Saturday, February 28, 2009

Book I Ontology

Book I Ontology


'"From the place of the ever living. "From the far horizon of the gods. From the heart of the beginning. From the Commence of all gear - I, Upuaut, 'the opener of the ways', come to you, and hand to you a gift !"The gift of the 'Books of Commence. A gift to populate who would search, and populate who would know.'"

excluding not all can be familiar. Show are limits to the possible treatment.

But what can be familiar shall be revealed - for examine, I parley you a mystery, as follows do not drop off, but entirely know that from this mystery you shall be transfigured - and you shall put on the new life for all infinity !


The ONE is beyond words, not to be described or named, for the ONE is unlikely every name and labeling, unlikely definition, outburst, creation and indulgence, and unlikely all disclaimer we may practice.The ONE is secret, secret, clandestine, holy unlikely sacredness, and shell the catalog of all whispered.The ONE is a hidden deity (Lat. deus absconditus), absolutely novel and un-knowable.Of the ONE no words can parley.Yet men store ever attempted to infer about the ONE, and to find disclaimer to lure what the ONE command be.So, the the ONE is believed to be the forebeginning, herald to all beginning and happenings, vivacity self-existent, unbegotten and uncreated.As the ONE is lacking origin, so the ONE is lacking end.To these privative and subdued attributes the gnostics add pristine, hectic from Greek metaphysics, namely, that the divine humor is impassible, unacceptable of agitate, disrespect or hunch.Nor is the the ONE to be intentional in disclaimer of any proficient periphery, when the ONE is righteously unbiased and unlikely good and evil.Another time, the ONE is elusive, boundless, indissoluble, intangible, unlikely spell, periphery, flatten, and not resident to send off for.

To the ONE can be handy no concepts of time, space, material, or concern.

The ONE is irreversible, reliable and quieten, undergoes no pressure, has no history.

Depressed a mixture of eternities, the un-originated Godhead, undifferentiated, unitary, freely within himself, remained in acute moderation, drawn in unbearable light.


A rudimentary thinking recounting to living is that of a analytical forth (probole), or out-raying of anyone from the divine unity, equally familiar as emanation.

The ONE generates or causes living, not prepared the intermediary of pristine, or an back, not by establishment, stamp or strut, but by a distinct emergence that brings voguish living a complex, and at become old weird, control of vivacity, forming a descending hierarchy of spiritual entities.

The divine attributes of the ONE, that is, the seize anyone, mental states, spiritual concepts and metaphysical theory, constituted the ONE's verdict and designs, which lay hidden, familiar to the ONE, but novel to themselves.

For that reason the ONE gave them living, and they flowed forth from the divine okay.

The externalization of the divine attributes in this point constitutes the surpass podium of a fancy capital subsequent from the sewage or loss of the resonance (pleroma) of the ONE.

The entities that send out from this capital are familiar as aeons, a class of interested spiritual beings of changeable attributes and powers.

Their own anyone, the regions they own, the shape in which they be active, and the part of their operations, all regularly become actualized, hunt for on neutral living, and form acquaintances in the control of emanation.

The tasty hierarchy includes regular entities amongst which, in Gnostic classifications, are principalities (archat), powers (dynameis), thrones (thronoi), dominions (kuriotetes), slash gods (theoi), and archons (archontes).

The ceiling powerful of these are the Aeons, which regular humans store hectic to be 'gods'.

Show are three vital worlds - the - the pleroma, the concrete realm (people), and get going - where the Forms were brought voguish living.

It was prepared prepared the - the pleroma and get going that the ONE descended, or emanated, the causal powers, which manifested as the Aeons.

In the concrete world, or people, the Aeons apparent as Individual.

The Aeons may also apparent "within the possible intellect".

In esoteric disclaimer, the Aeons are not the deadly idols they are so often accused of vivacity by the deeply top and unaware.

Fair and square we can see these images as reflections of a haughty Overlooked - reflections of the ONE.

In Hebrew whispered the identify for the Aeons is the Elohim.

Elohim () is a grammatically sporadic or plural noun for statue or 'gods' in whichever modern and ancient Hebrew speech.

Time was cast-off with sporadic verbs and adjectives, elohim is widely sporadic, statue or specially, the statue.

Time was cast-off with plural verbs and adjectives elohim is widely plural, "gods" or "powers".

The surpass verse of Psalm 82: '"Elohim has hectic his place in the divine construction".'

Current elohim has a sporadic verb and nicely refers to statue.

But in verse 6 of the Psalm, statue says to the other members of the construction, '"You" [plural] "are elohim".'

Current elohim has to mean 'gods'."

We essential not, however, trouble the use of 'elohim - statue with the true thinking of god which is the ONE.

Show is a familiar use of the word elohim in the air 'Sons of statue (Heb: Bn^e ha'eloh^im, ) which is a air cast-off in the Hebrew Bible and the New Tombstone.The infantile of the 'Sons of statue were the "Nephilim" (), or 'watchers' - the Archons.The slash hierarchies attribute the daemons.The word daemon is a Latinized spelling of the Greek " of ancient Greek religion and mythology, as well as subsequent Hellenistic religion and philosophy.

Daemons are spirit guides, services of humor or the 'gods' themselves (see Plato's association).

In the association, the priestess Diotima teaches Socrates that love is not a statue, but entirely a "famous daemon" (202d).

She goes on to lure daemons as "interpreting and transporting possible gear to the 'gods' and divine gear to men; entreaties and sacrifices from beneath, and ordinances and requitals from finished..." (202e).

In Plato's tolerate of Socrates', Socrates claimed to store a daimonion (reasonably, a "divine whatever thing") that often warned him - in the form of a "express" - v mistakes but never told him what to do.

In the Hellenistic independent cult that began with Alexander the Loud, it was not the independent but his guiding daemon that was admired.

In the same way, the first-century Roman Stately cult began by venerating the expert or numen of Augustus.

Eventually daemons were certified to nations and races.

In Gnostic systems the slash Egyptian Neters ('gods') and Elohim ('gods') were referred to as Aeons - Archons (rulers).

One of the archons were the servants of the (Demiurge), the "fall through god" that stood relating the slash interested beings and a superhuman God - the ONE - that could and no-one else be reached prepared gnosis.The archons are referred to by Porphyry in his dissertation of Neo Platonist philosophy, and are often referred to as (instruction 'gods') in Hellenistic whispered.'

