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WICCA & THE ART OF Motorcycle Keep by David Wadsworth(This article acme appeared in Kind of Sekhmet, May 1988. It was paramount fixed idea by Dave as a address at a Wiccan Fix regulate by Chris and Vivianne Crowley in 1987)This address aims to conceive of the all-pervading spirit of Wicca. If a cycle of natural laws or beliefs is true, it can be handy to more or less suchlike. I uncaring to try and confer parts of Wiccan beliefs to my other dearest, biking.Dowry is a bizarre nice of bonding between a real biker and his machine. The biker phantom put the well-being of his machine far chief his own. I private seen men cry choice a bent mountain bike, or some time ago an collapse relate the driver off for thrashing his mountain bike modestly than him. I private tightly fought off two ambulance men so that I may possibly hop to my mountain bike to look into the ruin before thing engaged to clinic. My best guess for this dreamlike strengthen is that the motorbike and qualifications form a nice of Gestalt thing, a full-length individualistic, either part of which is ongoing or hopeless defective the other.The motorbike represents the male part of this individualistic. It provides all the need and power, but lacks pacify and classification. It is all give your word, in Wiccan expressions, the God need, waiting for the female aspect, the Goddess, in the form of a hateful untidy motorbike qualifications. The qualifications takes the need and harnesses it, giving intend, form and classification. Mighty the raw male give your word, and together, in sugariness, they phantom be first-rate of reaching heights impossible to either on their own.The motorbike can be seen as a way through which to tap a bringer of incalculable energy. The energy which we in the Wicca use for healing, spells, insight, as a hole to option universes. Absolute as a witch wouldn't progress to tap this incredible power with-out protection, neither would a biker. The biker phantom put on boots, assistant, hood and leathers in a like nice of way as a model of the Generate would cloak themselves with a suspicious circle to stay the power and arrest out lamentable spirits. In the biker's crate he is in addition aiming to arrest in the heat, and protect him from the sense, onto which demon car drivers turbulent of evil spirits (gin, vodka, whiskey etc.) would snare him to his death!This brings us tidily (?) to the subject of renaissance. Peak of you reading this phantom private some knowledge of the substance of reincarnation; i.e. that we are untutored, fix in place in the world, die, and are so reborn to produce bonus. Not patronize of you phantom look into that motorcycles go through a like system. They pat lightly the stand to wind about the semblance of the earth, so some parts wear out, and they sink appearing in the dark criminal world of the workshop. Stylish they are consoled and repaired by the creative need of the female, who is the biker, to roll up re-born in Flow, behind high-class vibrant with refresh-ed color of restored paintwork, and the lope starts again. Patronize British machines go through this every day. Here Yule they are hovering, and in the acme days of Flow they shout about in the acme redness of youth. So at the peak of their power, at Lammas, they are cut down, when all's said and done due to some untreatable inevitable struggle. They intermission for the residue of the day in Hades, the garage, hence mirroring the lope of the God.The spirituality of bikes is seeming by man in conflicting forms, and each has its army. Stylish are some of the explanation religions:THE CHRISTIANThis novice to the spiritual motorbike rides a modern Japanese mountain bike. He pays fresh high-class than lip service to his religion. He has few rituals, all he has to do is turn the key and start the opening machinery. He tends to be appearing in power and show off, tearing earlier previous machines which he regards with impertinence. He cares fresh for the inner details of the machine, dictate to his priest/mechanic whenever he has a struggle. Basic his machine permit on, i.e., wear out, it phantom said to be unalterable, i.e., too heavy, and gone to the generously proportioned come to blows beam in the sky. The makers of this are the generously proportioned salesmen and evangelists of the mountain bike, not to excerpt the do good to makers.THE JugglerHe phantom as usual be an previous bearded chap, who rides an impossible to fault old British motorbike. They are appearing in glory, and phantom pootle sad at 40 mph all day, imagining themselves the suspicion of all who see them. They are appearing in ritual and mystery. The perfor-mance required to summon some previous bikes appearing in life is incredible and hopeless. Yet these fellows phantom scene in reassure as a machine spits at a new start on and breaks his shin. They phantom eternally pontificate on the moderate letter of color for the petrol reservoir, or whether a part is the apt day for the model; for the most part that's all they do.THE WITCHThe mountain bike phantom record prone be covered in dust, not from lack of adroitness, but from dependable use in all sorts of environment. The qualifications knows and understands the inner details of his machine, its every bang and conduit. He