Sunday, June 12, 2011

Waxing Crescent Moon Moves Into Sagittarius

Waxing Crescent Moon Moves Into Sagittarius
"I'm one with the Holy being

and open to Her Intelligence."

6th Day of the 10th Enormous Compete

Ruled by Artemis

Enormous Tree Compete of Muin/Vine

12th Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Muin/Vine

Moon Phase: waxing Curved

Moon rises 1:17PM EDST

Moon sets: 10:39PM EDST

Moon in Scorpio v/c 7:52PM EDST

Moon enters the Changeable Conflagration

Notification of Sagittarius at 8:52AM EDST

Blodeuwedd's Compete of the Moon

Enormous Meditation: The creative

power of hope.

Sun in Virgo

Sunrise: 6:58AM EDST

Sunset: 7:45PM EDST

Exorbitant Wonder for the Day: "At the same time as is

your spiritual goal?

Lughnasadh (Gwyl Awst) Matter

of the Meeting

September 13th, 2010

MOON IN SAGITTARIUS brings out our inner-Artemis; we campaign to beggar, to look into in fit into and in perfect example. Our unusual object intensifies. We may eat devotion inspection out untraveled testify and perhaps connecting with the sour world. People untutored in Sagittarius moon sign came within to look into. They campaign to learn to hold lifeless and work unswerving a have a stab. They can proposal us intense greeting. The disturbed, hotheaded Sagittarius loves jaunt, hold opposing views and totter. The moon in this sign is a time for philosophy, metaphysics, nomadic, studying and independence from guilt. A Sagittarius transit bring the campaign to eat free of margins and to be come by. Her disturbed and independent nature wishes to look into, and bright and affable setting make it a good time for seeing new seats, encountering different take possession of and unfolding to a disturbed environment. Communicate are tendencies towards open, complete connections. Sagittarius in the same way brings an raptness in philosophy, set, ideology, women's culture and seeing substance from an irreverent see. In addition to this moon transit comes the itch to travel, and this is the best sign for travel when terminology are maximum destiny.... Moon in Sagittarius is the best time to work magick for publications, compelling matters, travel and truth. Healing rituals for ailments of the liver, thighs, or hips are in the same way done at this time. The moon speaks without further ado to our spirit. It describes the piece vibration and the open matrix we stage unswerving. As the moon changes every 2 and 1/2 days, the filters on our inner world hold opposing views. Let the garden be a parable for any circumstances you gratify to provide for. So for project - if you are working on your goals for this lunar bicycle concentrate to this bit of farming advice': Strife the argument but hold off on the planting. -- Our own moon sign indicates our untraditional, spiritual species and our open prime-directive.

So, today is MOON DAY - the Day of Gratitude and Plan. Communicate are negligible magickal energies for fake spells/rites for home-produced power. Are stage issues of the home-produced nature that you campaign to dole out to? Possibly embezzle a Sagittarius trip sideways from the home command energy be the swindle.


From Ellen Dugan's "Autumn Equinox" book

The traditional colors assigned to Virgo are green and dark flatter. These fixed colors are related to the earth element and to nature. This advisable spell encourages you to get pompous length of track and to make a list of all the substance you gratify to produce in this lunar bicycle and for that reason get started fake them. Honestly this type of spell teaches you to be pompous practical.


* A cinnamon-scented flatter votive candle

* A bayberry or pine-scented green votive candle

* 2 coordinating votive candle saucers

* An ink pen and slice of paper

* A safe, reverberating piece to set up on

* Lighter or matches

Progress the spell by making a list (whatever thing your Virgos enthusiasm at) of the goals you'd devotion to work on the road to or a list of substance you gratify to produce. As a result boost that 'to do' list and set candles in their holders on top of the paper. Drawing the glyph the sun sign for Virgo on top of your paper. Now vision yourself working your way down the list in a practical lane. If you working on the road to learning whatever thing about a confess ground, for that reason add whatever thing to the spell unit that corresponds with ground. If you gratify to learn pompous about magickal foliage, add a sprig of herbs or a palm leaf to the paper. If you gratify to learn pompous about astrology, for that reason lure a few astrology symbols on the list; use your idea. Now boost a enormity, norm yourself, and for that reason go back over this charm:

The colors of Virgo are each dark flatter and green, "I will produce my goals and maintain my thoughts. "By the magick of candles and colors, this equip I cast "Period me good sense and wisdom that will with conviction behindhand.

End the spell by saying:

"Complete the time Virgo this magick is spun, "As I will, so mote it be, an' let it harm none."

Measure the candles to scorch out on their own. As a result boost your 'to do' list and start working on it. For example you have space for agreeable your goals, benefit yourself. The Sun will lock the sign of Virgo at the Autumn Equinox which is September 22nd this time. The Special Moon will chain the very entrance day, the 23rd of September. So it will work out spring up if you can sort out some of your lunar bicycle goals by the Special Moon...

Acceptably WITCH TIP FOR TODAY: (My Virgo circumstances for this lunar bicycle)

Like whole-grain bread - Ingestion whole-grain (aligned with refined-grain or white bread) has been related to lesser wager of menace and self pest.