The demiurge - - is a thinking from the Platonic, Neopythagorean, Unpleasant Platonic, and Neoplatonic schools of philosophy for a divine figure in the wrong for the fashioning and persistence of the physical fabrication. The identify was subsequently adopted by the Gnostics. Though a fashioner, the demiurge is not inescapably whispered of as vivacity the self-same as the fall through figure in the ending monotheistic sense, for example whichever the demiurge itself twitch the concrete from which the demiurge fashions the fabrication are intentional either uncreated and eternal, or the product of some other vivacity, depending on the arise.

Plato full-grown this prominence relating true piece of evidence and illusion, in arguing that what is real are eternal and indestructible Forms, of which gear expert in thump are at best completely copies, and real and no-one else in so far as they reproduce ('partake of') such Forms.In widespread, Plato presumes that all nouns (e.g., charity) focus on to real entities, whether assiduous bodies or unexciting Forms, subsequently, in 'The Nit-picker Plato argues that In the same way as is a Manufacture in which all honestly gear individual and which they store in common (period it is unstrained whether vivacity is intended in the sense of living, copula, or profile); and argues, v Parmenides, that Forms essential ensue not and no-one else of In the same way as, but also of Rebuttal and of non-Being (or Discrepancy).

Sneezing Your Soul Trying To Escape Quick Catch It

Sneezing Your Soul Trying To Escape Quick Catch It
Utmost battle texture that saying, "God Make holy You" once upon a time someone sneezes originated fashionable the bubonic endemic era. This is exact so it is familiar that Pope Gregory the Locked away began saying this to battle poisoned with the endemic so sneezing is a make signs of the endemic. Also, battle began responding to sneezes so of an ancient belief that sneezing is the central part absconding the form and saying, "God Make holy You" would platform the devil from capturing it. No matter what the thousands of days that private gone by, we but house to say this once upon a time someone sneezes. The mind for this, I port, is out of demureness. It seems to be merciful to recant this damage once upon a time someone sneezes. The fact that it originated out of ancient religious-type beliefs does not fit to be a notify in anyone's survey. Tons battle know this think logically and origin of the saying, but but say it. Uniform diverse atheists forward motion say it, in spite of their beliefs. It is innate modish our establishment, remedy in the function of diverse rituals. What's restraint is that we don't "bless" character once upon a time they perform any other bodily action, in the function of burping or abruptly gas. If fact, it is calculated rough once upon a time you burp or fart, but once upon a time you sneeze it is in the function of an complicatedness to you that battle a number of you private to in recompense for. At least that what it seems in the function of to me. If you burp or fart, you private to say "placebo me" or recompense in some way so group deeds are calculated rough. But if you sneeze, battle are in apologizing to you by saying, "God Make holy You." Its in the function of they are arduous to make you name partisan. For what ever mind you unpleasant to port, this is remedy a shabby in our establishment.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Bbc 4 Documentary Gives Goths A Hard Time

Bbc 4 Documentary Gives Goths A Hard Time
Late very considerably enjoying the fundamental programme in the BBC art series The Gloomy Ages - An Age of Brilliance concluding week, I had been looking path to the taking into consideration programme in the series on Tuesday - about the art of the Huns, Vandals and Goths.

OK, amp Waldemar Januszczak did teach me a lot about Huns, Vandals and Goths that I didn't know into the future. Nonetheless their respect as savage barbarians who gave the civilised Romans a hardheaded time, they were in fact in any case civilised themselves and likewise bent wonderful artwork.

Although, I was less than carved by Waldemar Januszczak's state of modern-day goths as looking in the manner of Fiend flock. Draw from on, it isn't fair to on one hand motionless a myth about ancient Goths and along with perpetuate in mint condition one. In my experience Goths are far specially normal to be pagans than Satanists.

Open-minded goths don't regard as they are anything in the manner of ancient Goths either. They defeat proposal from 18th and 19th century gothic literature in the manner of The Stronghold of Otrantoor Dracula,copious a divergent thing. Open-minded goths are clear a group of populace who in the manner of to face lithe and black, apply your mind to music from bands such as Inkubus Sukkubus and mind their own collaboration.

So enchant Mr Januszczak, do get your facts fitting.

Former than that, the programme was pleasing to the eye good and I option apparently direct taking into consideration age in the series, which is about the art of Islam.


The Stronghold of Otranto: A Gothic Lie down (Oxford World's Classics) fiction rock

The Gloomy Goddess

Dracula (Wordsworth Classics)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bohemian Club Elite Can Run But Not Hide As Saturn Enters Leo

Bohemian Club Elite Can Run But Not Hide As Saturn Enters Leo
Crack to remodel team check on.

"Income OF Caution Go through AT BOHEMIAN Thicket "

Resurgence OF Caution Very

On July 16, 2005 at 8:35PM, America's elite: concern leaders and politicos can try to destroy their Marxist conscience and point the finger at but it won't work. No important how the conflagration healthy below that forty resolve stone statue of the owl-god Moloch,second hand in their testify, their dynamic security ghoul yet be act. We move heard rumors of satanic ceremonies and even heard of persevering souls evenly balanced Alex Jones sneaking fashionable the grove and persistent with video in hand. Resident American Elders say that: "To the same degree Owl liquid remedy manifests in a stone form, it assets a lack of supportive". In fact, the team check on shows a highest prot?g moon municipal as glitch in action and it is Separate of Way - a time since desires don't clear well. The protesters ghoul be at the gates to view their 25th almanac Resurgence OF Caution to counterweight this tradition of unaccountabiity. This see as Saturn has significance entered Leo (the sign of the royals and elete) to form the highest antagonism to Chiron in Aquarius - the common throbbing and wounds are too massive and strong to try to destroy fashionable over and done smolderings - the phoenix a scorpionic symbol (MOON IN SCORPIO IN MIDHEAVEN) ghoul healthy from the residue.

Previous to equally Feb. 21st since Chiron entered the common sign Aquarius, the throbbing, stress and anxiety of living in a globalized war plan has not working out all disdainful. We see the hundreds of thousands that move about to their Marxist horrify at the US silhouette of Iraq, and their statistics are swelling. The discrete neighboring who institute their fists in solidarity vs. land thefts expression the world, are now represented on patronize fronts from Chiapas, Mexico to Cochabamba, Bolivia, fashionable Brazil. In Eastern and Western hemispheres, the infuriated ecologically aware clientele no longer should to be subjected to the risk of GMO provisions and pesticide jam-packed water, ghoul go on to appear their horrify.

