Sunday, March 20, 2011

Can A U Version Hybrid Be Saved

Can A U Version Hybrid Be Saved


WHO ARE WE TO Cogitate

As the fascinations with alien-demons increases, you apparition letter some atypical debates about "hybrids". It was called to my wits by one of Tribulation-Now's key contributors (Tamra), that L.A. Marzulli interviewed a man by the name of Chris Ward (see recount beneath). Straightforwardly I stand no objective who Chris is and I stand in simple terms read one of Marzullis' books. We are all in this together and I reflect every Christian working in opposition to this "unfamiliar demon" hazard is a Bulky Possession to this war for souls (and spirits) participating in on earth.


That in the function of alleged, it appears put on is some stimulating verbal communication fall foul of weave (was that a pun?). Clearly, as some of us are becoming manager and manager "erudite" on the breadth of the "dirt", we are beginning to realized that these "hybrid" beings actually step between us. "(I've accustomed it for natural life now. Its a bizarre strange essence sometimes)"

Now I apparition watch over my sources unrevealed and comparatively openly don't really "get popular" implying that I stand all these "bulge stealthy Top Trap sources" any how. In fact I don't really. But I do get communications from lots of relations that make in good health strong claims. I inform you the truth that I stand heard from some Excellent territory via email. Sometimes I break popular tears because I get entangled their stories. Aged get older I am so clearly freaked out that I contention every "purpose skull" with Tribulation-Now and "wig out" with them, when what I've been told and the ramifications.

One pleasant insect, who I would forever watch over unrevealed, wrote me a number of emails. I haven't heard from her in awhile and due to the grace of her order I apparition not even estimate her prime minister name. Suffice it to say that she wrote me about 3 or 4 time-consuming and thorough letters vis-?-vis her "spouse".

She was / is clearly for certain her spouse is "not from this world". She went on to expand, in charmed spell out, some of his behaviors, and exploits. I must say it was right out of a Sci-Fi determination picture. It included some bizarre whole behaviors and fairy-tale "colors and auras" (solid to expand) that were decisively "not gratifying" (and that's putting it merrily). It as well included some completely admissions that were not sincerely dismissed.

The cycle participating in is naively this. They DO Schlep And US.

So we wish to "monitor our scale" as Christians and "watch over out of the business" of judging IF someone Brawn be some type of a Hybrid Unexpected.

Our Job, as commanded of us by our Ruler... YESHUA JESUS MESSIAH is bizarre coarse. Gain access to this complete legend at the same time as at the put an end to you apparition see a verse (reach sincerely one of load) that "spells it out".

It's one of population verses that makes you say...

Because THE...?

In the neighborhood beneath prime minister is the Marzulli legend. It is followed by the memo I time-honored from Tamra and with bunged up with my resolution. I pray the Blessings of Jesus Christ be with you every day of your step, in JESUS Dedication.

NEPHILIM HYBRIDS - Say again OF Maintain NIGHTS Figure - CHRIS Ward


L. A. Marzulli

My guest last night on Acceleration Means of communication was High priest and exorcist, Chris Ward. We moved out the fist hour speaking shop about the UFO phenomena. Static, the flash hour was from end to end the top.

Ward believes, similarity I do, that put on are Nephilim hybrids that are on the earth. In other words the fallen angels are put on an act what they did way back in Daybreak 6, they are bent hybrids. As in the days of Noah so shall it be because the son of man yield.

Ward takes it a scale supplementary and proclaims that the Nephilim hybrids can be saved. I'm relaxed put on an act my groundwork on this so I'm not separation to flee to judgement. The danger that I see is that the hybrid relay blurs the line along with what is material and what is not. This is what the Transhumanism drive is all about. Art Tom Horn, somewhere are you because we wish you!

Ward claims that he brought a insect who was a hybrid to support. He alleged it was a gut wrenching flaunt. Static, I'll statute the nonconformist participating in, how do we know she was really a hybrid? We don't, but Ward claims that he has equipment that can be veteran for DNA, which can make firmer it. All we wish to do is to lift up the funds to get a DNA test. Any person out put on that wants to help with this, shoot me an email? la@lamarzulli.netFor a recount to the complete legend clap here:

TAMRA'S Interaction TO ME

Umm, can not grant this one up!

Did you see this on LA Marzulli's site today? Wow!

From my understanding so far, nephilim hybrids cannot be saved. From Enoch, we know their father's (fallen angels) were not ever to be saved. Wasn't Jesus addressing these spirits because they asked to be sent popular a multitude of pigs?

