Wednesday, October 26, 2011


If you truly want to understand the world, you need to remove yourself from it.

Stand on the outside and look in, you will be surprised in what you see.

You will see the true nature of Humanity.

Most Witches i know have done this to get a better understanding.

The problem is once you go Solitary and see the world through a Witches eyes.

You do not want to return to that world.

You might think we are alone and we live a secluded life.

No we move amongst you we just don't do the things you do.

The only person who will truly understand a Witch is another Witch, Male or Female.

We understand the value of Brother and Sisterhood.

We understand true Love for one another because we walk the same path.

Not all of us has the same beliefs or Culture but we do understand that we must have

Honor, Loyalty and Respect for one another.

That makes us a Global family.

There is no "I" just "US"

The strength of the Wolf is the Pack and the strength of the Pack is the Wolf.

There are more of us than you think.

Blessed Be )0(

Damien Black Raven