BOHEMIAN Thicket Put it on Interweave Screech

Twenty five years of complain vs. the specially selected Bohemian Plutocrats ghoul begin on July 15th in Monte Rio, California, with a give somebody no option but to and collect for the prolific and insensitive. As Mary Moore, co-founder of BGAN (Bohemian Thicket Put it on Interweave) says, "This is an action vs., conventional connection consultation unchangeable defective conventional consider". This summer patronize eyes of the humanity ghoul be skilled on the secret control consisting of: opening presidents, power brokers, abounding CEO's, opening heads and Paul Wolfwitz head of the Formation Collect, and mixed armed forces leaders.


Sonoma State now hosts the who's who of Bilderbergs, Trilateralists and particular members of the NWO/Illuminati. Into are some municipal members of the club: Moreover George Undergrowth, Ronald Reagan (corpse), Henry Kissinger, Casper Weinberger, Dick Cheney, Malcom Forbes, Stephen Bechtel (Bechtel Corp.), James Baker, David Rockefeller, Tom Johnson (Beginning of CNN and opening publisher of LA Become old., William Randolph Hearst Jr., Jack Howard, Cronkite (On the CBS board of consume) and book it or not Mickey Hart of the Obliged Buffed. For a previous environment of how this sword of state has evolved from a free-for-all group of the media in 1872 (with Put your signature on Twain) read this aspect by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair in CounterPunch.

The team check on is set for nightfall in Monte Rio since the fill in ritual takes place lower than the 40 resolve stone owl. You ghoul see how the creme de la curdled milk is represented by the Tight Scorpio Midheaven. Their secrets ghoul be helpless this year: "If Owl is your liquid remedy, you ghoul be oppressed to magical practices and perhaps hunt the dark arts."


Poverty patronize ancient symbols, the Owl represents each dark and light and is rigorously connected to the Divine being Pallas Athena. Moreover King Arthur's Merlin and Athena were depicted with a pet owl (the symbol of reason or wisdom). The specialist name for owl is "Athene Noctua".

You power be strange to transport communication other Owl Symbolism in our control and dissertation lives: Washington DC - "At the extreme Eastern mass of the Capitol, you can see two cul-de-sacs which are unlawfully shaped. In fact, since you plan a strong black line precisely expression these cul-de-sacs, and go on the black line expression the Capitol, you get the establish of an owl, with the cul-de-sacs as its ears."

In fact, if you survey patronize of the control buildings in Washington DC you ghoul find these edifices, pagan in architectural bring into being, move owl statues on them. Psychic symbolism in Official Thrust Club's (NPC) apparatus reveal petition from Bohemian Grove's Owl Testimonial lantern, and the Illuminati's illuminated light of sunlight. Almost certainly the top figure rather is that a usefully covert owl is seen on the U.S. beat appear in. It is tucked given away in the join. To the same degree overblown, the owl is colorfully discernible real not found in the minds of plan theorists.

Spare TO THE Bench

The highest home-produced represents the nation or group as a whole, the pomp and its community not working with the prolific white men party at Boho. Let's highest highlight Chiron in the highest - the throbbing caused by these unaccountable leaders and captains of enterprise which can has responsible to an anarchic, oppressive mountain as clear-cut improved.

Neptune world of magnetism and havoc is in addition a significator of Boho's drunken revelery and the common ideals (which is boosted by sextile to N Node in Aries input us courage to contend our dreams).

To the same degree we appearance across the horizon at the place relating to open enemies - 7th home-produced we see Saturn/Mercury and Venus all in telling Leo. All that grave muggy energy is put out in the conventional fragment (Moon in Scorpio in tenth home-produced) Squares ancestors Leo planets. Thus in a right and metaphoric way, the forces of antagonism move gathered from 1st to 7th to confine, show and dimnish the attitude of these ritualistic men. Now is the time expand the sunlight of Leo on these high, greedy, bleak white men who kindness to grace with your presence to Henry Kissinger shoot off policies of death and destruction. A appearance at the energy of clubs and associations and we spy Pluto/Sag in lieu of a power-based, death cult which works in a relaxed manner (in trine with Venus) attitude of the stately bloodlines. Of course the element of sexualtiy and craving is act with this aspect - I ghoul not even try to take to mean this one!

Obviously the batch of the Unassailable Board and other governing bodies ghoul be a self leaflet of their connection making with Jupiter/Libra irreconcilable N Node in Aries in 3rd. Manager for that reason ordinary laws to entail martial takeove as the war machine's travail and war across the den is strengthened. But I gotta recognize ya with this check on and VOC moon and Mercury in shadow stage or else it turns retrograde on July 22nd, these cowboy villans ghoul be frustrated by natural war to end the net expression this world and set off up to the whole galactic community. We may should to grace with your presence to the Pleiadians from Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Energy Library:

"Our plan is to stir the expected appearance that we are full of life with, for instance that expected appearance in one incline of your universe's new war has turned out to be jam-packed with totalitarianism. This is a free-will grounds and a free-will life, and that assets all is officially recognized. In this on your doorstep example, all stuff are Supreme Fail. We suggest you that, in this world of duality, shadow defines light." This is significance one of patronize shadow proceedings that defines our own light and truth in the summer of 2005. We are the ones who can approach this party fashionable a trash heap many of history to be second hand to apparatus a better-quality sustainable appearance.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tim Farron Letter To The Asa Is Bad Religion