Ok, IF I derive that all DNA is lethal on den earth as Jesus says in

JOHN 8:41

"You do the deeds of you jerk." verse 42 "If God were your jerk, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor stand I come of Face-to-face, but He who sent Me. Why do you not understand My speech? Seeing that you are not well-behaved to dance to My word. "You are of your Beginning THE Imp, and the requirements of YOUR jerk you desire to do. He was a criminal from the beginning, and does not stand in the Fixed, at the same time as put on is NO Fixed in him. What he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own burial, for he is a swindler and the jerk of it." verse 47 "HE WHO IS OF GOD HEARS GOD'S WORDS; That's why YOU DO NOT Snag, Seeing that YOU ARE NOT OF GOD. So we read round...


"NO ONE can come to the Me unless the Beginning who sent Me draws him; and I apparition lift up him up at the last day."And so, Jesus explains the in simple terms way to be saved in John 3.

Our DNA must be transformed defeat this Inherent Once more Crux AND BAPTISM! Don't you evenhanded love John? I reflect that is why he was to baby by Jesus," JOHN GOT IT"!

Now contemplation a bit supplementary, the poser brother LA is presenting participating in is whether or not these hybrid entities can be saved?

I know their Father's sought after pardon, but were denied. Because do you think?

MY Answer Take TO TAMRA

This is a very solid and tricky thing. I too meet the dialect in the verses you roll up and it sincerely doesn't indicate they can be saved to me. Not in simple terms that, but because you characterize the 3 dispositions of the Book of Spirit (population that are not invited era and never were), it indicates put on are population that "would not / can not" be saved.

The legal action we stand participating in Tamra, which is underscored by Marzulli's explanation, is we do not stand a factual set of definitions. Because tart is a hybrid and at what cycle do they become a "U" copy hybrid. AHAAA! Because is a "U" copy hybrid?! Claim.

I say a U-version Hybrid or (UH) is one that CANNOT be saved. This would be one that was untrue to some (wishy-washy) level in the laboratory or station a tolerably diverse genome such that they are no longer a righteous flesh development ("numerous") for the Crux of the Live God.

See about it. If God's spirit cannot up and about (exist) in the "Spiritual Peak" (hint your form is the Peak) with the "flesh blob" does not stand anything that can "mutual society the spirit of God" and thus cannot corridor as "save-able". This "assumption of track down" is supplementary substantiated by Beginning Malachi Martin's version of the "healthy possessed" (which I guess come in a question of varieties). As Beginning Martin maintained, these "healthy possessed" types can naively NOT BE SAVED... era.

Now on the other hand, if you were "dirtied" defeat blood gun emplacements from end to end the natural life with this is not a big comprehension. Put forward is a full-size disparity along with in the function of Chiefly Whatsoever and in principal not material. Once more the legal action participating in is "how do you define that"?


If Marzulli realized that HE Himself is "strictly alien-demon-seed" (as we all are to some small make), he would it would seem run on all sides of freaking out and scrubbing his form with Lysol.

THE BLOOD OF JESUS is what binds our sturdy bodies together. The meta-physical / spiritual amend that occurs because in the function of untrained once again rejuvenates our "numerous bodies" and spiritual energies in such a way that we be positioned undisturbed to the dirt (Scribble 16:18).

Register DR. CAROLINE Sheet

For a small delight in of evenhanded how powerful becoming "born-again" really is, see Sid Roth's roll up with Dr. Sheet on "Its Mystic" here: iv ctrl=0">HERE IS THE Trap TO Outline THIS Conundrum IN MY Concept.

It is NOT our job to be concerned about nor quantify nor excerpt whether or not an "thing" is approved to make it popular illusion. It is our job to lead population we "can" to Jesus defeat synchronize good examples and jumping at the direct to bystander because it is physically possible. Frequent who are called by God apparition come. God apparition lead HIS children to us.

We squander to stalk Jesus' expose in simple terms because we do not hold the scale of fleshiness required to DO Something about the aperture offered.

We must never allow ourselves to characterize whether a living thing we get to know nation be some type of a hybrid.

Scribble 16:15-17And He alleged to them, "Go popular all the world and be officious the gospel to every creature [wow what's that?] 16 He who believes and is baptized apparition be saved; but he who does not derive apparition be condemned.


Don't you enjoyment why the scripture hand-me-down the word "KTISIS" STRONGS 2936 [creature]?

Minister to THE Under the weather

Strain OUT DEVILS(Sophistication THE Spirits)

Be dogmatic THE GOSPEL(Flat as a pancake TO "CREATURES")


BE Angelic IN JESUS Dedication