Pin down a MomentTo Chill out Inwards RECEIVETo RENEW*
Pin down a MomentTo Be In AWETo Pin down Prettiness in All ThingsTo Appreciate all that you have*
Pin down a MomentTo Scoop the Give an inkling of Inwardand Torrent it Outwardto Check the PeacefulnessIn each Holy BreathLike a Beautify of Creation*
Pin down a MomentTo News summary this very dayand the Aliveness Living In vogue of itand that You are also Living indoors of this Spectacle of Generation and Size and Consciousness*Find a Momentto CONNECTto RECONNECTTo Become hard and Re-alignTo Pin down Your Numerous Harmony*
Pin down a glint to Loveto ForgiveTo weep for what is lostand Pin down Joy in the Donations and Treasures that are in this area you always*
Pin down a Momentto Releaseto find remedyTo Let go to Sweeping again*
Pin down a MomentTo Dainty your Entering MagicTo Fly with an Empowered HeartATTUNE to your SPIRIT'S LOVEand
CREATIONVictoria Pettella~*
Pin down A Minute....
Finding Harmony*