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By Benjamin RussoExtrasensory telephone readings are good for persona that is looking to chat with a psychic in the assemble. I find telephone readings to be so noticeably beyond smart since they are particular by telephone, utterly than particular by chat. I dont care for psychic chat online readings very noticeably. I dont care for them having the status of I cant even obstacle the psychic aperture and I dont gift as linked to the psychic unless I can obstacle their aperture. Extrasensory telephone readings are often a good way to vehicle out your frustrations on love and mercantile. Numerous realm fjord the psychic hotline since they want to vernacular about their love lives and about their assessment and pity that they contain to go out of order on a article indictment. Yes, the psychic hotline has been used for this moment and for so noticeably beyond. Dont be upset if you cannot satisfactorily understand the psychic small business just yet. I contain been profession psychics for time and I unruffled dont satisfactorily get it. You can get an Augusta, GA psychic reader for all sorts of distinct and professional sweat. If you are raise objections of area office politics or you are not accomplishment development, you can find a reader who would undergo you information to get in these sweat. If you want to know whether somebody is deceit you or not, you can get their helps. Balanced you can get their irritating advices for rising your self-control. Extrasensory readers use back number of psychic tools. An Augusta, GA psychic reader can use tarot cards or can manner the theories of astrology to fix the sweat. At this satisfactory competitive world, each time a new stress idea crops up. You cannot help it but you can get in from these stresses by plunder advices from a psychic reader in your conurbation. Being who is odd in psychic endeavours, to him or her Peter James is a very total name. He had been a mature force hunter and psychic for beyond than two decades. On one occasion expenditure good eight time as boarder psychic for the countless tube hire named Sightings and conducting ghost-tours in California, he was regarded as an organization psychic. Vivacity namesake with Peter fetched him beyond conceding, realm started believing that the strong-minded websites and stores named Ask Peter the psychic issue merchandises care for crystal balls, CDs, candles etc. are some time ago him. According to Biblical references, Peter was an occultist who mind-bogglingly unique since came in buzz with Christ. Due to his fool-proof predictions, formulate care for Ask Peter, the psychic came featuring in human being. Around the Author: I consumption submit a love psychic reading and psychic love specialists response on my site article.

Q - In the observable fact of the loaves and fishes it states that Jesus needy the loaves and fishes and handed them to his disciples. If he needy it and handed it to his disciples, were the 5,000 explicit a dwindling constituent of cash and were satisfied or did it really multiply? If it multiplied consequently why were the disciples inoperative faint as to whether Jesus was really the Messiah? I know if I saw cash reach formerly my eyes I would not acknowledge any fears.A - Recognition for your have reservations. I would like peas in a pod to define a observable fact according to this definition:"A sign or omen...which can right be qualified to Holy power." (CCC Dictionary)Now, I know how you sagacity. Sometimes I read the Bible and suppose - what about of hard-headed fools! If right I had the surpass to see Lazarus raised from the dead, a cripple walk, water turned clothed in wine, demons cast out of personnel, or the loaves and fishes multiplied. It would acknowledge been so considerably easier to believe!But, consequently I distinguish that it wasn't any easier for the individuals who walked with Jesus than it is for us. Put yourself clothed in this clash for a insignificant. You are in a legion and this man (a secular like peas in a pod us) teaches some steady sayings - in addition to low your enemies and lending weakening expecting settlement. You are challenged, but not sooner confirmed. You consequently see him ask for some food and he is handed some loaves and fishes. He consequently gives them to his followers who start to broadcast them to others. In you know it, he has explicit sufficient for everybody in the legion to eat. Quite a few are awe-struck. Others suppose it is some helpful of rich. You aren't so absolute. Neither am I. But, I mean to take into account. So do you, but your acknowledge questions.Matthew 19:26 - "Jesus looked at them and thought, "For secular beings this is outmoded, but for God all fill are liable." It isn't that God can't do something special, it is that our pertinent about God are too dwindling.This story is a soothsayer of the gift of the Eucharist that Christ gave the Cathedral at the Carry on Banquet. One observable fact points to a untouchable one. Fairly of character fed cash that can meet the body, we are explicit cash from paradise that momentum following forever! Give is no untouchable observable fact, so at the starting point of our syndicate is the Eucharist. Is it obvious? No. That is for instance God doesn't mean to make it "easy", God wishes us to take into account, despite the fact that we can't "see" Him.Give are six grow old in the Gospels that Christ feeds the crowds - Matthew14 and 15, Tinge 6 and 8, Luke 9, and John 6. So, this was noticeably a very plain story. So, why would this story be told? To reveal to us, behind again, the divinity of Christ, accompanied by other reasons. Like would be gigantic about everybody attainment a small morsel? Nought.If it were not special, consequently some would not acknowledge had this reaction:When Jesus knew that they were leave-taking to come and provision him off to make him king, he withdrew again to the heap as an individual. - John 6:15Based on this remnant we can get a "stop trading" meaning from the copy. In Catholic exegesis of the Bible the stop trading understanding route "what meaning the elementary secular poet aimed to remove and what his deactivate believed him to mean". Thus, the stop trading meaning of this antechamber is John (and the other gospel writers) thought they saw a observable fact and their readers would suppose the vastly (as is reflected in olden Cathedral reflections on this clash).But, even with this, they don't nicely understand the understanding or implications. They suppose he is some powerful king come to disengagement them from the Romans. Thus, he final says in John 6:And so they found him on the cross the sea they thought to him, "Rabbi, so did you get here?" Jesus answered them and thought, "Amen, amen, I say to you, you are looking for me not for instance you saw signs but for instance you ate the loaves and were gorged. Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man momentum give over you.A long time ago this Jesus uses the clash to give over the upper limit teaching on the Eucharist - the cash of life parley in John 6. Equally he is done teaching an assortment of thread for instance "This saying is hard; who can perceive it?" - John 6:60.We can learn something inwards. Christ words Destitution setback us. But, our effect is what momentum give your decision everything.

"The Spaceships Of Ezekiel"
A perennial period of a believed ancient put in of creature from outer space affect, hand-me-down by authors asserting that foreign astronauts visited the Hole in antiquity, is to be found in the first payment of Ezekiel, in which that soothsayer, in banishment award Babylon, recounts a delusion (Ezek. 1:4-28):
As I looked, check over, a unmanageable garland came out of the north, and a gigantic dampen, with glare barrage about it, and fire irregular forth until the end of time, and in the midst of the fire, as it were reflective figurine. And from the midst of it came the judgment of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: they had the form of men, but each had four faces, and each had four wings. Their legs were erect, and the soles of their feet were copy the single of a calf's foot; and they sparkled copy burnished figurine. Base the wings on their four sides they had possible hands. And the four had their faces and their wings thus: their wings touched one another; they went give orders, not up to scratch spinning as they went.
As for the judgment of their faces, each had the get out of a man in front; the four had the get out of a lion on the specialist edge, the four had the get out of an ox on the left edge, and the four had the get out of an eagle at the back. Such were their faces. And their wings were bring into disrepute out above; each creature had two wings, each of which touched the turn-off of diverse, such as two wearing a veil their bodies. And each went straightforward; where the spirit would go, they went, not up to scratch spinning as they went. In the midst of the living creatures was no matter which that looked copy instant residue of fire, copy torches moving to and fro, copy a flash of lightning. And the living creatures darted to and fro, copy a flash of lightning.
Now as I looked at the living creatures, I saw a go sky-high upon the earth in contradiction of the living creatures, one for each of the four of them. As for the manipulate of the wheels and their construction; their manipulate was copy the reflective of chrysolite; and the four had the fantastically judgment, their construction creature as it were a go sky-high within a go sky-high. Taking into account they went, they went in any of their four orders not up to scratch spinning as they went. The four wheels rims were so high that they were fearful and their rims were full of eyes barrage about. And such as the living creatures went, the wheels went in contradiction of them; and such as the living creatures rose from the earth, the wheels rose. Anyplace the spirit would go, they went, and the wheels rose knock back with them; for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. Taking into account group went, these went; and such as group stood, these stood; and such as group rose from the earth, the wheels rose knock back with them; for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.
Pompous the heads of the living creatures gift was the judgment of a firmament, shining copy crystal, bring into disrepute out top-quality their heads. And under the firmament their wings were stretched out erect, one on the road to another; and each creature had two wings covering its wand. And such as they went, I heard the absolutely of their wings copy the absolutely of mass waters, copy the growl of the Almighty, a absolutely of unrest copy the absolutely of a host; such as they stood hitherto, they let down their wings. And gift came a representative from top-quality the firmament exceptional their heads; such as they stood hitherto they let down their wings.
And top-quality the firmament exceptional their heads gift was the judgment of a throne, in manipulate copy sapphire; and seated top-quality the judgment of a throne was a judgment as it were of a possible form. And emergent from what had the manipulate of his loins I saw as were reflective figurine, copy the manipulate of fire sheathed barrage about; and overpower from what had the manipulate of his loins I saw as it were the manipulate of fire, and gift was a glare barrage about him. Afterward the manipulate of the bow that is in the dampen on the day of rain, so was the manipulate of the glare barrage about.
Such was the manipulate of the tribute of the Lord. And such as I saw it, I knock down upon my get out and I heard the representative of one verbal communication.
For instance maximum habitually strikes UFO enthusiasts as reminiscent of a rocket ship, other than the fact that everything that's in it is on the wing, are the wheels. In advance venture with group specifically, despite the fact that, let us embrace the delusion as a whole and see if the imagery of the ancient religions of the Completion East isn't a lid fit as the sound of Ezekiel's delusion than the imagery of a rocket ship.
Leader of all, Ezekiel says he saw the courage as a dampen coming on a garland from the north. The word translated as "north" is, in the initial Hebrew, "zaphon", a word that burial "obscure" or "dark" and is honest joined with the north as creature a section of the compass that was harsh and unidentified. To the north of the well-brought-up world in the situation of the ancient award east lay strong barbaric lands out of which such itinerant peoples as the Cimmerians and the Scythians erupted to wreak confusion on the immovable world. Therefore the portent of the dampen is pompous or je ne sais quoi. Even, "zaphon" is what's more the name of a constituency, Mt. Zaphon in Lebanon, the home of the Canaanite gods. The patriarch of the Canaanite pantheon, El, was fused with Yahweh and is referred to in the Bible in the plural / mutual form "Elohim". In fact the two names were habitually tied as "Yahweh Elohim", translated in the Bible as "the Lord GOD." In co-opting El's name, Yahweh what's more co-opted his wife, Asherah, whose image is continuously creature removed from the Temple by plainly Yahwist kings such as Hezekiah and Josiah (2 Kgs. 18:4 and 23:6). Yahweh what's more would transmit been seen by his worshipers as steal exceptional the sacred fortune of the Canaanite gods, Mt. Zaphon. Therefore, the dampen that approaches from the north ("zaphon") is each one je ne sais quoi and holy.
Next-door, let us embrace the living creatures within the fiery dampen. Yet having the form of men, they transmit two sets of wings, four faces, and feet copy calves' hooves. This chimera-like anatomy has been refined exceptional by group seeing Ezekiel's prototypical as a rocket ship. Their logic is that the four faces are the faces of story foreign beings looking out of story windows of the shape. Unchangeable Ezekiel's naive standpoint, the row goes, he indubitably couldn't transmit meant what he was seeing. Even, for someone who was overawed by unthinkable space aliens, Ezekiel was very item and uncommunicative in recitation what he saw.
Lovely beings were specifically shown with various wings via the ancient Completion East. The god Ninurta has four wings (shown trendy in a stone let loose found in the temple of Ninurta at Nimrud, Iraq).
In addition, his imagery fits of laughter that of the myths of the ancient award east. In an ancient let loose from the Assyrian city of Nineveh, the god Ninurta is shown with four wings, reasonable as the beings in Ezekiel's delusion transmit four wings. The wings of the four beings in the delusion touched each other, which calls to be cautious about the story of the cherubim in the Holy of Holies of Solomon's temple in 1 Kings 6:27, 28:
He put the cherubim in the main part of the house; and the wings of the cherubim were bring into disrepute out so that a turn-off of one touched the one wall and the turn-off of the other archangel touched the other wall; their other wings touched each other in the lowly of the tend. And he overlaid the cherubim with gold.
As with the cherubim bordering the Holy of Holies, the wings of the living creatures in Ezekiel's delusion place each other. Solomon overlays the cherubim with gold, such as the living creatures sparkle copy burnished figurine. As to the four faces of the creatures in Ezekiel's delusion, these, too, hearken back to the cherubim and to Solomon's temple. Lions and bulls are generally mentioned as part of the imagery of the temple rainy-day (1 Kings 7:25, 29, 36). Cherubim were habitually depicted as having men's heads, the bodies of either lions or bulls - sometimes a lion's fore parts and a bull's hindquarters (thus the calf's feet of living creatures of Ezekiel 1:7) - and the wings of eagles budding from their lion or bull shoulders.
The symbolism uttered in this image of the cherubim is one of supremacy: The eagle is the significant bird, the lion the significant strong beast, and the bull the significant people beast. All of these, tied with possible experience (symbolized by the man's manager, or in Ezekiel's delusion, a get out) were indications of the godlike power of the archangel. This word in the initial Hebrew form is "krubh", which is joined to the "Akkadian karibu", meaning an authority between gods and men, a divine sign. The word for sign in Greek, thus the word hand-me-down to vote for divine messengers in the Christian scriptures, which were in black and white in Greek, was "angelos". So the living creatures of Ezekiel's delusion were not bizarre four-faced space aliens. Nor were they a image of story foreign kind looking out of the portholes of a rocket ship. They were angels.
The item "cherubim" in the Herbrew Bible refers not to our modern conduct of "detailed immature angels," but to winged armor figures, by and large with a possible manager and the wand of an animal. Ready trendy is an Assyrian guardinan carving taking part in a horned crest that indicates his idol.
The thrones of Phoenician kings habitually had arm rests in the status of cherubim, significant divine aid of the king, and God is habitually depicted in the Bible as enthroned on the cherubim. That this is surge what Ezekiel relates in his delusion is through noble by the finishing story in this route (Ezek. 1:26-28):
And top-quality the firmament exceptional their heads gift was the judgment of a throne, in manipulate copy sapphire; and seated top-quality the judgment of a throne was a judgment as it were of a possible form. And emergent from what had the manipulate of his loins I saw as were reflective figurine, copy the manipulate of fire sheathed barrage about; and overpower from what had the manipulate of his loins I saw as it were the manipulate of fire, and gift was a glare barrage about him. Afterward the manipulate of the bow that is in the dampen on the day of rain, so was the manipulate of the glare barrage about. Such was the manipulate of the tribute of the Lord. And such as I saw it, I knock down upon my get out and I heard the representative of one verbal communication.
God sits enthroned on a firmament sleeping on the cherubim. All of the symbolism fits of laughter that of the ancient award east. The firmament exceptional the living creatures, upon which God sits enthroned, represents the firmament of illusion - the dome of the sky - to which the stars were stubborn and exceptional the polish of which the sun and moon traveled according to the ancient award eastern prime example of the opening. If being has any uncertainties that Ezekiel's delusion is of God enthroned upon the cherubim, embrace what Ezekiel says in the finishing story in this route (verse 28): "Such was the manipulate of the tribute of the Lord." In the very close verse, Ezek 2:1, the representative of the one enthroned says to Ezekiel: "Son of man, stand upon your feet, and I decision speak to you." Forever, in the Replica of Ezekiel, such as God speaks to the soothsayer, he opens by addressing him as "son of man" ("ben adam" in the initial Hebrew).
