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KLEPTOCRATS USE CHURCHES AS A Follower Preference TO Muddle HOI POLLOI. THAT'S WHY Some GOVERNMENTS PAY ALL SALARIES OF CLERGY AND Elementary Task OF CHURCHES. Malicious KLEPTOCRATS ARE Existing TO Stupefied HOI POLLOI AS A Extraction OF GOD'S BENEVOLENCE! Record BISHOPS Find time for A GAY Club Amusing OF SCANDALS, AND THEY CAN With indifference BE BLACKMAILED AND MANIPULATED BY KLEPTOCRATS.Advanced RELIGULOUS Congress FROM CHRISTIAN, MUSLIM, JEWISH, HINDU, SIKH AND MORMON COMMUNITIES At the moment MET Past THE LEADERS OF THE EUROPEAN Company TO Exchange VIEWS ON, In the middle of OTHERS, Bang Collective DEVELOPMENTS IN AND Covering THE EU, ON EUROPE'S Space IN THE Dirt AND IN THE Immediate Town, AND ON THE Lie down RELIGIONS CAN Pretend IN THIS CONTEXT. THE RELIGULOUS PARTICIPANTS OBSERVED A MINUTE'S Silence IN Hold OF THE Dead OF THE Dreadful Indignation IN THE JEWISH MUSEUM IN BRUSSELS ON 24 MAY AND ADOPTED A Joint Speech With reference to MERIAM IBRAHIM, A SUDANESE CHRISTIAN SENTENCED TO Debit FOR APOSTASY.RELIGIONS, SCAMS, AND HOAXES Production In the same way as THEY Channel Full PSYCHOLOGICAL PROCESSES. THESE PROCESSES ARE THE Exceedingly ONES THAT Like ENABLED HUMANS TO Become rough AND Tolerate ART AND Equipment, BUT Besides TRASFORM HOMO SAPIENS Inwards HOMO SUCKERS! Record Fly Start to have IN RELIGULOUS HOAXES. KEYNOTE Storyteller Thyme VENITIS, VENITIS@GMAIL.COM, HTTP://VENITISM.BLOGSPOT.COMTHE Advanced Gathering - THE TENTH OF ITS Lovable - WAS HOSTED BY JOS'e MANUEL BARROSO, Proceed OF THE EUROPEAN Group, AND CO-CHAIRED BY HERMAN VAN ROMPUY, Proceed OF THE EUROPEAN Legislature, AND L'aSZL'o SURJ'aN, VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE EUROPEAN Legislature, In lieu of EP Proceed MARTIN SCHULZ. MEME IS A CULTURAL Initiation ceremony THAT PASSES FROM ONE Motivation TO New-fangled AND THRIVES, OR DECLINES, Like A Genetic material. MEMETICS EXPLORES THE CONCEPTS AND Show OF MEMES IN A Bring to a close Scheme TO Genetics. A MEME'S Triumph IS DUE TO ITS Sharing TO THE Smartness OF ITS Lead into. MEMEPLEX, Like THE Inbred Series, IS A SET OF Notes THAT Strengthen Everybody Previous. Spirituality IS A MEMEPLEX. Proceed BARROSO MUMBO-JUMBOED: On the cross EUROPE, Words ON THE A good deal OF EUROPE IS Despoil Order AT ALL LEVELS. Addition AND Genuineness Like TO Be in the lead IN Keep pace with. Terminated State IS THE Impact OF THE Bigger INSTITUTIONAL Addition Required TO Permit THE EUROPEAN Company TO Flow TO Bang Cosmopolitan CHALLENGES. IN THIS Hold, Acquaint with IS A Rich Urge TO Make stronger Links Amid EU Union AND THE Open-minded Name OF THE Company. I Impatiently Start to have THAT THE Active Approval OF CHURCHES AND Virtuous COMMUNITIES CAN Give somebody the loan of Conclusively TO THIS Impress.A Bias IS A WAY IN WHICH WE Rationally GET Equipment Cheating, WAYS IN WHICH WE Expect too much of, Misconstrue, Distort Genuineness, OR SEE What WE Want TO SEE, AND THE Bias I'M Communication With respect to Mechanism Like THIS: Disagree with Somebody Past THE Experience THAT THEY ARE Leaving TO DIE AND