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EDITORIAL: WEB OF WYRD #10Julia PhillipsConcerning the Central Ages, a weighty many men and women were put to death on charges of heresy. About all of them were uncontaminated of any crime; gruffly all of them were appalling of no best quality than equally a scapegoat for someone else's accusations and projected reservations.Encouragingly, today we embrace sour above such barbaric inhumanity - or embrace we? As a hurry, embrace we if truth be told evolved, or is earth so far groping impart in a vulgarity of snag, seeking for wounded on which to rationale its reservations and failures? If we fix the way in which the medieval witch was wanted, accused and assumed up to relations decree, and plus disparity this channel with the way in which modern company deals with its wounded, plus I would say that the human hurry has not evolved in the slightest.Consider: systematically for no feature other than he or she wronged someone, a man or person living in medieval Europe may possibly be full as a heretic, and with resistant (sic) equally no best quality than unsupervised, tried and found appalling of charges of which they were principally absolutely uncontaminated. Their accusers were not questioning in truth, but in judgement; and virtue for sure had no facade in their contrive. To acquit themselves of any point the finger at in this dictatorial channel, the accusers ready undeniable that relations standpoint was persuaded vs. the thing. How? By publishing tape of the "crime"- (sic), which were plus disseminate to as open an listeners as feasible.Students of English Letters command know of the epic inkling which the unintelligible pamphlet cast on the inhabitants - which, no matter what high illiteracy, had sufficient records quick to read aloud to a odds and ends in a inner-city square. We all know how precisely rumour and innuendo spreads - any grapevine in any convivial group is keep up fixed of blond how precisely information can accepted along; and unfortunately, we all know that contemporary pay for be no snatch of truth in that information for it to be voiced about, exact, and open as fact.The medium of the pamphlet proved to be so trade and industry and effective that it full-fledged, and in time became the newspaper, communiqu, and really, the magazine. In all luggage, the emphasis is upon the split of information to as corpulent a come forth of the upper crust as feasible. In all luggage, live in reading (or tribulation) the information embrace a predilection to believe what they read to be the truth. Manufacturing print is systematically no best quality merely than that of a 16th century pamphlet, which could type how a witch succumbed to the charms of the Mischievous sprite, flew to the Sabbat riding on a goat, where she devoured unbaptized infants, and took part in many vulgar and hideous practices. Significantly though, having "read about it in the paper/magazine/leaflet..." utmost the upper crust take on that they are reading the truth, and are systematically agreeable to believe the critical.State are untold examples of this channel at work in modern society: in some countries, information is manipulated deliberately by politicians and plead. In other countries - and I would appear all of western organization in this - the rub is as general, but less obvious. As the saying goes: "you can believe vacuum you read in the papers but the daytime, and they sometimes get that fluctuating".Significantly though, the upper crust do believe what they read in the papers, see on shield, and notice on radio, blond as our fill with alleged that the person led freezing to her death was a concubine of the Mischievous sprite, a devourer of litter, and that she copulated reliably with her cat, or other nature. We are quick to disparage the Christian Fundamentalist for dissemination lies and tall tale, but what about the lies and tall tale circulated by Pagans and occultists? It offends my brilliance to read of claims by self-professed witches of traditions handed down because time immemorial, or of secret inexplicable traditions prearranged merely to an be few, but it offends my sensibility that these the upper crust, claiming to be afterward a spiritual path, embrace such disparage for Legitimacy.We are no less human or fallible than our non-Pagan neighbour, but we are conquered in a repetitive warren for Truth: every one within and without. We are not hum, but we do plead for for our principal form, and we do work ever towards it, no calculation what our bring to a close path. So therefore to me it seems a freeway ghastly materialize of action for a author deliberately to misrepresent his or her write down and/or get, only to gain some wrong attractiveness.The editor of a Pagan/occult communiqu or magazine has an even above topic, for once in a blue moon is the text nationwide to professional expose dominion, and yet it is generally considerably at length disseminate, and its readers care to believe what they see. As an configuration, we can articulation at the sad death of Scott Cunningham; within hours of his death equally announced, the rumours that he died of AIDS were finish. The fact that his family and his flanking friends embrace stated any come forth of times that he died of meningitis is neither contemporary nor there: to a weighty many the upper crust impart the world, Scott Cunningham command embrace died of AIDS. Why? Seeing as it was reported in Pagan magazines, and they can't be fluctuating - can they?Not merely can they be carry out fluctuating, they can also be flawed or made-up - sometimes deliberately so. I embrace seen newsletters simply where a calculation best dealt with slightly, together with live in tangled, has been fought in the relations auditorium using very considerably the especially strait as the medieval inquisitor. Unfounded and sound gratifying printed advertising material, with scant deliberation to the truth, embrace been published and strew more or less the Pagan/occult communities in the USA, Britain and Australia all the rage the consider rendezvous. Capably revered writers in Britain embrace simply been subjected to bullying, with accusations and counter-accusations indigestible loads of pages in pamphlets, newsletters, and magazines.Such as, you could discussion, has this to do with a be the owner of follow for Truth? Ultra summarize, in my standpoint, like this my explanation ended that the human hurry appears to embrace ready no arise at all in its essential natural history in hundreds of soul. The merely deviation is that today, we embrace far best quality trade and industry strait of dissemination the information to above records of the upper crust.I embrace seen too many attempts at discrete homicide yet again the consider rendezvous or so to believe that it is an unaccompanied manifestation, perpetrated merely by one or two the upper crust. It has happened in Britain; in Australia; in the USA. The modus operandi has been identical in every case: an wrong report has been ready about one or best quality colonize, sometimes supported by resistant (sic) of a wrong nature; the accusations embrace been published in print, or electronic media, and disseminate to a open listeners. Recurrent where the report is so absurd, that no-one mature the accused would believe it for a twinkle, live in who do not know the accused are vanished wondering. This materialize of trial by media is in poor health, and live in who perpetuate it - generally self-professed "Pagans" - are, stacks offensively, loathed.If we, as a community, are to come of age, plus we must rid ourselves of these inadequate troublemakers. We can't get out of them publishing their pamphlets, or typing out their lies, but we can spurn them, and get out of sinuous burden to their horrible pens. As with the wounded of the Central Ages, the wounded within our own community are equally used as scapegoats for someone else's reservations and guilt; the merely way to dispute this bring to a close anguish is to spurn it. Disadvantaged of an alert listeners, the pamphlet bandits command honestly donation up and go in another place.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
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