Monday, October 21, 2013

The Veils Of Maya 2012

The Veils Of Maya 2012
"Now the fanatical genesis star, day's be a sign of,"

"Comes dancing from the east, and leads with her"

"The elaborate May, who from her green lap throws"

"The golden-haired cowslip, and the featherlike primrose. "

"Soaker, copious May, that doth ignite Cheerfulness, and teenager, and sticky desire; "

"Woodland and groves are of thy salad dressing, "

"Come out and valley doth brag thy blessing, "

"Accordingly we address thee with our budding dub, "

"And pleasant thee, and wish thee long for. "

"~ "John Milton 1645

The month of May is ushered in with a assurance of new life as the escalating Sun continues its northern be conveyed warming the in recent times planted fields with its kindly glare. The splendid Sun is at its halfway house in the company of the Vernal equinox and Summer solstice, a celestial route called the cross-quarter in a range of traditions and highly praised with fire rituals and prosperity money such as Beltane. The lily of the gorge is the bruise of May as its find blooms brings tastiness and gaiety. In Christian lore it is linked with the shed tears of the Virgin Mary as well as the shed tears cried by Eve as she was kicked out of the Division of Eden. This sickly bruise is else agreed as Jacob's shed tears or "steps to illusion." Weird allusions for a bruise linked with gaiety.

"The Julian calendar was known in 45 BC and the month of May was called Maius", which may be named a long time ago the Roman goddess "Maia". "Maius" else road "big, supervisor" and expresses the handiwork of prosperity and increase of any the give flavor to and the goddess. The find goddess was venerated by the Romans on May 1st and 15th with an offering of a expectant sow which signified the two faces of Father Nature: -- one promotion as each sow may get going where from 6-12 piglets, and the other, misguided and riotous as sows are agreed to eat their environmentally friendly. The Roman "Maia "was balancing with "Vulcan", the god of the underworld, for example they were deities linked with heat and warming. The warming breezes of find fostered undergrowth to reproduce, although the summer heat, ruled by Vulcan, brought ripening and harvest of crops. Primitive Greek farmers were cautioned not to sow bit up to that time the time of her hardheaded, or conjunction with the Sun, which may concentrate on to the star "Maia" of the Pleiades located at 18 degrees Taurus that began to flinch in the glare of the Sun trendy the untimely days of find in Age of Aries. Bizarrely heaps the precession has this conjunction stirring right away in the month of May for instance the Sun transits the nakshatra linked with the Pleiades," Krittika", from all over May 11 - 25, and absorbs its dahana shakti, the power to be on fire and fumigate.

In Greek mythology "Maia" is one of the seven daughters of the Titan "Diagram" and the sea leprechaun "Pleione". These nap nymphs of Arcadia, "Sterope", "Merope", "Elektra", "Taygeta", "Celeno", "Alcyone", and" Maia" all had violet-colored hair and were immortalized in the stars as the constellation Pleiades a long time ago committing suicide upon aural about the death of their opening. It is an interesting chance that the lily of the gorge has a bundle of white plant life that resemble undersized stars. "Maia" was the eldest and limit fascinating of the Arcadian nymphs. According to Hesiod's "Theogony", Maia open the sacred bed of Zeus and gave get going to Hermes (Mercury), the envoy god. Hermes was else the god of big business, the god of prosperity, the organizer of magic, and the psychopomp -- the guide to the underworld. Accordingly "Maia", and the month May, are connected with all these themes -- but prominently magic and prosperity.

In Sanskrit the word "maya" is repeatedly described as the veil of vision, but it is else the dominant female deity that manifests, perpetuates and governs the dream of duality in the issue universe: Maya Shakti.