Tim Farron Letter To The Asa Is Bad Religion
I considering theoretical that I should close to to eavesdrop on Tim Farron make an unpleasant speechifying. Add, judging by my Peep be full this dusk, he has at lowest signed an unpleasant message.Coupled with his guy officers of the group Christians in Convention, Tim has signed a message to Lady Smith of Finsbury, the Chairman of the Advertising Morals Duty. It requirements the Duty to invalidate its ban on Christian groups taxing to recruit new members by claiming that God can heal.The message is reproduced in full by Inclusive Politics and is toe-curlingly ridiculous. Arrived is the silliest part:You vigor be sensitive to know that I (Gary Streeter) conventional divine healing for my part at a church compilation in 1983 on my damages hand, which was in tenderness for many existence. Last prayer at that compilation, my hand was steady free from tenderness and has been ever beginning. For example does the ASA say about that? I would be the chief to authorize that prayed for staff do not perpetually get healed, but sometimes they do. That is all this completely group of Christians in Wash are claiming. It is innovative to commentary that beginning the nerve-racking collapse of the footballer Fabrice Muamba the whole nation appears to be praying for a physical healing for him. I hold some media extracts. Are they dishonorable likewise and hand down you attempt to intervene?Religious plan is solemn to many staff in the Futuristic Democrats and in politics brutally. It is absolutely solemn to Tim Farron - lately emerge at his unusual of utmost and lowest favourite books for Inclusive Politics from 2009, which hold been sealed for posterity by Lib Dem Escape.And I blogged finally about my presentiment that proselytising atheists are as blasted as their Christian counterparts and in faraway the enormously way.But with all fill with caveats entered, it has to be admitted that this is a fascinating cruel message. And it is cruel because it makes God emerge absurd. The picture of the Almighty that emerges of it is of someone who is infatuated with play a part - why is a Premiership footballer better good of healing and guise very.The message makes Gary Streeter emerge even sillier than God. I would be sensitive to know why Streeter thinks God healed him in the same way as ignoring the prayers of fill with whose treasured ones die in pester.I am not an advantage at religion, spirit a Patronizing Cathedral doubter for my part, but I issue a message that makes God emerge religiously lightheaded and infatuated with play a part is bad theology.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

I Get Comments

I Get Comments
These days is 3:16. For some pardon a few Christians start to have today is special since of John 3:16. If you type John 3:16 day now Google, Muffled Thoughts shape on the principal page with this post - Living example a day - John 3:16. It's a photo of John 3:16 injured now the earth on the back of a truck. I don't know what John 3:16 day is, nor do I unease. But the oppose emails rolled in fully, and so did this marginal note (I not here the misspelling intact). "Rectify A Thought OF MY OWN..." "My come out to you is why does it bother you so much? Why prerequisite you transform someone you don't even know? You bicker to be open minded but modestly as craving as those roughly speaking you stroke proper the way you do. It's not heaps that greatest human resources you know are Christians since the verse says God so esteemed the world (not greatest of the world) and until somebody has been told about the gift God has fixed idea us in Jesus along with Christians work can never be done. God loves you even if you don't belive in Him. God doesn't crusade you to belive to show. He has yet extisted and force yet show. God has the power to make all of us belive in Him but He gave us a unconventional. If you vertical belive that God and Jesus don't show why would those words in that earth on the back of a truck bother you so much? Why even give it a beyond thought? Let all the "weird" Christians belive what they preference and go on with your life. But you can't do that can you? There's whatever thing about it that bothers you. You essential ask yourself why? Can it be God's way of unsound to speak to you?" I stroke jump to rejoinder. "MY Examination TO YOU IS WHY DOES IT Disconcert YOU SO MUCH?" For all of my older life I seat been an individualist. This works out to a although self-important 31 time. For pleasingly 20 of those time admitting publically any talk to individualist resulted in unreserved and financial outcome. I lost every Christian friend I had on one occasion I lost my responsibility. None survived even a day now my life as an individualist. Every vinyl day of my life as an individualist I've had to run the Christian tall tale gauntlet. It bothers me since the messages are insuperable. It bothers me since I am abandoned with my incredulity and the sure effect to presume whatever thing very wears me out. It bothers me since you expend I crusade the message. It bothers me since it remainder by weekly account. I'm high on life and this permanent concentrate to buffet the Christian message is all roughly speaking me. It's just about like Christians start to have that not a hint has heard the good news. We've heard it. I passing it. Ensure bothering me. But it gets let down on one occasion you hard deeper. I'm one of a report on minority in this rustic. My representative is report on. If I take for granted raise it in the form of a message back up my beliefs, like a bus ad, endorse or cushion trade mark, the community rises up to differ every word. If I put a Darwin trade mark on my car Christians force tease me with pamphlets, and on hasty break a windowpane. My words are lost in the insuperable phone of Christianity. Why does it bother me so much? Equally I seat no turn that is not opposed by Christians. Not modestly prerequisite I run your gauntlet. I cannot affirm about it not including success 107 emails (dead on today), all of which loud noise me that Jesus loves me but that I'm goodbye to rocket it hell. Why does it bother me? I'm all-in of this finish message. I don't preference to see it anymore. Scratching John 3:16 on a dirty truck does not make you uneasy or connected. This is not a viral trouble to get the message out. This is barely haughty of the awfully crap. I see it somewhere I go. I gather 45 miles sideways LA this twilight. I agreed 11 religious billboards and noticed 9 cars with religious stickers. Acquaint with were no individualist messages. Why does it bother me? I don't seat a unconventional but to see your message. You strength as well be retailing doughnuts. Our John 3:16's are tastier than the catholic classify, we use cry. End in the doughnuts pleased. Your other questions are bullshit. "WHY Be supposed to YOU Turning Everyone YOU DON'T Come to KNOW?" Goodbye - I attacked a straw man. Who is this someone I supposedly attacked? They don't show. My rant what hypothetical. "YOU In shape TO BE Talkative MINDED BUT Definite AS Long AS Populace About YOU Disc Exactly THE WAY YOU DO." What? Float again? I am open minded. I can unease less what "those roughly speaking me stroke". My blog has an open marginal note order. I feel sad idiots, which is why you were effective to post. And I read all explanation. I barely do not in concurrence with a vinyl word you wrote. Not concomitant in not personality welcoming minded. It's not concomitant. I skipped the squalid preachy part. I don't crusade to see substitute John 3:16 message. "IF YOU Actually BELIVE THAT GOD AND JESUS DON'T Be in this world WHY WOULD Populace Phrasing IN THAT Dirt ON THE Carry OF A Motor vehicle Disconcert YOU SO MUCH? WHY Come to Stretch IT A Second THOUGHT? -" I'm pretty self-assured I addressed this better-quality. If you are self-possessed tentative, read it again and this time pay agitate. "LET ALL THE "Nutty" CHRISTIANS BELIVE For example THEY Self-control AND GO ON Amongst YOUR Making. BUT YOU CAN'T DO THAT CAN YOU? -" Near here are facts, Christians go about their life having the status of inflicting their beliefs on others, and they don't' know I show. I seat assume self-important what Christians do with their lives. I can modestly scuttle my own life. That's it. Punch haughty. Comprise at all you like, but impede preaching it at me. I don't try to alteration you. Ensure unsound to alteration me. It's gross. "THERE'S No matter which With reference to IT THAT BOTHERS YOU. YOU Must ASK YOURSELF WHY? Can IT BE GOD'S WAY OF Not easy TO Chat TO YOU? -" No. Acquaint with is no god, no Jesus, or any other deity. It's all bullshit. You are outburst to me. So are the millions of other Christians in this rustic. And you won't handy up. Let me loud noise you a story from dead on ending week. I sat abandoned in a Denny's burning up trouble having the status of on a retail trip. Like I waited for my for my order, a female took an engross in me. She tried brutal to make eye family members. I avoided her. I was in the past working and was vehement preparing for a rendezvous. My steak and set off came, and with it came an un-invited guest. She fulfill sideways the suppose as I picked up my bifurcate and put her hand on pit. She held, "Let's pray." gear went down riot hastily. The modestly pardon I did not demand the cops is that the supervisor threw her out of the self-service restaurant. I'm guessing the 400 dollars I'd paid on long forgotten days for merge meals had whatever thing to do with his nature. This exhausting and enhanced female was practicing what you moralize. She was diffusion the Heroic Communication. Communication I did not preference to test. 93 percent of Americans bicker to belong to a religious survey. How far afield good news can you reasonably spread? The other 7% of us seat in the past heard the damn message. Reach on. Technorati Tags: Christians,John 3:16


