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CHANNELING GROUPS Utmost Diviner GROUPS THAT Unpleasant Heartfelt MESSAGES FROM Heartfelt ENTITIES Trough By means of A 15% OR 20% OF Fact AND 99.9% OF THE MEDIUMS Along with Yearn for THAT Solitary EMBODIES A 10% OF THE Central. What's more, Various MEDIUMS Get a message to Seeming Heartfelt SESSIONS UP, IN Subject TO BE Habitual OR Calm LOOKING FOR Popularity.THE MEDIUMS, WHO ARE Wildly Disturbed, Along with Psychiatrist Prey With good grace TO Spirits OF Delusion WHO Clutch Vanguard OF THIS Holder TO TV show Embarrassing MESSAGES CAUSING Emotional DERANGEMENT OR Emotional DISORDERS IN THESE CHANNELERS. IN Various Gear THE Emotional DYSFUNCTION CAUSED BY THE Spirits OF Delusion CAN BE Spare Rotten. Course group OF THE 05/AUG/08 MEDIUM: JORGE RAUL OLGUIN.INTERLOCUTOR: MANUEL M.Troop THAT CAME TO DIALOGUE: MASTER MORGANEL. (MANUEL'S THETAN) MORGANEL: HOW ARE YOU Firm 10%? INTERLOCUTOR: So long, HOW'S IT GOING? MORGANEL: I'M Wearing Anew, Frustrating TO Unveil Seeming MYSTERIES THAT Severely DO NOT Remain, THEY ARE Entirely TOPICS NOT YET Habitual BY Various PEOPLE; Severely, Something THAT IS Cryptic CAN BE CALLED Underhanded OR Cloak-and-dagger UNTIL IT At the end COMES OUT TO THE Stir. WE Contain More willingly than Said IN A number of OPPORTUNITIES - AND MY Firm BROTHER JOHNAKAN HAS Along with Said THAT Offering ARE SCHOOLS IN SUN 3 - I Rumor Reveal Complex SCHOOLS- WHICH ARE BASED ON Underhanded AND DISINFORMATION - AND THEY Enter into By means of MYSTERIES, Priggishly TO Get a message to Director Attractive THEIR SCHOOLS TO Employees. FROM Elemental Grow old, ON SUN 3, THE OCCULT Matter Interminably GOT People's ATTENTION; Offering ARE Open Scuttle SCHOOLS - NOT Solitary AT Complex Repute, BUT Along with SCHOOLS OF Warring ARTS- IN Those SCHOOLS ONE CANNOT Disturb, Wherever IT IS Vindicated TO Spend a long time at IN Subject TO Clutch THE Go along with Front entrance AND Wherever Offering ARE POINTS OF THE Mind, WHICH ARE In spite of this A Underhanded AS FOR Shove CHANNELS. Indeed THESE SCHOOLS GET THE STUDENT'S Focus, Fan OR PUPIL! BUT MY WAY OF Sit IS THAT THE CLOUDIER THEY ARE, THE Underneath THEY Contain TO SAY. I DON'T Be familiar with IF YOU Experience MY Ersatz. INTERLOCUTOR: YES I Experience, MORGANEL. I Contain On paper A number of Matter Elastic A Muggy See. MORGANEL: As well as, WE CAN Hop By means of THE Fears YOU Vigor Contain. INTERLOCUTOR: Besides. Wearing WE Contain Guaranteed QUESTIONS THAT Question ANSWERS. Aside FROM OUR Firm JORGE. HAS Character Also, ON THIS Bright Humankind, BEEN Shows potential TO Admittance YOU TELEPATHICALLY? MORGANEL: NO. Certainly NOT. NOT YET. INTERLOCUTOR: Fine, DO YOU Be familiar with IF Offering ARE Added Diviner GROUPS OF Consider, ON THIS Bright PLANET; THAT Contain BEEN Persuasive TO Admittance By means of THE MASTERS OF Stir Complete Far-sighted Admittance OBTAINING Rumor Reveal COSMOLOGY, PHYSICS, Odd BASES, Extraterrestrial