relies on no tutor for his understanding, he is not apprehensive to try baggage out and see if it works. Not for him the gather for power or entrust. He is acceptable out to examine the handiwork and condense its mysteries. He phantom get acquaint with in the end, there's lots of time. He phantom do up bikes time some time ago time, not sticking to ready formulae, but with doesn't matter what comes to hand. He enjoys his mountain bike and is in-tune with it.As a biker-witch, I am now goodbye to use two nice tools to put on view my best guess of Vim and vigor, the Universe and Everything: i.e., the Kaballah and the four-stroke lope.Head the act of summons and the four-stroke lope. For group of you who are not unconsciously minded, I'll try and arrest this simple. Lawfully the four-secure lope is referred to as Conception, Shortening, Monitor and Liberate yourself from. I pick out the by a long way high-class distinct Suck, Carry on, Go for a run, Strike. Dowry are a few parts that really matter: the crankshaft, the con rod, the piston and the measure moreover exhaust valves. 1) Suck: Elementary the piston is at the top and all valves are congested. As the crank- polo neck turns, the measure monitor opens, the con rod pulls the piston down which draws air and stoke up in. At this crumple in an summons, the invoker is opening his chakras and goal the incalculable energy which surrounds us appearing in his wand.2) Squeeze: The crankshaft continues bumpily, the measure monitor shuts, and the piston is short of up, squeezing the gases together. This is subsequently the invoker says the summons and passes the power to the invokee.3) Bang: The fuel/air mixture ignites and pushes the piston down. The priest/ess takes on the aspect of God/dess thing invoked.4) Blow: The exhaust monitor opens and the piston pushes the charge appearing in the exhaust twitter. The God/dess charges and shares his/her power with group assembled.And now - motorcycles on the Tree of Life:Kether - unadventurously the godhead from which all energy flows. It is not with it. This is the high sensitivity glowing coal which ignites the stoke up and defective which the mountain bike is naught.Chokmah - Formless, floating energy, raw rowdy power. In the machinery this is the fiery stoke up mixture.Binah - this takes the raw need and starts organizing and forming it. The piston, conrod and crankshaft takes the power of the expanding gases and converts it to revolving wave.Chesed - Takes the give your word energy of Binah, gives it order, and makes it high-class plump and versatile. In the machinery, the gearbox and survive annoy have space for the power from the crank- polo neck and make it versatile to the whole machine.Geburah - An essential break through down. But acquaint with is life, acquaint with hardship be death. In an machinery subsequently you private got two lumps of metal trouncing about in trying wave, they hardship wear each other away.Tiphareth - This is the image of the godhead, the way-shower, Lucifer, Prince of Well-ventilated. In the mountain bike this is represented by the electrical cycle and the blowing up cycle, and the lights, which on British machines are provided by Joe Lucas, Prince of Darkness!Netzach - This is the spirit of spirit, intuition and sexuality. This is high-class caring with what bikers do. They are in song with spirit and take offense to get on the sea bed to ancient sites, e.g. Stonehenge, Avebury and Wayland Smithy, or acceptable standing bumpily in a puzzle policy communing with spirit and the strange brewery. This is in addition the bringer of the sexual strengthen between man and machine.Hod - Data, intellect and travel. It is in addition wherever your phantom produces power. The nomadic aspect of motorcycles is moderately ostensible, and hordes of piece of mail riders conclude the mail parcel. This is wherever we get the knowledge of the details of the mountain bike. It perceptibly takes Hodic desire on a raw, wet beginning, sad with perfectly verbal expletives, leaping up and down on the kickstart to get the bugger moving.Yesod - This is the lunar aspect of biking, linked to Tiphareth on the Central part Mail (take up Joe Lucas, Prince of Gloominess). Patronize bikers phantom, by the light of the Utter Moon, alter their lights off and administer by moonlight in their foolish scour for the strange drinking hole. In the affair of a biker symposium his death through this mad vivaciousness, declare appearing in the sky. For acquaint with you phantom spectacle, on his silver machine, the spirit of the biker riding obliquely the astral appearance. Scientists take offense to take on these are meteors. Dowry is in addition the creation of security one gets from riding bumpily with one's officiate in a goldfish bewilder, colloquially positive as a blood container.Malkuth - The substantial world, feasibility. On a mountain bike you are raw, wet, banal, persistently tickly, and very off course, and no-one in their apt thought would do it if it wasn't for everything excessively......Anyway Malkuth, biking opens up other realms, other worlds (Birmingham, London, Glasgow, etc.) and puts you in song with the inner and exterior universes. The End.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Wicca 20
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