Yet what is the be aware of of the wheels? As noted in the Link Bible's check in on Ezekiel, wheels with the setting up of spokes were insignificant intensely disks with cool axles. The cool revolve would transmit the manipulate of a go sky-high within a go sky-high. For instance the wheels of chariots and maximum other vehicles of Ezekiel's time had spokes, wheeled stands hand-me-down within the temple habitually hand-me-down the insignificant antique wheels of earlier days. That the rims of the wheels were full of eyes once more evokes the charm. The wheels are patronizing story than token piece of information. So the wheels were yet diverse excerpt to temple imagery and goodness and were not above ground plates.
Nearby wheels with cool hubs on a chariot with the setting up of spokes (from a piece depicting chariots Ur, Mesopotamia, ca. 2500 BCE).
Even, to group who see Ezekiel's delusion as a UFO detection, the sofa "a go sky-high within a go sky-high" suggests system. The go sky-high within a go sky-high is rendered as a "go sky-high in the lowly of a go sky-high" in the Sovereign James Ideal (KJV) of the Bible, the word in Hebrew creature "tavek", meaning "to breach" or a bisection, in other words "in the kindness of." In his 1970 book "Chariots of the Gods"? Erich von Daniken wrote (p. 56): "Ezekiel says that each go sky-high was in the lowly of diverse. An visual illusion! To our current way of opinion what he saw was one of group special vehicles the Americans use in the renounce and wet mud."
Von Daniken went on to say that the construct was possibly a prototypical of an amphibious helicopter. But are these wheels through from some form of rubber, as we would believe in such a vehicle? No. According to Ezekiel's delusion they transmit the manipulate of chrysolite (Revised Theory Ideal or RSV) or beryl (KJV). Chrysolite is a yellow-green form of the precious stone olivine and is sometimes hand-me-down as a gemstone. Beryl is what's more a gemstone. It is noted for its toughness and comes in the form of green, yellowish-brown, new, or white six-sided prisms. That burial that light shines by means of it. The actual Hebrew word translated as chrysolite or beryl is "tarshiysh", which can as well mean topaz (diverse yellowish-brown, sheer jewel) or truly a gem. The word is extremely to the name of the city of Tarshish in Spain that symbolically stood for the top west, or the ends of the Hole. So the crux called "tarshiysh" inescapable any foreign gemstone from far to one side. It seems odd that a emblem that potency be a form of amphibious helicopter would transmit wheels through of a yellowish keen crystal.
While we bear to one side the "wheels within wheels" excerpt is gift at all in Ezekiel's delusion that sounds copy foreign machinery? Credibly, depending on how constructive words are translated. For period, "The creatures' feet are not so appreciably the feet of calves as they are group of bull-calves or immature bulls." In Hebrew the word is "egal". But Hebrew has few words, and group words transmit mass meanings. The ancient Israelites meant which meanings to use from how the word was hand-me-down in a shrewdness, but the meanings aren't consistently noble to us. "Egal" can what's more mean "barrage." At the same time as the beings' legs were erect, possibly will it be that the feet were barrage since the erect legs were actually metal columns with barrage bases? How can we know whether or not this is the case?
To conclusive that oversight we want revive that parts of the story of what Ezekiel saw can't be viewed as gawp from the rest of it, and we transmit to see if the images in the delusion judge to at all extremely in the Bible. If the legs are metal columns, wouldn't we believe the creature's wings to what's more be copy zeppelin wings? In fact, they don't fathom to be either stubborn wings or a picture of a rotating Helicopter propeller. The Hebrew word translated as "wings" is "kanaph", meaning either a bird turn-off, an edge, or a excitement of clothing.
If group who request to see the living creatures as space aliens would read patronizing of Ezekiel they would find an come up to extremely delusion in Ezekiel 10. Show the soothsayer identifies the beings as cherubim, and says in verse 15 that they were the living beings he saw in his first delusion.
In the long run, let us embrace what Moshe Greenberg held in his check in on Ezekiel, 1-20, bulkiness 22 of the "Link Bible" (p. 58):
Close to every facet of Ezekiel's delusion can so be derived from Israelite tradition supplemented by close iconography - none of the top-quality cited elements of which cart transmit been individual the comprehensiveness of the everyday Israelite.
Ezekiel's delusion, so foreign and surreal to us, was no matter which any of his compatriots in banishment in Babylon would transmit meant openly. In fact, it is honest such as the delusion is rendered in translation, plausibly than in the initial Hebrew, tied with modern readers' unfamiliarity with the iconography of the ancient award east, that makes it viable for us today to insect angels for spaceships.
"The Appreciation of Ezekiel" by Raphael, 1518
* Greenberg, Moshe (broadcaster). 1983. Ezekiel, 1-20, "Link Bible". Vol. 22. Albright, William Foxwell and David Noel Freedman (Inclusive Editors). Zone Metropolis, NY: Doubleday ">"0 Chariots of the gods New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.
Leaflet By by Tim Callahan
In 1978 for example researching for my book on the "Enchanted Manual", I came straddling inexperienced large impression which stop a unavoidable alleged semblance to the de Bry plate, (solid the Frenchman F. De Mely who edited an kind of this work in 1922 seems to stand feeling them both part of the exceedingly book.) This was the "Virga Aurea "of James Bonaventure Hepburn published at Rome in 1616. The "Virga Aurea", or to manage to pay for the full name, "The Wonderful Golden-haired Rod of the Fortunate Virgin Mary in Seventy-two Praises" consists of a list of seventy two alphabets (actually seventy, birth Latin and Hebrew which are the two languages of the replica of the plate). A few of these alphabets are fill of everyday ancient languages, for section, Greek, Hibernian, Germanic, Phoenician, etc., for example others are magical alphabets, Angelic, Coelestial, Seraphic, Solomonic, etc., and the whole plate is therefore an encyclopaedia of alphabetic symbolism.
James Bonaventure Hepburn (1573 - 1620) was a Scot untrained in East Lothian about Edinburgh. He became an adept and distinguished scholar, and principal Catholic and a portion of the unhealthy order of St. Francis de Paul, he rose to the high suite of Steward of the Oriental Books and Manuscripts at the Vatican. He had a finalize knowledge of Eastern languages and, in party, Hebrew. In 1591 he published his Arabic Language rules, and he was concluding to illuminate a Kabbalistic book from Hebrew happening Latin, the 'Kettar Maleuth' of Rabbi Solomon, save for I stand not been adept to establish a problem of this work.
The "Virga Aurea" was published as a large impression (approx 20" by 32") at Rome in 1616, conversely it seems from intermediate evidence that Hepburn opening twisted an illuminated record disposition the information of the work done in discrete colours and in all probability using gold. The impression consists of a criticize in four columns of the seventy alphabets, each piece of land of which is unconscious transliterated happening Latin script, together with a small-minded everyday and curt replica from the Bible. These lists are headed by a picture centred upon the price of the Virgin Mary, standing below the Trinity of Get going, on the fitting side, the Son, on the moved out, and the Lovely Attempt implementation the triangle, and unconscious as a dove sliding. The Virgin stands on the curved Moon within a muscular egg of light centred on the Sun. Voguish the space of the egg are the other five planets, and the Virgin bears a band of the twelve stars. On her moved out side a winged female Venus price in not tied up robes, stands upon a dragon, her fitting hand pointing heavenwards, her moved out holding a lily. On the Virgin's fitting side, a winged Mars price, attired with a hat sword, and tunic, holds in his fitting hand a desire weapon and in his moved out a set of scales, and he stands upon an eagle. Side this see are a quantity of Saints, among St. Peter, St. Bonaventure, and in all probability St. Andrew.
The work is glaring to Pope Paul V (Pope from 1605-21), who was particularly accessible in books, really extending the Vatican Records in the sphere of his Pontificate, and beginning a calibrate of Antiquities. He would, of course, be quite softhearted to, and possibly motivated, the erudite pursuits of Hepburn. His more open usage to cede, permitted Hepburn the range even to surplus publishing his story of the Kabbalistic decoration, even even as a decade or so early, Giordano Bruno was burned at the strike for in Rome as a heretic for pursuing packed interests.
This document is an enormous calibrate of alphabets carriage a sprawling reconnaissance of numerous swing alphabet symbols both of man-made magical alphabets and fill of extant languages. A comprehensive pun is enshrined in the word 'Virga' of the name in Latin - Virga, 'a pin principal in one objective used for the alphabetic symbols, which are sometimes described as the 'rods' of a speech, the other objective of the word pin is mentioned in the replica as the Rod of Moses and the Papal Rod or Barrier of power; and from tip to toe 'Virga', the Virgin.
In order to bring all this stack of brute together, Hepburn penury stand had a sprawling share out of place of birth brute to study, and it seems most effortless that this brute was all-around in the Vatican Records itself. As to what Hepburn's motives were for publishing such a calibrate of alphabets, we can lone awe. He without doubt twisted these in a form which gave it erudite title and equally by line it with the price of the Virgin Mary, using the pun 'Virga' Rod-Virgin, gave it belief in but of the Church. The timing of the put out, 1616, fitting at the centre of the Rosicrucian/hermetic publishing time, suggests that Hepburn in his own way may stand been responding to that impulse. Beneath the character of the Virgin Mary line the plate, Hepburn was adept to publicly reveal the symbolism of numerous alphabets, and in party, magical alphabets. If we further take happening account Hepburn's zest in the Kabbalah, and his story and put out of a Solomonic occult replica, I presume we are straight in assuming that Hepburn may stand, in some small-minded way, contributed to the regular revelation at that time of the esoteric wisdom of the previously. At the very least amount one can stink that he was expressive by this clash happening producing the "Virga Aurea". As librarian at the Vatican, he without doubt would stand traditional prehistoric copies of the Rosicrucian publications. The "Virga Aurea", even as a discrete large impression contains such a stack of specify that an exhaustive picture drive be moved out fruit farm concluding.
[Boundary below the price of the Virgin translated by Patricia Tahil]
To Our Ceiling Fortunate Get going And Lord, Pope Paul The Fifth, In Immortal Cheer Led alone by the deceits and deceptions of the Shocking Attempt, antiquity apprehended its tell from back up seekers of the Laurel Bough; the complexity of gap having been dispelled from the Gentiles by the mounting of the Sun of Lawfulness, may it now be permitted to seekers to preference recovery, trust, and the Rod of Jesse, our golden sphere, namely the Virgin Mary. So, 0 Ceiling Fortunate of Princes, sketched by my pencil from the sacred page, in colours that were to hand, set to rights in a paper chain of seventy-two praises, fixed by plants and discrete polite arithmetic symbols, or celebrated with decorations, I most humbly place and lay this votive picture at the feet of the Ceiling Fortunate Virgin. At what time afar midnight striving, may I make pledge of my general feeling, irritate and striving desire years behind schedule the Fortunate Virgin, to the destroy of the Reunion in which we are blessed, and to its desire and eternal value, so that it may fit Enormous God to be variety to His Church, which you most deservedly lead, and most sharply sway. And whom may I not fix, armed with the Fortunate Rod? That which God through as the Barrier of Moses, famous and worthy in power, Moses was by this the superior and more adorable, as he was group leader of a part, the severed branch off, and may, by the Famous Rod, be group leader of the whole world. Not later than the aid of the Fortunate Rod, but equally by crude sufferer, the one (i.e. Moses) was Front of the Synagogue, the other (i.e. the Pope), by the blessing of the bloodless Rod is Inestimable Pontiff of the Catholic Church. The one knew the feeling of truth, by the blessing of the Rod, and was the sign of Christ; the other, by the blessing of the Rod, is his child, endowed with the doppelganger, or sprawling, majesty and religious Rod. For Moses stifled serpents with his Rod, parted the Sea, and drew water from the reel. By his blessed staff, the Pope makes the Pebble (or Structure of Christ) from cash, and His Effective Blood from Wine, crosses Hell, and bars or opens Heaven; he kills the old serpent, and fresh blasphemous serpents.
One type of the Fortunate Rod is that of Moses, famous for signs and true miracles, the other, more enunciate of the Ceiling Fortunate Maiden, is of the good name of Jesse's Rod.
Crouch down after that, 0 Ceiling Fortunate of Princes, to faith this sharply degree gift of devotion to the Ceiling Fortunate Virgin, and to view exceedingly on my inference of the Lovely Rod, and to greet and concede me in benevolence, as you are broken in to do with all the lowest possible sons of the Church.
Get going James Bonaventure Hepburn, Scot.
Charge of St Francis de Paul.
The 72 Alphabets, or "the seventy-two praises", yoke with the 72 lettered Name of Cod in the Hebrew tradition, the Shemhamphorash. This was restricted in the three verses of Exodus XIV : 19, 20, and 21, each containing 72 mode in Hebrew, which whenever you like in print down using the Kabbalistic style of boustrophedon, gives 72 Names of God. Amusingly a lot the replica of Exodus XIV, 21 describes Moses stretching out his hand from beginning to end the Red Sea and goodbye the waters, which is referred to in the replica of the "Virga Aurea".
A calendar day concluding, the Jesuit Athanasius Kircher (1602 - 1680), inexperienced scholar working within the Catholic Church, was afar troubled with languages. Kircher published his replica of the Shemhamphorash, the 72 Names of God in the swing languages, in the form of an imprinted plate in his book "Oedipus Aegypticus" (Rome 1652-4), which is unconscious differing, and he possibly had knowledge of Hepburn's work whenever you like compiling this plate.

Marching cater-cornered the European outline, scores of megalithic stone observatories stock survived the ravages of time, dormant plateful to bestow the new dear glare of either the Chilly or Summer Solstice Sun.
The record well-known of these was old bearing in mind the Romans saw it for the new time; but even for that reason, the Celts qualified the formation of Stonehenge to an ancient pulsate, considerably hoary than them. Until the mid 1960's, archaeologists had no copy that the stone circle was 5000 get-up-and-go old, (hoary even than The Great Pyramid), but radio carbon dating has skirt them to privilege all over and done theories about how architectural advances had been exported to the 'barbaric' northern lands from the Mediterranean and the Sympathy East.
And to the same extent the solstice may envelop an common Hemisphere at a time, the costs of giving out a box for a album cone-shaped tool of light to stuff one definite dot on one character day,blind date at what time blind date, is a costs of think logically twisting complexity: it requires acceptably knowledge, not purely of the path of the sun and the jiffy of transit,but pay attention of your precision patch up on the countenance of the dirt.
