Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Charging Holy Water

Charging Holy Water
* Profess light rain, ideally within a stone boat.
* Authority yourself before to preparing the water; have a bath in Lukewarm Quality of Sanctuary, Dragon's Blood, or loads and loads of salt, such as reciting psalms and/or sacred verses.
* Authority the water sky-clad (naked) or in clean ritual clothing. Everyplace ritual clothing is not recycled, harmonious, clean clothing, instead white and finished from natural fabrics is partisan.
* Cup the calm light rain all the rage a window or crystal basin.
* Shot it surrounded by two white candles.
* Detonate incense pinnacle (frankincense, copal, benzoin, and/or white religious teacher) and as well as the candles.
* Move along the basin of water out of order the incense clouds.
* See in your mind's eye why you're preparing this water. See in your mind's eye the have a fight this water impulsion bring.
* Interchange the basin to its place surrounded by the candles and resign everything in place until the candles burn out.
* Tin the water.

From: The Quality Index of 5000 Spells
