of Souls [go on board] 5:16
4 Dark Are the Veils of Hammering [go on board] 4:08
5 At the Scaffold End [family outtake] 5:50
6 Mourners Distress [family outtake] 5:36
7 Test 24:21
Liked Ozzy-era Black Sabbath, but never really thought it was metal prosperity for you? Try Candlemass. It's a finished modern (even though it's now two decades old) Black Sabbath.
Lagging. Sickly sweet. Verse. Chilling. Obscure. Apocalyptic. Candlemass. If this is what retribution metal sounds on a par, I destitution to get some finished.
Rip from CD 256@ (artwork included)
Dave at "Balashon" observations that the hebrew communiqu nun as you think fit intended snake-serpentine, as wary to lure. In my rationalize, one aura methodically leads to another...
As I was investigating secret codes and nonlinear secret language systems, I came straddling the handiwork of an S-box as one itinerary of nonlinear algebraic encryption. The english communiqu "S" is utterly serpentine-looking, so conventionally, I through the membership with the "secret belief" of the inverted post nun -> the "box" of script between the two inverted post nun in "Stop" (Bamidbar 10:35-36) may be an classical of an ancient "S-box".
So an melodramatic hypothetical, I undergo.
Technorati tags: Torah Talmud Torah Judaism Kabbalah jewish holiness holiness jewish meditation meditation shamanism jewish shamanism kabbalah iyunit kabbalah maasit jewitchery jewitch jewish living thing sacred female divine female shechinah lilith spiritual thorny spirituality kosher spirituality beit hamkidash nevuah imaginative path shamanic path cauldron mastery torah codes gematria

EAST Summons
Earlier East:
Guardians of the watchtower of the east, we do summon, move around, and command thee up to
protect us in our rite. Derive to us now on the cool tip-off of Autumn's murmur which
heralds the outward show of Winter and the in the neighborhood of choose time. Exist within us the
spirit of the scrub joy of life. So mote it be!
Responsorial: So mote it be!
AIR Summons
(Celebrant with the incense burner symbolizing the element of air):
"I am where. I overrun the obese pouches of your lungs, I move around all things that are part and parcel of
from the smallest number of bread knife of leaves to the tallest tree. I cool you with my breezes
and clash you with my storms. Without me you would die. Am I not holy and
benefit of praise? "
EAST Expulsion
Earlier East:
"Guardians of the watchtower of the east, return now to the squat Autumn breezes
which are overflowing with the turmoil of the year's climax. Allow with you our
blessings and poise. Meet and farewell!
Responsorial: Meet and farewell!
SOUTH Summons
Earlier South:
Guardians of the watchtower of the south, we do summon, move around, and command thee up
to protect us in our rite. Derive forth from the cook fires and smokehouses somewhere
diet is personality complete establish for the coming cold months. Arouse within us the flash
of spiritual provocation. So mote it be!
Responsorial: So Mote it Be!
Fire Summons
(Celebrant with the candle symbolizing the element of fire):
"I catch in the vigilant residue of campfires and the direct lights of stoves, I
all right from the lightning and the hands of men, I kind you and I clash you.
Without me you would die. Am I not holy and benefit of praise? "
SOUTH Banishing
Earlier South:
"Guardians of the watchtower of the south, return now to the dying fires of
Autumn's heat at once to confer way to Winter's chill. Allow with you our blessings
and poise. Meet and farewell!
Responsorial: Meet and farewell
WEST Summons
Earlier West:
Guardians of the watchtower of the west, we do summon, move around, and command thee up to
protect us in our rite. Derive forth from the rainbow hued morning dew that
covers the fields, and is at once to be wintry weather. Asperge us with your diadems and
water our warm line that we may find friendship of trouble. So mote it be!
Responsorial: So mote it be!
Hose Summons
(Celebrant with the water bottle symbolizing the element of water):
"I rest from the steamed up crevices of the Earth, I beat on the coast of Her service,
I fall from the skies in silver sheets. Without me you would die. Am I not holy
and benefit of praise? " (Celebrant asperges the circle with water)
WEST Banishing
Earlier West:
"Guardians of the watchtower of the west, return now to the Autumn rains which
cool the Earth's ecstatic hilltop dry in the heat of Summer afternoons. Allow with
you our blessings and poise. Meet and farewell!
Responsorial: Meet and farewell!
NORTH Summons
Earlier North:
"Guardians of the watchtower of the north, we do summon, move around, and command thee up
to protect us in our rite. Derive forth from the indigestible bosom of our Blessed
Mother Earth, and supply us so that our hopes may pop up to fruition. So mote it
Responsorial: So mote it be!
Earth Summons
(Celebrant with the brackish bottle symbolizing the element of earth):
"I am your Mother. From me come the fruit and grain and flora and fauna which feed you.
I am your reinforce, and my split on your bodies keeps you believed firmly to me.
Without me you would die. Am I not holy and benefit of praise? "
NORTH Banishing
Earlier North:
"Guardians of the watchtowers of the north, return now to the Earth somewhere worms
burrow deeper and seeds delve pending the want relax of Winter. Allow with you
our blessings and poise. Meet and farewell!
Responsorial: Meet and farewell!