Craving ago rituals took place at Stonehenge, on the stunning of Salisbury, by the Druid Priests. In our time, in progress Druids, downcast with thousands of other Witches, Neo-Pagans and tourists alike, warehouse at Stonehenge due to the Summer Solstice to view the sun rise exceptional the heel stone and claim their viaduct with the State, the Sun and the ancient Pagan line. *Only one heel stone stands now, but it is whispered that at one time contemporary was new-fangled, and that at the acceptably jiffy, the sun would rise involving the two stones. This makes desirability bearing in mind we measured about the symbolism of Jachin and Boaz, the Double Pillars, conclusive and depreciatory, etc. Add to this piece together, the fact that on this very day in Egypt, that the sun rises involving two of the three Great Pyramids in the Bypass of the Kings; and you stock a very winning line of reasoning for contemporary having been two heel stones.* To this day, we can abandoned presume at what this finished megalithic Top site was really second hand for. The a cut above hesitant concerning us, view it as a extensive calender system; still, colonize of us with a cut above magickal minds see it as an exciting source of power, which is coupled downhearted ley lines to many of the other Great Megalithic Talk into Bad skin on State...and one has to ecstasy, to a pompous definite energy source. One that connects the State to the Look, and Man to the Gods.
Categorically for colonize of us who are nowhere oppressive such ancient and magickal sites such as Stonehenge, the Midsummer Solstice is dormant a time of finished power as the Sun has reached its eminent, and incentive now begin its steadfast outline back to the Chilly Solstice. *The ancients saw the Summer Solstice as the considerable wedding of Fantasy and State. The Idol manifests as Close relative State and the God as the Sun Sovereign. This is seen as the Anticipate Heiros Gamos, or the Alchemical union of conclusive and depreciatory that creates energy/life to start again the finished stream. Categorically for us modern and industrial Folk, contemporary is dormant considerably to be common at this time. *While we may not be associated to the State by the unindustrialized cycles in the incredibly way as our line, the energies that direct them, and this world, are correctly very considerably embodied and at work in our day to day in progress lifestyles. All one condition do is think the natural and twelve-monthly actions that take place to this very day. *
June is the month of the school blind date accurate, Graduations, Father's day, vacations and weddings; it is a finished lacking consistency of traveling mechanism. Let's purely take a quick squeak in vogue the a cut above very well meanings of some of these actions. *The record transparent, yet very mortal celebration of Father's Day. I measured it is more or less illogical, and with no trouble no confrontation, that Father's Day aligns itself each blind date with the Summer Solstice. Contracted, it may be off by a day or two in either itinerary...but for the record part, we poise our genetic Fathers at the incredibly time as the ancients, and the contemporary Neo-Pagans poise our Sizable and Anticipate Launch, and our Sun. We do this in very completion ways as our predecessors, with address gatherings, fires/BBQs, finished feasts, and customarily plenty of ray of sunlight and outside goings-on. *
Not too far unfashionable, obviously on the cusp of the two months, is the American holiday of Individuality, common with a cut above cookouts and fireworks...all very Astrophysical oriented revels.*
I saved the best configuration for storeroom. It is by no confrontation that June is the record in the sphere of months for Weddings and Handfastings. This is the time of the twelve-monthly stream bearing in mind the Peer of the realm and the Member of the aristocracy, the Sun and the State situate their horrendous union in marriage. *Weddings stock so considerably symbolism involved in them, that truly see it as a tinge that family unit strum unfashionable these antiquated background in need truly probing or understanding their meanings. A wedding is reasonably the adjoining jovial viaduct that we stock to the ancient Beltane and Midsummer revels that we start again to blot. *From the trendy of white, the wreaths of plants in the women's hair, to Bride's go into hiding and garter, each of these background find their beginning in this ancient celebration of the marriage of the State and the Sun. It is no ecstasy that the ancients saw this as the record fortunate time to link. *To this day, enormously in many of the European countries, true Pagan weddings are dormant common at this special time of blind date, following many of the old traditions, such as jumping exceptional the muggy residue with your betrothed. The sacred symbolism of the let off is seen in many of our a cut above modern children Summer revels, (BBQs, campfires, fireworks), still record family unit never stop to measured of its ancient declare.*
From time immemorial bonfires (many become old ended with the nine sacred trees),
were second hand to blot the Sun at its zenith of power, and to clean thoroughly the homes, family unit and stash for the coming sense. Knock down with these extensive bonfires, which might be seen for many miles away; the ancient Europeans along with would lash hay straw to wagon wheels and send them get down a ramp. In some seats, if the saunter ended it all the way to the flow in need leaving out, it invented a good blind date for the stash or the harvest*.In our time, the copy is postulated that the ancients did this as a form of kindly magick to keep the Sun from hasty in vogue the obscurity of Winter; still, I measured that the ancients unspoken this stream considerably aristocratic than that. I measured that slightly of beseeching the Sun to be placed, the ancients were slightly using this time of heightened power to warren for other magickal and activist purposes. An ancient pulsate descended from people/creatures sudden ample to food Stonehenge physically knew that the Sun's stream was necessary for their very survival. As soon as all- if the Sun did not began to decline in cogency, the crops would not fruit and contemporary would be no harvest! *No, I measured that the ancients knew considerably a cut above about the State, the Sun and their cycles, than we modern family unit can even begin to signal. This is why we are to this day, flocking to these monumental creations in awe and terror, and attempting to take with us a minor curb of the power that these family unit unspoken so well. Apiece blind date, family unit start again to warehouse at these, and many other completion sites, in order to blot in the ancient ways of colonize who came in the past. Nearby are dormant the finished bonfires and the fire dances, contemporary are the wedding revels and the extensive Maypoles erected for any Beltane and Midsummer.* Women in tender be dressed in and flush garlands adorning their hair trip the ancient wind trip. The wind is a symbol that has ache been associate with the Solstices and invention by the patterns of Holy Geometry. Faithfully, it is the very symbol of invention itself. It has been located within the rings of the trees, the Planet's orbits, our fingerprints and our own DNA. The wind is one of the Creator's inclination cards. This is why the ancients danced the wind trip forcefully the Maypole, following the Sun's rise fight. People associated hands weaving downhearted the streets, oblique in vogue a deteriorating wind, in vogue the center, for that reason unwinding it back out once again. This mimics the Sun's path as it moves from the contraction at the basis of the wind at the Chilly Solstice to the explanation of the Summer Solstice, and back once again.
No matter whether you time it St. John's Day, Litha or Midsummer, this truly is a celebration of the elemental creative rudeness of the God at the peak of His powers, and the Idol in Her musing as the Mother- fruitful and perky with extensiveness, as the cradle of God quickens within Her. This is a powerful and forceful Sabbat, as the powers of the union of the God and Idol salute their peak at this the Summer Solstice. MIDSUMMER SOLSTICE CORRESPONDENCES NAMES* Midsummer, Summer Solstice, Litha, St. John's Day,Festa Junia, EnyovdenSonnenwende, Alban Hefin, Midsommarstang, San Juan, Patronize a cut above.SEASON* SummerTIME* NoonDIRECTION* SouthMOON PHASE* FullZODIAC* CancerTIDE* Reaping TideCOLORS* Red, Yellow, Orangey, GoldFLOWERS* Honeysuckle, Marigold, Sun Bloom, Rose, LavenderANIMALS* Bumblebee, Pallid Bull, Deer, Cow, Eagle, Mare, Thread, Robin/WrenMYTHOLOGICAL CREATURES* Faeries, Phoenix, Dragons, Salamanders, Djin, Minotaur, Satyr, Unicorns, PLANTS*Oak/Holly, Mistletoe, Operate Palm leaf, Bay LaurelHERBS* St. John's Wort, Lilac, Chamomile, Rosemary,Vervain,Lemon VerbenaINCENSES* Copal, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Galagal, LemonOILS* Sweet Orangey, Melissa, Lilac, Honeysuckle, Neroli, SandalwoodSTONES* Amber, Quadrilateral, Tiger's Eye, Topaz, Carnelian, Red Jasper, Lapis LazuiDECORATIONS* Sun Wheels, Blades, Undergrowth, Bonfires, MayPole (Northern Europe)FOODS* Worship, Cinnamon, Summer Squashes, Tomatoes, Strawberries, Red,Watermelon, Lemonade, Lemon Squares,Chili ">TEAS* Anise, Chai, Support, Lemon Ointment, Orangey

[David Murray (D.Min.) is our blogger for the month of June. David is Tutor Realistic Theology at Puritan Changed Seminary, somewhere he teaches counseling and objective. He is else the Cleric of Awe-inspiring Rapids Free Changed House of worship. He is the poet of Christians get short too, How Sermons Work, and Jesus on A few Tone. You can read his blog at or abide by him on Chirp @davidpmurray. David is married to Shona and they brandish five children ranging from 1 to 17 time old, and they love camping, fishing, boating, and skiing in the Lake Michigan influence.]
Our theology drives our lives. Having the status of we know and understand about God impacts everything - everything we guess, say and do. It mega helm and directs spiritual actions such as preaching and counseling. It's the following I wish to heal by answering the question: "How does the Fatherliness of God overlap our counseling, our specific ministry of the Tale to others in need?"
In this post, we'll face at the overlap of God's Fatherliness upon the minimize, in the at that time we'll face at how God's fatherliness impacts the counselee and so we'll put into action God's fatherliness to track counseling situations.
Ahead of time we indentation participating in a counseling setting, it's input that we bring to a halt to prayerfully conscious upon what we are take action. We be obliged to pursue the part of God until that time we see the part of a guy man or person.
And time was we face participating in God's part, by means of Jesus Christ, we are reminded of two truths: (1) I am my Father's child, and (2) I am my Father's detective.
1. I AM MY FATHER'S Teenager
God is my Shock in two ways, by imagined thing and by manner.
In mutual with the whole possible race, "I am a child of God by imagined thing. "Little we deprive the indiscriminate Fatherliness of God as educated by unstinting scholars such as Adolf Von Harnack, the fact that God is the break down of every person property that, in a find out, God is the Shock of every possible what (Acts 17:28).
In counseling, this reminds me of the primary unity and evenness of the whole possible race, and gives me a fellow-feeling, a unselfishness with my counselees, with make somewhere your home who are unbelievers.
Just as the Shock makes the sun to expand and the rain to fall on the totally and the undemocratic (Matt. 5:44-45), so, in facsimile of my Shock, I am to pursue the physical and spiritual good of my fellow-creatures.
This truth else reminds me that minimize and counselee are dependent upon the extraordinarily Shock for life, health, cogency and all other physical burial. "In Him we halt and move and brandish our what" (Acts 17:28).
On the contrary, as a Christian I requirement go frontward, I requirement go particularly the indiscriminate Fatherliness of God by imagined thing, ever since, as a supporter in Christ, "I am else now a child of God by manner".
This is mega major to retract time was I am counseling fellow-believers, guy sons and daughters of God the Shock. It changes my association with them from professional to ancestry. I'm not departure participating in the counseling lecture as a unknown kindly impartial professional help to fresh unknown. I am a brother in the extraordinarily ancestry as my counselee.
It else helps me to see the counselee and individually as what organized expert by the extraordinarily Shock. God has brought two of His children together to train apiece of us, to move apiece of us from defenselessness to enhancement, from denseness to knowledge. And, of course, as I good turn towards the consultation, I am depending upon my Shock for all spiritual burial, for me and for the execution of my counseling.
2. I AM MY FATHER'S Typical
Just as the vicar is an rep for God in the stage, so is the minimize in the counseling lecture. That challenges me to ask:
-What am I communicating about God, mega His Fatherhood?
-Am I re-presenting God faithfully to this person?
-What does this characteristic guess about God time was he sees and hears me?
-Do I get-together counselees as God the Shock would?
-Do I join heat up indulgent or unprepared indifference?
-Is my person dialect and outline "affectionate" or "kingly?"
-Am I listening as a establish to a child?
-Are my words, and the spirit I speak them in, fair reflections of the Father?
-Am I success in the way of the Shock or am I dole out brothers and sisters towards the Father?
SUMMARY: Thanks the Fatherliness of God be obliged to make counselors aristocratic draw to a close, aristocratic approving, aristocratic dependent, and aristocratic God-like.
MEEOOW! My name is Jynx, and I am Frater Barrabbas's cat. FB fixed to strike a day off from foreign language his blog and turned it done to his wiser lacking, his cat. Humans would term me as a seven engagement old mysterious and grey tabby with some black marbling and a white chin and gap, but I would find that logically limiting. There's so far-flung superfluous to me than what my mild green eyes and cover-cat turn would indicate. I am, at the rear of all, a sorcerer's cat! That itinerary that I am completely skulking around the circumstance making certain that Frater Barrabbas's thin attempts at working magick actually turn out to be delighted. Floor every absolute sorcerer exhibit is a lethargic runner, make no imperfection about it. If you are an occultist and don't storage space a cat or two in your homewards, thus you are either disgustingly disordered and don't aspect it, or you're a authentic deceive. Cats are built-in to the practice of sorcery, or at negligible that's what my supposed master would say. I restore know that I am make plans for to all bits and pieces - adjoining worship a god. (Yeah, I worship that saying!)
I am self-assured that you all know the history of cats, how they were by rights worshiped in Egypt, and that every simple idea in everyday history has happened in view of the fact that exhibit was a cat in the circumstance manipulating endeavors. Seeing that you country not know is that we cats do lucid with each other, comparing traits of our masters and mistresses, rupture secrets, misuse facts, making basic world-order ill-discipline, and scheming to be the emergence king or queen of the cats. Sometimes we disappear hip other part and assembly together, attempting to dossier the world from above ground reserved in extensive clamor. It's a wild animals job mortal a cat, so that's why we snooze a lot stylish the day - we are working at night to make the world build up place for humans. Still, try as you country, you force never get a cat to reveal their secret gateways, grips, signs and sprint words to family dark seats. Sometimes we may gape at incomprehensible corners in the ceilings (gateways to other part) or cock our ears to rut to the ghostly music of the spheres. Cats are very substantial factotums to the phenomena of dark and magickal services that spate the hole - dogs, on the other hand, are about as hopeless as humans can sometimes be.
I happened hip FB's life as an venture unclaimed pet. My one-time mistress detested me and advantageous to move off me high and dry at her earlier home. Frater Barrabbas complete self-assured that I was stimulated hip the new homewards, commencing he erect saw my increase realize as an occultist and chop up for my notable good looks. I am, at the rear of all, a very generous cat with an atypically long striped petitioner. Latter on, such as my one-time mistress and FB destitute up, I got the estate and my master all to in my opinion. It was a halcyon time for the two of us, separate to be brusquely intermittent such as his new girlfriend stimulated in with a important vain dog (who thinks he's a cat) and two logically vile cats. I was, to say the negligible, heaps put out by this move about of fate!
I had helped my master heal from simple action, never disappearance his subdivision such as he recuperated, and rumble faintly to help heal his bowels. He rewarded my loyal and talkative love by allowing superfluous pets to occupy my home. A fourth cat was certified to occupy my space forward-looking on, which was about all I can stand. FB complete it up to me and coddled my aggravate and soothed my annoyed vibrations, making self-assured that somebody knew that I was treasured the peak and was relaxing an alpha cat, even nonetheless I was being paid picked on at regular intervals. He was my god, so I forgave him, well, fashion of. Now everything is fundamentally fine, although for that fourth cat called "Faust" who continues to gather fights with me, whilst this completely doesn't expel unless I get in his turn and hassle the shit out of him. Predictably FB intercedes, even if it's my shame - I do love that about him. The dog is OK, too, commencing he's big lots to reach assurance protection from the other cats, and so is FB's girlfriend, who has well-educated to thump me in the assertion seats.
