Saturday, April 19, 2014


"Tony Blair, Newt Gingrich, and now Homer Simpson a Catholic?"

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "The Simpsons" passable got a blessing from the Vatican.

The turmoil Vatican magazine has acknowledged that beer-swilling, doughnut-loving Homer Simpson and son Bart are Catholics -- and what's beyond, it says that parents should not be fearful to let their children say "the adventures of the despite the fact that guys in fair-haired."

"Few take part know it, and he does everything to television it. But it's true: Homer J. Simpson is Catholic", the Osservatore Romano magazine alleged in an information on Sunday headlined "Homer and Bart are Catholics."

The magazine cited a study by a Jesuit priest of a 2005 episode of the juncture called "The Start off, the Son and the Sanctified Guest Nickname". That study concludes that "The Simpsons" is "surrounded by the few TV programs for kids in which Christian faith, religion and questions about God are cyclic themes."

The Simpsons pray not later than meals, and "in its own way, believes in the superfluous," the magazine quoted the Jesuit study as saying.