"Maya is one of frequent spirited powers: the constant jump of the universe, pervasive to the infinitesimal level. Show is no life -- no period, even -- minus Maya, but she is so powerful that we cannot see the savor of stuff and muddle her jump for reality. For this rationale, Maya is repeatedly called "the veil of vision," the caper of kind that distracts us so that we cannot see all suspect as vitally evenly balanced. Paradise, calm, as the sages reckon stressed, is not the extremely as report. Maya is not a gloomy make, but can be a earn ready which we receive the very last reality of period -- if we are not wild by her fine making do and disorderliness. "Unknown Author

The astrological line up for May 2012 may be full of Maya's creative distractions. Show is an replica stellium of planets in the awkward sign of Taurus which command supervision a lot of energy on the vision of issue assistance and prosperity. As I reckon described in previous posts, Venus has been transiting the sign of Taurus equally Put something through its paces 28, 2012. Dressed in the untimely week of May it command be at its brightest --" its note down illuminated breadth" in the Western twilight sky. Taurus is a powerful sign for Venus as its ill-mannered energy is expert to clear-cut the planet's creative energy on the physical plane. Venus in Taurus brings assistance and relieve to life. But as I mentioned in my childhood post, the joyful Evening Star has been followed by a "moon shadow," the south node, Ketu, whose energy of depravity is moody and can hasty upsets in the "majestic quo". Having the status of the two conjoined on April 11, 2012, six (the compute linked with the soil Venus) substantial earthquakes shook the earth, along with an 8.6 and 8.2 in Indonesia.

In slot in, Venus is else on her be conveyed of explain from Evening Star to Genesis Star trendy which time she appears to make a fall all the rage the underworld, one and the same the Sumerian goddess "Inanna", hardheaded in the West as the Evening Star and furthermore escalating anew in the East as the Genesis Star.

Lay down her path in the netherworld, Innana-Venus requirement move along ready seven gates. She is requisite to remove an narrative of clothing at each lips until she is lastly bare, sensational her fanatical beauty to the darkest realms. This fall begins on May 15, 2012 for instance she stations and turns retrograde at the 29th altitude of Taurus -- the anaretic altitude linked with an promptly need to absolutely avail yourself of the energy of that soil. This altitude is immoral and indicates a bond path. The resulting day Saturn, the lord of ends, command else be at 29 degrees in Virgo as it continues its retrograde wave luminous colorfully in the night skies. Next on May 17, 2012 Jupiter command reach the sign of Taurus and bring its power of increase and motive to the grid. Venus is supported by the big guys.

Nonetheless the classics judge retrograde planets to be stronger under reverse wave, they are still working in a one and the same mode that may goad a pandemonium to their obvious ring of identity. Plus, energy slows down and becomes further internalized. Astrologically, Venus represents how we get what we call for and the gentle of the love we meet. Having the status of this power is afflicted, dealings may limp some of their update, spoken language may not be as sickly, or or we may not be expert to get what we call for as fluently as for instance the soil is passion. Having the status of Venus is retrograde, it is a substantial time to turn our union radar incoming and make another study of any sweat, differences, or hesitating issues. So as the chief of love and issue agreement reverses comportment, our ends in a circle dealings and money are weathered. Venus retrograde may bring actions that ignite us to re-evaluation the terminology of our dealings or revise our monetary strategy, but as Lynn Koiner suggests, it is not a time to make any changes:

"You become gladly be in this world of any sweat, differences or hesitating issues. It is NOT a time, calm, to act upon any opposed insomnia. It is merely a time of consider fairly than passion action. As undersized frictions and disagreements truncheon up, they cede to evoke you that the union is not grace. Below the retrograde identity, you requirement assess the dourness of the quash and the "cost-benefit" of the union. Really a long time ago Venus turns passion necessary you ajar any alienation if this is deemed essential. "

Plus, the arrival Venus retrograde takes place under the obscuring influences of two eclipses: an annular through the ceiling snuff out on May 20, 2012 and a ongoing lunar snuff out on June 4, 2012.

May's new moon in Taurus receives the unobtrusive "shakti" of the Pleiades from the nakshatra "Krittika", but it is nervous by Ketu's phantom in the shadow limitless trendy the annular snuff out on May 20, 2012. (For a substantial video clap during.) Its dahana shakti, the power to be on fire and fumigate, may become showy under Ketu's vehement seem from "Rohini". Countless astrologers retrieve that Ketu is injured in the sign of Taurus as the bull's accumulating gentle is put on the back burner to the south node's energy to drive away and divest spirit from its involution in suspect. Accordingly this Ketu through the ceiling snuff out in Taurus may goad snag in dealings, ahead of stamped by Venus in retrograde wave, and downturns in monetary markets.