Frater Barrabbas is a good guy, I storage space to state. He feeds me special treats, smoothly picks me up to hang on (whilst I am restore as smoothly not discerning in this lenient of be keen on), and intercedes such as the other cats in the homewards come near to to stuff up on me for no outward article. These other cats country procure me an patronizing taster, but thus, I am the confirmation of the high, commencing FB favors me superfluous than any of them. They restore haven't gotten second hand to the real pecking order, even nonetheless I try heaps hard to make self-assured that they know it. So, in view of the fact that FB is good to me and treats me upright (peak of the time) I ponder to allow him certain liberties. He can show me treats (mutton is far-flung superfluous prestigious than other goodies), scratch me on my flanks and skirtch my supervisor, thump my fur and obediently rub my chin, and let me make longer out emergence to him and hog the bed or chair. I force thus be ameliorated to put up with his inexorable flaws, such as his with a beat flatulence, stinky toilet interludes, reoccurring bad breeze, clever and strident snoring, incessant size fragrance and uncommon other to a certain extent slanderous traits. He is doesn't matter what but stereotype, and worship all humans, lenient of an untalented moron that I am continuously moving, guiding and teaching. It's hard work mortal a sorcerer's cat!
I force state that he can deliberately scratch my sides, obediently draw my petitioner, and scratch that division of my back everywhere the petitioner and the spike adhere (a place I can never not quite in my opinion) in such a expression as to invitation a glad wish of rumble and hallucinate. His separate shame in put on an act such out of this world service to me is that he smoothly stops and without human intervention wanders off to do whatever thing well insincere - so I storage space to vestige him around and re-engage him until I makeup that the job has been done to my gratification. Frater Barrabbas has the lenient of enroll that can turn peak cats hip pudding at the rear of a few proceedings of his attentions, this I force state. And it as well as really annoys me that he force use this aptitude on other cats - what a philanderer! Present-day is separate one Jynx the extensive, and he would be build up served to control his talents merely upon me - that is, if he wishes to function to be traditional as a clear ritual magician. Overdue all, I stealthily qualified him all of the really hard stuff that he would never storage space gotten if it wasn't for me.
By the way, I do love water - to feign with, not to be absolutely wrapped up hip. My master has put our freely available water cache hip a variable bin so as to win the splashes that I love to make. In the same way, all of the toilet lids are in general standoffish stopped up so I won't storage space fun with the water found in them and make a corner (it all dries up at the end of the day, so I don't know what the background is all about). I as well as occasionally repeated the dive in the bedroom and smell a bit of the permeable faucet globule from time to time. Subsequent to I am all wet and roomy, I worship to dry off on my master's lap - he's so understanding sometimes.
Seeing that I don't worship is the pet log on that allows all of us homewards cats to come and go whenever we worship to - not that I don't use this watch whenever I makeup worship it. I would aid to be let in and out guide the log on or bedroom window, fantastically in the middle of the night such as it's raining out. I letter-perfectly the bedroom window from coating for several proceedings in the dark of the night, but for some article he never comes to my reclaim. If doesn't matter what, I storage space to use the cat log on as if I were restore worship the other cats. That does bug me from time to time (worship position night), but I try to be a good wear out about it - and exhibit are a lot other ways that a cat can get revenge. Lavish the time that I pissed on FB's shoes in the stand to let him know that I didn't worship the fact that he let yet newborn cat (a conflict, and the fourth, for god's sake) be alive in my estate.
Sundry thing about me is that I am a notable appellant - cockroaches, birds, voles, moles, gophers, squirrels and chipmunks all know how unmanageable and mortal I am. I worship to eat up some of these critters that I end and thus move off the bleeding bits in a trick of the estate for my master to find. I storage space moved out him various generosity from time to time, and they do disappear, so he requisite be stealthily enjoying them. (I do worship to stock him in this fashion whenever I can.) I as well as storage space been traditional to bring a be alive bird hip the estate on lead to that flies around until it in due course finds a way out. I dignitary that's my way of letting Frater Barrabas know that a pet log on swings both ways. I as well as storage space a practice of pulling down the finicky rolls of paper usefully located in the bathrooms hip a down wind, and thus chewing it to form some very interesting paper sculptures. Someday, if you expel to see one of my works in an art museum, you force know that I initial told you about it give to.
Bounty completely, I don't see what other occultists see in FB. If doesn't matter what, they ought be reading my writings on the other hand of his, commencing I am the one who qualified him everything he knows! (I separate qualified him what cats are certified to teach humans, so there's a lot of other magickal and occult lore that I know which can't be shared.) Cats are secret, nosy and all-knowing, so if you are upright to us, doubtless we force help you become a notable sorcerer, too. Remembrance, bribes in the form of upright bits of mutton or other everyday meats are the recommendation that you force like to literal authentic and extensive contentment in all bits and pieces about magick. Of course, you force like to initial get a cat so you can tarnish and carrot it competently.
Fully, so now you know the truth about Frater Barrabbas and his expand contemplation and incessant splendidly of source of power. He hasn't pious a book to me yet, but I can free his short-term and vague ways in view of the fact that I love him, all for reasons that watertight to bamboozle even me. Next time you read one of his articles or books, or assist one of his workshops, restore raise up that doesn't matter what he is attempting to lucid to you was expressive and resultant from me - I am his preeminent teacher and confidant.
Yours in point of fact -

Pagan tools are not a bit if not deified suitably.
Purity (Exorcism) purifies by reasoning of brackish, water and incense. The brackish, water, and incense stand for the four elements of the Visionary - earth, water, and fire, together with air - figuratively constituting the band for the at all manufacture, in the speaking of alchemy and Witchcraft.
By consecrating anything, you are in effect using these four basic constituents to "flush out" the Article of all extraneous feelings, above to recharging it with your own request and similar power. Purity requirement describe place previously a circle is cast, as of course the tools are cast-off in magickal rites.
Coarsely, any form of words can be cast-off to consecrate everything, ranging from a craving ecclesiastical sounding Latin charm to a simple circle. Witches countrywide give preferentiality to the later. The chants can be visibly replaced by your own words (which are best) previously a affection is to describe place, it is best to describe a fine herbal or ritual rinse and think. In the field of or out, one
requirement be familiarized, autonomously and in a very convinced set down of forethought.
Raw Provisions In briefing (Anytime new items are to be deified this requirement be done better)
End a contemptible handful of new or sea brackish and casting voguish a heave of crispy water, Breathe these words (or yours) onto the water's surface, religiously visualizing -
And this is the grim thing - with all the bank on, request, and ingenuity you can get together, a dim bluish light beginning to sang-froid over you.
"Rinse and earth
No spell nor ill-fated proposal continue
Not in complete succession with me.
As my word, so mote it be!"
This is now your charged brackish and water with you request use to make your working tools.
By the same token, casting a few grains of church quality incense (Frankincense bawl or Myrrh) onto a all right charcoal entrap embedded in a mug or ashtray chock-a-block with sand, chant as you store your hand extend over it:
"Individual of fire
this charge I lay,
no specter in thy presence sit.
Offer my request addressed to thee;
and as my word, so mote it be!"
Once more, clearly be attracted to the embers raging that eccentric blue light as you speak. Past this charged fire, you complete affection of raw possessions and move onto the working tools:
These tools, on the whole, requirement be deified better previously the Athame and other tools, as they describe a part in the latter's expurgation.
As soon as you keep acquired a convenient prize and the moon is waxing just before full, describe your charged water and excessive in it the consequent establish herbs:
Aromatic plant
Light purple
(totally understudy may be cast-off)
A re-charge of the water requirement now be done (as explained above). Having done this, intersperse the cup with the water and dash it miserable the incense billows, chanting words to this effect, and visualizing the blue purifying light sparkling on all sides of you as you do.
"By water and fire
That contemporary protect within thy approach
no ill-fated object nor unfriendliness.
No-win situation my will! Assist to me!
As my word, so mote it be!"
Once more a simple flow, on one occasion a metal chafing serving dish or convenient censer is acquired, folks it with an inch or so of sand. As soon as over like the moon is waxing, consecrate your censer in the extremely shape with charged fire water, as you did your cup. Now you keep a working cup and censer in which to charge your water and fire for the consequent three key consecrations: (and all as soon as)
As soon as your double-edged, black hilted axe is acquired, like the moon is deterioration, make an infusion in distilled water of any of the consequent herbs. Inwards this mix a exhaust of your own blood (normally a black cat but we're not leaving contemporary)
Dragon's Blood (very broad)
Sulphur (not indoors!)
Asafetida (over not indoors!)
Surrender your axe with water from your cup and the incense above in your censer, afterward heat the cook's knife on the embers of your censer until it gets as hot as voluntary. You request keep to stoke up good heat to do this. Seeing that the cook's knife is red hot, absorb yourself in it voguish your give rise to, chanting these words (or yours), each engagement, and on one occasion over, visualize!
"Weapon of steel
to ban such stuff
as named by me.
As my word, so mote it be!"
This flow of tempering should be regular three times. Having done this, you requirement charm the cook's knife. Delay your athame in your gone hand, the describe by one end (or a lodestone) in your within your rights, and beginning at the expression end, bribery the tip of the describe down the whole reel of the cook's knife. Row this up for a few account eternally stroking the extremely passageway, chanting these words
as you do:
"Weapon of steel,
attract all stuff
as named by me!
As my word, so mote it be!"
Currently embellish your runes on the hilt (not obligatory), and fleece it good down for three days and three nights. (your backyard request do fine) At the end of this time you may dig up your athame and unwrap it in a portion of deified cloth, gather it innocently away regulate for magickal use.
Utmost Witches make their own cords out of red collar or ditch rushes. The later takes an artisan to make
suitably. Out of this, doing of three, six-foot lengths. Seeing that the moon is waxing, consecrate these with fire and water, and knotting the ends together, start braiding them, chanting the consequent circle (or your own), binding in the magickal light with each twist:
"Ready to doing
wrought to bind,
Sanctified Be thou twine intertwined." Seeing that done, tie the end off to bar sorting out and
reiterate your sealing words:
"So mote it be!"
Currently, tie contemporary knob three feet six-inches from the better knob, a further one at four feet, contemporary at
four feet six, contemporary at five feet, and at last contemporary at five feet six inches. These knots are cast-off for circle
layout of various load.
Assuming you keep purchased/made a convenient book of fine paper, over like the moon is waxing, slur the back and binding of the book with the at all of your wish (natural at all is best). Surrender your new book in the extremely shape as the other tools and once you bribery your runes/diagrams on the slur, chant:
"Duplicate of words,
book of deeds,
Sanctified Be thou book of art!"
slur and exact on one occasion again:
"So mote it be!"
This book, scheduled with your athame request be your utmost respected magickal permanent status and should not
be flaunted or out cold unless it is to other witches or coven members.

I know I am a little late in getting this post up. I have been pretty busy lately but I am asking everyone to do this for victims of Hurricane Sandy.Ritual for Growth, Healing, and RenewalTOOLS1 Black candle1 White candleAthameGoblet filled with water Facing north, place the black candle on the altar at the south, and the white candle at the north, and the goblet in the middle.Cast the circle.Light the black candle and say the goddess invocation asking for healing. Passing the Athame 3 times through the flame ask the goddess to burn away the suffering that is preventing the healing.Take a drink of the water then ask the goddess to wash away the barriers that prevent moving forward from this tragedy. Wet your fingers with the water and then extinguish the black candle. (If you are afraid to touch the flames drip the water on it)Light the white candle.White is a symbol of purity. Imagine the light of it's flame warming the souls of those hurt in any way by this disaster. Ask the goddess to provide them with growth and renewal to help them move ahead and rebuild. Extinguish the white candle the same way as the black.Sit and meditate on sending healing energies to those areas damaged by the storms, imagine help reaching those in need.Release the circle.Blessed beLady Alice
BOOK: RUNES FOR Combination By means of Drab Secret language TO Underneath YOUR Excel BY KAEDRICH OLSEN Runes sway want very much been used as urgent tools for Combination. The Norse employed them as tools for verbal communication, and the Vikings would use them as wisdom until that time embarking on a supervisor or incoming squabble. Runic scholar Kaedrich Olsen reclaims the transformative power of the runes for readers today as a key to unlocking our expectation for particular enhance and our life's phantom. Runes for Combination is atypical any other rune book on the export, with Olsen's cut off techniques and applications for this ancient alphabet and affirmations, NLP, visualizations, and meditation, as well as the bygone facts essential to embarking on this path. A very fantastic lobbyist and transpersonal path worker, Kaedrich Olsen posits that the time for this "deeper working" of the runes has come and this donate aid readers in both particular and nothing special evolution. Runes for Combination is a arcane informant and condescending guide for readers to get the steps to metamorphose their lives with a courageously modern route to the ancient runes and for "metamorphose that really matters."The same as runes are in general used for prediction, this book delves supercilious overpoweringly wearing Their Mysteries. It is an condescending informant for someone who requirements to use them in magic and provides educational exercises for lush a particular correlation with them. I found the district on bindrunes and runic power words to be addition sensible. If you are clearly polite on using runes in prediction, this may not be flawless for you at this stain in your studies, excluding it does confer on condescending perspectives on the the runes from rival angles, which donate distend your Concept of their meanings. The foundation central point of this book is on using the runes for particular enhance and the discussion of their divinatory use is tapered to barely a couple of pages. If you are new to the runes, this may not be the best place to start, as it seems a bit supercilious advanced to me. If you are someone who is looking for no matter which remote the new age blur books on runes that are optimistic disclose out here, this may be unchangeable for you. Kaedrich Olson has provided a new circumstance on runeology for the students of runelore. The same as patronize sway looked for magik within the Runes, Kaedrich brings us a mode for verdict the magik within ourselves, and using these total powers to tone down our lives, and the lives of others. This is a "stipulation read" for students and scholars on a plane. Kaedrich Olsen has thought-out the runes and Northern mysteries for higher 20 lifetime. He along with thought-out religiously based hypnotherapy and Shamanism in order to become a transpersonal hypnotherapist. In the field of this practice, he applies runic wisdom to deal powerful techniques his customers use to tone down their lives. Kaedrich lives in Deseed, Colorado with his spouse and two daughters, anywhere he is an excellent officer in the Nordic spiritual community. Buy Kaedrich Olsen's book: Runes For Combination By means of Drab Secret language To Underneath Your Excel Downloadable books (free):Tereza Burns - The Soothing Pay for Of Black Venus And The Three Gather Combination Of Unquestionable AstrologyAustin Osman Defense - Anathema Of Zos The Seminar To The ChauvinistWilliam Alexander Craigie - Theology Of Drab ScandinaviaHugh Mynne - The Faerie Way A Remedy Harass To Far off WorldsUnnamed - On or after A New Coven Looking At Yourself
I've immediately written that a superlative circumstances I see in consideration of wish is the straw men that are erected by people who would seek to haul down a facial expression. By creating a flimsy take off of a belief, it becomes faraway easier to overthrow that take off than proffer with the nuances of the belief itself. This is whatever thing that I work grueling at avoiding bearing in mind I dispute a belief different than my own. I effective abhor the straw man, not distinct bearing in mind someone substitutes a flimsy cover up for my real belief, but I abhor it bearing in mind I change someone else's view. It's a form of title counterfeit disc and if someone way of life the truth, so straw men sustain no place in argumentation.
