Thursday, January 3, 2013

Witching And Rockhounding In T Or C

Witching And Rockhounding In T Or C
Azrael and I just returned from a great weekend in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. The main event was the quarterly business meeting of Chamisa Local Council, of the Covenant of the Goddess. (Yes, Witches do have business to conduct!)

For anyone new to the Craft, you should know that COG is the largest federation of Witches/Wiccans in the United States, with maybe 120 covens and many solitaries all over the country. Chamisa Local Council is the regional subset that covers New Mexico and parts of Texas and Colorado.

Besides the meeting, we had a discussion of large group rituals (those with about 100 to 700 people participating); some of us played the game of Tarot; we schmoozed and sipped fine homemade mead; and on Sunday, a few of us went rockhounding!

Of course we are all tree-hugging dirt-worshippers, but for many of us, that extends to an obsession with stones and crystals. We were very lucky to connect with a local healer who is also kinda the High Priest of Rockhounds. He could pass for an old-time prospector (with a big 4WD instead of a mule or burro), and was generous enough to take five of us into the country to find rocks.

Equipped with the essentials (water, sunscreen, specimen bags and a few tools) we first traveled to an abandoned mine with beautiful blue-green stones-malachite or maybe chrysacolla. Then we headed up a long, steep arroyo to a site where rare Lemurian crystals are found. (Don't ask me about Lemuria, I'm more an Atlantis kind of girl.)

We saw lots of abandoned trash and equipment near the mine, which convinces me that some businesses will never clean up after themselves unless the state or feds force them to. We also saw a sad place where a homeless family camped for awhile, with their small children. They didn't clean up any better than the mine owners, though at least they didn't leave any heavy equipment behind. I hope the kids are okay, wherever they are now.

But from a rockhound viewpoint, it was a wonderful little expedition, and we all brought back some fascinating stones to beautify our homes and enliven our collections. Who knows, I may even unlock the mysteries of Lemuria through those lovely white crystals.