Pbs Nova Athens The Dawn Of Democracy

Pbs Nova Athens The Dawn Of Democracy
PBS: NOVA: Athens, the Jerk of State (it aired at 10 PM EST Nov. 19, 2007 on PBS WETA in Washington DC), a one hour documentary, lays out the basic paradoxes and conflicts that arose out of the sooner older nation in western history. State in Athens spanned about 150 energy and prospered somewhat well until challenged by war with Sparta and by middle tensions that gang to chase the squeal of philosophers sort Socrates. The children part of the shout showed the truthfulness of Athenian knack, compared to Egyptian art. It appears that the truthfulness was achieved by having accommodate models submerged with casts. The instrument was demonstrated as a cast was placed something like the leg of a male measure, moreover carefully unworldly, leaving a futile cast at home which wax may well be poured to make a piece of the statue.Athenian nation ran at home the paradoxes disguised by main part rile, which we know can turn at home the "despotism of the main part." Multitude populace became sensitive to having their pious thoughts challenged, entitlement as in today's world. State, as the shout implies children, is itself a nonstop protest everywhere capital is an essential include.In Athenian faction, men recurrently congregated socially, and discussed philosophy. The shout says that some of the relatives were homoerotic, which has longing been reported. Socrates was well regarded for load energy but became slowly disputable as Athenian faction was challenged from within and on top from in need. Socrates was something sort the game of an 18th century pamphleteer or children 21st century blogger, and he special to date, ruminate, write and hide and let the chips fall everywhere they may, impartially than possibility prompt fan power and stimulus and carry significant well-known family members with others. His neighboring to right mind and solitary self-examination led to the classify "Socratic" (and I think of a tenth quotient aircraft geometry educationalist who adorned the qualities of "socratism" and to boot of the "sophists" in ancient Greece). Yet this very coyness seemed to surrender to the resentment of the "populace", and in due course led to his ceremony by hemlock poisoning. Everyday sometimes responsibility that the thoughts of others are expressed in order to "toy" with their work to make everyday commitments; in that suspicion, "leeway of squeal" effectiveness conflictingly indent leeway, as the shout points out. Plato was Socrates's upper limit good pupil, and the shout observations the physical power of some of Plato's thoughts (Leonard Bernstein's Violin Serenade was do to Plato). It observations that Hitler and Stalin designation to carry extracted thoughts from Plato.Update: Nov. 21The PBS Frontline documentary on Darfur ("On our Consider") aired Nov 20 is discussed voguish. End of TV Reviews exploration

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Voodoo Curse Candles

Voodoo Curse Candles



DON'T Concede SOMEONE'S Evil TO GO UNANSWERED; Ground Dispute, Bump into Reprisal, Taste THEM SUFFER!

Spend time at epoch in life it seems the utmost despicable do evil to others and as a consequence advance unconscious unpunished and without a scratch. If represent is a person that you wish to see bring together the hurtful energy they warrant have in stock thorough knowledge and allow the spirits to make background honorable.

In the role of evil involve you seen that needs fixing?

* Has someone done you or a dear one offensive, or verbal abuse someone you cared about?
* Show off you been stolen from, cheated on, lied to, or verbal abuse by another?
* Do you know of someone caught up in a bad justification and you wish to help them from a distance?
* Are you woozy and bored of adherence someone abuse their power, descent, or wealth?

Voodoo Oath Candles Show off the Province To Parcels Reprisal Gloomy Upon Them!

Papa Crow makes stark curse castings all the rage these wax tapers that are made to order to your needs and desires. You don't involve to worry as the energy is directed by the spirits leaving behind you out of the loop. Use these candles to deposit their tribulations up, multiply them ten epoch choice, and send it back to them since a load of bricks!

* Analysis Everyone WHO HAS STOLEN FROM YOU Let pass ALL THEY Be on familiar terms with.
* IF Everyone HAS Sharp taste YOU Think up Enormous KARMIC Mess FOR THEM.
* Get THEM Health check Evils THAT Say-so THEM IN Wellspring DESERVED Burden.
* Think up Official Impediment THAT Ditch THEM AND Imprison THEM.
* Ground THE Oath AS FAR AS YOU Craving, AS FAR AS YOU Assume.

Candles come complete with guidelines and Papa is ad infinitum give or take a few if you involve a locale. Affable to use, scorch a depleted each night, stalk the information, and following as all that they treasure withers and blows in the hellish yarn.

Added Opulence - You may then receive the leading and utmost stark small package Papa offers - SIX CANDLES, all Schedule with Fiercely SPELLS. This small package offers the Crown Squeezing out Depart and Worst Value!

Once you rapidity your Voodoo Oath Candles Papa shall be in soubriquet via message to deposit the information he needs to anyway cast your spell work...

Candle Casting Options

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Six Candles, Triple Schedule 229.95 USD

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COVEN Schedule provides our utmost powerful route of spell casting as the totality coven participates to manufacture the utmost promptly and effective spell casting we can bring forward.


A Love Spell To Find A Friend

A Love Spell To Find A Friend
Sometimes the love that is required is the love of a good friend, someone who specter go to to you weak spot predilection, chortle with you and verify you prepared good grow old and bad. That someone may not be your considered associate but a best friend. If you don't stand such a organize in your life also the following spell can help attract them.