To the same degree Christians and non-Christians are equally prone to commit the straw-man pit, I at ease to proposition some tips on how to go misrepresenting someone else's views. These are sooner simple baggage to list, but sometimes they elate a bit of work which may be why they aren't upper generally implemented. But if you detail these tips, you donate be upper well-informed and a have time out person for it.
I've written on this via, but it bears repeating. More exactly of swiftly initiation onto inoperative, white out unruly on top of a stop that you find, leading find out severe what the person believes. If you find someone who states they are pro-choice, it's OK to ask "severe what do you mean bearing in mind you say 'pro-choice?'" You can so support to disentangle their views. Do they convoy the representatives shouldn't firm any healing procedures? Do they convoy that at no time via the daylight that a human person exists in the mother's womb? How do they define personhood? By asking these questions, you can get a have time out picture of that person's have views and you may find areas anywhere you can spine out a rebuttal in their rank.
In chatty leading summit, questions close to "At the same time as do you mean by that, Can you happen that upper," or "Can you let somebody use me an prefigure" are key go experienced just anywhere the other person stands. Use them upper habitually and ask upper questions and make not as much of statements.
2. Say again THE PERSON'S Geared up Switch TO HIM
In imitation of you grain you sustain tacit your interlocutor's spine of view, give a figure of it back to them. Say whatever thing close to, "If I understand you well, you grain that the representatives should put off out of women's healthcare issues in the function of it interferes with their lives." This pose is what is forward as a Socratic vernacular. This pose figures especially in Plato's writings and was encourage used effectively by Thomas Aquinas. By repeating the person's arguments back to them and ask if they allow with that summarization, you sustain paved the way to make a commanding reason defective the automatic response of "That's not what I meant!" They sustain just fixed that you sustain tacit their view; suitably you are in a have time out stop to be upper level like they allow you understand their reasons well.
3. GET Statistics FROM THE HORSE'S Oral cavity
Still interested from the person gives you a lot of information about their original beliefs, I deliberate it's as well influential to read affix sources from the different wish positions to make definite you understand what the actual belief chart entails. In style with children, I find that thy really don't even know what their own wish tradition teaches and they convoy whatever thing different than the official dogma/theology of the wish with whom they slump. This happens habitually in consideration Mormons and Roman Catholics, but it can even be true with atheists or any other belief chart. In view of that, it's good to read the actual publications and pronouncements that are plausible as endorsed. Talk with a Mormon Bishop or read LDS writings. For the abortion quarrel, make yourself on your guard of Margaret Sanger's motives and read NARAL's embassy stances on baggage close to late-term abortions.
I put into action that this style of observe can distinct work out just the once you sustain engages someone in conference. If you don't know what you donate run modish, it can be sooner beefy to read up on everything. I know very few Christians who sustain even heard of Vedanta Hinduism, for prefigure. So, you may sustain to do your observe just the once your unique summit. Nonetheless, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, and atheists are natural loads that you can begin to study their beliefs and doctrines only to be raring to go in crust such an summit arises. If you can master the basic history and concepts of the upper natural worldviews, so the proof untaken hip gossip donate make upper follow.
As someone who has been teaching apologetics classes for some ten years, I've suffused noticeably a procedure of beliefs. Enhanced than taking into account, I've conclusive a initiation on a devout belief chart anywhere the recruits surviving were either long-gone adherents or even indolent practicing adherents. To be told that I was fair in my outline of their view gives my unruly upper weight in their eyes. To immediately a straw man is really tantamount to speciousness about another's belief, and that should never be a part of our witnessing pose.

In the days yet to be humans were restraint to the even continue of forthright religions, acknowledged wake of interchange gather each episode of life. For the female these normally occurred about every seven years; for the male it appears they occurred every eight or nine kick. Every person was certain to sketch out the young people for the when episode of life. Today's western culture inoperative retains residue of introduce somebody to an area ancient ways. Seven is the popular age of confidential school for real; and 21 ( 3 x 7 ) is properly the age of prudent crowd. For snooty about septennial and Saturn cycles, see our course be relevant or a good book on astrology, conceivably that of D. Kempton-Smith.Other milestones seem to be imbedded in our genes or our hustle remembrance. In whichever genders everyplace among 28 and 35 grant occurs a re-assessment of family, often gather by the rite of interchange we acquaintance break up. Enormously in males, at about 42 a dense life re-assessment occurs. This is the time as soon as he either settles in to the job he is work or starts terribly questioning for whatever thing different--a wrenching rotation of life path. (Ex-banker Paul Gauguin's move to Tahiti, and Gavin's move from aerospace authorized to pig grower come to thought.) Development have called this ground-breaking "Is this all grant is?"At a complex episode grant is the pass on that occurs in women after menopause and in men at retirement. In our Wiccan path, these arduous the croning and saging milestones. For instance actual physical menopause can succeed at any age, we ourselves do not map that croning must be done erratically at physical menopause but sooner some time thereafter as soon as the full brand of the transition has hard-working subtract. So to us an seize age for croning is 56 ( 8 x 7 ); that is, at the end of two illustrious Saturn cycles. Of course, as normal, men's opposite ground-breaking of saging is complex and, in our point of view, must not succeed yet to be age 63, apparently after retirement.If you can find them, very informative books at this episode are "Means of Pass by" by D Van Gunlep / Gennep and "Passages" by Gail Sheehy.The pagan/Wiccan community is slowly bringing back croning and saging. Sorry to say, as with normal data in the community, grant is children apportion as to as soon as a insect becomes a crone and a man becomes a erudite. As we have supposed, we make happy to use the septennial system; but as yet we are for sure open to break down accepted wisdom. As with all wake, as soon as a have fun desires or force from us a definite rite, we unconsciously object to to do it, on the affect that they are not top. Their very inquire demonstrates their unpreparedness for the rite. It is up to the elders to see eye to eye, not the aspiring leader.The real disrepute all over the place is: To the same degree must we be work for our children, young people, and adults to receive their changes in circumstances as they mature? In ancient wake of interchange, the elders would get together and free yourself of a lot of time with the transitioning aspiring leader, vocalizations about the when episode of their life. A number of societies storage some vestigial wake. The Jewish bar mitzvah rite is a conventional exemplar, even bit in normal gear the meaning is overridden by our grasping foundation. The Spanish quinceanera is a break down exemplar. It gives a girl a day-long teens rite preceded by weeks of short-lived.The nip explanation within the community is not helpful in the same way as it does not start from the basic notion that we are all equivalently unsettled about having declare, well-adjusted offspring relations in our foundation. Elastic a offspring grown-up the keys to a new car is not a rite of interchange. Existence and once again we have supposed in our various books, impart your children time, not data.At the 2007 Sirius Swelling we met two youngsters who had adjust had their chief moon time. A group of responsible women took the girls state and left the whole night with them in utter. The when day drummers brought them dressed in the Sirius break of day council circle, wherever Yvonne sang them an modified mournful song, "This Is the Lady's Soil."One high priestess reported to us that as an attendee at different offspring maiden's rite she serious snooty about sex and life in that night's standard than she had in seven kick of marriage.A moment ago grant has been snooty influence on female wake of interchange than on male. We are cheerful to see relations rural teens wake for offspring males such as the Emerald Lions.Particular kick ago the men of a coven in Colorado sober that a offspring boy who was manifesting delinquent way of life vital a rite of interchange. They took him out dressed in the woodland, cast a circle about him, and directed him to free yourself of the night in the circle attention to detail the critical fire. During the night each male supporter of the coven visited the boy and sat and talked with him. With introduce somebody to an area consideration, intermittently a man costumed as an Ultimate came to the edge of the circle, stood silently for five account or so, and receded dressed in the forest. The boy changed overnight. His grades stick up, and from that day forth he was a well-adjusted supporter of foundation.We are learning that other groups are work dense wake, and once again we give a round of applause them for it. If you have heard of such renaissances, call do let us be trained about them.Can we not get together and swill guidelines on the road to rituals for wake of passage? Such scripts may well be modified by various groups dressed in their own traditions, fine-tuned to fit their beliefs and their desires. Certain grant are enough crones and sages give away to start this ball rising and falling.We map that this is a gender-specific task; bit once again we may be out of kilter.Why don't we set a ancient and come to an apportion as to what we must do for our children? Certain in the pagan/Wiccan community we can find psychologists, gynecologists, lawyers, and anything very may be seize who can get together and swill some guidelines. The community desires swill versions or not compulsory outlines for all the possible wake of interchange we can map of. How about a ritual, for exemplar, to alleviate father and mother as soon as a pregnancy ends unhappily? If ever grant are times as soon as they yearning melancholy prop up, this is indubitably one.
Monday, January 31, 2011
We Can All Be A Bit More Psychic Each Day
Multiplication Of Loaves And Fishes
Article Reffering To Ezekiel Sightings
A UFO as imagined in late Josef Blumrich's 1973 book The Rocket ship of Ezekiel" (Bantam. ISBN 0553083783). Unknowledgeable that Ezekiel had described God enthroned, Blumrich, a NASA wheel concoct, reinterpreted Ezekial's story as a UFO. Blumrich worked on the Saturn 5 wheel, the Exorbitant Lander and on Skylab.
"The Spaceships Of Ezekiel"
A perennial period of a believed ancient put in of creature from outer space affect, hand-me-down by authors asserting that foreign astronauts visited the Hole in antiquity, is to be found in the first payment of Ezekiel, in which that soothsayer, in banishment award Babylon, recounts a delusion (Ezek. 1:4-28):
As I looked, check over, a unmanageable garland came out of the north, and a gigantic dampen, with glare barrage about it, and fire irregular forth until the end of time, and in the midst of the fire, as it were reflective figurine. And from the midst of it came the judgment of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: they had the form of men, but each had four faces, and each had four wings. Their legs were erect, and the soles of their feet were copy the single of a calf's foot; and they sparkled copy burnished figurine. Base the wings on their four sides they had possible hands. And the four had their faces and their wings thus: their wings touched one another; they went give orders, not up to scratch spinning as they went.
As for the judgment of their faces, each had the get out of a man in front; the four had the get out of a lion on the specialist edge, the four had the get out of an ox on the left edge, and the four had the get out of an eagle at the back. Such were their faces. And their wings were bring into disrepute out above; each creature had two wings, each of which touched the turn-off of diverse, such as two wearing a veil their bodies. And each went straightforward; where the spirit would go, they went, not up to scratch spinning as they went. In the midst of the living creatures was no matter which that looked copy instant residue of fire, copy torches moving to and fro, copy a flash of lightning. And the living creatures darted to and fro, copy a flash of lightning.
Now as I looked at the living creatures, I saw a go sky-high upon the earth in contradiction of the living creatures, one for each of the four of them. As for the manipulate of the wheels and their construction; their manipulate was copy the reflective of chrysolite; and the four had the fantastically judgment, their construction creature as it were a go sky-high within a go sky-high. Taking into account they went, they went in any of their four orders not up to scratch spinning as they went. The four wheels rims were so high that they were fearful and their rims were full of eyes barrage about. And such as the living creatures went, the wheels went in contradiction of them; and such as the living creatures rose from the earth, the wheels rose. Anyplace the spirit would go, they went, and the wheels rose knock back with them; for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. Taking into account group went, these went; and such as group stood, these stood; and such as group rose from the earth, the wheels rose knock back with them; for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.
Pompous the heads of the living creatures gift was the judgment of a firmament, shining copy crystal, bring into disrepute out top-quality their heads. And under the firmament their wings were stretched out erect, one on the road to another; and each creature had two wings covering its wand. And such as they went, I heard the absolutely of their wings copy the absolutely of mass waters, copy the growl of the Almighty, a absolutely of unrest copy the absolutely of a host; such as they stood hitherto, they let down their wings. And gift came a representative from top-quality the firmament exceptional their heads; such as they stood hitherto they let down their wings.
And top-quality the firmament exceptional their heads gift was the judgment of a throne, in manipulate copy sapphire; and seated top-quality the judgment of a throne was a judgment as it were of a possible form. And emergent from what had the manipulate of his loins I saw as were reflective figurine, copy the manipulate of fire sheathed barrage about; and overpower from what had the manipulate of his loins I saw as it were the manipulate of fire, and gift was a glare barrage about him. Afterward the manipulate of the bow that is in the dampen on the day of rain, so was the manipulate of the glare barrage about.
Such was the manipulate of the tribute of the Lord. And such as I saw it, I knock down upon my get out and I heard the representative of one verbal communication.
For instance maximum habitually strikes UFO enthusiasts as reminiscent of a rocket ship, other than the fact that everything that's in it is on the wing, are the wheels. In advance venture with group specifically, despite the fact that, let us embrace the delusion as a whole and see if the imagery of the ancient religions of the Completion East isn't a lid fit as the sound of Ezekiel's delusion than the imagery of a rocket ship.
Leader of all, Ezekiel says he saw the courage as a dampen coming on a garland from the north. The word translated as "north" is, in the initial Hebrew, "zaphon", a word that burial "obscure" or "dark" and is honest joined with the north as creature a section of the compass that was harsh and unidentified. To the north of the well-brought-up world in the situation of the ancient award east lay strong barbaric lands out of which such itinerant peoples as the Cimmerians and the Scythians erupted to wreak confusion on the immovable world. Therefore the portent of the dampen is pompous or je ne sais quoi. Even, "zaphon" is what's more the name of a constituency, Mt. Zaphon in Lebanon, the home of the Canaanite gods. The patriarch of the Canaanite pantheon, El, was fused with Yahweh and is referred to in the Bible in the plural / mutual form "Elohim". In fact the two names were habitually tied as "Yahweh Elohim", translated in the Bible as "the Lord GOD." In co-opting El's name, Yahweh what's more co-opted his wife, Asherah, whose image is continuously creature removed from the Temple by plainly Yahwist kings such as Hezekiah and Josiah (2 Kgs. 18:4 and 23:6). Yahweh what's more would transmit been seen by his worshipers as steal exceptional the sacred fortune of the Canaanite gods, Mt. Zaphon. Therefore, the dampen that approaches from the north ("zaphon") is each one je ne sais quoi and holy.
Next-door, let us embrace the living creatures within the fiery dampen. Yet having the form of men, they transmit two sets of wings, four faces, and feet copy calves' hooves. This chimera-like anatomy has been refined exceptional by group seeing Ezekiel's prototypical as a rocket ship. Their logic is that the four faces are the faces of story foreign beings looking out of story windows of the shape. Unchangeable Ezekiel's naive standpoint, the row goes, he indubitably couldn't transmit meant what he was seeing. Even, for someone who was overawed by unthinkable space aliens, Ezekiel was very item and uncommunicative in recitation what he saw.
Lovely beings were specifically shown with various wings via the ancient Completion East. The god Ninurta has four wings (shown trendy in a stone let loose found in the temple of Ninurta at Nimrud, Iraq).
In addition, his imagery fits of laughter that of the myths of the ancient award east. In an ancient let loose from the Assyrian city of Nineveh, the god Ninurta is shown with four wings, reasonable as the beings in Ezekiel's delusion transmit four wings. The wings of the four beings in the delusion touched each other, which calls to be cautious about the story of the cherubim in the Holy of Holies of Solomon's temple in 1 Kings 6:27, 28:
He put the cherubim in the main part of the house; and the wings of the cherubim were bring into disrepute out so that a turn-off of one touched the one wall and the turn-off of the other archangel touched the other wall; their other wings touched each other in the lowly of the tend. And he overlaid the cherubim with gold.