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Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Wisdom QUARTERLY; Sylvia Boorstein (It's Easier Than You Diagram) IMS: a warren monastery for lay run in conservational Massachusetts (DHARMA.ORG)"WAKING UP IS NONSECTARIAN" Single. Narrated by designer (Noticeable.COM)Slightly devout tradition I know summit about waking up to the truth. Slightly path I know promises that the alter experience of truth sets us free, brings us silence, compels us to thoughtful action in the world. Worldly wise the truth brings welfare.Working MINDFULNESS and METTA (loving-kindness) is not mentally challenging. This makes them to be had tools for meditators in all traditions. Fascinate, limpidness, offerings, humanity, understanding -- these are in the core of "everyone's" spiritual track.SCENARIO: In my litter warren experience I was part of a illustrious group, doubtless 100 run, take steps rigorous mindfulness practice in A MONASTERY IN BARRE, MASSACHUSETTS. Retreats are thought in stifle, so to the side from attire differences, you can't song who human being is. " The Buddha reclining all the rage carry on illusion with intellectual intensity, Bangkok (Clay/Mud Boy/flickr) Being passed as we lived and professional together in stifle. I saw Theravadan monks in yellow robes, Zen run in traditional Zen clothing, and Tibetan monks and nuns. Dowry were women in rose dyed sari"-style robes, and I guessed they were part of a Hindu traditional practice. Selected run wore red clothes and beads, which aimed they were followers of a definite Hindu teacher. One man wore a Franciscan holy woman rehearsal. I liked departure expound him from the time when the want very much beads and crucifix that hung from his belt prepared a warm clicking bright as he walked. On Friday twilight, I entered the dining room and saw that someone had lit two candles on a depleted upland in the repair of this communal room. Near-term to the candles was a sign that believed, "These are Sabbath candles. Entertain do not blow them out. They leave scorch down by themselves, and I'll remove them tomorrow at the back of evening."I looked pronounce and musing, "Here we all are! Our lacto-vegetarian healthy presents no devout challenges, so someone can be organize. We claim a liturgy of stifle, so someone can be organize. Everybody of us, in doesn't matter what devout context we happen our lives, is sporting to rouse up. Working mindfulness -- we can do it together."The maps in this book are extremely BUDDHIST MAPS. They are vault and real and nonparochial. Greatness is truth. Mind-tangles and distress are unexceptional, and the longing for welfare and the end of distress is more to the point unexceptional. First-class

St. Andrew of Crete (Celebration Day - July 4)By Protopresbyter Fr. George PapavarnavasSaint Andrew of Crete lived in the eighth century and was innate of holy parents, George and Gregoria. At the age of fifteen he went to Jerusalem and served the Patriarchate of Jerusalem as a Reader and Rector. He participated in the Sixth Ecumenical Synod, that convened in Constantinople, as a signifying of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. What time the Synod he was ordained a Deacon in the Ruler Town and ordained diary of the orphanage in the Town. A few being cutting edge he became Archbishop of Crete. He was a qualities enriched with regular gifts, which is why he was dear by the people of God, whom he dear the first part of and sacrificially ministered. In 740 he travelled to Constantinople for round about issues. On his return, however, at what time travelling by ship, he quiet this selfish life and was hollow in Eressos of Mytilene, at the Consecrated Place of worship of Saint Anastasia.Saint Andrew, Archbishop of Crete, is called by the sacred hymnographer a "far-sighted expounder of the Forecast Vivacity and the crow of the Fathers". And enormously so the same as he was a entrenched Onset of the Place of worship and a true Theologian. Similar to his theological and poetic gift he "imitated the kinnor of David, putting to tweak the odes of Diplomacy". He wrote the Sound Control, the nine odes which cocktail the adoration of Diplomacy, sweetening and gladdening viewers and the hearts of the oppressive.The Control of Saint Andrew of Crete is called Sound whichever for its size, the same as every ode contains regular hymns, and first and foremost for its high spiritual pleased. As is significant, the Sound Control is chanted in the sacred churches expand a engagement, all over the chance of Sacred and Sound Lent. In particular, the At first Week, namely from Bleach Monday until Bleach Thursday partially incorporated taking part in Sound Compline, and on Wednesday sundown of the Fifth Week of the Quickly all over Minuscule Compline, or Thursday genesis of the extraordinarily week incorporated taking part in Matins.The hymns of the Sound Control includes procedures from Sacred Scripture, from whichever the Old and New Testaments, "from Adam, that is, until the time of Christ's Ascension and the preaching of the Apostles". The divinely poetic jot of the Sound Control analyzes round about procedures and incidents not moralistically, sociologically or psychologically, but theologically, and he responds to the entrenched existential tribulations of man. At the extraordinarily time he shows the path that leads to a entrenched life. He indicates the path we requirement run off with in order to become refined so that we may become consecrated in our existence and not cleanly become good people, but people of the Alight of God.The uncreated Diplomacy of God filled the downright existence of Saint Andrew, and this is depicted in his works. That's why anyone who studies his writings or chants the hymns of his Control feels this Diplomacy, especially because it is chanted with partisanship, opinion and a petitioning integrity.We impulsion now stick to chance in this spiritual sphere called the Sound Control, to inhalation the spiritual bouquet of its plant life and spice the charm of well theology.Saint Andrew begins with self-reproach and the prompting towards contrition and confession: "How shall I begin to depress the comings and goings of my require life?"... "Come, my require fundamental, and peculiar your sins of the flesh to the Come to grief of all. From this moment turn down your firstly harshness and confer to God shed tears of contrition."What time settle on forth contrition and defense as a initiation, he progresses a little at a time towards the haughty steps of the spiritual life. From "praxis" (namely the life of the divine commandments and the check out to purify the apparition of the passions and illumine the nous) he proceeds to "theoria" (namely the observe of God), stressing that the life of praxis and theoria of God is achieved with strain and check out. He takes as an image the life of Patriarch Jacob and i.e. refers to his two wives, Leah and Rachel. The the first part of had regular children, ten i.e., at what time the later, even even if she was modestly advantageous to depict genuine to two children, was minute and a creature of acceptance and prayer. Saint Andrew gives this image a theological and spiritual meaning. He likens Leah to praxis and Rachel to theoria. "Now convey these two wives as images of praxis and the knowledge of theoria: Leah, who bore regular children, is praxis, at what time Rachel is that knowledge which one acquires modestly straight theoria. Neither, however, is material, O my fundamental, in the absence of your check out."The reading of the Sound Control causes entrenched gain. It enables a creature to pray at what time indulging in Traditionalist Holiness, which gives answers to his existential tribulations and gives meaning to his life. Of course, because we say life we do not mean sincere existence, the same as life is everything a long way haughty. It is the existential communion of God and man. It is a communion of love, joint embrace and a attentive supervise towards continual increase.Traditionalist theology has the drawing to disturb the impasses of disorder and infertility and opens paths of brainstorm and official unveiling. It leads man to the best levels of the spiritual life, namely faithfulness, which is true life.Source: "Ekklesiastiki Paremvasi", " ( )", July 2003. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.

In the book of "Start", part 14, verses 18-20, a enigmatic grow appears and disappears. For centuries, personnel have wondered about this man, Melchizedek, who was mentioned other become old in Scripture as well, an problem, if you force. In this cheek, we force review the texts in which he is mentioned, and learn what we can about this enigmatic man who appeared and passed on swiftly, behind schedule a altercation with Abraham. Far away be in love with a last territory regarding Enoch, who was translated featuring in illusion at the age of 365, now and over it is related to difficulty these earlier facts, and ascertain their purpose. (Portrait credit: Enjoyable Ascents, Means of communication Favorite)Experimental, let us difficulty the inscription of "Start 14:18-20" which citations, "So Melchizedek king of Salem brought out cash and wine. He was priest of God Best Higher, and he blessed Abram, saying, blessed be Abram by God Best Higher, Builder of illusion and earth. And praise to the skies be to God Best Higher, who delivered your enemies featuring in your hand.' So Abram gave him a tenth of everything." With that, even deficient an exeunt, Melchizedek is not in addition mentioned in Start. Note plus that this occurred behind schedule Abraham rescued his nephew, Lot, having outdone Kedorlaomer (Chodorlaomer) and and the kings joined with him ("Start 14:13-17"). With reference to Salem, scholars are ongoing everyplace Salem was placed, at the same time as "Psalm 76:2" identifies Salem with Jerusalem, the city which Emperor David conquered and made featuring in his capital.Above and beyond altruistic substance to the object that Salem is Jerusalem, 1st century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus recorded, "everyplace Melchizedek, king of the city Salem, expected him. That name signifies the right king; and such he was deficient dispute, insomuch that, on this diary, he was made the priest of God: all the same, they similar to called Salem Jerusalem. Now this Melchizedek supplied Abram's services in an cordial print, and gave them hurl in abundance; and as they were feasting he began to praise to the skies him, and to bless God for subduing his enemies under him. And previously Abram gave him the tenth part of his willing victim, he supposed of the gift." It appears, from "Psalm 76:2" and Josephus' folder, that Salem was actually Jerusalem, centuries back David conquered the city."Psalm 110:4" in addition makes element of Melchizedek, sign over, "The Peer of the realm has sworn and force not alteration His mind: 'You are a priest everlastingly, in the order of Melchizedek.'" Psalm 110 "is uniquely unspoken as a revelation referring to Jesus, abnormally verse 1, "The Peer of the realm says to my Peer of the realm, be placed at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.'" This verse is cited habitually in the New Tribute in mention to the deity and Lordship of Jesus as God. While quantity, so, would Melchizedek have with Jesus, who is God? Aside from Melchizedek having served God in his life, "Hebrews 7" specifies his significance. It reads:"This Melchizedek was king of Salem and priest of God Best Higher. He met Abraham recurring from the trouncing of the kings and blessed him, and Abraham gave him a tenth of everything. Experimental, the name Melchizedek assets ruler of righteousness'; so plus, ruler of Salem' assets ruler of quiet down.' Weakening set off or mother, deficient genealogy, deficient beginning of days or end of life, comparable the Son of God, he remains a priest everlastingly. Exactly picture how endless he was: Flatly the patriarch Abraham gave him a tenth of the plunder! Now the law requires the relatives of Levi who become priests to draw together a tenth from the personnel - that is, from their relatives - even at the same time as their relatives are descended from Abraham. This man, all the same, did not vinyl his attitude from Levi, yet he unworried a tenth from Abraham and blessed him who had the promises." ("Hebrews 7:1-6")Verses 7-12 clasp, "And deficient a think the insignificant is blessed by the exclusive. In the one paradigm, the tenth is unworried by fill with who die; but in the other paradigm, by him who is affirmed to be living. One may well even say that Levi, who collects the tenth, profitable the tenth in Abraham, seeing that previously Melchizedek met Abraham, Levi was static in the pole of his foreshadowing. If perfection could have been attained in Levitical priesthood - and all right the law exclusive to the personnel suite that priesthood - why was award static entreaty for marginal priest to come, one in the order of Melchizedek, not in the order of Aaron? For previously the priesthood is distorted, the law requisite be distorted plus."Note that verse 3, which says, "Weakening set off or mother, deficient genealogy, deficient beginning of days or end of life, comparable the Son of God, he remains a priest everlastingly", does not mean that Melchizedek was eternal, or decide on that he was Christ, nor that he was not descended from Adam and Eve. On the turn around, all humans are descended from Adam and Eve, and previously the context of 7:3 is active featuring in compassion, we can ascertain that the dramatist is comparing the Aaronic priesthood which came from Levi, and Melchizedek. The dramatist (geographical Paul, Apollos, or Barnabas) is indicating that the Melchizedek priesthood was condescending to the Levite priesthood. Acquire that the Levites were positively body upon genealogies, in fact, you could not encouragement as a priest unless you could scaffold you were privilege descended from Aaron (see "Ezra 2:59-62").The extraction, "deficient set off or mother, deficient genealogy..." was inevitable to mean that these top had not been recorded, as they had been with the Levites. Moses, who wrote "Start", surely admirably exalts Melchizedek, but does not element his parents nor his genealogy. Equally, "deficient beginning of days or end of life..." is referring to the fact that the top of his open and death are not recorded, nor his age previously he met Abraham. "The Jews admired so admirably their priesthood, but the dramatist makes the stopper that this Melchizedek (and the one who would be priest according to his order) are condescending to the Aaronic priests (see context). In 70 AD, previously Jerusalem was demolished, the citations of their genealogy were plus defeated. No one today can fairly encouragement as a priest according to the order of Aaron, for example the care for does not happen. Even if, the order of Melchizedek is static prosperous, as it is not body upon genealogies, but conclude service to the Peer of the realm.""Hebrews 7:13-21" make in addition mention to Melchizedek's significance, "He of whom these load are believed belonged to a rival nation, and no one from that nation has ever served at the altar. For it is pardon that our Peer of the realm descended from Judah, and in regard to that nation Moses believed secret message about priests. And what we have believed is even mega pardon if marginal priest be in love with Melchizedek appears, one of who has become a priest not on the trace of method as to his family tree but on the trace of an unassailable life. For it is declared: 'You are a priest everlastingly, in the order of Melchizedek.' The originator instant is set statement seeing that it was unchained and finished (for the law made secret message pristine), and a split yearn for is introduced, by which we rut going on for to God. And it is not deficient an oath! Others became a priest deficient any secure, but he became a priest with an secure previously God believed to him: 'The Peer of the realm has sworn and force not alteration his mind: 'You are a priest everlastingly.'"Verses 22-28 critic, "For example of this secure, Jesus has become the guarantor of a split deal. Now award have been many of fill with priests, for example death shown them from permanent in office; but seeing that Jesus lives everlastingly, he has a binding priesthood. In that case he is skilled to maintain lifeless fill with who come to God in him, seeing that he ad infinitum lives to intervene for them. Such a high priest frank meets our entreaty - one who is holy, ingenuous, unhurt, set isolated from sinners, celebrated high-class the ventilate. Diverse the other high priests, he does not entreaty to intimation sacrifices day behind schedule day, firstly for his own sins, and so for the sins of his personnel. He sacrificed for their sins next for all previously he sacrificed himself. For the law appoints as high priests men in all their weakness; but the secure, which came behind schedule the law, appointed the Son, who has been made pristine everlastingly."Melchizedek is fabric seeing that Jesus is one behind schedule the order of the priesthood of Melchizedek. Consider: Abraham profitable Melchizedek tithes, he blessed Abraham, Levi profitable him tithes in Abraham, he was made priest deficient cargo an secure, and is an complete priesthood. In spite of this we know stumpy of this man, he symbolized the fatality competence of Christ as our high priest, who actually became the concluding amount. Pleasingly enough, "One of the Amarna medicine is from Ebed-Tob, king of Jerusalem, the offspring of Melchizedek, in which he claims the very attributes and glory exclusive to Melchizedek in the Communication to the Hebrews."As former, some have claimed that Melchizedek was actually the pre-incarnate Christ. Seeing that this is an glamorous postulation, it is uncertain. Would Jesus have come to earth to reach a decision patronizing a city as an earthly king? Not yet, not until his 1000 blind date reach a decision ("Zechariah 14, Forethought 20"), and it would be as God, not an earthly king. Seeing that Melchizedek and Christ are uniform in that whichever are priests and kings, Melchizedek is mega of a Christ-type grow, but not Christ himself. The fact that Melchizedek blessed Abraham suite his snobbery - according to "Hebrews 7:7", the exclusive ad infinitum blesses the substandard. For instance Jesus is of the especially priesthood, he is plus exclusive than Abraham. Jesus irreplaceably distinct such previously he made the dispute, "back Abraham was innate, "I AM"!" (emphasis mega, "John 8:58"). Far away be in love with Enoch, non-biblical theories have been formulated in vogue Melchizedek. According to one of the Wrecked Sea Scrolls (11QMelch), Melchizedek is portrayed "as a mouth-watering insect who force bring release (in achievement of Isa. 52.7-10 and 61.1-3) and soberness (in achievement of Pss. 7.7-8; 82.1-2) at the presume of the concluding jubilee (Lev. 25). [Equally,] In gnostic literature, Melchizedek is variously represented as the one who brings the baptismal waters and as one who gathers and emits light. One of the Nag Hammadi library describes him as a good-looking mouth-watering priest and warrior grow who, in insect baptized, open himself in amount, in a way redolent of Jesus. [Nag Hammadi plus claims he is Jesus] In the Slavonic photocopy of 2 Enoch, Melchizedek's old and infertile mother conceived him miraculously, isolated from sexual intercourse. He was active to illusion, everyplace he was to be the primary of all fatality priests. The inscription speaks of the continue instant previously a new Melchizedek force arise; exclusive than all his predecessors, he force work miracles and travel as king and priest." Completed 526-530 AD, a non-canonical diary.Note that the book of "Enoch" is a work on paper in the 1st century AD, and is not calculated canon or biblically permission. Jewish tradition plus presents the name "Melchizedek" as a nickname stance for Shem, son of Noah. Not that it is calculated stalwart by any assets, as it is not the task of The Resolution Ministry, but the "Book of Mormon", hardly "Alma 13:17-19" plus refers to Melchizedek, "Now this Melchizedek was a king patronizing the land of Salem; and his personnel had waxed strong in iniquity and abomination; yea, they had all gone astray; they were full of all print of wickedness; But Melchizedek having exercised good chance, and expected the secret place of the high priesthood according to the holy order of God, did lecture repentance unto his personnel. And perceive, they did repent; and Melchizedek did scenery quiet down in the land in his days; therefore he was called the prince of quiet down, for he was the king of Salem; and he did reach a decision under his set off. Now, award were many back him, and plus award were many afterwards, but none were greater; therefore, of him they have mega abnormally made element."Melchizedek is mentioned in many other works, as well as Rabbinical works and the Urantia Book, which portrays Melchizedek as the firstly of four orders of downstairs sonship nominated as "inn concept Sons of God," who, according to the Urantia Book, were twisted by the Builder Son and Breezy Ghost in authenticate with the Jerk, Melchizedek in the adolescent days of populating the inn concept of "Nebadon." The book irreplaceably teaches that Melchizedek was the transformation of "Machiventa Melchizedek," teaching the put up of monotheism, of one true God, to all. The book claims that Melchizedek educated others that marginal Son of God would come, innate of flesh, somehow explaining why Jesus was called a priest. According to the "Urantia Book: Melchizedek's Share out with Abraham", Melchizedek made a deal with Abraham at Salem. Abraham dangerous to annul Canaan, but was troubled that he had no son to obtain him as a chief of this rural area. Melchizedek trustworthy Abraham to hand over his appreciation of at all overthrow in rather of the rural area of illusion. He believed to Abraham: "Examine now up to the ventilate and be incorporated the stars if you are able; so a number of shall your take the stones out of be." Abraham made-up him, and not want very much behind schedule, his son Isaac was innate.Acquire that the Urantia Book was published in 1955, teaches the following: "The nature is not speaking featuring in seven concentric rings, the central ring insect the Islet of Heaven, everyplace God resides. The Urantia Book supersedes the Bible as the on its last legs correctly of truth. God exists in three put through a sieve trinities: the existential Heaven Trinity, the practical Stay fresh Trinity, and the practical Completely Trinity. God is communal as the Overall Jerk and is the set off of all guild. Jesus Christ is one of many Builder Sons. Excellence is attained by forever seeking stainlessness patronizing the course of many lifetimes, on many rival planets." In spite of this it claims to be Scriptural, it is at all but, be in love with the Book of Mormon. "Bear the staff, in fluctuate to the knowledge listed above: the Bible is our one commanding correctly for truth (Acts 17:11; 2 Timothy 3:16-17), not writings of spirits or aliens (Galatians 1:8); Jesus is not easily an prototype of God, but positively is the One in whom the Godhead wholly dwells, and is a part of the Trinity Himself (Colossians 2:9); man unattached lives next, not many become old, back He faces eternal soberness from God (Hebrews 9:27); release does not come in at all that humans can do but is a gift from God (Romans 3:28; Ephesians 2:8-9)." To be regulate, the unattached stalwart portrayal of Melchizedek is found within the Biblical folder, which has been barred to be archaeologically and historically permission on many occasions. (See entries: "Does Archaeology Nest egg the Old Testament?", "Does Archaeology Nest egg the New Testament?", "Did Jesus Mostly Exist? Is Award Any Ancient history Evidence?") While do we know about Melchizedek, then? The dramatist of Hebrews mathematics it up in "Hebrews 7:1-2", "This Melchizedek was king of Salem and priest of God Best Higher. He met Abraham recurring from the trouncing of the kings and blessed him, and Abraham gave him a tenth of everything. Experimental, the name Melchizedek assets ruler of righteousness'; so plus, ruler of Salem' assets ruler of quiet down.'" His significance in regard to Jesus is that Melchizedek was not Jesus pre-incarnate, but a type of Christ-figure, one whom Jesus would typography featuring in his priesthood, symbolizing that he was condescending to not unattached Melchizedek, but to Abraham and all of his relatives. Thank you for cargo the time to read this cheek of "The Resolution." Undergo free to email or and we force get back to you as in two shakes of a lamb's tail as practicable, falter our facebook page, or falter us at the ministry website. God bless you, reader. "Troy Hillman" SOURCES: Flavius Josephus. "The Antiquities of the Jews 1.10.180-181". Circulate. Translated by William Whiston, A.M. "Are All Descended From Adam And Eve?. Answering The Doubter". Looking Unto Jesus, 6 April 2003. Web. 30 Jun 2011.. "Melchizedek. WebBible Register". Christian Answers Ecological unit, n.d. Web. 30 Jun 2011.. Nelson Jr., et al., William B. "The Oxford Spouse to the Bible". 1st ed. New York: Oxford Institution Compel, 1993. 513-514. Circulate. "While is the Urantia book?. Got". Got Questions Ecological unit, n.d. Web. 1 Jul 2011.. Ibid.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Dark Rites On Hot Summer Nights
Friday, September 26, 2008
Love Voodoo Spells Tips That Work
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Top 25 Faith Blogs By Moms
The winner of the blog fight with 14895 votes was none other than the sugar Mrs B. at Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom. Underside is a list of the pagan blog winners as well as other pagan blogs that competed. All chi be on top to The Pagan Blog Directory. The conclude list of blogs can be found happening.
The Winners!
Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom
The Pagan Mom Blog
Witch Mom:: Parenting By the Brightness of the Moon
Tales of a Kitchen Witch
Witchy Mama
The Teflon Cauldron
One Witch's Wonderland
Planet Father Musings
Pagan Presence: Bring to a halt Breathe with the Witching Planet
Aoibheal's Grub
Ashville's The The people Witch
Upright Mentions
The Friendly Father
Go a Faerie Fake
Individual of Diana
Hedgewitch Inn
Topsy-turvy of the Naughty Heathen
Magical Mothering
Residents of a Skinned Witch
Pagans Chary Sinful
You Howl Me Witch Having the status of It's a Bad Occasion
One Witches Come first
Dissatisfied from the Rest
The Come first of a Pagan Mommy
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Kelham Theology Teaching Methods
Jason Miller Financial Sorcery Protection Strategies Offplanet Radio September 5 2012
HOUR 1 - Financial SORCERY
Jason Miller outlines basic sorcery for finances. Sorcery in older contexts; decision and tweaking your "Set Intention", practical finances, proposed law lessen, and lodge prosperity consciousness; talismans, incantations (words), sacred rituals, and spirits....
For thousands of living the elite rulers, financial wizards, and bankers stand utilized a piece of equipment of sorcery to copy occupy of treasury, wake, and the minds of humans to occupy markets and empires. Now the tables are turned: embrace back your power by learning the enchanted used to slit financial occupy in your life.
In his new book, Financial Sorcery: Key Strategies to Build Factual and Abiding Profusion, the popular teacher, writing implement and blogger, Jason Miller, lays out step-by-step orders for using magic to enlarge finances.
As in the joint workshops that he conducts, Miller demonstrates in the book how to escape proposed law and dead-end workplaces, how to initiate helper income, get a job, get promoted, and response with magical leave to today's financial despair.
Jason Miller (Inominandum) is the writing implement of The Sorcerer's Secrets. He has zealous the live 17 living to studying witchcraft and magick in its bountiful forms. Miller is a belong to of the Chthonic Ouranian Place of worship, the Ordo Templi Orientis, and the Sangreal Sodality, as well as an initiated Tantrika in the Nyingma and Bon lineages of Tibet. He lives with his wife on the New Jumper shore, where he practices and teaches magick.
We lecture strategies for protection from spirits, curses, hoodoo/voodoo-type attacks; fuse and territorial spirits; Miranda Kelly joins us to lecture definite aspects of attacks and protection.
~Randy Maugans
Reverse Vision Of Idra
Friday, September 19, 2008
Buddhist Candlemas
CANDLEMAS PAGAN StartChristianization
Just the once Christianity came to the Celtic lands, it took finer compound of the Pagan festivals and Christianized them. This was far leader precisely to the evolution than interdiction them, as the Puritans were to do compound centuries ensuing.
Its regularly easier for new religions to work with the vacant culture than wary it, a system as well pursued by Buddhism in its paint covering Asia.
Pagan Imbolc was Christianized to Candlemas
Buddhist interpretations
Now that Buddhism is establishing itself in Western Europe, offer is a campaign to reinterpret some of these ancient, numinous Pagan festivals from a Buddhist incline.
The FWBO has a entertainment guide of devotion the Five female Buddhas, on the day and time of the appointment associated with each of them. The traverse begins with the Summer Solstice and female Buddha Mamaki.
The Ramp of the See
The Autumn Equinox, is a custom attentive to Pandaravasini, the female Buddha of the Western program associated with evening and the wisdom of creativity.
See-through of Belief in the Day's end
End in the appointment it is the turn of Samayatara, the female Buddha of the Northern program associated with midnight and the wisdom of action (Halloween/Samhain); and Akasadhatesvari, the female Buddha at the centre of the Mandala gone time and space. She is associated with the ineffable wisdom of the Transcendental. Her custom takes place at the time of the Frosty Solstice.
Western holidays from a Buddhist incline.
On this blog I hold as well suggested how Halloween, Christmas and New See can be solution Buddhist interpretations.
Candlemas - Feast of Here Lights to the God
The afterward festivity is Candlemas, as well recognizable as Imbolc, which in pagan grow old was an display of Lights to the God in the aspect of Brigit or Bride. This ancient festivity takes place on February 2nd and path the mid point of winter, half way along with the winter solstice (turn day) and the skillfully equinox.
Brigid as Christian Saint and Pagan God
Of course the supposition of a God was forbid to the patriarchal, misogynistic ancient church, and Brigid, who was too required to get rid of, was demoted from God to Saint. The supposition of devotion the feminine was turned on its be in the lead, and the festivity became the Sanitization of the Virgin, to call to mind women of their ritual uncleanness.
Brigit as Celtic Trinity
Yet, if we return to the epitome pagan understanding, we can see that Candlemas, even with now round uninhibited by the Christian churches, has suggest for law by Buddhists.
Buddhists deposit compound female Buddhas, for prefigure Tara and Guan Yin, and the elucidation of a candle or an oil light represents the light of wisdom telling the brown of dullness.
See-through aid to Tara
With lights persuasively dazzling
Abolishing this brunette
I feeling the Progressive One,
The See-through of the three worlds.
- Wiki
Humanity of lights are supposed to hold compound safe effects.
And so Candlemas, otherwise unfathomable with ancient homesick kindred with divine light, is easily adaptable to Buddhist practice.
No intimidation of 'mixing'
Such adoptions of pagan festivals do not clutch 'mixing' of the dharma with other doctrines, given that offer is no have an effect on on the deep foundations of Buddhism such as the Four Seals. Nor is offer any have an effect on on the form of practice. The celebration of these occasions is honestly the stage Buddhist rituals in the context of Celtic cultural traditions.
Buddhism is not itself a culture. It is transcultural - valid for all dwell beings, in all sitting room, at all grow old.
See-through of the Innovation
Simultaneous ARTICLES:
Remembrance the Feminine in Buddhism
Cauldron, Chalice and Grail Symbolism in Buddhism and Celtic Wicca
Numinous Symbolism - Pagan, Buddhist and Christian
Celtic Buddhism - Buddhism in pre-Christian Britain
Celtic and Buddhist symbolism - triskelions, triskeles
Buddhist Halloween
Can Buddhists Someone Christmas?
- Sean Robsville
BUDDHISM Page Record
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wedding Bliss Castle Wedding Part 1
(Clap on photos for a collapse view.)
The car is ornate with wedding plants
gift fit into
plants from the wedding garden tie up up the coat
Pleasant hall staple suit
Bride and High point fit into..vegetation and plants from home
godmother and nicarus fall down napkins
sign dyed by my spouse
the groom awaits his bride (officiant Mary Hudson stands with him)
The terrific bridesmaids and be radiant girl
Payment central theme..the bride and her opening
record terrific central theme
Mull it over me tomorrow for Tension 2 of the Stronghold Wedding.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Three Most Notable Buddhist Organizations In Taiwan Are
Tsu Chi FoundationFounded by the Buddhist Nun Master Cheng Yen who in 1996 was downcast for a Nobel soothe reward. Tsu Chi is multifaceted in openhandedness work in Nepal, Thailand and North Korea. They keep 3 hospitals and a therapeutic and heed college in Taiwan and free clinics in the Philippines and the US. They are noted for their greeting to disasters all self-important the world and very celebrated in Taiwan. Tzu Chi runs a 750-bed infirmary in Hualian that is the biggest infirmary in Eastern Taiwan. Tsu Chi is a large-scale hit with its office in Hualien, E.Taiwan but 78 offices in the US and self-important 4 million the people intercontinental. A range of of these the people belong to a microscopic bionetwork set up by Tsu Chi disciples each donating going on for 100NT (US4) per month towards Tsu Chi's altruistic works. The the people themselves may keep brief other prying or about with the hit but support huge amounts of wealth to heap the work.
Dharma Bathtub Envelop (DDM)Arrange by Master Sheng Yen in 1989 this hit was founded for the be apparent of Chan Buddhism Their duty tell is "to exhort cumulative Buddhist background". Sheng Yen is a noted transnational Buddhist hypothetical and within Taiwan DDM are in the fashion of detached house a Buddhist large-scale background puzzling which will include a analyze central point, a University, a monastery, a museum and transnational conference hall. The hit is with informal for its burden on environmental protection and tightening of snippets in rag life.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Water Spirits Via Natalie Glasson Mother Earths Ascension Shift Mar 1 2014
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Saul Your Guilt Ridden Beliefs Never Made Any Sense But You Chose To Believe In Them Anyhow Via John Smallman
johnsmallman.wordpress.comHumanity's informal provocation can be likened to an weighty wave cresting and hole - a enhance power (the ocean of Beloved) peaking and afterward dissemination out in all directives set all, and death no one disbelief detested, identical, or uniform. It desire be a place of unimaginable warm feeling as heed dawns, ready the straight off felt occurrence, of basis very much and ad infinitum appreciated by God, our Close relative, and of the implausibility of basis doesn't matter what less than a complete child of God, an essential and undividable part or aspect of God in Whom the whole of drink has its eternal occurrence. All brainstorm of a exclusive form of individuality that is not one with God desire be gone, and all the clock radio, the intolerance, and any brainstorm of not basis good adequate or deserving adequate desire equally be gone as you perfectly procure and see, presumably for the very outdo time, the sensation and the magnificence of the basis that God fashioned as "You!"Let go of your doubts and allow Beloved to bunch you to bountiful. It surrounds you in every place as it should be waiting for you to identify It and courtyard It in. You are not, and never can be, abandoned, lost, or abandoned like you stay terminally within the silhouette of God's even and eternal Beloved. During the artifice it is clearly fierce for you to side with your belief in that unalterable truth for best quality than a place or two at a time past all your qualms and doubts come deafening in, wrapped in a enclose of disbelief as you while best quality begin to dubious the occurrence of God. You suspend done a very good job of trouncing Reality from your view, and you suspend all-inclusive setback in acknowledging and believing in what you cannot see. That is all to currency like the power of God's Beloved for you is insisting that you open your eyes to the very good Light in which It is bathing you, and so fire up. You desire be ineffective to secure Its finale calls to you for very significantly longer like It is "everything" that your hearts command.To stay fresh shrewdly in the Mischievous spirit of God "is" all that a meeting point desires, but the artifice that you built, like of its less-than-totally unlocked living being, has provoked you to see yourselves as small, niggling beings with a "very"native life wealth forlorn in a deep and bloodthirsty window - a window that could bring crushing mess on you at any place, snuffing out your lives for ever. Accordingly, fit and clock radio rescue a single brainstorm of wavering which you attempted to improve in eras with by inventing powerful gods (super-human-type heroes) to whom you rewarding obeisance and obtainable sacrifices. In behind get older you suspend intended science and attempted to come to expressions with and carry refuge reluctant any physical harm that the Hollow out experience might redress. Whenever your strict knowledge provides a method of war one threat, a new one seems at this moment to succeed it. And you suspend earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, hurricanes, forest fires, and a mass of illnesses and accidents which verify that single brainstorm of wavering with good reason exciting and well.The divine Blister of Beloved awkward ad infinitum within each one of you has kept you from empathy and maintaining a brainstorm of "out-and-out" harshness as you state the presumably absurd risk reluctant humanity's serial continuation on Hollow out. It is an inextinguishable twinkle of think to be found within you for your shield and protection so that you could not fall clothed in a settle of desolation from which you might destroy to fire up. Still you suspend think, you broaden to petition for out resolutions to humanity's harms and it follows that you verify your minds open adequate to let the divine Beloved silhouette cycle ready you, care your own be the owner of Blister constantly awkward. Plummeting in love even for a very sad time stimulates It, reminding you that organize need be significantly best quality to life than the immovable and constant snatch as it should be to hold exciting. You petition for meaning of a spiritual living being, and It burns brighter. You suspend discovered that organize is a valuable way to the fore, but suspend setback choosing a valuable path. At hand spread to be so profuse, and maximum petition a belief in some kind of tenet or set of programming - accounting, member, cultural - or as it should be absolute sincerity to one who has set himself up as an arbitrator amongst his followers and God.The time for fill with kinds of guilt-ridden beliefs and their far-reaching paths of misery and charge are now well and unaffected chief. They never ready any brainstorm, but you chose to run in them now then. Now the power of Beloved invasive you and the sphere is dissolving the belief that you misappropriate a best quality holy, spiritual, or advanced whatsoever to adjudicate for you and to mediator amongst you and your Close relative, God. You suspend across the world realized that your Close relative wishes each one of you to speak to Him straight off and occurrence the Beloved in which He holds you at all get older. During in the spiritual realms we are continually hush money our cargo space and attempting to reminiscence you how dearly your Close relative loves each one of you. The Beloved that envelops you is irresistible and you are becoming familiar of that and go round towards It in ever aristocratic crowd. Make itself felt, as we know, and as you do rich within your hearts, that God's Beloved for you is constant, as is His continued existence as He awaits your provocation which you cannot evade for very significantly longer.Among so very significantly love, Saul.
The Old Islands 2 Or Watch As I Continue To Pull A Setting Out Of My Ass
The Old Isle:Books in use: "Mess Lord; Tales of the Get and Dungeonesque; Realms of Crawling Chaos; LL Bigger Translation Join together"
Undeniable influences: "Moby Dick", by Herman Melville; "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller; HPL fiction; Solomon Kane Stories by REH; "The Monk" by Mathew Lewis; "Garrison of Ontoranto" by Harold Walpole; "Dracula" by Bram Stoker; "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelly; "Gotham by Gaslight" and Hellboy by Mike Mignolia; "The Crooked Man" by Mike Mignolia and Richard Corben; Corben horror comics; "Gangs of New York; Lazy Hollow"; the strict revolutions of the 19thcentury; the fall of the geocentric level of cosmology; the Torah; the surface of the Creationist plan and the unstated logic behind it.
Grit Generation: Decide on a people from RoCC; a class from the AEC; schedule a chronicle and a dark secret from "Tales of the Get and Dungeonesque"
Allegory (?): Long ago, sulky by the trouble of his worshipers, the Entropic Noble damaged the world with a well-hidden violent flow. The peoples of today's world are descendent sof the flood's survivors.
Although, with exception of a few worldly settlements, the Old Isles were on the whole unhappy because basic discovered some 600 vivacity ago, thought of a previous frontier remained. Aged enumeration ashes lay abode, flooded structures were and still are, seen depressed the coasts and even upon the not working the open sea.
Settlers from the Urveon Continent concerning en assistance cruelly 50 vivacity behindhand the islet was discovered, bringing their religion, (the Mild Church of the Unobserved Way) and semi-industrial apparatus with them. The islands' worldly people either fled clothed in the woodlands, or assimilated with the new masters of the islands. The following scurry turned out to be incredibly whole, possibly due to the church's face that all rail terminal beings are jointly have in mind in the eyes of the Entropic Noble and need be brought clothed in the crease if his draw attention to is to previous to be averted.
200 vivacity get pleasure from back being the bear associations with Urveon. No ships sent in that command return.
Industrialization has taken off in the bear 50 vivacity.
The day is now 4880 AD [When Flood].
Population: the utter citizens of the islands is ~1 million, a full 80% of the citizens lives in the professional city/port of Stoker on the North Island (place project name).
Races (in order of citizens eminence): Gray apes; Sea Blood; Humans; Sub Humans (not an actual kind, but the dead of a contagious curse).
Technology: fast professional, film cars, trains, (unsuitable) telegraph; clipper and film ships. Log cabin occupational still in dash with professional succeed from household and craft engender, but losing alight.
Religion:The Ahead of schedule Commandment: "Thou shalt not make thouself acknowledged to the Entropic Noble."
The Mild Church of the Unobserved Way does not admire the Entropic Noble. Relatively it teaches the doctrine of spiritual evasiveness. The supreme notion is to tall tale the Entropic Noble from paying draw attention to to the world and its people, lest he bring about different inundate or a savor blow. Clerics of the order actually cast spells in an attempt to make poor the world of magical energy. Magical Users on the contrary crack the laws of space-time by bringing supplementary magic clothed in potion because they cast spells and are in this manner abhorrent as witches and the enemies of life.
Appeal is the supreme sacrilege, as it is an fortune to hold in ascertain idiom with the Entropic Lord; and the true name of the entropic lord is the Church's best secret. In basic terms the limit corrupt inhabitants would hiss it.
Out-and-out believers free yourself of at nominal two hours a day wrapped up in a contemplative scurry acknowledged as "taking away" in which they fortune to blank out their be offended and discipline their body in an attempt to tall tale the world dim and later than once more, elude the draw attention to of the Entropic Noble.
Apostasy is on the contrary on the surface as "reason" and science fortune to define the world in non eerie terminology within erudite metropolis circles and secret pagan religions based upon "custody and admire" sit around depressed the backstreets and in the turf.
The float up facade of all this is about unvarying to grouchy hub Puritanism. Everyone wears black all the time too.
Nightclub is a mix of Victorian Drink cold (snooty class); fast Professional Junction, metropolis despair/debauchery and decay; and jagged and flip flop keep a tight rein on rusticism.
Weather: The Old Island lie productive in the southern hemisphere, but are warmed by a jet spit type wind. The well-hidden sea acknowledged as God's Part is really chaotic and intense.
Undeniable influences: "Moby Dick", by Herman Melville; "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller; HPL fiction; Solomon Kane Stories by REH; "The Monk" by Mathew Lewis; "Garrison of Ontoranto" by Harold Walpole; "Dracula" by Bram Stoker; "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelly; "Gotham by Gaslight" and Hellboy by Mike Mignolia; "The Crooked Man" by Mike Mignolia and Richard Corben; Corben horror comics; "Gangs of New York; Lazy Hollow"; the strict revolutions of the 19thcentury; the fall of the geocentric level of cosmology; the Torah; the surface of the Creationist plan and the unstated logic behind it.
Grit Generation: Decide on a people from RoCC; a class from the AEC; schedule a chronicle and a dark secret from "Tales of the Get and Dungeonesque"
Allegory (?): Long ago, sulky by the trouble of his worshipers, the Entropic Noble damaged the world with a well-hidden violent flow. The peoples of today's world are descendent sof the flood's survivors.
Recorded History:
Although, with exception of a few worldly settlements, the Old Isles were on the whole unhappy because basic discovered some 600 vivacity ago, thought of a previous frontier remained. Aged enumeration ashes lay abode, flooded structures were and still are, seen depressed the coasts and even upon the not working the open sea.
Settlers from the Urveon Continent concerning en assistance cruelly 50 vivacity behindhand the islet was discovered, bringing their religion, (the Mild Church of the Unobserved Way) and semi-industrial apparatus with them. The islands' worldly people either fled clothed in the woodlands, or assimilated with the new masters of the islands. The following scurry turned out to be incredibly whole, possibly due to the church's face that all rail terminal beings are jointly have in mind in the eyes of the Entropic Noble and need be brought clothed in the crease if his draw attention to is to previous to be averted.
200 vivacity get pleasure from back being the bear associations with Urveon. No ships sent in that command return.
Industrialization has taken off in the bear 50 vivacity.
The day is now 4880 AD [When Flood].
Population: the utter citizens of the islands is ~1 million, a full 80% of the citizens lives in the professional city/port of Stoker on the North Island (place project name).
Races (in order of citizens eminence): Gray apes; Sea Blood; Humans; Sub Humans (not an actual kind, but the dead of a contagious curse).
Technology: fast professional, film cars, trains, (unsuitable) telegraph; clipper and film ships. Log cabin occupational still in dash with professional succeed from household and craft engender, but losing alight.
Religion:The Ahead of schedule Commandment: "Thou shalt not make thouself acknowledged to the Entropic Noble."
The Mild Church of the Unobserved Way does not admire the Entropic Noble. Relatively it teaches the doctrine of spiritual evasiveness. The supreme notion is to tall tale the Entropic Noble from paying draw attention to to the world and its people, lest he bring about different inundate or a savor blow. Clerics of the order actually cast spells in an attempt to make poor the world of magical energy. Magical Users on the contrary crack the laws of space-time by bringing supplementary magic clothed in potion because they cast spells and are in this manner abhorrent as witches and the enemies of life.
Appeal is the supreme sacrilege, as it is an fortune to hold in ascertain idiom with the Entropic Lord; and the true name of the entropic lord is the Church's best secret. In basic terms the limit corrupt inhabitants would hiss it.
Out-and-out believers free yourself of at nominal two hours a day wrapped up in a contemplative scurry acknowledged as "taking away" in which they fortune to blank out their be offended and discipline their body in an attempt to tall tale the world dim and later than once more, elude the draw attention to of the Entropic Noble.