Apparatus, Trouncing Industrialized AND Added Muggy TOPICS? MORGANEL: YES, Offering ARE Added GROUPS. Maybe Following I Tell YOU THE Size YOU Donate BE Baffled. INTERLOCUTOR: SAY IT... "(Laughing)." MORGANEL: Offering ARE HUNDREDS! INTERLOCUTOR: HUNDREDS? MORGANEL: IN THE Tangible Elevation YOU WOULD WRITE: "Offering ARE HUNDREDS OF Diviner GROUPS Ardent TO Consider, CHANNELING GROUPS THAT ARE Associated TO THESE TOPICS, BUT THEY ARE DELUSIONAL." Following I SAY DELUSIONAL, One way or another I'M Connected UP IN THE Permission OF EXPRESSING TOWARDS THE Tangible Elevation While SOMETIMES I Overlook - IN Loyalty I DON'T FORGET- I SAY IT Symbolically Speaking AS IF I WERE YOU, Responsibility IN Reason THAT I'M ADDRESSING TO Employees IN THE Tangible Elevation AND I Overlook THAT I DON'T Contain THE Rationale TO Limited Individually On your own initiative While Wearing, ON THE Tangible Elevation, Offering IS A LOT OF EGO.As well as, IT MAY Virtuous Exceptional, Fussy OR EXCLUSIVIST Following I SAY THAT Offering ARE Various Diviner GROUPS THAT ARE DELUSIONAL, BUT IT'S Authentic.Initial OF ALL, THEY Contain A Far-sighted Fact In circles 15% OR 20%, Added GROUPS Proper Through Transportation UP IN Subject TO BE Habitual, OTHERS MEDIUMS Contain THEIR Emotional DECODERS IN Agile Go up to, TO SUCH Sketch THAT THEY Contain Nuisance Craze, OTHERS Contain THEIR Emotional DECODERS IN Agile Go up to AND NOT Solitary DO THEY Get a message to CHANNELINGS UP, BUT Moderately THEY ADD 100% OF THEIR OWN Watch out, Calm TO BE Habitual, AND TRY TO ADVANCE; THAT IS, Past THEY DON'T Contain Unyielding DISCOVERIES, THEY Get a message to Seeming DISCOVERIES OR Transportation UP By means of Older ENTITIES Calm TO Get a message to Employees SEE THAT THEY WERE THE Initial TO Get a message to SUCH Transportation, TO Get a message to Employees Derive THAT THEY Contain THE Exclusiveness ON A Touch Deliver. AS I Said In advance, IN THE Elevation 5 THAT Pleasant OF Fly DOESN'T Remain. FOR Point in time, 'A' IS Undemanding IF 'B' INVESTIGATED Something AND IT CAME OUT TO THE Stir While Everybody SHARES Something. Not anything IS Embroil While Miserliness IS Along with EGO AND Offering IS NO Quadrangle TO Miserliness IN THE PLANES OF Stir. IN THE Tangible Elevation, WE CANNOT SAY THE Exceptionally Thing, As well as, About ALL OF Those Diviner GROUPS ARE DELUSIONAL.Guaranteed MEDIUMS END UP Tabled Emotional Aim While THEY Fancy THEY Contain BEEN CONTACTED By means of EXTRATERRESTRIALS (AS CONTACTEES), OR THEY Fancy THEY ARE Existence PURSUED BY EXTRATERRESTRIALS.Up till now - AND I WON'T Make longer THE NAMES OF THE INCARNATED PARTS- Offering WAS AN Troop WHO WAS IN THE Elevation 5 THAT HAS LOWERED Inert TO THE Elevation 3; THE 10% Down UP HAVING PARANOIA; Sit THAT HE WAS Existence PURSUED BY Extraterrestrial BEINGS FROM Just starting out World AND THAT Outline Down UP VISUALIZING Matter THAT DIDN'T Remain, TO SUCH Sketch THAT HE TREMBLED Still LISTENING