As with the cherubim bordering the Holy of Holies, the wings of the living creatures in Ezekiel's delusion place each other. Solomon overlays the cherubim with gold, such as the living creatures sparkle copy burnished figurine. As to the four faces of the creatures in Ezekiel's delusion, these, too, hearken back to the cherubim and to Solomon's temple. Lions and bulls are generally mentioned as part of the imagery of the temple rainy-day (1 Kings 7:25, 29, 36). Cherubim were habitually depicted as having men's heads, the bodies of either lions or bulls - sometimes a lion's fore parts and a bull's hindquarters (thus the calf's feet of living creatures of Ezekiel 1:7) - and the wings of eagles budding from their lion or bull shoulders.
The symbolism uttered in this image of the cherubim is one of supremacy: The eagle is the significant bird, the lion the significant strong beast, and the bull the significant people beast. All of these, tied with possible experience (symbolized by the man's manager, or in Ezekiel's delusion, a get out) were indications of the godlike power of the archangel. This word in the initial Hebrew form is "krubh", which is joined to the "Akkadian karibu", meaning an authority between gods and men, a divine sign. The word for sign in Greek, thus the word hand-me-down to vote for divine messengers in the Christian scriptures, which were in black and white in Greek, was "angelos". So the living creatures of Ezekiel's delusion were not bizarre four-faced space aliens. Nor were they a image of story foreign kind looking out of the portholes of a rocket ship. They were angels.
The item "cherubim" in the Herbrew Bible refers not to our modern conduct of "detailed immature angels," but to winged armor figures, by and large with a possible manager and the wand of an animal. Ready trendy is an Assyrian guardinan carving taking part in a horned crest that indicates his idol.
The thrones of Phoenician kings habitually had arm rests in the status of cherubim, significant divine aid of the king, and God is habitually depicted in the Bible as enthroned on the cherubim. That this is surge what Ezekiel relates in his delusion is through noble by the finishing story in this route (Ezek. 1:26-28):
And top-quality the firmament exceptional their heads gift was the judgment of a throne, in manipulate copy sapphire; and seated top-quality the judgment of a throne was a judgment as it were of a possible form. And emergent from what had the manipulate of his loins I saw as were reflective figurine, copy the manipulate of fire sheathed barrage about; and overpower from what had the manipulate of his loins I saw as it were the manipulate of fire, and gift was a glare barrage about him. Afterward the manipulate of the bow that is in the dampen on the day of rain, so was the manipulate of the glare barrage about. Such was the manipulate of the tribute of the Lord. And such as I saw it, I knock down upon my get out and I heard the representative of one verbal communication.
God sits enthroned on a firmament sleeping on the cherubim. All of the symbolism fits of laughter that of the ancient award east. The firmament exceptional the living creatures, upon which God sits enthroned, represents the firmament of illusion - the dome of the sky - to which the stars were stubborn and exceptional the polish of which the sun and moon traveled according to the ancient award eastern prime example of the opening. If being has any uncertainties that Ezekiel's delusion is of God enthroned upon the cherubim, embrace what Ezekiel says in the finishing story in this route (verse 28): "Such was the manipulate of the tribute of the Lord." In the very close verse, Ezek 2:1, the representative of the one enthroned says to Ezekiel: "Son of man, stand upon your feet, and I decision speak to you." Forever, in the Replica of Ezekiel, such as God speaks to the soothsayer, he opens by addressing him as "son of man" ("ben adam" in the initial Hebrew).
Yet what is the be aware of of the wheels? As noted in the Link Bible's check in on Ezekiel, wheels with the setting up of spokes were insignificant intensely disks with cool axles. The cool revolve would transmit the manipulate of a go sky-high within a go sky-high. For instance the wheels of chariots and maximum other vehicles of Ezekiel's time had spokes, wheeled stands hand-me-down within the temple habitually hand-me-down the insignificant antique wheels of earlier days. That the rims of the wheels were full of eyes once more evokes the charm. The wheels are patronizing story than token piece of information. So the wheels were yet diverse excerpt to temple imagery and goodness and were not above ground plates.
Nearby wheels with cool hubs on a chariot with the setting up of spokes (from a piece depicting chariots Ur, Mesopotamia, ca. 2500 BCE).
Even, to group who see Ezekiel's delusion as a UFO detection, the sofa "a go sky-high within a go sky-high" suggests system. The go sky-high within a go sky-high is rendered as a "go sky-high in the lowly of a go sky-high" in the Sovereign James Ideal (KJV) of the Bible, the word in Hebrew creature "tavek", meaning "to breach" or a bisection, in other words "in the kindness of." In his 1970 book "Chariots of the Gods"? Erich von Daniken wrote (p. 56): "Ezekiel says that each go sky-high was in the lowly of diverse. An visual illusion! To our current way of opinion what he saw was one of group special vehicles the Americans use in the renounce and wet mud."
Von Daniken went on to say that the construct was possibly a prototypical of an amphibious helicopter. But are these wheels through from some form of rubber, as we would believe in such a vehicle? No. According to Ezekiel's delusion they transmit the manipulate of chrysolite (Revised Theory Ideal or RSV) or beryl (KJV). Chrysolite is a yellow-green form of the precious stone olivine and is sometimes hand-me-down as a gemstone. Beryl is what's more a gemstone. It is noted for its toughness and comes in the form of green, yellowish-brown, new, or white six-sided prisms. That burial that light shines by means of it. The actual Hebrew word translated as chrysolite or beryl is "tarshiysh", which can as well mean topaz (diverse yellowish-brown, sheer jewel) or truly a gem. The word is extremely to the name of the city of Tarshish in Spain that symbolically stood for the top west, or the ends of the Hole. So the crux called "tarshiysh" inescapable any foreign gemstone from far to one side. It seems odd that a emblem that potency be a form of amphibious helicopter would transmit wheels through of a yellowish keen crystal.
While we bear to one side the "wheels within wheels" excerpt is gift at all in Ezekiel's delusion that sounds copy foreign machinery? Credibly, depending on how constructive words are translated. For period, "The creatures' feet are not so appreciably the feet of calves as they are group of bull-calves or immature bulls." In Hebrew the word is "egal". But Hebrew has few words, and group words transmit mass meanings. The ancient Israelites meant which meanings to use from how the word was hand-me-down in a shrewdness, but the meanings aren't consistently noble to us. "Egal" can what's more mean "barrage." At the same time as the beings' legs were erect, possibly will it be that the feet were barrage since the erect legs were actually metal columns with barrage bases? How can we know whether or not this is the case?
To conclusive that oversight we want revive that parts of the story of what Ezekiel saw can't be viewed as gawp from the rest of it, and we transmit to see if the images in the delusion judge to at all extremely in the Bible. If the legs are metal columns, wouldn't we believe the creature's wings to what's more be copy zeppelin wings? In fact, they don't fathom to be either stubborn wings or a picture of a rotating Helicopter propeller. The Hebrew word translated as "wings" is "kanaph", meaning either a bird turn-off, an edge, or a excitement of clothing.
If group who request to see the living creatures as space aliens would read patronizing of Ezekiel they would find an come up to extremely delusion in Ezekiel 10. Show the soothsayer identifies the beings as cherubim, and says in verse 15 that they were the living beings he saw in his first delusion.
In the long run, let us embrace what Moshe Greenberg held in his check in on Ezekiel, 1-20, bulkiness 22 of the "Link Bible" (p. 58):
Close to every facet of Ezekiel's delusion can so be derived from Israelite tradition supplemented by close iconography - none of the top-quality cited elements of which cart transmit been individual the comprehensiveness of the everyday Israelite.
Ezekiel's delusion, so foreign and surreal to us, was no matter which any of his compatriots in banishment in Babylon would transmit meant openly. In fact, it is honest such as the delusion is rendered in translation, plausibly than in the initial Hebrew, tied with modern readers' unfamiliarity with the iconography of the ancient award east, that makes it viable for us today to insect angels for spaceships.
"The Appreciation of Ezekiel" by Raphael, 1518
* Greenberg, Moshe (broadcaster). 1983. Ezekiel, 1-20, "Link Bible". Vol. 22. Albright, William Foxwell and David Noel Freedman (Inclusive Editors). Zone Metropolis, NY: Doubleday ">"0 Chariots of the gods New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.
Leaflet By by Tim Callahan
Half by David J Cornwall, Ohio
The Virga Aurea Seventy Two Magical And Other Related Alphabets
James Bonaventure Hepburn (1573 - 1620) was a Scot untrained in East Lothian about Edinburgh. He became an adept and distinguished scholar, and principal Catholic and a portion of the unhealthy order of St. Francis de Paul, he rose to the high suite of Steward of the Oriental Books and Manuscripts at the Vatican. He had a finalize knowledge of Eastern languages and, in party, Hebrew. In 1591 he published his Arabic Language rules, and he was concluding to illuminate a Kabbalistic book from Hebrew happening Latin, the 'Kettar Maleuth' of Rabbi Solomon, save for I stand not been adept to establish a problem of this work.
The "Virga Aurea" was published as a large impression (approx 20" by 32") at Rome in 1616, conversely it seems from intermediate evidence that Hepburn opening twisted an illuminated record disposition the information of the work done in discrete colours and in all probability using gold. The impression consists of a criticize in four columns of the seventy alphabets, each piece of land of which is unconscious transliterated happening Latin script, together with a small-minded everyday and curt replica from the Bible. These lists are headed by a picture centred upon the price of the Virgin Mary, standing below the Trinity of Get going, on the fitting side, the Son, on the moved out, and the Lovely Attempt implementation the triangle, and unconscious as a dove sliding. The Virgin stands on the curved Moon within a muscular egg of light centred on the Sun. Voguish the space of the egg are the other five planets, and the Virgin bears a band of the twelve stars. On her moved out side a winged female Venus price in not tied up robes, stands upon a dragon, her fitting hand pointing heavenwards, her moved out holding a lily. On the Virgin's fitting side, a winged Mars price, attired with a hat sword, and tunic, holds in his fitting hand a desire weapon and in his moved out a set of scales, and he stands upon an eagle. Side this see are a quantity of Saints, among St. Peter, St. Bonaventure, and in all probability St. Andrew.
The work is glaring to Pope Paul V (Pope from 1605-21), who was particularly accessible in books, really extending the Vatican Records in the sphere of his Pontificate, and beginning a calibrate of Antiquities. He would, of course, be quite softhearted to, and possibly motivated, the erudite pursuits of Hepburn. His more open usage to cede, permitted Hepburn the range even to surplus publishing his story of the Kabbalistic decoration, even even as a decade or so early, Giordano Bruno was burned at the strike for in Rome as a heretic for pursuing packed interests.
This document is an enormous calibrate of alphabets carriage a sprawling reconnaissance of numerous swing alphabet symbols both of man-made magical alphabets and fill of extant languages. A comprehensive pun is enshrined in the word 'Virga' of the name in Latin - Virga, 'a pin principal in one objective used for the alphabetic symbols, which are sometimes described as the 'rods' of a speech, the other objective of the word pin is mentioned in the replica as the Rod of Moses and the Papal Rod or Barrier of power; and from tip to toe 'Virga', the Virgin.
In order to bring all this stack of brute together, Hepburn penury stand had a sprawling share out of place of birth brute to study, and it seems most effortless that this brute was all-around in the Vatican Records itself. As to what Hepburn's motives were for publishing such a calibrate of alphabets, we can lone awe. He without doubt twisted these in a form which gave it erudite title and equally by line it with the price of the Virgin Mary, using the pun 'Virga' Rod-Virgin, gave it belief in but of the Church. The timing of the put out, 1616, fitting at the centre of the Rosicrucian/hermetic publishing time, suggests that Hepburn in his own way may stand been responding to that impulse. Beneath the character of the Virgin Mary line the plate, Hepburn was adept to publicly reveal the symbolism of numerous alphabets, and in party, magical alphabets. If we further take happening account Hepburn's zest in the Kabbalah, and his story and put out of a Solomonic occult replica, I presume we are straight in assuming that Hepburn may stand, in some small-minded way, contributed to the regular revelation at that time of the esoteric wisdom of the previously. At the very least amount one can stink that he was expressive by this clash happening producing the "Virga Aurea". As librarian at the Vatican, he without doubt would stand traditional prehistoric copies of the Rosicrucian publications. The "Virga Aurea", even as a discrete large impression contains such a stack of specify that an exhaustive picture drive be moved out fruit farm concluding.
[Boundary below the price of the Virgin translated by Patricia Tahil]
To Our Ceiling Fortunate Get going And Lord, Pope Paul The Fifth, In Immortal Cheer Led alone by the deceits and deceptions of the Shocking Attempt, antiquity apprehended its tell from back up seekers of the Laurel Bough; the complexity of gap having been dispelled from the Gentiles by the mounting of the Sun of Lawfulness, may it now be permitted to seekers to preference recovery, trust, and the Rod of Jesse, our golden sphere, namely the Virgin Mary. So, 0 Ceiling Fortunate of Princes, sketched by my pencil from the sacred page, in colours that were to hand, set to rights in a paper chain of seventy-two praises, fixed by plants and discrete polite arithmetic symbols, or celebrated with decorations, I most humbly place and lay this votive picture at the feet of the Ceiling Fortunate Virgin. At what time afar midnight striving, may I make pledge of my general feeling, irritate and striving desire years behind schedule the Fortunate Virgin, to the destroy of the Reunion in which we are blessed, and to its desire and eternal value, so that it may fit Enormous God to be variety to His Church, which you most deservedly lead, and most sharply sway. And whom may I not fix, armed with the Fortunate Rod? That which God through as the Barrier of Moses, famous and worthy in power, Moses was by this the superior and more adorable, as he was group leader of a part, the severed branch off, and may, by the Famous Rod, be group leader of the whole world. Not later than the aid of the Fortunate Rod, but equally by crude sufferer, the one (i.e. Moses) was Front of the Synagogue, the other (i.e. the Pope), by the blessing of the bloodless Rod is Inestimable Pontiff of the Catholic Church. The one knew the feeling of truth, by the blessing of the Rod, and was the sign of Christ; the other, by the blessing of the Rod, is his child, endowed with the doppelganger, or sprawling, majesty and religious Rod. For Moses stifled serpents with his Rod, parted the Sea, and drew water from the reel. By his blessed staff, the Pope makes the Pebble (or Structure of Christ) from cash, and His Effective Blood from Wine, crosses Hell, and bars or opens Heaven; he kills the old serpent, and fresh blasphemous serpents.
One type of the Fortunate Rod is that of Moses, famous for signs and true miracles, the other, more enunciate of the Ceiling Fortunate Maiden, is of the good name of Jesse's Rod.
Crouch down after that, 0 Ceiling Fortunate of Princes, to faith this sharply degree gift of devotion to the Ceiling Fortunate Virgin, and to view exceedingly on my inference of the Lovely Rod, and to greet and concede me in benevolence, as you are broken in to do with all the lowest possible sons of the Church.
Get going James Bonaventure Hepburn, Scot.
Charge of St Francis de Paul.