Advantageously at hand is elegance something like as Jupiter enters Taurus three days up to that time the untimely snuff out. Countless astrologers view Jupiter's adjourn all the rage Taurus as worthy creating prosperity and expanding "bull" markets. Reliable even inlet Jupiter in Taurus the millionaire-maker. Thus far, the nodes are powerful and can force even the limit worthy of planets. As my mentor second hand to say, for instance an snuff out occurs all the stars come out trendy the day, meaning that all the interior issues that are always at hand past our rundown consciousness may unfriendly race. Eclipses escalate the shadow issues deep our illusions and multiply the over-romantic substitute of our misconceptions and disagreements. But an snuff out is else an motive to melody at these interior issues and community refutation, such as worldwide wealth and sum issues, and convey course.

June begins with a ongoing Rahu lunar snuff out of a injured Moon in Scorpio/"Jyestha" with Ketu in Taurus/"Rohini "followed by the high point someone of the year: a alter extraordinary transit of Venus obliquely the viewpoint of the Sun on June 5-6, 2012. Depending on your take you may see the transit either as her childhood ladder as the Evening Star, or untimely ladder as the Genesis Star. Most of North America sees the beginning of the transit in the afternoon and twilight on June 5, whilst meaningfully of Eurasia sees the terminate of the transit in the genesis on June 6. As Venus Genesis Star is historically allied to the goddess of war, frequent countries who untimely outsider her in the genesis may be the sites of far along smash.

Nonetheless Jupiter and Mercury command else be chummy, they command be interior behind the glare of the Sun and helpless to distrust Venus with their passion seem. Together with so a range of planets connected with "consciousness" smooth up and in shine with the Sun, Venus is gone by yourself to meet the Earth's full attention.

As Venus passes in the company of the Sun and the Land, its jump is in savor very pronounced to a lunar snuff out. So in a way we command be triumph a defend whammy of lunar and Venus eclipses within 24 hours of each other. The participation of the nodes with this Venus Transit suggests that this high point glisten in time command be somewhat ground-breaking. Having the status of the south node, Ketu, command clear-cut its shadow the day up to that time the transit, it is the merely soil that command reckon a gloomy effect on Venus. Its energy of depravity may divest old karmic patterns trendy the lunar snuff out which may furthermore be changed the impending day by the conjunction of Venus in the end of the Sun, called "Cazimi". Having the status of the Sun engulfs the energies of a soil in "Cazimi", it is imaginary to stuff the soil with the overwhelmingly reverberation and life-giving energy ready the Sun, which draws its energy from the "shakti "of the nakshatras that it transits: "Rohini" somewhere the substantial red star Aldebaran resides making up the eye of the bull in Taurus. Aldebaran is believed to be the domicile of Brahma and for instance it lines up with our Sun we meet its a range of blessings.

Accordingly the correspondingly deity linked with "Rohini" is Brahma, the Break down, "who can bountiful everything, so we necessary be careful of what we call for." According to David Frawley, "Rohini Nakshatra represents the gods, dharma and good assortment (Lakshmi) and is imaginary to be the limit timely of all Nakshatras for mortal family."

"Rohini"'s shakti power is rohana shakti, increase -- as strength be articulated in the Fibonacci string, phi, the sacred geometry of the pentagram that Venus draws in the announce upper the course of eight existence, and the jump of "Maya Shakti". As we shall soon see this Venus Transit in "Rohini "may emissary a aggressive convey in how we use our creative energy to procreate issue and spiritual wealth. Remembrance that the cash of Venus from Evening Star to Genesis Star is one from the goddess of love to the goddess of war (see my previous post on Venus Cycles). I pray that Venus becomes a warrior goddess to brawl adjoining deprivation, want, materialism and the obscene disease in the worldwide banking and business worlds by stimulating the veil of the caper of kind so that we may see that we are undoubtedly ONE.

"Namaste! Jai Ma "