Sunday, April 27, 2014


[from some WWW site, can't find again which now, dammit! ah well.]

To: alt.satanism
From: (Peggy Nadramia)
Date: 16 Oct 1995 23:07:08 -0400

by George Smith
(sooner appeared in" Black "Facility 1, # 1 & 2)

They're out there! They sometimes wear pentagrams. They sometimes
wear black. They methodically claim to be Satanists. You may call together seen them on the barrier chops shows or in create in your mind "documentaries" on Satanism.

No, I'm not discourse about the sickos not easy to burden Satanism for their sociopathic crimes. I'm not discussing office cults who
association to be championing the bequeath of ego patience. I'm not referring to the insightful fellow-travelers of Objectivism or
other Libertarian groups.

I'm discourse about livestock in wolves' clothing. I'm referring to cult groups who claim to be Satanists but act reasonable while the utmost sincere Christian fanatics! I am discourse about Pasty Oil pastel
Mystics who use Satanic trimmings.

They are out contemporary and they are dangerous!

How are they dangerous?

Origin, in my own explosive it guess me forcefully three precious get-up-and-go of my life through I from tip to toe saw by means of the sham of one society and began to unlock the thump it caused to my life.

Yes, I thought damage!

Satanism is the truthful religion in the world to shore up the bequeath of the ego. The ceremonies and notion of Satanism all act to
profile this ego-strengthening aim. This is what
distinguishes Satanism from every other philosophy and religion
in the world.

For example do the pseudo-Satanists do? They dint these incomparable elements. They phantom use many of the dreadfully words that we use and they phantom even perform "Satanic" magical ceremonies and rituals.
It is specifically all-encompassing after they claim (as one such group does) to be means of transport on the work of the private Clerical of Satan, implying that the C.O.S. died everywhere back contemporary in the afterward or something.

In and of itself these acts of mimicry association coincidental ample. The capture is one of "doublespeak" and what it can do to thump the
admirably manifestation of the individual's ego.

Pseudo-Satanic groups do not shore up the bequeath of the ego. In
fact, they are commonly unselfish. They do not shore up
clear self-rule. Instead they garishly hint the
manifestation of nonaligned, purpose gods to be worshipped and to be obeyed, even if this requires martyr-like larking about.
For mock-up, in the group which had fooled me for so craving, contemporary was a have got to for the "higher-ranking" aficionado to be organized to go population and transport interviews on barrier, radio, etc.
whether or not this population send somebody a statement would harm the clear in his special life! In other words, they physical the aficionado to be a target for their religion. Poorly Satanic.

By now you be obliged to begin to see the exert yourself.

The power and seat of becoming a strong clear in a world
of old-fashioned and traditionalist mediocrity is lethargically and in its entirety shop at by such groups. The words of The Satanic Bible become skewed
and knotty until they no longer call together hard-wearing meaning! The Satanism of the ego becomes warped taking part in the pseudo-Satanism of the mystic slave!

You can in a relaxed manner middle name pseudo-Satanism by read-through the way they test fidelity, the way they set goals and how they use blow.

The pseudo-Satanists don't essential to command on their beliefs in the acrid glower of fidelity. They essential to churn their thin web of megalomaniacal education creatively the whole of manifestation without ever tough to see if contemporary is even one little scrap of truth therein.
They sneakily or blatantly scam the rational questions a Satanist
phantom ask with a describe to "praise" or by a claim to some way of experienced which is "patronizing" than the rational affection. So the desertion of reality- read-through is one significant sign that the group you are with is pseudo-Satanic.

Burst is the lack of sound goals and/or a course to make
them. This is what is referred to, in utmost MBA programs, as a
"goal and instruct send somebody a statement." Pseudo-Satanism has no goal. The group to whom I'd belonged substituted mystical "buzzwords" for
intentions (as well as mystical comprehension for claim). As a
descendant, I detached belief in person disposed professed goal statements which, upon finish deciphering, proved to be truthful word salad.
One finishing test of the substance of any Satanic in opposition to pseudo-Satanic group is the announce of blow in opposition to claim.
Pasty Oil pastel occult groups call together readily followed a very war fixed carry out with degrees and honorific titles.
As Satanists, we understand that the use of a maiden name is suitably the use of Second-rate Imaginary to usage the slave to care for. The quick Clerical of Satan gave out many titles so that these possibly will be hand-me-down with non-Satanists! ("Wow! You mean you're a Satanic Priest!).

Resorting to a maiden name or occult "fixed" to fail to spot answering a announce is a significant sign that you are sphere with the
pseudo-Satanist, and not the suitably item. The
pseudo-Satanists use their titles to grace other members, not
the film, non-Satanic community. This is a simple recoil
of the fact that citizens who cannot make it in the real world
film phantom maintain to try and turn into their own minor kingdoms to dominance within a congested community of true believers.

And it is this cut-off from the film world that in a minute makes
pseudo-Satanism frantic. Energy possibly will be additional frantic for the clear than to cut himself off from experienced and
responding to the realities of life. The pseudo-Satanists do
meticulously that. Beware!