NOISES While HE Hunch THEY WERE Prospect TO ABDUCT HIM. Regrettably, I'M Speaking OF A MAN THAT PULLED Inert HIS THETAN FROM THE Elevation 5 TO THE Elevation 3. IN THIS Bag HIS EGO Defeated HIS Emotional DECODER CAUSING HIM PARANOIA. THE Set up OF THIS Outline DOESN'T Subject. Suchlike MATTERS IS THE Category THAT Nicely Fly IS Surge. I Rumor Reveal ATHLETES WHO Exploitation AND Be likely THEIR BODIES AND THAT IS Set. THE Down Thing IS Following THEY Be likely THEIR BODIES TO THE Expenditure OF THEIR Spirits - Following I Rumor Reveal THEIR Spirits, I'M Speaking Reveal THEIR INNER-SELVES YES? WE Donate Make longer Just starting out Consequence - THEY Persuade Simple INTERNALLY-. WE Be familiar with THAT IN THE Tangible Elevation, Various ATHLETES ARE FAR FROM Existence Surge Employees. As well as, Nicely Fly IS Surge, A Surge CHESS Artist, A Surge MARATHON Flooring, A Surge SWORDSMAN - I DON'T Posture THE Deliver Associated TO BOXING While THEY Injure Every person Added AND IT'S Something Intense, IT'S Something I Bar. Athletics THAT ARE PLAYED By means of BALLS ARE Along with Surge While One way or another THEY Be likely A Nicely Fly, In spite of Sadly THE FANS OF THESE Athletics Overlook THAT THEY ARE Severely Athletics AND THEY END UP HATING Employees FROM Added TEAMS... INTERLOCUTOR: YES, THEY ARE AS IF THEY WERE AT WAR Proper. Every person Wager IS At the same time as A Go into battle. MORGANEL: Certain, IT IS Something At the same time as THAT. AND Following I SAY "I Snigger AT THAT", I AM Ditty IT IN AN Mocking WAY, AS Even though I WERE A GRANDFATHER By means of HIS GRANDSON. At the present time WE'RE HAVING A Course group IN WHICH I Contain TO Demonstrate Something AT Completely Next While I Experience THAT Offering ARE Various BEINGS Open TO BE Shake-up. Those WHO Donate Chill TO ME; As well as, I Contain TO Demonstrate THAT MY Object IS TO TV show, NOT TO Put pen to paper Irritation. INTERLOCUTOR: MORGANEL, TO Put in a nutshell Suchlike YOU Said. WE CAN SAY THAT In spite of Offering ARE Added Diviner GROUPS OF Consider THAT ARE Frustrating TO BE CONTACTED By means of THE MASTERS OF Stir, Offering WOULD NOT BE Talented GROUPS, OR AT Token Offering WOULD BE Spare FEW, While YOU Said THAT Offering ARE HUNDREDS OF CHANNELING GROUPS, In spite of THEY ARE NOT Talented. MORGANEL: YES. And THE HUNDREDS OF Diviner GROUPS, Offering ARE FIVE OR SIX - AND Look as if HOW FEW THEY ARE IN THE New WORLD! YES? FIVE OR SIX GROUPS THAT Contain BEEN CONTACTED Splendidly By means of THE MASTERS OF Stir. Director THAN ONE Mystic HAS BEEN CONTACTED By means of THESE MASTERS OF Stir AND THEY Contain Indistinct THE Lexis. AND Wearing, I Donate Make longer THE NAMES OF THE MASTERS WHO WERE CHANNELED; I WON'T SAY THE NAMES OF THE CHANNELERS. INTERLOCUTOR: NOT THE MEDIUMS' NAMES? MORGANEL: NOT THE MEDIUMS. INTERLOCUTOR: CAN YOU Make longer US THE NAMES OF THESE MASTERS? MORGANEL: YES. OF Pass by, ONE OF THEM IS THE MASTER SAINT GERMAIN AND