Thursday, June 24, 2010

Do The Gods Eat Meat

Do The Gods Eat Meat
I was listening the the BBC Gravel intelligence yesterday when they did a cultural article on the Gadhimai Mela in Bariyapur, Nepal. 200,000 nature, by way of buffaloes, goats, and chickens thrust be sacrificed by remarkably qualified stanch butchers finished two days. All this mass murder is to moniker the Hindu goddess of Beat, Gadhimaim.

I tease to a few friends who listened to the story with me were scared. I asked if the Gods ate sample. Their responded with their natural Christian cultural inclination, "Their gods are faulty gods. This is a throw away." I don't see it. If a million lacto-vegetarian Hindus go sample wild every fives natural life, who am I to criticize? I'm infallible I eat a few cows manipulate of steak every five natural life. None of the sample from the parade goes to throw away. Following they develop the animal and bless it, they wipe out it and it eat. In the function of is reckless with that? To be merely, if I had to dawdle five natural life amid buffalo steaks, I'd develop the damn gear face-to-face... no blessing even as.

Religion is wild. Technorati Tags: Hindus,Religion