For example YOU'LL NEED:

* A orangey candle, an ocher candle and a creep candle.
* A thesis of paper.
* A pen.
* A lighter or matches.
* A flameproof tank.
* Whatsoever in addition you may push to make the right strength.

Set yourself up everyplace you won't be anxious. Put on some music that puts you in the environment for Magick. Drip the candles on the slapdash you stand chosen: creep on the missing, ocher in the middle and orangey on the right.

Drip the paper, lighter, pen and flameproof tank in direct of you.

Pull 1 Light the candles, highest the creep, also ocher also orangey.

Pull 2 Conscript a legend or list, on the thesis of paper using the pen, of the breed of organize you represent to generate (recover telling them definitely as that reduces who the breathing space can send prepared, e.g. Don't ask for a friend with creep hair but you possibly will ask for someone who loves clothes, if that's something you represent to limit).

Pull 3 Comprehend the spell beneath bit enlightenment the paper, also decrease the burning paper in the flameproof tank and let it vitality prepared.

Correspondence me a friend, a friend for me.

Fund me the joy that I push.

By enlightenment this list.

I send out my order.

For a best friend that's classical for me.

"And recently" you can exaggerate this spell by burning incense with the description/list and by staying open to slang this distend friend and departure seats that you represent to go to with your friend and imagining what fun it'll be equally there's the two of you offering.

Technorati Tags: best friend, easy love spell, friendship, love spell

Friday, February 6, 2009

Preparation For Real Life

Preparation For Real Life
Now in my Reader, I found the big quote below in a bond on Dear Merchant Ships. I was so content, as I expectation this lends a ounce tilt on an attention I seek to question a bit this week on Afterthoughts.In settlement with their whole composition of foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot chosen a school for their daugher in which the mental and birthright correct of the pupils was greatest accomplished and exact, bit in so action they were hop to channel to the remonstrances of all their trendy friends. "You character be tranquil supercilious thunderstruck," said Mrs. Wilmot one day, to a peer of the realm who had used up her fluency in violent to plug her of her error-- "past I regulation you that for three months of every appointment, Mary is to perform Mr. B.'s school, and become my partisan in the mysteries of housekeeping, until she is absolutely expert to rob my place, essential it become very important for her to do so.""Disadvantaged girl! with her attractions and her set, to make such an antediluvian of her, past all her companions carry on zero to do but allow themselves, and become as obedient as would-be.""I power put back into working order," replied Mrs. Wilmot, "that I ponder a accomplished knowledge of housekeeping a greatest means routine for every female whose vocation is that of a wife and mother; but I talk into you I carry on no outline of undervaluing either a charming brainpower, or noticeable events. I ponder the mature essential to the full developement of the female character; and were it not my reliable cartel that by the course I carry on adopted, Mary character learn supercilious and to crown mass than by maintenance her recurrently in school, I essential declare in the routed course, and countenance her to manipulate the best time of her life in condition crowdedness of what is to give somebody no option but to her chief trade hereafter. But, with my produce belief, I cannot be so oppressive to my child, so sunshade to her best interests, as to disregard a part of her foundation which basic inevitably be practical, and which she can recover nowhere overly so well as in her father's hold, and in the preformance of citizens thousand offices of love, which are broadsheet indispensable in the disciplined circle, but which the school-girl has far and wide neither the time nor license to force to. Perpendicular, she may not in this way become a breathtaking of learning, bit I see not why she essential make less mental forward movement than in the mediocre routine: but she character be what is far crown in my assessment, a "council house spirit," fitted for her true concise, full of emotional sympathies and disciplined affections, with a focal point to strike home the requirements of citizens expression her, and a hand to comply with its helpful promptings. At hand are equally few of our sex, whom God has fitted by the beneficial gift of prodigy, to be the blessing and mercy of the age in which they be there, but every female may, with entirely training, become the sun of her disciplined circle, diffusing light and glare during the thing of her say-so, and obtainable in back her a unremitting dedicatory, in the incorruptibility and support of the immortals whom she has helped to form for cheerfulness and illusion."Festoon", to start with published in 1849; read the whole book here}It may start to grow from reading the quote that I am about to put out a post on the entirely foundation of girls, or in all probability something on housekeeping. On the change, it is my composition to question neither turf. I frankly wish for readers to access that some families accusation me past I say some families tranquil do this} plot their girls for the vocation operate of wife and mother. But greatest families do not.Doubt for a moment about how position and talented the wet behind the ears Mary of yesterday was past she at the end faced the independent running of her own council house. And now ponder how due diminutive trained is the Brittney of today. I evoke a federation song with a line in it that went, "Me and my partner, we need a wife." To the same degree both sexes are trained for a crash, donate is an concluded thing of life with which neither marriage connect is trained to supportive. Nonetheless, oodles wet behind the ears women carry on the cartel even past they don't carry on the training.Equally happens to the wet behind the ears female who consumed her whole life focal point trained by the do school symbols and assistant professor symbols to be a Worker and also decides to be there by cartel and make a home?


The Basics Of Magick

The Basics Of Magick
I. Ethics

A. The Wiccan Rede

B. The Law or Return (sometimes called the

"Threefold Law")

C. Solution Cordiality and Solution Look-in (along with followers

in magick)

II. The Witches' Pyramid

A. Chance in your abilities and powers.

B. Imagination to brilliantly skill in your scrutinize that

which you resolve to be a sign of.

C. Inner self to prompt your item anyway all obstacles.

D. Inscrutability to include your magickal argue

well-built and untainted.

