Positive Finish :))))) Various of the herbs, spices and other ingredients in your kitchen lay claim to magickal properties. Past we lay claim to whatever thing we thirst by working these ingredients modish our meals and food and drink complete the day, we can help these wishes come to us. Underneath is a basic list that I lay claim to started for you of the ones that I am familiar of. You may ultimatum to succeed a space in your Stand of Dimness and add to this list as you find greater. :))))
Alfalfa sprouts: thriftiness
Allspice: luck, health
Almonds: wisdom, prosperity
Amaranth: earth energy
Anise: love, trend, deepens meditation
Apple: have a break, amity
Apricot: female spirituality, romance, enthusiasm
Artichoke: correct puffiness, protection from sullen energy
Asparagus: aphrodisiac
Avocado: beauty, enthusiasm
Bacon: cost-effective prosperity
Walking stick Shoots: female energy
Banana: male affluence
Barley: research, energy
Basil: gentle, love
Bay leaves: energy, health
Beans: wish making, prediction
Beef: research, stacks
Beets: beauty, enthusiasm
Blackberries: protection
Blueberries: tolerant, assumption, demand
Brazil Nuts: good fertility, love
Bread: kinship, buttress
Broccoli: endurance, imperative
Brussel sprouts: insistence, strength
Buckwheat: wealth, protection
Butter: soothes unpredictable interaction
Cabbage: affluence
Cake: enchantment
Capers: wish
Caraway: protection
Cardamon: expand interaction, love
Carrots: seek, mannish energy, affluence, dispel illusions
Cashews: cost-effective prosperity, energy
Catnip: joy, assumption, life strength
Cauliflower: female energy
Celery: foundations, demand, enthusiasm, wish
Chamomile: purifying, gentle
Cheese: energy quaver, joy
Cherries: energy, prediction
Chicken: health, new formative years
Chili Peppers: creative energy
Chive: protection, estrangement behavior
Cilantro: love
Cinnamon: spirituality, psychic sixth sense
Cloves: love, money, psychic protection
Cocoa: joy, love
Coconut: well-chosen, spirituality
Coffee: conscious compassion, observation
Comfrey: cost-effective prosperity
Cookies: love, loving force
Corn: life, stacks, affluence
Crab: spiritual energy
Cranberries: protection
Cucumber: chastity
Cumin: prevents stealing
Curry: protection from evil spirits
Dandelion: psychic powers
Dates: free spirit
Dill: entitlement, sexual thirst
Echinacea: spirituality
Eggs: affluence, suppose
Endive: wish
Fennel: healing, purifying, spiritual
Figs: luck, stacks
Fish: powers of off, affluence
Garlic: protection
Ginger: love, healing, energy
Ginseng: strength, enthusiasm
Grapes: spiritual energy, politeness, affluence
Guava: unrealistic marvel
Hazelnuts: effect, prediction
Honey: imagination, joy, well-being
Horehound: protection
Horseradish: mannish energy, rebound evil
Huckleberries: protection, purpose
Hyacinth: accountability
Iris: life strength
Jelly/Jam: joy
Kiwi: love, enthusiasm
Lamb: sense, considerate
Lavender: gentle
Lemon: cleansing, longevity, politeness
Lemongrass: psychic, effect
Lettuce: female energy, protection, psychic
Linden: rest, sleep
Lime: purification, healing
Mango: spirituality, joy
Maple syrup: life, stacks
Marjoram: expand love and interaction
Milk: nurturing
Mint: rekindling, money, healing, purification, quaver
Mushrooms: endurance, mood
Mustard: observation, leisure pursuit
Nutmeg: health, steadfastness, good fertility
Oats: prosperity, buttress
Olive: demand, spirituality, individual
Onions: cotton on impurities, protection
Oranges: love, health, bliss, invigoration
Oysters: sexual energy
Papaya: politeness
Paprika: creative energy
Parsley: protection, purification
Passionfruit: friendship, love
Pasta: psychic energy
Peaches: love, affluence, wishes
Peanuts: mannish energy, forceful energy
Pears: enthusiasm, wish
Pecans: prosperity
Pepper: protection, banish evil
Pineapple: friendliness, protection
Pistachios: break spells
Plums: flash love
Pomegranate: puffiness, affluence
Poppy seeds: peacefulness, magick
Potato: healing, central, earth energy
Radish: protection, protects from evil eye, sexual energy
Rasberries: survival, dynamism
Rhubarb: spirit, slash bother
Rice: blessings, affluence, weather, magick (rain)
Rosemary: love, bliss
Rye: love
Saffron: clairvoyance, healing
Sage: protection, healing
Salt: research, protection, mundane purification
Sassafras: love, money
Sesame seeds: life strength
Slippery Elm: persuasion, stops word of mouth
Sprouts: energy
Strawberries: love, romance
Sugar: dispel evil
Sunflower Seeds: mannish energy, establishment
Cordial Potatoes: nurturance
Tarragon: remove sullen energy
Tea: immortality, meditation, effect
Thyme: fairy folk, health, romance
Tomatoes: love, protect opposed sullen energy
Truffles: aphrodisiac
Turnips: protection
Vanilla: raise quaver, protective energy
Vinegar: purification
Watercress: female power
Wheat: fertility, sufficient, restoration
Yogurt: grounded spirituality, effect
Wine: celebration, bliss
Revere and Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong