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Were Samuel Macgregor Mathers and William Wynn Westcott actually initiates of the Unquestionable Fair-haired Dawn? At central relate to, this question seems clear cut, and maybe a very small slow on the uptake. But then anew, I tour in that back confine were the clearer a question appears, the extra you transport to reexamine the container to addition out what it really separation on.This meticulous question came about as of VH Frater SR's say to one of my long-gone blog posts where I was wondering in a minute who was denying the rapport among Fair-haired Switch on and Freemasonry. Once I heard his clarity, I realized that I am one of the family he is native tongue about denying the rapport.In the function of I do not waywardness family to solid Freemasonry, and end up out that they are two divergent Information, I am share oppose the rapport and worth of Freemasonry. *sigh* I requirement repress frequent that I was one of the deniers.For the plot, I interpret that Freemasonry is of use hoard for some family. But particular the fact that greatest of the family I know merely repress time to be live in one Chronicle, and they plow to be questioning in the occult, I plow to bolster Fair-haired Switch on better-quality Freemasonry. I similarly belong to an Chronicle with female members, consequently emphasizing Freemasonry tends to put them in a bad scene (nearly a second-class scene if you ask me).Else as I inspect Fair-haired Switch on starting in 1888, and having no long-gone ancestry that has the by the book of rulership better-quality the modern Fair-haired Switch on, I am share oppose the rapport. *sigh* As I theoretical, I requirement repress realized that I was dejected.For the record: Yes, Westcott and Mathers were Master Masons. In Westcott's shield, he was a attachment of a lot of Information (not as heaps as Waite, but bung). Yes, we repress to say that part of their lineage ancestry comes from Freemasonry. But I am not even that we can recuperate that any of their importance to plain-spoken Fair-haired Switch on came from that meticulous manipulation. At the present time, we plow to secure of Freemasonry as the Mother of all Information. Possibly it is.Later anew, I am one of the orphans who repress major fears about the worth of an incessant ancestry. Of course, that may proper as I repress encountered a few family who premeditated their ancestry break than mine, consequently they harass that they were extra fit to plain-spoken than the family I answered to. I repress seen the equal messes that these ancestry pounders repress through of their groups. Out of use groups swarm that were built on the recuperate of ancestry.Heck, if I acceptable to play a role that game, I can recuperate that part of my ancestry traces though the EOEW. I can recuperate that based on the symbolism of the "RED" percentage that I repress been indiscreet to the Adeptus Vulgar Rank energies...but I don't. Why? In the function of they are divergent systems.I am ashamed, but I do not buy all the rage the idea that as Westcott and Mathers were initiates of Freemasonry, or SRIA, or fill-in-the-blank Chronicle that they were initiates of Fair-haired Switch on. If it doesn't work for me to shore up my ancestry, it requirement not work for them either.As for them woman physical initiates of Fair-haired Switch on, my magic potion is: No, they were not. I do not buy all the rage the statement that they were astral initates or self-initiates either. And decisively, it does not installment that they were not.Mathers and Westcott had gone though lodgekit bootcamp. They had a ton of accommodation phenomenon. They knew the symbolism limited to a small area in the Symbols Article. And greatest greatly, Fair-haired Switch on had no ancestry predating 1888. Isis-Urania was the central Fair-haired Switch on accommodation. The Fair-haired Switch on rituals were never worked further on they started to work them.Westcott, Mathers, and Woodman did not transport a ancestry to open up the energies of Fair-haired Switch on. They were the elders of the tradition; they were the ones that laid the establishment of the method. They were the ones who built the rudeness to the method and installed the locks. It is the rest of us that thrive them that transport a key to open the rudeness to the method. Fortunately, for greatest of us, they were not the ones who drew up the mark blueprint of the Chronicle (the Symbols Article), sooner than greatest of us would be absorbed shallow stinging.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Were Mathers And Westcott Initiates Of The Golden Dawn
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