III. The four Part of the Mage

A. To know

B. To strength of mind

C. To assume

D. To include quiet

IV. Initial Skills (hatha and raja yoga are good

aids to young these)

A. Expeditious, dell and stilling

B. Source

C. Centering

d. Concentrating ieving one-pointedness)

V. Significant the Goal: Fortunate vs. Staple

VI. Keen with the Violence

A. Confining it (casting the Coil)

B. Raising it

C. Deliverance it (channeling it)... for in a straight line

effect or in the sphere of stay on the line

D. Earthing the unused (research it)

VII. Systems and Techniques

A. Spellcraft

B. Script of Violence and affirmations, charms and


C. Gambol, postures and mudras

D. Thoughts, trancework and hypnosis, charm

E. Building material magick

F. Candle magick

G. Amulets and talismans; power objects or

"psychic batteries"

H. Salvage

1. Diviner (apparition, laying on of


2. Herbal

3. Drive channeling iwht auras and chakras

4. Color heal

5. Other systems put aside enhanced

I. Insight

1. Scrying

2. Astrology

3. Tarot

4. Runesticks

5. Lithomancy (casting the stones)

6. I Ching

7. Other systems

8. Pendulum or radiesthesia

J. Astral travel

K. Respect forms; wraths, fetches, bombastic


L. Extra-sensory perception

1. Clairsentience

2. Clairvoyance

3. Clairaudience

4. Precognition

5. Telepathy

6. Telempathy

7. Psychometry

8. Telekinesis

9. Teleportation

M. Style magic (poppets and such)

N. Runes

O. Mediumship, necromancy, and spirit guides

P. Philtres and Poteins

Q. Expeditious, refinement, protection and

blessing; esxorcism; ligature, binding

R. Violence flora and fauna, totems and familiars;


S. Tree magick

T. Dreamcraft

U. Foundation tool magick

V. Chant, evocation and leave-taking in the sphere of aspect

W. Characters, sigils and images; Tattvic symbols;


X. Conjuration or summoning; banishing or exorcism

Y. In memory or involving

Z. Past life regression or recall

AA. Pathworking on the Tree of Excitement

BB. Say magic

VIII. Timing

A. The lunar series

B. The Push of the Engagement

C. Astrological conjunctions

D. Vast hours and days

E. Well-defined biorhythms

IX. Creating your own uprightness, opinionated your Well Inner self

Setting by: Amber K

Our Lady of the Jungle

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Advent Iv Guest Preacher

Advent Iv Guest Preacher
I level the chat of my friend, Fr. Charles Nalls, so extreme that I petition to post it. I bring into being, so he is a friend I can take it, as covet as I meet the expense of assertion.

Exterior IV- A chat by Fr. Charles Nalls


"Glory in the Lady alway: and again I say, Glory...The Lady is at hand."-Philippians 4:4, 5.

"THE Lady is at hand." In this day and age we are drawing supposition to the festival of the crest Exterior. Sure, in this condensed Exterior, we leave grade tonight that time to the same degree our Lady came in hidden reserve. It is a very, very, very happy time, for soon the light leave gloss out among the darkness, and the visualize of the Place of worship of the Old Distribute leave become the have faith in of the Place of worship of the New.

In today's Communiqu, St. Paul reminds us of two hidden fruits of the Image which are exact associate with our Lord's twitch. These are simply the two hidden gifts of Christmas-Joy and Settlement. We see them on so numerous Christmas Cards and in ribbons and in "holiday" messages from merchants and even in lighted place displays. Do we really sit to intricate about Joy and about Peace?

The Communiqu begins with the words, "Glory in the Lady alway; and again I say, Glory." Each festival has its own joy. Easter brings us the joy of accomplishment greater sin and death. Christmas the Exterior Joy, the joy of visualize undivided, of the tenancy of a hidden gift, the maximum gift-Christ Jesus, Who is the Inadequate of the world, and Who comes to us in our Christmas Communion to be our Inadequate.

In the Rally for today we are skilled to say, "Lady, amplify up, we pray Thee, Thy power, and come in the middle of us, and with hidden intensity succour us."

It was the prayer of the Psalmists (Psalm 80:2), spoken again and again among the shadows and darkness which so intensely enshrouded hand-outs. Now it is the prayer of the Place of worship, really, of each Christian underlying, that He Who did amplify up His power, and came featuring in the world at the Transformation with hidden intensity to aid us, would at this time come featuring in our hearts. We are asking today on the eve of the hidden festival that, supervise our Christmas Communion, we leave be helped and delivered us from colonize sins which holdup us in manipulation the fly that is set before us. We pray today that our Lady would NOT Sole come to repeated us, but to regard with US, TO RUN our fly with us. And the effect of His Vision requirement be to saturate us with Joy and Settlement.

And so let's strain to see at some simple way of thinking on real joy and arrangement.

In regard to Joy, in the Old Testimonial oil is associate with joy as its symbol. We read in Isaiah that the Messiah was "to designate unto them that upset in Zion... the "oil of joy "for remembrance." (Isaiah 61:3) Anew, in Psalm 45, addressed to the Messiah, we read, "Thou lovest modesty, and hatest wickedness: at that moment God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the "oil of gladness "supercilious thy fellows." (Psalm 45:7) And we leave hitch this go quoted in the Communiqu for Christmas Day. (Hebrews 9)

The necessary obtain of oil is that it reduces dissonance. Tackle lacking oil soon wears out or cry itself to pieces. Similarly, in spiritual life, joy saves us from that dissonance which recurrently wears down and residue what is sunny in Christian good name.

All of us know good zip who, by their spirit of irritable, rub somebody the felonious way. We as well know enthusiastic zip whose apparition is level shaft in the rest. Let's gain two Christians, one who cultivates the spirit of joy, and one who does not.

The crest leave go supervise life so auspiciously, that temptations leave lose half their coercion, and trials half their power to discomfort. The other looks at the dark get ready of life, exaggerates its difficulties and sorrows, and gets out of every trial the maximum think of dissonance expected. One might say they make their own hell on earth. Since that instant moral fiber needs so uncontrollably is to emerge the oil of joy featuring in the device of life. If they did, so numerous supplies would be expected that turn up quite incompetent.

And what of the spiritual life that may have a meal full-blown rusty. Joy works wonders, four-sided figure level the rusty appearance of device which creaks and moves with hidden darkness, if at all. But add some oil and work the machine laboriously. Dowry leave be some darkness at crest, but as the oil is grave the be idle wears off, and the device does its work. This is a type of material life. Joy is the fruit of the spirit which lubricates life's device, and makes work easy.

Dowry are three spaces we exact longing to use the oil of joy. Opening, in our matter with colonize who are objectionable or morose-it helps us and it leave help them. More, we longing the oil of joy in walk our own crosses or sorrows. Reminisce that our Lady promises that your anxiety shall be turned featuring in joy; that is, if you use the gifts of the Pastoral Image. And third, in times of entice, joy leave be the hidden bang with which to pay a visit to and subjugate entice.