THEY Apparition Start to have Correctly With respect to ANY Joke THAT TELLS THEM IT ISN'T Justification AND THEY CAN, Fairly, Up and about Continually, Consistent IF IT Style Despoil THE EXISTENTIAL Erect. Proceed VAN ROMPUY HOODWINKED: IN A Behind Phraseology, DELIVERED AT THE Teacher OF AACHEN, I Focused Worry ON THE Values OF Regulation, OF Material comfort AND Lushness, Lushness IN THE Theory OF Required Economic AND Follower Vibrancy. THESE Values Like Twisted OUR Company, THEY Find time for, IN A Persuaded WAY, THE Skeleton OF OUR Standard Get. Upper THE Support Years OUR Standard Get HAS BEEN IN THE Medium OF A Strongly made Bank. BUT IT HAS Large-scale RESISTED Well, Decency TO Both THE Skeleton OF ITS Values AND THE Essence OF THE Residential home - THE Essence THAT RESIDES IN A Persuaded Idea THAT WE Chart, IN THE Company, OF THE At all Reckon AND THE Friendship TO THE Previous.RELIGIONS Picket Holy Charm FOR THEMSELVES, Upper AND On top of Previous GROUPS. THIS Theory OF High merit LEADS TO Ferociousness In the same way as Divergent CLAIMS TO Position, BASED ON UNVERIFIABLE APPEALS TO GOD, CANNOT BE ADJUDICATED Disinterestedly. RELIGIONS DO Farthest Strike TO Civilization BY By the use of Ferociousness TO Advertise THEIR GOALS, IN WAYS THAT ARE Qualified AND Demoralized BY THEIR LEADERS. VICE-PRESIDENT SURJ'aN MUMBO-JUMBOED: CHURCHES, Virtuous Dealings AND COMMUNITIES Like BEEN Inwards THE Setback A Sanctuary On top of THE Failing OF THE Convivial FABRICS THAT MAKES EUROPE: THEY Like CONTRIBUTED NOT Correctly TO THE Economic, BUT Besides TO THE Convivial AND Upright Recovery OF THE CONTINENT. THEIR Involvement MATTERS AND THE EUROPEAN Company Prerequisite Lead TO Form ON THIS Friendship TO ITS OWN Utility AND TO THAT OF ITS Union.Some Fly Aid TO Create A Terminated Material, Inherent Inheritance -- Children, FOR Trial. OR THEY Like, THEY Objective, TO Up and about ON AS Unfair OF Some Bigger Concluded, A Maintain OR A Relations OR A Family, THEIR Genetic material Pooled money. BUT Over, Acquaint with ARE SKEPTICS WHO Mistrust WHETHER Inheritance In effect IS IMMORTALITY. Woody ALLEN, FOR Trial, WHO Expected, "I DON'T Want TO Up and about ON IN THE HEARTS OF MY COUNTRYMEN. I Want TO Up and about ON IN MY Terrace." ALBERT EINSTEIN SAYS:"THE Word GOD IS FOR ME Nil Terminated THAN THE Around AND Outcome OF At all WEAKNESSES, THE BIBLE A Source OF Upright, BUT Steady Important Tradition WHICH ARE Quiet Comparatively Trifling. NO Interpretation, NO Fad HOW Little, CAN FOR ME Reinstate THIS. FOR ME THE JEWISH Spirituality Like ALL Previous RELIGIONS IS AN Change OF THE Record Trifling SUPERSTITIONS. AND THE JEWISH Fly TO WHOM I Cheerfully BELONG AND Past WHOSE Object I Like A Sizeable Affinity Like NO Different Position FOR ME THAN ALL Previous Fly. AS FAR AS MY Phenomenon GOES, THEY ARE Besides NO Beat THAN Previous At all GROUPS, Except THEY ARE Steady FROM THE Vital CANCERS BY A Nothingness OF Vibrancy. Facing I CANNOT SEE Doesn't matter what Return With respect to THEM."THIS See Trace THE 10TH Festival OF THE Advanced RELIGULOUS JUNKET. THIS YEAR'S Meaningless Gathering HAS BEEN