Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Get Comments Fundietainment

I Get Comments Fundietainment
I've posted on a Christian cult founded by the late Minister David J. Meyers back in 2007. His associates are nuts. An undisclosed poster got my care the same as he or she asserted that nameless Wiccans had second hand the Torment Potter movies Avada Kedavra spell to destabilize and carry out their high priest. They suppose it's real. They suppose it has some sympathetic of power. They wear in witchcraft. How do inhabitants fall hip such dim-witted idiocy? "It's occured to me that the poster who thought 'avada kadavra david' and after that it didn't work did it? holds to clue to David J. Meyers death. Inhabitants peculiar words mean Slapdash Control. I am a variety of appearing in his ministry he conventional death terrorization, and the dissimilar hacked off occultists he unwary threw spells opposed to him. Up until now, they solitary weakened his health but he incessantly rebounded. This time, the Noble allowed it and brought him home, as no man can stay the authority of a ministry alike David had for so fancy, The Wiccans detested him. Origin kids, he's out but not down for the match. He's in Paradise." "And God is not blank with you yet, you whosoever sent this unquestionable spell. It comes back threefold, remember? This was revealed to me about an hour ago, that Meyer was cast opposed to for the unquestionable time. It's a real spiritual war, and real soldiers own hits and sometimes die. But it essence come back three-fold, remember?" Admission the full procession of the firstly post for top-quality fundietainment, or examine out the nutballs commenting on the post I ended for Meyer's death. Technorati Tags: Cults,Wicca,Nutballs