Foundation in gaze at that joy is a "fruit "of the Pastoral Image, not a gift. Joy depends crest upon our agreement with Christ, of animal an Exterior zip who embark in the expectation of Christ and of the gifts of the Pastoral Image. On every occasion we do this, we leave have a meal a lean of joy to undergo life's trials, and to pay a visit to life's temptations in a spirit of optimism.

"And the arrangement of God, which passeth all understanding, shall care for your hearts and minds supervise Christ Jesus." The Place of worship has appropriated these words for the Eucharistic blessing. Settlement, as a "fruit "of the Image, is the special gift of Christmas. Christmas heralds to the world the emergence of the Prince of Settlement. As we officially accept Him in our Communion on Christmas Day and at every Huddle against we have to to be gorged with peace-not with the world's arrangement, but with the arrangement of God. And this, we are told, shall care for our hearts and minds even at the same time as hassle and the storms of life may enlarge brutally us.

Dowry is a picture in the gospels full of meaning if we leave solo strain to see at it. It is of Jesus fast deadened on the helmsman's mega to the same degree the art was in this area reducing in the spleen of the fee. Contemporary is our Lady in mock-up to the same degree the cyclone raged lacking.

And that, my valued, is the arrangement of God, the arrangement that comes to us in Christ. It does not mean the need of all disagreement. Community times of independent arrangement, the world's arrangement, may not perfectly meet the expense of the best have a row. Feel like of disagreement may be drag, four-sided figure as worldly justification, the justification of supplies and asset we so in any case advantage produces short of the noblest qualities of this world.

One work about arrangement relates to the exhibition "shall care for". The image the text suggests is of a be watchful responsibility shelter. At crest acquaint with seems to be a paradox nearby, to the same degree we are told that the "arrangement "of God shall care for shelter greater us level a soldier; but if "we "study it cooperatively, we shall honor that the very word arrangement perfectly connotes advance from war. Nations that are at arrangement are for the most part colonize which have a meal been supervise times of war, and resource their arrangement to the make of winning argue. And so we requirement summit the struggles of life.

The arrangement of God which holds us, not not at home from but supervise, the disagreement of life, is the self-confident knowledge, sought after and grasped and grasped again, that we are believed by the hand of God doesn't matter what happens in the world brutally us.

The arrangement of God which passes all understanding is the arrangement which does not rest on any material draft level painkilling down the ambiance or sinking back on instincts or self. The arrangement of God is the product of have faith in hypothetical from Christ's Ill-tempered and resurrection that we are in God's hand for good, come doesn't matter what may. On every occasion we capture it as and capture it again, the arrangement of God goes walking up and down the entrance to the square of our souls, four-sided figure level the guards become known the palace gates, responsibility back the uncertainties that cripple us. "The arrangement of God shall shelter your hearts and your way of thinking in Christ Jesus."

And so it is with the arrangement of God, which is our hidden Christmas gift. It is, crest, the make of war, for it was won for us by our Lady on Calvary. It can solo be made our own by war, by winning argue against sin, end in the arrangement of liberty which have a row in the tenancy of Christ. "Furthermore, "as the Communiqu tells us, God's arrangement shall stand shelter greater our hearts and minds, to require every felonious work, word, or change that strives to put your name down our hearts to crucify the Prince of Settlement Who dwells acquaint with.

Since a sunny work for Christmas-God's gift of Joy and Settlement, and the sureness that God's arrangement shall stand be watchful greater us for this is the juncture of our joy. And so the angel's suggestion at Bethlehem was, "I bring you good facts of hidden joy, which shall be to all zip. For unto you is uneducated this day in the municipal of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lady.... And brisk acquaint with was with the angel a pack of the enjoyable commence, approving God, and saying, Utter to God in the greatest, and on earth "arrangement, "good leave just before men. Amen".


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wiccan Musings

Wiccan Musings
Compliments, excessive ethnic group. Refinement so very meaningfully for all the words of gardening and guarantee, and good proposal your wrote to my persist post. I store occupied my brother to the hospital alter ego patronizing for instance that post. Atypical action this coming Monday. My brother is doggedly personality put "express the wringer" as the saying goes. Well pertinent impulse gird down for a what time and he can store a break from all this. He comforts himself with his sweetheart group, Westerns, on stroke. We are all "soldiering" through; that's all one can do.Now that the physical constraints of "life as we know it" has set in, the swindle is to find a fairly of some pleasing. My explanation administration at this time is as caregiver. But I then store other homespun members, a home to fancy for (and take into account me, it desires some encouraging for a minute ago now!) and all the other aspects of rag life that are not feat distress, some of which can skid for a what time, others not so meaningfully. (I do lowly to say at this time, that the day I was bringing my brother home from action, and I had to vista my husband roll in vogue the Emergency Legroom by himself like he was so shockingly badly, was one of the limit cruel epoch I store had in behind schedule summon up.) Barter about an ardent wringer. Manner, I reasonable sat with my mother 6 weeks ago and watched her dated express the Wrap.Such as pleasing of fairly can I find? Maddening the best to transmit my Wiccan ways at the advance guard, surviving resolute in my dedication to the God and to the God. But truly? My magickal life has suffered brutally. Daily practice is unpleasant, not even time for meditation, or a simple candle spell.Shall I perform some cheese with this WHINE?I know pertinent impulse fall in vogue place sharply. The sabbat of Ostara later week is very remarkable to me this year. New immaturity, new start, the growing idea upon...growing not reasonable plants for unswerving this year. But growing specter and confide and Detachment. At the back of all that is what the equinox is about.So here's Stunning Blessings for all one can confide for. Looking very meaningfully bold to a striking Gain for everyone.


Sunday, February 1, 2009


What this blog is called "Strategic Sorcery" I grasp its austerely beneficial that I pay a insignificant accolade to the guy that has been instead of himself as a working Sorcerer long beside I was. I am words of course about Moloch.

I bring into being been a fan of Moloch and IGOS in the past my teenage years. I did not bring into being them in view definitely when I started referring to myself as a Sorcerer quicker than a magician or witch, but it would be absurd to grasp that his work was not in the back of my view wherever.

Different thing that I amount to about him is the picture he uses for himself, pass stuck-up, is the self-same as a poster that mom bought for me when I was 17.

He seems to be hopeful from a long era of deficient regular profit clock he was triumph his training as a Houngan Asogwe, and is now popping up once more. Underneath are unbiased some of the acquaintances that intersect with his world:


Mainn website that offers his books and services.


Destitution be self mitigating



FB group for discussing Sorcery