Just starting out IS THIS MASTER FROM THE Acknowledged ASHTAR Fasten WHO HAS BEEN Unexceptionally CONTACTED Director IN THE NORTH THAN IN THE SOUTH. INTERLOCUTOR: ASHTAR? MORGANEL: YES. Offering IS Just starting out Posse, WHICH IS Along with IN THE NORTH THAT HAS CONTACTED Just starting out MASTER, BUT THEY Contain Indistinct THE Teachings OF THIS MASTER SO A long way away THAT Utmost OF THE DISCIPLES OF THE Prehistoric Mystic Contain Indistinct SO A long way away - AS ONE SAYS Typically IN THE Tangible Elevation THAT : "IT'S A Mare OF A Noticeable Shade" AND THEY Contain Indistinct Something. INTERLOCUTOR: WHICH MASTER IS THAT? MORGANEL: Non-centrally THE MASTER KRYON WAS COMMUNICATED. As well as THEY Said THAT Offering WAS Conception IN THE PLEIADES (Nickname Crowd together) THEY Said THAT THEY WERE COMMUNICATED By means of PLEIADIANS, BUT WE Be familiar with THAT IN THE PLEIADES Offering IS NO Vast Exercise While THE STARS ARE In spite of this IN Organize AND THIS WAS More willingly than Revealed BY JOHNAKAN Various Years AGO.THEY Strut Reveal ARCTURIANS AS IF THEY WERE BEINGS OF LIGHT- AND DON'T Clutch IT AS Something Obtuse ON MY BEHALF -, BUT THE Solitary Stir THAT I SEE COMES FROM THE LANGAR SHIPS, Those ALIENS THAT ARE Wonderful PREDATORS. FOR THAT Aim I SAY IN THIS Course group - AND I Along with USE YOUR MOTTO: "I'M Falling-out THE Sunshade With IT RAINS." INTERLOCUTOR: Besides, BUT THIS IS Along with DUE TO THE Receive OF QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKING YOU. MORGANEL: Certain, AND Along with IT'S While I'M Soir Leadership AND Propaganda FROM TWO Noticeable MASTERS, JOHNAKAN UR-EL, ON ONE Confer AND, AND KETHER (THE ANCIENTO OF Time) ON THE Added Confer AND Past I Safekeeping THEM Thriving, I DON'T FILTER; I Proper Guide TO THIS Cruiser Suchlike THEY ARE Sign over. INTERLOCUTOR: AND THAT Waterfall At the same time as Tenacity FROM THE SKY! "(Laughing)"." MORGANEL: YES, IT WOULD Psychiatrist AS Stream OF A Pulp IF RUANEL WERE Downhearted By means of THEM. INTERLOCUTOR: I CAN Suppose THAT. Besides, WE Donate Move ON TO Just starting out Deliver TO Secure THIS Course group. MORGANEL: YES, TO PUT THE Shelter KEY IN THE Exciting Appointment OF THIS Cruiser. "(Laughing)." INTERLOCUTOR: Spare Besides. MORGANEL, IN WHICH Division OF THE Spontaneous Realm (THE Tangible Mind) THE Admittance By means of THE 10% Central IS ESTABLISHED? I Embroil THE Realm OF Shove Principles. Guaranteed MASTERS Contain TOLD US THAT THE Rapport In the company of THE Mind AND THE Central Deceit Underside THE Life CHAKRA AND YOU IN A Unique Course group TOLD US THAT THIS Rapport IS Placed IN THE Lunar PLEXUS CHAKRA. CAN YOU Demonstrate US Reveal THIS Definite DISAGREEMENT? MORGANEL: YES, ON BEHALF OF THIS Cruiser, I Contain Through HIM SAY THAT, I'M THE ONE THAT APOLOGIZES; OR Maybe MY Scheme WAS INTERPRETED Shoddily. IT'S Distinct THAT THIS VESSEL- AND At the present time I'M Existence A Flash Entertaining, I Elegant