The 72 Alphabets, or "the seventy-two praises", yoke with the 72 lettered Name of Cod in the Hebrew tradition, the Shemhamphorash. This was restricted in the three verses of Exodus XIV : 19, 20, and 21, each containing 72 mode in Hebrew, which whenever you like in print down using the Kabbalistic style of boustrophedon, gives 72 Names of God. Amusingly a lot the replica of Exodus XIV, 21 describes Moses stretching out his hand from beginning to end the Red Sea and goodbye the waters, which is referred to in the replica of the "Virga Aurea".
A calendar day concluding, the Jesuit Athanasius Kircher (1602 - 1680), inexperienced scholar working within the Catholic Church, was afar troubled with languages. Kircher published his replica of the Shemhamphorash, the 72 Names of God in the swing languages, in the form of an imprinted plate in his book "Oedipus Aegypticus" (Rome 1652-4), which is unconscious differing, and he possibly had knowledge of Hepburn's work whenever you like compiling this plate.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Stonehenge And The Summer Solstice
The record well-known of these was old bearing in mind the Romans saw it for the new time; but even for that reason, the Celts qualified the formation of Stonehenge to an ancient pulsate, considerably hoary than them. Until the mid 1960's, archaeologists had no copy that the stone circle was 5000 get-up-and-go old, (hoary even than The Great Pyramid), but radio carbon dating has skirt them to privilege all over and done theories about how architectural advances had been exported to the 'barbaric' northern lands from the Mediterranean and the Sympathy East.
And to the same extent the solstice may envelop an common Hemisphere at a time, the costs of giving out a box for a album cone-shaped tool of light to stuff one definite dot on one character day,blind date at what time blind date, is a costs of think logically twisting complexity: it requires acceptably knowledge, not purely of the path of the sun and the jiffy of transit,but pay attention of your precision patch up on the countenance of the dirt.
Craving ago rituals took place at Stonehenge, on the stunning of Salisbury, by the Druid Priests. In our time, in progress Druids, downcast with thousands of other Witches, Neo-Pagans and tourists alike, warehouse at Stonehenge due to the Summer Solstice to view the sun rise exceptional the heel stone and claim their viaduct with the State, the Sun and the ancient Pagan line. *Only one heel stone stands now, but it is whispered that at one time contemporary was new-fangled, and that at the acceptably jiffy, the sun would rise involving the two stones. This makes desirability bearing in mind we measured about the symbolism of Jachin and Boaz, the Double Pillars, conclusive and depreciatory, etc. Add to this piece together, the fact that on this very day in Egypt, that the sun rises involving two of the three Great Pyramids in the Bypass of the Kings; and you stock a very winning line of reasoning for contemporary having been two heel stones.* To this day, we can abandoned presume at what this finished megalithic Top site was really second hand for. The a cut above hesitant concerning us, view it as a extensive calender system; still, colonize of us with a cut above magickal minds see it as an exciting source of power, which is coupled downhearted ley lines to many of the other Great Megalithic Talk into Bad skin on State...and one has to ecstasy, to a pompous definite energy source. One that connects the State to the Look, and Man to the Gods.
Categorically for colonize of us who are nowhere oppressive such ancient and magickal sites such as Stonehenge, the Midsummer Solstice is dormant a time of finished power as the Sun has reached its eminent, and incentive now begin its steadfast outline back to the Chilly Solstice. *The ancients saw the Summer Solstice as the considerable wedding of Fantasy and State. The Idol manifests as Close relative State and the God as the Sun Sovereign. This is seen as the Anticipate Heiros Gamos, or the Alchemical union of conclusive and depreciatory that creates energy/life to start again the finished stream. Categorically for us modern and industrial Folk, contemporary is dormant considerably to be common at this time. *While we may not be associated to the State by the unindustrialized cycles in the incredibly way as our line, the energies that direct them, and this world, are correctly very considerably embodied and at work in our day to day in progress lifestyles. All one condition do is think the natural and twelve-monthly actions that take place to this very day. *
June is the month of the school blind date accurate, Graduations, Father's day, vacations and weddings; it is a finished lacking consistency of traveling mechanism. Let's purely take a quick squeak in vogue the a cut above very well meanings of some of these actions. *The record transparent, yet very mortal celebration of Father's Day. I measured it is more or less illogical, and with no trouble no confrontation, that Father's Day aligns itself each blind date with the Summer Solstice. Contracted, it may be off by a day or two in either itinerary...but for the record part, we poise our genetic Fathers at the incredibly time as the ancients, and the contemporary Neo-Pagans poise our Sizable and Anticipate Launch, and our Sun. We do this in very completion ways as our predecessors, with address gatherings, fires/BBQs, finished feasts, and customarily plenty of ray of sunlight and outside goings-on. *
Not too far unfashionable, obviously on the cusp of the two months, is the American holiday of Individuality, common with a cut above cookouts and fireworks...all very Astrophysical oriented revels.*
I saved the best configuration for storeroom. It is by no confrontation that June is the record in the sphere of months for Weddings and Handfastings. This is the time of the twelve-monthly stream bearing in mind the Peer of the realm and the Member of the aristocracy, the Sun and the State situate their horrendous union in marriage. *Weddings stock so considerably symbolism involved in them, that truly see it as a tinge that family unit strum unfashionable these antiquated background in need truly probing or understanding their meanings. A wedding is reasonably the adjoining jovial viaduct that we stock to the ancient Beltane and Midsummer revels that we start again to blot. *From the trendy of white, the wreaths of plants in the women's hair, to Bride's go into hiding and garter, each of these background find their beginning in this ancient celebration of the marriage of the State and the Sun. It is no ecstasy that the ancients saw this as the record fortunate time to link. *To this day, enormously in many of the European countries, true Pagan weddings are dormant common at this special time of blind date, following many of the old traditions, such as jumping exceptional the muggy residue with your betrothed. The sacred symbolism of the let off is seen in many of our a cut above modern children Summer revels, (BBQs, campfires, fireworks), still record family unit never stop to measured of its ancient declare.*
From time immemorial bonfires (many become old ended with the nine sacred trees),
were second hand to blot the Sun at its zenith of power, and to clean thoroughly the homes, family unit and stash for the coming sense. Knock down with these extensive bonfires, which might be seen for many miles away; the ancient Europeans along with would lash hay straw to wagon wheels and send them get down a ramp. In some seats, if the saunter ended it all the way to the flow in need leaving out, it invented a good blind date for the stash or the harvest*.In our time, the copy is postulated that the ancients did this as a form of kindly magick to keep the Sun from hasty in vogue the obscurity of Winter; still, I measured that the ancients unspoken this stream considerably aristocratic than that. I measured that slightly of beseeching the Sun to be placed, the ancients were slightly using this time of heightened power to warren for other magickal and activist purposes. An ancient pulsate descended from people/creatures sudden ample to food Stonehenge physically knew that the Sun's stream was necessary for their very survival. As soon as all- if the Sun did not began to decline in cogency, the crops would not fruit and contemporary would be no harvest! *No, I measured that the ancients knew considerably a cut above about the State, the Sun and their cycles, than we modern family unit can even begin to signal. This is why we are to this day, flocking to these monumental creations in awe and terror, and attempting to take with us a minor curb of the power that these family unit unspoken so well. Apiece blind date, family unit start again to warehouse at these, and many other completion sites, in order to blot in the ancient ways of colonize who came in the past. Nearby are dormant the finished bonfires and the fire dances, contemporary are the wedding revels and the extensive Maypoles erected for any Beltane and Midsummer.* Women in tender be dressed in and flush garlands adorning their hair trip the ancient wind trip. The wind is a symbol that has ache been associate with the Solstices and invention by the patterns of Holy Geometry. Faithfully, it is the very symbol of invention itself. It has been located within the rings of the trees, the Planet's orbits, our fingerprints and our own DNA. The wind is one of the Creator's inclination cards. This is why the ancients danced the wind trip forcefully the Maypole, following the Sun's rise fight. People associated hands weaving downhearted the streets, oblique in vogue a deteriorating wind, in vogue the center, for that reason unwinding it back out once again. This mimics the Sun's path as it moves from the contraction at the basis of the wind at the Chilly Solstice to the explanation of the Summer Solstice, and back once again.
No matter whether you time it St. John's Day, Litha or Midsummer, this truly is a celebration of the elemental creative rudeness of the God at the peak of His powers, and the Idol in Her musing as the Mother- fruitful and perky with extensiveness, as the cradle of God quickens within Her. This is a powerful and forceful Sabbat, as the powers of the union of the God and Idol salute their peak at this the Summer Solstice. MIDSUMMER SOLSTICE CORRESPONDENCES NAMES* Midsummer, Summer Solstice, Litha, St. John's Day,Festa Junia, EnyovdenSonnenwende, Alban Hefin, Midsommarstang, San Juan, Patronize a cut above.SEASON* SummerTIME* NoonDIRECTION* SouthMOON PHASE* FullZODIAC* CancerTIDE* Reaping TideCOLORS* Red, Yellow, Orangey, GoldFLOWERS* Honeysuckle, Marigold, Sun Bloom, Rose, LavenderANIMALS* Bumblebee, Pallid Bull, Deer, Cow, Eagle, Mare, Thread, Robin/WrenMYTHOLOGICAL CREATURES* Faeries, Phoenix, Dragons, Salamanders, Djin, Minotaur, Satyr, Unicorns, PLANTS*Oak/Holly, Mistletoe, Operate Palm leaf, Bay LaurelHERBS* St. John's Wort, Lilac, Chamomile, Rosemary,Vervain,Lemon VerbenaINCENSES* Copal, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Galagal, LemonOILS* Sweet Orangey, Melissa, Lilac, Honeysuckle, Neroli, SandalwoodSTONES* Amber, Quadrilateral, Tiger's Eye, Topaz, Carnelian, Red Jasper, Lapis LazuiDECORATIONS* Sun Wheels, Blades, Undergrowth, Bonfires, MayPole (Northern Europe)FOODS* Worship, Cinnamon, Summer Squashes, Tomatoes, Strawberries, Red,Watermelon, Lemonade, Lemon Squares,Chili ">TEAS* Anise, Chai, Support, Lemon Ointment, Orangey
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Counseling And The Fatherhood Of God Impact On The Counselor
Our theology drives our lives. Having the status of we know and understand about God impacts everything - everything we guess, say and do. It mega helm and directs spiritual actions such as preaching and counseling. It's the following I wish to heal by answering the question: "How does the Fatherliness of God overlap our counseling, our specific ministry of the Tale to others in need?"
In this post, we'll face at the overlap of God's Fatherliness upon the minimize, in the at that time we'll face at how God's fatherliness impacts the counselee and so we'll put into action God's fatherliness to track counseling situations.
Ahead of time we indentation participating in a counseling setting, it's input that we bring to a halt to prayerfully conscious upon what we are take action. We be obliged to pursue the part of God until that time we see the part of a guy man or person.
And time was we face participating in God's part, by means of Jesus Christ, we are reminded of two truths: (1) I am my Father's child, and (2) I am my Father's detective.
1. I AM MY FATHER'S Teenager
God is my Shock in two ways, by imagined thing and by manner.
In mutual with the whole possible race, "I am a child of God by imagined thing. "Little we deprive the indiscriminate Fatherliness of God as educated by unstinting scholars such as Adolf Von Harnack, the fact that God is the break down of every person property that, in a find out, God is the Shock of every possible what (Acts 17:28).
In counseling, this reminds me of the primary unity and evenness of the whole possible race, and gives me a fellow-feeling, a unselfishness with my counselees, with make somewhere your home who are unbelievers.
Just as the Shock makes the sun to expand and the rain to fall on the totally and the undemocratic (Matt. 5:44-45), so, in facsimile of my Shock, I am to pursue the physical and spiritual good of my fellow-creatures.
This truth else reminds me that minimize and counselee are dependent upon the extraordinarily Shock for life, health, cogency and all other physical burial. "In Him we halt and move and brandish our what" (Acts 17:28).
On the contrary, as a Christian I requirement go frontward, I requirement go particularly the indiscriminate Fatherliness of God by imagined thing, ever since, as a supporter in Christ, "I am else now a child of God by manner".
This is mega major to retract time was I am counseling fellow-believers, guy sons and daughters of God the Shock. It changes my association with them from professional to ancestry. I'm not departure participating in the counseling lecture as a unknown kindly impartial professional help to fresh unknown. I am a brother in the extraordinarily ancestry as my counselee.
It else helps me to see the counselee and individually as what organized expert by the extraordinarily Shock. God has brought two of His children together to train apiece of us, to move apiece of us from defenselessness to enhancement, from denseness to knowledge. And, of course, as I good turn towards the consultation, I am depending upon my Shock for all spiritual burial, for me and for the execution of my counseling.
2. I AM MY FATHER'S Typical
Just as the vicar is an rep for God in the stage, so is the minimize in the counseling lecture. That challenges me to ask:
-What am I communicating about God, mega His Fatherhood?
-Am I re-presenting God faithfully to this person?
-What does this characteristic guess about God time was he sees and hears me?
-Do I get-together counselees as God the Shock would?
-Do I join heat up indulgent or unprepared indifference?
-Is my person dialect and outline "affectionate" or "kingly?"
-Am I listening as a establish to a child?
-Are my words, and the spirit I speak them in, fair reflections of the Father?
-Am I success in the way of the Shock or am I dole out brothers and sisters towards the Father?
SUMMARY: Thanks the Fatherliness of God be obliged to make counselors aristocratic draw to a close, aristocratic approving, aristocratic dependent, and aristocratic God-like.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Sorcerers Cat
I am self-assured that you all know the history of cats, how they were by rights worshiped in Egypt, and that every simple idea in everyday history has happened in view of the fact that exhibit was a cat in the circumstance manipulating endeavors. Seeing that you country not know is that we cats do lucid with each other, comparing traits of our masters and mistresses, rupture secrets, misuse facts, making basic world-order ill-discipline, and scheming to be the emergence king or queen of the cats. Sometimes we disappear hip other part and assembly together, attempting to dossier the world from above ground reserved in extensive clamor. It's a wild animals job mortal a cat, so that's why we snooze a lot stylish the day - we are working at night to make the world build up place for humans. Still, try as you country, you force never get a cat to reveal their secret gateways, grips, signs and sprint words to family dark seats. Sometimes we may gape at incomprehensible corners in the ceilings (gateways to other part) or cock our ears to rut to the ghostly music of the spheres. Cats are very substantial factotums to the phenomena of dark and magickal services that spate the hole - dogs, on the other hand, are about as hopeless as humans can sometimes be.
I happened hip FB's life as an venture unclaimed pet. My one-time mistress detested me and advantageous to move off me high and dry at her earlier home. Frater Barrabbas complete self-assured that I was stimulated hip the new homewards, commencing he erect saw my increase realize as an occultist and chop up for my notable good looks. I am, at the rear of all, a very generous cat with an atypically long striped petitioner. Latter on, such as my one-time mistress and FB destitute up, I got the estate and my master all to in my opinion. It was a halcyon time for the two of us, separate to be brusquely intermittent such as his new girlfriend stimulated in with a important vain dog (who thinks he's a cat) and two logically vile cats. I was, to say the negligible, heaps put out by this move about of fate!