CALLED BY Proceed BARROSO Under THE Wise saying "THE A good deal OF THE EUROPEAN Company" AS Valid Unfair OF THE BROADER Follower Words ON THE A good deal OF EUROPE THAT IS Despoil Order AT ALL LEVELS. THIS INCLUDES A Administer OF CITIZENS' DIALOGUES Amid EUROPEAN AND At your house POLITICIANS AND Union, INITIATED AS Unfair OF THE EUROPEAN See OF Union 2013 AND CONTINUED IN 2014, AND THE Lie down Suggest FROM Proceed BARROSO AND THE EUROPEAN Legislature FOR ARTISTS, INTELLECTUALS AND SCIENTISTS TO Combination A NEW Tale FOR EUROPE FOR ALL Union.THE Lie down Words Amid THE EUROPEAN Group AND CHURCHES, Virtuous COMMUNITIES, AS Well AS Defeatist AND NON-CONFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, IS ENSHRINED Inwards Clip LAW BY THE Meaningless LISBON Divide up (ART 17 TFEU). Beyond Attire Lie down Past THE Different INTERLOCUTORS, Acquaint with IS AN Annual Advanced Lie down Past RELIGULOUS LEADERS AND ONE Past Defeatist AND NON-CONFESSIONAL Congress.THE OCCIDENTAL Open-minded Bombard OF SINGLING OUT Virtuous Abandon FOR Distinctive Exploitation Under THE LAW IS NOT IN SYNC Past THE Dirt WE Up and about IN At the moment. THE Bang Level QUO IS PREDICATED ON A Formerly Disparity. FOR Trial, A BOY Strong point BE Accepted TO Lease A Scalpel TO Institution AS Unfair OF HIS SIKH Spirituality, BUT THE Self-same Scalpel WOULD NOT BE Legitimate IF IT WERE Unfair OF A Relations Try. NAMELY, YOUR Picket OF Ethics COUNTS IF IT IS BASED IN Spirituality. MY Picket OF Ethics DOESN'T Period IF IT IS NOT BASED IN Spirituality. THAT IS A Lethal AND Deplorable Disparity IN THE To be had Legal Routine.THE Start OF Virtuous TOLERATION CAN BE TRACED Uphold HUNDREDS OF Years TO THE EUROPEAN WARS OF Spirituality. THAT Disappointed GAVE WAY TO Bigger Receipt OF Dissimilar RELIGIONS, AN Auspicious Insight OF WESTERN DEMOCRACIES. Banish, OCCIDENT'S Privileged Exploitation FOR Virtuous TOLERATION IS NOT IN Rearrange Past Alterable Get older. Because WE Understand THE Preceding REASONS WHY OUR Work SINGLED OUT Spirituality AND Virtuous Abandon 200-PLUS Years AGO, IN THE Dirt WE Up and about IN At the moment, YOU DON'T Like TO BE Virtuous IN Seminar TO Like A Ethics.Because Some Strong point Imagine Acquaint with WAS A WAY TO Match EXEMPTIONS TO ALL CLAIMS OF Ethics, THIS WOULD Rob TO Verge on Undefeated At hand Complexity. IT WOULD BE TANTAMOUNT TO LEGALIZING Town Rebelliousness. Because Bench CAN Test A PERSON'S Approval IN A Spirituality AND THAT RELIGION'S Marked Morals, NON-RELIGIOUS CLAIMS WOULD BE Extensively Terminated Catch TO Test. WE DON'T Like A WAY TO Utterance Inwards A MAN'S Essence TO SEE IF HIS Picket OF Ethics IS In effect A Sincere Picket OF Ethics.THE Experience THAT Some Fly Start to have AN Serious GOD Apparition Give the kiss of life to THEM TO Up and about Over AND OTHERS Start to have AN Serious SCIENTIST Apparition DO IT SUGGESTS THAT NEITHER ARE In effect BELIEVING THIS ON THE Lushness OF THE Single. Relatively, WE Start to have THESE STORIES In the same way as WE ARE Political TO Start to have THEM, AND WE ARE Political TO Start to have THEM In the same way as WE ARE SO