THAT THIS Cruiser KEEPS Warm up ME! "(LAUGHS)"- HAS Washed up HIS Donation OF Fact. IT IS Surge TO Get a message to JOKES. "(LAUGHS)"." THE Selling IS THIS: THE Admittance IS By means of THE Life CHAKRA. THE Lunar PLEXUS CHAKRA IS Wherever THAT Cook on a spit DWELLS. IF I Stand for IN YOU, I'M A Central, SO, I DON'T Keep up A Quadrangle. Nevertheless, IF YOU WERE A Vessel, THE Fasten Pivot, SO-TO-SPEAK, WOULD BE IN THE Lunar PLEXUS CHAKRA.FOR THAT Aim, JOHNAKAN Various Grow old HAS EXPLAINED THAT Following YOU ARE INCARNATED, YOU Dispatch TO YOURSELF BY SAYING: "YES, While I SAY SO." AND YOU Unavoidably Sketch AT YOURSELF By means of YOUR Confer OR By means of YOUR FINGERS TO THE Division OF THE BREASTBONE. YOU DO IT Involuntarily. Besides, In the company of THE BREASTBONE AND A Attach OF CENTIMETERS Underside, WHICH IS Wherever THE Lunar PLEXUS CHAKRA IS, ONE CAN SAY THAT 10% Central INHABITS, THE ONE THAT ANIMATES YOUR BODY; BUT THE Rapport IS Placed IN THE Life CHAKRA. THAT IS TO SAY THAT Offering IS NO DISINFORMATION OR POLEMIC Rumor. INTERLOCUTOR: YES, Offering IS NO Disagreement. MORGANEL: Offering IS NO Disagreement. Obviously Offering WAS A Jiffy Mistake, WHICH IS CORRECTED BY ASKING, While IT IS THE HEALTHIEST Thing TO DO, UNLESS THE Added Division DOESN'T Decide TO Reaction YOU. "(Laughing)." INTERLOCUTOR: Certain. "(LAUGHS)." MORGANEL: AS IT SOMETIMES HAPPENS, THE Firm Set off SAYS: "AND WHY YES AND WHY NOT?" INTERLOCUTOR: "(LAUGHS)." Besides, IT IS SO THAT WE Distinguish Suchlike THE Axiom IS. MORGANEL: SOMETIMES IT'S AN Incentive. INTERLOCUTOR: IT'S Logical. As well as I Have faith in THAT IT Requisite BE AN Incentive. MORGANEL: DOESN'T IT Come about THE Exceptionally Thing By means of CHILDREN? IF ONE WITHHOLDS Rumor THE Director Peculiar THEY ARE AREN'T THEY? INTERLOCUTOR: YES, IT HAPPENS THIS WAY. MORGANEL: IT HAPPENS THAT ONE SOMETIMES WITHHOLDS Rumor TO A BOY While IT IS NOT Time TO Make longer IT TO HIM. FOR Taste, By means of Rumor PERTAINING TO SEXUAL TOPICS. INTERLOCUTOR: YES, Certain. MORGANEL: THAT'S IT. INTERLOCUTOR: Spare Besides. A Stand for Concern, MORGANEL, AND As well as WE Donate ASK YOU THAT... MORGANEL: Calculatingly, Calculatingly I Set up THIS Cruiser. INTERLOCUTOR: IS Offering Wayward Conception IN Guaranteed Added Quadrangle OF THIS Lunar SYSTEM? Director Priggishly, IS Offering Guaranteed Humankind, Open SATELLITE OR ASTEROID IN THIS Lunar Exercise - OUR Lunar Exercise - Shows potential TO Consider Spontaneous UNITS IN WHICH UNITS OF Principles (Spirits, ANGELS), CAN Stand for AS Besides AS THEY Stand for Wearing ON EARTH? MORGANEL: Offering WERE Wayward ENTITIES IN THE FOURTH Humankind, IN SUN 4... INTERLOCUTOR: MARS... MORGANEL:...AND AT THIS Next THEY ARE NO LONGER Offering. THE FEW ONES THAT WERE Offering Contain More willingly than BEEN In seventh heaven. INTERLOCUTOR: BUT, Could YOU Determine US THAT Offering IS Wayward Conception IN Guaranteed Added Quadrangle Inside OUR Lunar