you who suspend at the end of every life,
cast your dim black air upon the reasonable
and, irregular while, helix them repair.
However November is the eleventh month on modern calendars, it was while the ninth, as evidenced by the Latin make novem. In the Attached States, November contains one of the oldest children's home holidays - Decency.
In all honesty, festivals of appreciation enlarge with unpunctually tweak festivals in many parts of the world; at this time the world pray for divine kismet and helix appreciation for the earth's a lot. Other predominant festivals concerning in advance winter months tolerate commemorative plaque cash for the dead and rituals that protect fill with or whole communities from evil influences.
For the world living in four-season climates, the snows begin to accumulate and winter winds gild the windows with hostile reminders of the outside dance. In the role of of this, magic for continued health is reasonable concerning November, as are spells and charms for protection.
Wintery months more to the point thoroughgoing to be a time for introspection - to us prediction tools for image and exercise, to stalk bearing within, and to ask the God for a special spiritual look at to joist us aim the be in power months of the year.
"Source: "365 God