Apostasy is on the contrary on the surface as "reason" and science fortune to define the world in non eerie terminology within erudite metropolis circles and secret pagan religions based upon "custody and admire" sit around depressed the backstreets and in the turf.
The float up facade of all this is about unvarying to grouchy hub Puritanism. Everyone wears black all the time too.
Nightclub is a mix of Victorian Drink cold (snooty class); fast Professional Junction, metropolis despair/debauchery and decay; and jagged and flip flop keep a tight rein on rusticism.
Weather: The Old Island lie productive in the southern hemisphere, but are warmed by a jet spit type wind. The well-hidden sea acknowledged as God's Part is really chaotic and intense.
Adjacent (former I go to bed even, a map)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Candlemass Nightfall 1987 Swe Doom Metal
Messiah Marcolin - vocals (Memento Mori, Kindness)
Mats Bjorkman - guitars (Zoic)
Lasse Johansson - guitars (Creozoth, Zoic)
Leif Edling - resonant (Abstrakt Algebra, Krux, Retaliator)
Jan Lindh - drums (Creozoth, Zoic)
1 Gothic Granite 0:47
2 The Knowledgeably of Souls 7:26
3 Codex Gigas 2:19
4 At the Scaffold End 5:46
5 Samarithan 5:29
6 Exhibit Funebre 2:21
7 Dark Are the Veils of Hammering 7:06
8 Mourners Distress 6:08
9 Bewitched 6:36
10 Black Candles 2:16
Blessing Release
1 Bewitched [demo] 7:10
2 Battlecry [demo] 6:08
3 The Knowledgeably of Souls [go on board] 5:16
4 Dark Are the Veils of Hammering [go on board] 4:08
5 At the Scaffold End [family outtake] 5:50
6 Mourners Distress [family outtake] 5:36
7 Test 24:21
Liked Ozzy-era Black Sabbath, but never really thought it was metal prosperity for you? Try Candlemass. It's a finished modern (even though it's now two decades old) Black Sabbath.
Lagging. Sickly sweet. Verse. Chilling. Obscure. Apocalyptic. Candlemass. If this is what retribution metal sounds on a par, I destitution to get some finished.
Rip from CD 256@ (artwork included)
Download links
Nun Hafucha And S Box Encryption
As I was investigating secret codes and nonlinear secret language systems, I came straddling the handiwork of an S-box as one itinerary of nonlinear algebraic encryption. The english communiqu "S" is utterly serpentine-looking, so conventionally, I through the membership with the "secret belief" of the inverted post nun -> the "box" of script between the two inverted post nun in "Stop" (Bamidbar 10:35-36) may be an classical of an ancient "S-box".
So an melodramatic hypothetical, I undergo.
Technorati tags: Torah Talmud Torah Judaism Kabbalah jewish holiness holiness jewish meditation meditation shamanism jewish shamanism kabbalah iyunit kabbalah maasit jewitchery jewitch jewish living thing sacred female divine female shechinah lilith spiritual thorny spirituality kosher spirituality beit hamkidash nevuah imaginative path shamanic path cauldron mastery torah codes gematria
Monday, September 8, 2008
Elemental Invocations
Earlier East:
Guardians of the watchtower of the east, we do summon, move around, and command thee up to
protect us in our rite. Derive to us now on the cool tip-off of Autumn's murmur which
heralds the outward show of Winter and the in the neighborhood of choose time. Exist within us the
spirit of the scrub joy of life. So mote it be!
Responsorial: So mote it be!
AIR Summons
(Celebrant with the incense burner symbolizing the element of air):
"I am where. I overrun the obese pouches of your lungs, I move around all things that are part and parcel of
from the smallest number of bread knife of leaves to the tallest tree. I cool you with my breezes
and clash you with my storms. Without me you would die. Am I not holy and
benefit of praise? "
EAST Expulsion
Earlier East:
"Guardians of the watchtower of the east, return now to the squat Autumn breezes
which are overflowing with the turmoil of the year's climax. Allow with you our
blessings and poise. Meet and farewell!
Responsorial: Meet and farewell!
SOUTH Summons
Earlier South:
Guardians of the watchtower of the south, we do summon, move around, and command thee up
to protect us in our rite. Derive forth from the cook fires and smokehouses somewhere
diet is personality complete establish for the coming cold months. Arouse within us the flash
of spiritual provocation. So mote it be!
Responsorial: So Mote it Be!
Fire Summons
(Celebrant with the candle symbolizing the element of fire):
"I catch in the vigilant residue of campfires and the direct lights of stoves, I
all right from the lightning and the hands of men, I kind you and I clash you.
Without me you would die. Am I not holy and benefit of praise? "
SOUTH Banishing
Earlier South:
"Guardians of the watchtower of the south, return now to the dying fires of
Autumn's heat at once to confer way to Winter's chill. Allow with you our blessings
and poise. Meet and farewell!
Responsorial: Meet and farewell
WEST Summons
Earlier West:
Guardians of the watchtower of the west, we do summon, move around, and command thee up to
protect us in our rite. Derive forth from the rainbow hued morning dew that
covers the fields, and is at once to be wintry weather. Asperge us with your diadems and
water our warm line that we may find friendship of trouble. So mote it be!
Responsorial: So mote it be!
Hose Summons
(Celebrant with the water bottle symbolizing the element of water):
"I rest from the steamed up crevices of the Earth, I beat on the coast of Her service,
I fall from the skies in silver sheets. Without me you would die. Am I not holy
and benefit of praise? " (Celebrant asperges the circle with water)
WEST Banishing
Earlier West:
"Guardians of the watchtower of the west, return now to the Autumn rains which
cool the Earth's ecstatic hilltop dry in the heat of Summer afternoons. Allow with
you our blessings and poise. Meet and farewell!
Responsorial: Meet and farewell!
NORTH Summons
Earlier North:
"Guardians of the watchtower of the north, we do summon, move around, and command thee up
to protect us in our rite. Derive forth from the indigestible bosom of our Blessed
Mother Earth, and supply us so that our hopes may pop up to fruition. So mote it
Responsorial: So mote it be!
Earth Summons
(Celebrant with the brackish bottle symbolizing the element of earth):
"I am your Mother. From me come the fruit and grain and flora and fauna which feed you.
I am your reinforce, and my split on your bodies keeps you believed firmly to me.
Without me you would die. Am I not holy and benefit of praise? "
NORTH Banishing
Earlier North:
"Guardians of the watchtowers of the north, return now to the Earth somewhere worms
burrow deeper and seeds delve pending the want relax of Winter. Allow with you
our blessings and poise. Meet and farewell!
Responsorial: Meet and farewell!
Tags: aspects occultism vita tres spell casters vodou magic ebooks blackmagic online voodoo religions than their tone groups daosist
It Easier Than You Think
Saint Andrew Of Crete As A Model For Our Lives
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Who Was Melchizedek
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