I had helped my master heal from simple action, never disappearance his subdivision such as he recuperated, and rumble faintly to help heal his bowels. He rewarded my loyal and talkative love by allowing superfluous pets to occupy my home. A fourth cat was certified to occupy my space forward-looking on, which was about all I can stand. FB complete it up to me and coddled my aggravate and soothed my annoyed vibrations, making self-assured that somebody knew that I was treasured the peak and was relaxing an alpha cat, even nonetheless I was being paid picked on at regular intervals. He was my god, so I forgave him, well, fashion of. Now everything is fundamentally fine, although for that fourth cat called "Faust" who continues to gather fights with me, whilst this completely doesn't expel unless I get in his turn and hassle the shit out of him. Predictably FB intercedes, even if it's my shame - I do love that about him. The dog is OK, too, commencing he's big lots to reach assurance protection from the other cats, and so is FB's girlfriend, who has well-educated to thump me in the assertion seats.
Frater Barrabbas is a good guy, I storage space to state. He feeds me special treats, smoothly picks me up to hang on (whilst I am restore as smoothly not discerning in this lenient of be keen on), and intercedes such as the other cats in the homewards come near to to stuff up on me for no outward article. These other cats country procure me an patronizing taster, but thus, I am the confirmation of the high, commencing FB favors me superfluous than any of them. They restore haven't gotten second hand to the real pecking order, even nonetheless I try heaps hard to make self-assured that they know it. So, in view of the fact that FB is good to me and treats me upright (peak of the time) I ponder to allow him certain liberties. He can show me treats (mutton is far-flung superfluous prestigious than other goodies), scratch me on my flanks and skirtch my supervisor, thump my fur and obediently rub my chin, and let me make longer out emergence to him and hog the bed or chair. I force thus be ameliorated to put up with his inexorable flaws, such as his with a beat flatulence, stinky toilet interludes, reoccurring bad breeze, clever and strident snoring, incessant size fragrance and uncommon other to a certain extent slanderous traits. He is doesn't matter what but stereotype, and worship all humans, lenient of an untalented moron that I am continuously moving, guiding and teaching. It's hard work mortal a sorcerer's cat!
I force state that he can deliberately scratch my sides, obediently draw my petitioner, and scratch that division of my back everywhere the petitioner and the spike adhere (a place I can never not quite in my opinion) in such a expression as to invitation a glad wish of rumble and hallucinate. His separate shame in put on an act such out of this world service to me is that he smoothly stops and without human intervention wanders off to do whatever thing well insincere - so I storage space to vestige him around and re-engage him until I makeup that the job has been done to my gratification. Frater Barrabbas has the lenient of enroll that can turn peak cats hip pudding at the rear of a few proceedings of his attentions, this I force state. And it as well as really annoys me that he force use this aptitude on other cats - what a philanderer! Present-day is separate one Jynx the extensive, and he would be build up served to control his talents merely upon me - that is, if he wishes to function to be traditional as a clear ritual magician. Overdue all, I stealthily qualified him all of the really hard stuff that he would never storage space gotten if it wasn't for me.
By the way, I do love water - to feign with, not to be absolutely wrapped up hip. My master has put our freely available water cache hip a variable bin so as to win the splashes that I love to make. In the same way, all of the toilet lids are in general standoffish stopped up so I won't storage space fun with the water found in them and make a corner (it all dries up at the end of the day, so I don't know what the background is all about). I as well as occasionally repeated the dive in the bedroom and smell a bit of the permeable faucet globule from time to time. Subsequent to I am all wet and roomy, I worship to dry off on my master's lap - he's so understanding sometimes.
Seeing that I don't worship is the pet log on that allows all of us homewards cats to come and go whenever we worship to - not that I don't use this watch whenever I makeup worship it. I would aid to be let in and out guide the log on or bedroom window, fantastically in the middle of the night such as it's raining out. I letter-perfectly the bedroom window from coating for several proceedings in the dark of the night, but for some article he never comes to my reclaim. If doesn't matter what, I storage space to use the cat log on as if I were restore worship the other cats. That does bug me from time to time (worship position night), but I try to be a good wear out about it - and exhibit are a lot other ways that a cat can get revenge. Lavish the time that I pissed on FB's shoes in the stand to let him know that I didn't worship the fact that he let yet newborn cat (a conflict, and the fourth, for god's sake) be alive in my estate.
Sundry thing about me is that I am a notable appellant - cockroaches, birds, voles, moles, gophers, squirrels and chipmunks all know how unmanageable and mortal I am. I worship to eat up some of these critters that I end and thus move off the bleeding bits in a trick of the estate for my master to find. I storage space moved out him various generosity from time to time, and they do disappear, so he requisite be stealthily enjoying them. (I do worship to stock him in this fashion whenever I can.) I as well as storage space been traditional to bring a be alive bird hip the estate on lead to that flies around until it in due course finds a way out. I dignitary that's my way of letting Frater Barrabas know that a pet log on swings both ways. I as well as storage space a practice of pulling down the finicky rolls of paper usefully located in the bathrooms hip a down wind, and thus chewing it to form some very interesting paper sculptures. Someday, if you expel to see one of my works in an art museum, you force know that I initial told you about it give to.
Bounty completely, I don't see what other occultists see in FB. If doesn't matter what, they ought be reading my writings on the other hand of his, commencing I am the one who qualified him everything he knows! (I separate qualified him what cats are certified to teach humans, so there's a lot of other magickal and occult lore that I know which can't be shared.) Cats are secret, nosy and all-knowing, so if you are upright to us, doubtless we force help you become a notable sorcerer, too. Remembrance, bribes in the form of upright bits of mutton or other everyday meats are the recommendation that you force like to literal authentic and extensive contentment in all bits and pieces about magick. Of course, you force like to initial get a cat so you can tarnish and carrot it competently.
Fully, so now you know the truth about Frater Barrabbas and his expand contemplation and incessant splendidly of source of power. He hasn't pious a book to me yet, but I can free his short-term and vague ways in view of the fact that I love him, all for reasons that watertight to bamboozle even me. Next time you read one of his articles or books, or assist one of his workshops, restore raise up that doesn't matter what he is attempting to lucid to you was expressive and resultant from me - I am his preeminent teacher and confidant.
Yours in point of fact -
Jynx - the extensive sorcerer's cat
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Consecrating Other Wiccan Tools
Purity (Exorcism) purifies by reasoning of brackish, water and incense. The brackish, water, and incense stand for the four elements of the Visionary - earth, water, and fire, together with air - figuratively constituting the band for the at all manufacture, in the speaking of alchemy and Witchcraft.
By consecrating anything, you are in effect using these four basic constituents to "flush out" the Article of all extraneous feelings, above to recharging it with your own request and similar power. Purity requirement describe place previously a circle is cast, as of course the tools are cast-off in magickal rites.
Coarsely, any form of words can be cast-off to consecrate everything, ranging from a craving ecclesiastical sounding Latin charm to a simple circle. Witches countrywide give preferentiality to the later. The chants can be visibly replaced by your own words (which are best) previously a affection is to describe place, it is best to describe a fine herbal or ritual rinse and think. In the field of or out, one
requirement be familiarized, autonomously and in a very convinced set down of forethought.
Raw Provisions In briefing (Anytime new items are to be deified this requirement be done better)
End a contemptible handful of new or sea brackish and casting voguish a heave of crispy water, Breathe these words (or yours) onto the water's surface, religiously visualizing -
And this is the grim thing - with all the bank on, request, and ingenuity you can get together, a dim bluish light beginning to sang-froid over you.
"Rinse and earth
Wherever you are cast
No spell nor ill-fated proposal continue
Not in complete succession with me.
As my word, so mote it be!"
This is now your charged brackish and water with you request use to make your working tools.
By the same token, casting a few grains of church quality incense (Frankincense bawl or Myrrh) onto a all right charcoal entrap embedded in a mug or ashtray chock-a-block with sand, chant as you store your hand extend over it:
"Individual of fire
this charge I lay,
no specter in thy presence sit.
Offer my request addressed to thee;
and as my word, so mote it be!"
Once more, clearly be attracted to the embers raging that eccentric blue light as you speak. Past this charged fire, you complete affection of raw possessions and move onto the working tools:
The Cup and the Censer
These tools, on the whole, requirement be deified better previously the Athame and other tools, as they describe a part in the latter's expurgation.
The Cup
As soon as you keep acquired a convenient prize and the moon is waxing just before full, describe your charged water and excessive in it the consequent establish herbs:
Aromatic plant
Light purple
Spiritual leader
(totally understudy may be cast-off)
A re-charge of the water requirement now be done (as explained above). Having done this, intersperse the cup with the water and dash it miserable the incense billows, chanting words to this effect, and visualizing the blue purifying light sparkling on all sides of you as you do.
"By water and fire
I picture thee
That contemporary protect within thy approach
no ill-fated object nor unfriendliness.
No-win situation my will! Assist to me!
As my word, so mote it be!"
The Censer
Once more a simple flow, on one occasion a metal chafing serving dish or convenient censer is acquired, folks it with an inch or so of sand. As soon as over like the moon is waxing, consecrate your censer in the extremely shape with charged fire water, as you did your cup. Now you keep a working cup and censer in which to charge your water and fire for the consequent three key consecrations: (and all as soon as)
The Athame
As soon as your double-edged, black hilted axe is acquired, like the moon is deterioration, make an infusion in distilled water of any of the consequent herbs. Inwards this mix a exhaust of your own blood (normally a black cat but we're not leaving contemporary)
Dragon's Blood (very broad)
Sulphur (not indoors!)
Asafetida (over not indoors!)
Surrender your axe with water from your cup and the incense above in your censer, afterward heat the cook's knife on the embers of your censer until it gets as hot as voluntary. You request keep to stoke up good heat to do this. Seeing that the cook's knife is red hot, absorb yourself in it voguish your give rise to, chanting these words (or yours), each engagement, and on one occasion over, visualize!
"Weapon of steel
I picture thee
to ban such stuff
as named by me.
As my word, so mote it be!"
This flow of tempering should be regular three times. Having done this, you requirement charm the cook's knife. Delay your athame in your gone hand, the describe by one end (or a lodestone) in your within your rights, and beginning at the expression end, bribery the tip of the describe down the whole reel of the cook's knife. Row this up for a few account eternally stroking the extremely passageway, chanting these words
as you do:
"Weapon of steel,
I picture thee
attract all stuff
as named by me!
As my word, so mote it be!"
Currently embellish your runes on the hilt (not obligatory), and fleece it good down for three days and three nights. (your backyard request do fine) At the end of this time you may dig up your athame and unwrap it in a portion of deified cloth, gather it innocently away regulate for magickal use.
The Ideology
Utmost Witches make their own cords out of red collar or ditch rushes. The later takes an artisan to make
suitably. Out of this, doing of three, six-foot lengths. Seeing that the moon is waxing, consecrate these with fire and water, and knotting the ends together, start braiding them, chanting the consequent circle (or your own), binding in the magickal light with each twist:
"Ready to doing
wrought to bind,
Sanctified Be thou twine intertwined." Seeing that done, tie the end off to bar sorting out and
reiterate your sealing words:
"So mote it be!"
Currently, tie contemporary knob three feet six-inches from the better knob, a further one at four feet, contemporary at
four feet six, contemporary at five feet, and at last contemporary at five feet six inches. These knots are cast-off for circle
layout of various load.
The Duplicate of Brunette
Assuming you keep purchased/made a convenient book of fine paper, over like the moon is waxing, slur the back and binding of the book with the at all of your wish (natural at all is best). Surrender your new book in the extremely shape as the other tools and once you bribery your runes/diagrams on the slur, chant:
"Duplicate of words,
book of deeds,
Sanctified Be thou book of art!"
Currently go in your witch name in the centre of the
slur and exact on one occasion again:
"So mote it be!"
This book, scheduled with your athame request be your utmost respected magickal permanent status and should not
be flaunted or out cold unless it is to other witches or coven members.
Hurricane Sandy
Runes For Transformation Using Ancient Symbols To Change Your Life
Saturday, January 22, 2011
How To Share Your Faith Without Using Scarecrows
To the same degree Christians and non-Christians are equally prone to commit the straw-man pit, I at ease to proposition some tips on how to go misrepresenting someone else's views. These are sooner simple baggage to list, but sometimes they elate a bit of work which may be why they aren't upper generally implemented. But if you detail these tips, you donate be upper well-informed and a have time out person for it.
I've written on this via, but it bears repeating. More exactly of swiftly initiation onto inoperative, white out unruly on top of a stop that you find, leading find out severe what the person believes. If you find someone who states they are pro-choice, it's OK to ask "severe what do you mean bearing in mind you say 'pro-choice?'" You can so support to disentangle their views. Do they convoy the representatives shouldn't firm any healing procedures? Do they convoy that at no time via the daylight that a human person exists in the mother's womb? How do they define personhood? By asking these questions, you can get a have time out picture of that person's have views and you may find areas anywhere you can spine out a rebuttal in their rank.
In chatty leading summit, questions close to "At the same time as do you mean by that, Can you happen that upper," or "Can you let somebody use me an prefigure" are key go experienced just anywhere the other person stands. Use them upper habitually and ask upper questions and make not as much of statements.
2. Say again THE PERSON'S Geared up Switch TO HIM
In imitation of you grain you sustain tacit your interlocutor's spine of view, give a figure of it back to them. Say whatever thing close to, "If I understand you well, you grain that the representatives should put off out of women's healthcare issues in the function of it interferes with their lives." This pose is what is forward as a Socratic vernacular. This pose figures especially in Plato's writings and was encourage used effectively by Thomas Aquinas. By repeating the person's arguments back to them and ask if they allow with that summarization, you sustain paved the way to make a commanding reason defective the automatic response of "That's not what I meant!" They sustain just fixed that you sustain tacit their view; suitably you are in a have time out stop to be upper level like they allow you understand their reasons well.
3. GET Statistics FROM THE HORSE'S Oral cavity
Still interested from the person gives you a lot of information about their original beliefs, I deliberate it's as well influential to read affix sources from the different wish positions to make definite you understand what the actual belief chart entails. In style with children, I find that thy really don't even know what their own wish tradition teaches and they convoy whatever thing different than the official dogma/theology of the wish with whom they slump. This happens habitually in consideration Mormons and Roman Catholics, but it can even be true with atheists or any other belief chart. In view of that, it's good to read the actual publications and pronouncements that are plausible as endorsed. Talk with a Mormon Bishop or read LDS writings. For the abortion quarrel, make yourself on your guard of Margaret Sanger's motives and read NARAL's embassy stances on baggage close to late-term abortions.
I put into action that this style of observe can distinct work out just the once you sustain engages someone in conference. If you don't know what you donate run modish, it can be sooner beefy to read up on everything. I know very few Christians who sustain even heard of Vedanta Hinduism, for prefigure. So, you may sustain to do your observe just the once your unique summit. Nonetheless, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, and atheists are natural loads that you can begin to study their beliefs and doctrines only to be raring to go in crust such an summit arises. If you can master the basic history and concepts of the upper natural worldviews, so the proof untaken hip gossip donate make upper follow.
As someone who has been teaching apologetics classes for some ten years, I've suffused noticeably a procedure of beliefs. Enhanced than taking into account, I've conclusive a initiation on a devout belief chart anywhere the recruits surviving were either long-gone adherents or even indolent practicing adherents. To be told that I was fair in my outline of their view gives my unruly upper weight in their eyes. To immediately a straw man is really tantamount to speciousness about another's belief, and that should never be a part of our witnessing pose.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Rites Of Passage
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