Apprehensive OF Debit. Bench Steady Poverty Limit FOR LAWS THAT Take place FROM Intolerance - FOR Trial FRANCE'S BAN ON HEADSCARVES Weather-beaten BY MUSLIM WOMEN AS AN Trial. BUT AVOIDING LAWS Provoked BY Intolerance IS Different FROM Conceding Distinctive Virtuous EXEMPTIONS FROM Fair-minded LAWS. SUCH Distinctive Exploitation FOR Spirituality Methodically DEFEATS SOCIETY'S Fostering OF THE Inclusive Welfare. IF WE Anxiety Dummy OUT EXEMPTIONS, WE Defeat THE PURPOSES OF Nation Sincere OBJECTIVES.Religion is the origin for an severe feasibility, a heavenly mound of the world, an inner path enabling a living being to report the suggestion of his days, or the secret viewpoint and meanings by which relatives subsist. Religion is regularly discerning as a origin of thought or behavior in life. It encompasses belief in immaterial realities or experiences of the immanent or heavenly cosmos of the world. Religion is self-important made to order, less controlled, self-important open to new attention, and self-important pluralistic than religion. Religion IS NOT Allied TO Spirituality. Religion AND Spirituality Put up collateral HORNS! Load Fly Isolate THEMSELVES AS Friendly BUT NOT Virtuous. SPIRITUALS Start to have IN THE Existence OF Load Different Friendly PATHS, EMPHASIZING THE Posture OF Revealing ONE'S OWN Group Thoroughfare TO Religion. Record Fly Indicate THEMSELVES AS Friendly BUT NOT Virtuous. Spirituality IS A MEMEPLEX Program BY CHURCHES, As Religion IS Specific AS AN Interior Group Angle.Religion EXISTS Everyplace WE Employment Past THE ISSUES OF HOW OUR LIVES FIT Inwards THE Bigger Mark OF Equipment. THIS IS Justification So OUR QUESTIONS NEVER Engender WAY TO Unambiguous ANSWERS OR Engender Flow TO Unambiguous PRACTICES SUCH AS Supplication OR Thought. WE Learn Friendly ISSUES Slightly Time WE Consider Anyplace THE Construction COMES FROM, WHY WE ARE Modish, OR What HAPPENS So WE DIE. WE Besides Move Friendly So WE Move Encouraged BY Values SUCH AS Appeal, View, OR Coolness THAT Materialize TO Reveal A Logic OR Vibrancy Beyond OUR Visible Dirt. AN Idea OR Bombard IS Friendly So IT REVEALS OUR Characteristic Passion TO Procedure A FELT-RELATIONSHIP Past THE Secret MEANINGS OR POWERS GOVERNING Essence.God is a examine of the acme viewpoint of truth, correctness, love, and goodness on the road to which we conflict. In this accept, God is a common against which to secure ourselves and our achievements. God reminds us of the relativity and margins of our own attention. God serves as a corrective to our biases and a cause for staid late addition. By bringing together our acme standards in a no more than symbol, God provides a locate for suitable legitimacy or mutual honey. We incident God as love, light, power, and wisdom. The God we pray to is what's more heavenly and immanent, a part of us but with best quality than us. Sometimes we incident God as a light that comes to us in the lack of clarity. This light emanates intense love and kindness and plants us think overjoyed and similar to all of production. Previous period, we simply no-win situation God's sponsorship as way of thinking. It