Friday, September 19, 2008

Buddhist Candlemas

Buddhist Candlemas




Just the once Christianity came to the Celtic lands, it took finer compound of the Pagan festivals and Christianized them. This was far leader precisely to the evolution than interdiction them, as the Puritans were to do compound centuries ensuing.

Its regularly easier for new religions to work with the vacant culture than wary it, a system as well pursued by Buddhism in its paint covering Asia.

Pagan Imbolc was Christianized to Candlemas

Buddhist interpretations

Now that Buddhism is establishing itself in Western Europe, offer is a campaign to reinterpret some of these ancient, numinous Pagan festivals from a Buddhist incline.

The FWBO has a entertainment guide of devotion the Five female Buddhas, on the day and time of the appointment associated with each of them. The traverse begins with the Summer Solstice and female Buddha Mamaki.

The Ramp of the See

The Autumn Equinox, is a custom attentive to Pandaravasini, the female Buddha of the Western program associated with evening and the wisdom of creativity.

See-through of Belief in the Day's end

End in the appointment it is the turn of Samayatara, the female Buddha of the Northern program associated with midnight and the wisdom of action (Halloween/Samhain); and Akasadhatesvari, the female Buddha at the centre of the Mandala gone time and space. She is associated with the ineffable wisdom of the Transcendental. Her custom takes place at the time of the Frosty Solstice.

Western holidays from a Buddhist incline.

On this blog I hold as well suggested how Halloween, Christmas and New See can be solution Buddhist interpretations.

Candlemas - Feast of Here Lights to the God

The afterward festivity is Candlemas, as well recognizable as Imbolc, which in pagan grow old was an display of Lights to the God in the aspect of Brigit or Bride. This ancient festivity takes place on February 2nd and path the mid point of winter, half way along with the winter solstice (turn day) and the skillfully equinox.

Brigid as Christian Saint and Pagan God

Of course the supposition of a God was forbid to the patriarchal, misogynistic ancient church, and Brigid, who was too required to get rid of, was demoted from God to Saint. The supposition of devotion the feminine was turned on its be in the lead, and the festivity became the Sanitization of the Virgin, to call to mind women of their ritual uncleanness.

Brigit as Celtic Trinity

Yet, if we return to the epitome pagan understanding, we can see that Candlemas, even with now round uninhibited by the Christian churches, has suggest for law by Buddhists.

Buddhists deposit compound female Buddhas, for prefigure Tara and Guan Yin, and the elucidation of a candle or an oil light represents the light of wisdom telling the brown of dullness.

See-through aid to Tara

With lights persuasively dazzling

Abolishing this brunette

I feeling the Progressive One,

The See-through of the three worlds.

- Wiki

Humanity of lights are supposed to hold compound safe effects.

And so Candlemas, otherwise unfathomable with ancient homesick kindred with divine light, is easily adaptable to Buddhist practice.

No intimidation of 'mixing'

Such adoptions of pagan festivals do not clutch 'mixing' of the dharma with other doctrines, given that offer is no have an effect on on the deep foundations of Buddhism such as the Four Seals. Nor is offer any have an effect on on the form of practice. The celebration of these occasions is honestly the stage Buddhist rituals in the context of Celtic cultural traditions.

Buddhism is not itself a culture. It is transcultural - valid for all dwell beings, in all sitting room, at all grow old.

See-through of the Innovation

Simultaneous ARTICLES:

Remembrance the Feminine in Buddhism

Cauldron, Chalice and Grail Symbolism in Buddhism and Celtic Wicca

Numinous Symbolism - Pagan, Buddhist and Christian

Celtic Buddhism - Buddhism in pre-Christian Britain

Celtic and Buddhist symbolism - triskelions, triskeles

Buddhist Halloween

Can Buddhists Someone Christmas?


- Sean Robsville

BUDDHISM Page Record