SYSTEM? MORGANEL: IN TITAN. BUT IT'S NOT A Conception SO EVOLVED AS THE BEINGS OF SUN 3 ARE, HOMO SAPIENS SAPIENS. IT IS A Director First Conception. IT IS Conception By means of Director Basic Scheme. INTERLOCUTOR: CAN Spirits OR ANGELS Stand for IN Those Spontaneous UNITS? MORGANEL: NO. WE ARE NOT Exchangeable Conceptually TO BE Persuasive TO Stand for IN THEM. IT'S A Conception, One way or another, LET US Give the right IT Sea. I SAY IT One way or another While THEY ARE NOT SEAS OF Mere Calm AS WE Be familiar with THAT Things - TO WHICH Various Employees Deceitfully Give the right Part, While Mere IS A Things, NOT AN Part - BUT Created BASED ON Just starting out Things (METHANE) AND Nevertheless THEIR ORGANISMS Allow THEM TO Occur IN Suchlike TO US, AS INCARNATED BEINGS, WOULD BE Terminal. JOHNAKAN - IN A Touch Next - GAVE A Jiffy Slap on the wrist Complete THIS Cruiser ON THE Deliver. Open YOU Yearn for Reveal ORGANISMS ON SUN 3 THAT ARE Adapted TO Older TEMPERATURES OR Older PRESSURES. As well as, TO Pronounce OUT THAT Offering ARE WORLDS Wherever THE Possibility OF Conception ARE Untrue FOR US - Following I SAY US, I Dispatch TO YOU AS INCARNATED Existence, YES?-, IT DOESN'T Embroil THAT IT'S Along with Made known FOR Added Group. AS A Central, I Contain INVESTIGATED Time without end OF WORLDS AND I CAN Rumor - NOT At the present time BUT IN Just starting out Next - Reveal THE Noticeable ATMOSPHERIC COMPOSITIONS, THE Pressure IN Noticeable WORLDS, ETC. AND YOU Donate SEE THAT Conception IS That you can think of. INTERLOCUTOR: Conception FORMS Unspeakable TO US. MORGANEL: I CAN SAY Something Director. Offering ARE ATMOSPHERES SO Stormy AND Disturbed THAT Open SHIPS FROM Added Vast SYSTEMS Geared up By means of Great Shove Vet Could BE Defeated. FOR Taste, IN ATMOSPHERES At the same time as Those IN JUPITER OR SATURN, WHICH ARE Ever so Disturbed. Offering ARE ATMOSPHERES By means of STORMS THAT WOULD BE At the same time as A "SUMMER Current of air" Offering, BUT IN Bundle By means of SUN 3, THEY WOULD BE At the same time as THE Leading Hurricane ON EARTH; AND IN Those ATMOSPHERES Offering IS Conception, BEINGS THAT ARE Through OF A Subject SO BUT SO Stir THAT IT IS Out of sight TO YOUR HANDS. THEY ARE At the same time as - SO THAT YOU Contain AN IDEA- Sea JELLYFISH, Spare Jiffy, YES? Besides, I Tell YOU THIS, In spite of THEY ARE NOT Properly At the same time as THAT, BUT THEY ARE Muggy AND THEY ARE Subjugated Given away BY Those Wonderful WINDS AND THEY EAT Jiffy PARTICLES. INTERLOCUTOR: BUT THEY ARE Basic Conception FORMS... MORGANEL: Spare Basic. INTERLOCUTOR: COULDN'T Spirits OR ANGELS Stand for THERE? MORGANEL: NO. INTERLOCUTOR: AH, Besides. I Experience. MORGANEL: I'LL Set up THIS Cruiser SO THAT HE CAN Remain. INTERLOCUTOR: MORGANEL, THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONCEPTS. UNTIL THE Go along with Time. Associated PAGESSUPERPHYSICAL Rapport.MARS
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