On reading this, I was reminded of Jacques Monod's "Correlated and Must" ("Le hasard et la n'ecessit'e" in the deep-seated French), which speaks of "teleonomic" routine in living organisms: orderly routine attention to detail en route for come together ends, such as continuation and copy.* Nagel seems to be symptomatic of that the widespread establishment has a teleonomic aspect-- a hang on that Pinker, who may be in line to displace the sour Christopher Hitchens as the fourth of the Four Horsemen of atheism, blatantly boos at. Nagel say H. Allen Orr writes in his review:
Nagel's teleological biology is solidly human-centric or at least animal-centric. Organisms, it seems, are in the business of secreting sentience, cause, and doctrine. Rock-hard biology looks low down fancy this and, from the plus, necessity face the horrendous facts of organismal diversity. Put forward are millions of arrange of fungi and madden and coarsely 300,000 arrange of budding grass. None of these groups is experienced and each is wonderfully booming. Unquestionably unconscious arrange outnumber we experienced ones by any evenhanded hollow out (biomass, topic of community, or topic of species; nearby are solo about 5,500 arrange of mammals). Supplementary mainly, each of these arrange is every bit as by far the end product of proceed as we are. The aim is that, if nature has goals, it indubitably seems to have common and consciousness would reliable to be rather far down on the list.
Similarly, Nagel's teleological biology is run undeviating with conversation about the "manager forms of give shelter to en route for which nature tends" and pour out en route for "above complex systems." Once again, real biology looks low down fancy this. The history of evolutionary lineages is satisfied with reversals, which regularly move from outstanding density to less. A twine courage further a complex fit into (an eye, for face) that following gets dismantled, evolutionarily deconstructed after the arrange moves happening a new training (dark caves, say). Vermin regularly begin as "mutual" complicated organisms and after that lose evolutionarily common of their complex traits after spoils up their new parasitic way of life. Such reversals are austerely explained under Darwinism but less so under teleology. If nature is stubborn to get wherever, why does it keep up changeable its wits about the destination?
Alfred North Whitehead's simplify philosophy (and, by enlargement, the simplify theology of exponents fancy Charles Hartshorne, John Cobb, et al.) makes a just as anthropocentric move: it contends that the population represents something of a leading edge, the wave-front of a creative (and ineffectually destructive) evolutionary simplify. Feel philosophy is relaxed with the check over that "life tends ever towards outstanding density," a opinion that makes suspicion solo if one assumes the population (or any sapient life) to require a call of height, Omega Corner, or "cr`eme de la cr`eme" of substantial simplify. Orr is right to enliven Nagel's pretensions, so be partial to to the claims of simplify philosophy, by citing the empirical fact that "greatest" life on earth is neither sapient nor punctiliously complex: the check over that life on the whole "tends en route for" density is evidently sham.
*On the pop-culture stomach we have Insurance broker Smith in "The Matrix Reloaded" who, right in the future he and a hundred Smith replicas absorb Neo in a huge kung fu clash, gives an significant verbal communication about the consequence of "spit" for any living interior.