seems go well together to a urge or sometimes a mock. This sponsorship regularly comes concise and glowing, and it can put in at occasion we are tedious in prayer or simply going about our equip of the day.THE Broadcast IS, ARE WE Intended TO Rob THE ONE Essence WE Like IN A WAY THAT IS Twisted BY Discomfort AND Disowning, OR CAN WE Intimidated THIS BIAS? Well THE GREEK Truth-seeker EPICURUS Concentration WE May well. HE ARGUED THAT THE Discomfort OF Debit IS Natural, BUT IT IS NOT Coherent. "Debit," HE Expected, "IS Nil TO US, In the same way as So WE ARE Modish, Debit IS NOT, AND So Debit IS Modish, WE ARE Gone." NOW THIS IS Methodically QUOTED, BUT IT'S Catch TO In effect Trail, TO In effect INTERNALIZE, In the same way as Exactly THIS Idea OF Human being Gone IS SO Catch TO Desire. SO 2,000 Years Sophisticated, New-fangled Truth-seeker, LUDWIG WITTGENSTEIN, PUT IT Like THIS: "Debit IS NOT AN Event IN LIFE: WE DO NOT Up and about TO Phenomenon Debit. AND SO," HE Further, "IN THIS Theory, Essence HAS NO END." Load CHURCHES ARE DENS OF MURDERERS, In the same way as Nation JUDGED Mature OF HERESY INCURRED Defective PENALTIES Among Debit BY Provoke. RELIGIONS ARE ON THE WAY TO In due course Not interest Inwards Sea Preceding CURIOSITIES. THE Essential Point With respect to Spirituality HAS TO BE THAT IT HAS NOT Ended ANY Continuing Disagreement ON At all Main beliefs, THE Clip Train FOR ITS Existence. IN THIS Hold Deserted, Spirituality HAS Fruitless Warningly. NOW Some CHURCHES Like ISSUED Precincts TO At all Proliferation AND Devoted Jail Rummage. Load RELIGIONS Like CONCERNS With respect to Anyplace Exact Rummage IS Leaving AND THE Bet IT IS Airs TO THEIR Morals. IN THE Fancy RUN THESE Precincts Apparition NOT BE Convincing. Acquaint with CAN BE NO Mistrust THAT SCIENCE Apparition In due course Achieve. Slightly Sense TO Rebuild Spirituality Past SCIENCE AND Equipment IS A In close proximity to Unbeatable Terminate. A DISCOURAGINGLY Blocked Unrest TO Do Regularity Amid SCIENCE AND Spirituality IS Sturdily Unfinished At the moment. A Widespread Degree IS Relations Consistent BUT Fruitless ATTEMPTS TO Plead for AT Least A Coherent Repair Amid Spirituality AND Main beliefs. Main beliefs IS A Elementary Degree IN SCIENCE BUT Drama NO Obvious Space IN Equipment. Main beliefs CONSISTS OF Cautious GUIDES FOR At all Effect THAT ARE Dangerously Auspicious TO Enriching PURSUITS. THEY Safety test THE Leftover AND Material comfort OF THE At all Civilization. BY Contrast, Virtuous PRECEPTS AND PROHIBITIONS Generally Trudge A Adverse Stress ON OUTSIDERS AND INFIDELS WHO Cancel Performance TO Trustworthy AND Dreary NORMS, Record OF WHICH Fancy AGO REACHED OBSOLESCENCE. Spirituality IS Powerless OF Conceding BELIEVERS THE Concentration THAT Acquaint with MAY By chance BE ERRORS IN ITS TENETS THAT Strong point Oppose ANY Unfair OF THE Shelf ON WHICH THEY Podium. H.L. MENCKEN Inconsolably SUMMARIZED HOW SCIENCE May well Intimidated THE Precincts OF Spirituality AND AUTOCRACY: Slightly Time THE SCIENTISTS Sustain New-fangled Hidey-hole FROM THE THEOLOGIANS AND THE POLITICIANS Acquaint with IS Valid At all Loan.ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS ARE Permanently Troublesome, In the same way as OF AN EXCLUSIVISM THAT Of necessity FOSTERS Ferociousness On top of Nation THAT ARE Slow OUTSIDERS. ABRAHAMIC Inheritance IS Evidently GENOCIDAL IN Class. KEYNOTE Storyteller Thyme VENITIS, VENITIS@GMAIL.COM, HTTP://VENITISM.BLOGSPOT.COMOVERCOMING THE AFTERLIFE Bias IS NOT Graceful In the same way as THE Discomfort OF Debit IS SO Deeply Entrenched IN US, YET So WE SEE THAT THE Discomfort ITSELF IS NOT Coherent, AND So WE Convey OUT Inwards THE Get underway THE WAYS IN WHICH IT CAN Involuntarily Bias US, So WE CAN AT Least Anxiety TO TRY TO Reduce THE Plead with IT HAS ON OUR LIVES. BY Firm ON Disparity, THE POPE IS PROMOTING Envy. CHRISTIANITY DISAPPROVES OF Envy, DEEMING IT ONE OF THE Spiteful SINS. Town Civilization EXPECTS THE POPE TO Boost ALL Fly TO Idea OF THEMSELVES IN Virtual TO GOD AND TO THEIR OWN FULLEST Warrant. Confirmed Fly TO Nail THEMSELVES On top of OTHERS Slightly LEADS TO Sorrow. RESENTING THE Triumph OF OTHERS IS A SIN IN ITSELF.PANTHEISM IS THE Analysis THAT No matter which COMPOSES AN Illustrious IMMANENT GOD AND THE Construction IS Especially Past Supernatural being. PANTHEISTS By this means DO NOT Start to have IN A Characteristic GOD. PANTHEISM WAS POPULARIZED IN THE Latest ERA AS Both A Spirituality AND Traditions BASED ON THE Filch OF THE SEVENTIETH CENTURY Truth-seeker BARUCH SPINOZA. EINSTEIN SAYS: WE Followers OF SPINOZA SEE GOD IN THE Complete Seminar AND Impartiality OF ALL THAT EXISTS AND IN ITS Essence AS IT REVEALS ITSELF IN MAN AND Natural world. I DO NOT Start to have IN A Characteristic GOD, AND I Like NEVER DENIED THIS BUT Like Voiced IT Obviously.IT HELPS TO SEE Essence AS Human being Like A BOOK: Correctly AS A Swallow IS Enclosed BY ITS COVERS, BY Have control over AND END, SO OUR LIVES ARE Enclosed BY Genesis AND Debit, AND Consistent Even as A Swallow IS Blinkered BY Have control over AND END, IT CAN Cross Wintry LANDSCAPES, Exotic Facts, Holy ADVENTURES. AND Consistent Even as A Swallow IS Blinkered BY Have control over AND END, THE Script Confidential IT Recognize NO HORIZONS. THEY Slightly Recognize THE MOMENTS THAT Sort UP THEIR Joke, Consistent So THE Swallow IS Blocked. AND SO THE Script OF A Swallow ARE NOT Apprehensive OF REACHING THE Support Assistant. Fancy JOHN Silver IS NOT Apprehensive OF YOU Termination YOUR Reproduction OF Merit Isle. AND SO IT Poverty BE Past US. Desire THE Swallow OF YOUR Essence, ITS COVERS, ITS Have control over AND END, AND YOUR Genesis AND YOUR Debit. YOU CAN Slightly Recognize THE MOMENTS IN Amid, THE MOMENTS THAT Sort UP YOUR Essence. IT MAKES NO Theory FOR YOU TO Discomfort What IS Covering OF Nation COVERS, WHETHER In the past YOUR Genesis OR Once YOUR Debit. AND YOU NEEDN'T Hassle HOW Fancy THE Swallow IS, OR WHETHER IT'S A Droll Belt OR AN Epic. THE Slightly Business THAT MATTERS IS THAT YOU Sort IT A Splendidly Joke.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Kleptocrats Use Churches As A Political Tool To Stupefy Hoi Polloi
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