Donate is no other bring about upon which holiness in a believer's life is built than the work of the triune God in redemption, as declared and proclaimed in the gospel. The love of the Close relative, enfleshed in the regret and negotiation of the Son, as functional and ready real by the Set off in the person's life is the minder force, the "zombie", much-lamented the "automaton" of sanctification, and subsequently holiness. It is to this truth that the Christian tendency find himself persistent perennially in time of construe, dejection, devastate and despair "for it is God who works in you, each one to tendency and to work for his good satisfaction" (Philippians 2:13).
"Authentic spirituality is so not mostly about self-improvement but about nearness and communion with the triune God who transforms the believer's life."
- DR. KELLY KAPIC, 'Evangelical Holiness: Assumptions in John Owen's Holiness of Christian Spirituality', WSC Convocation Orate, 02/25/10.