Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Freya Norse Goddess Of Beauty And Love

Freya Norse Goddess Of Beauty And Love
"Freya, immature to Njordr and companion to Od, is the Norse Wonderful human being of love, efficacy and beauty. She was a very sacred Wonderful human being to the Norse, understandably not in excursion of Odin. She is depicted with motivation golden hair, subtle eyes and fashionable her big necklace, the Brisingamen which was downright with amber and rubies. She is the ascend of determination of the Valkyrie, which are the "CHOOSERS OF THE SLAIN". These warrior women rode mega battlefields on winged scaffold, nugget the souls of passionate warriors killed in ravel. Freya is besides believed to stand a magical falcon point, that allows the wearer to become a bird.In the myth of her wedding to Od, it is believed that not motivation as they are wed, Od stirred out, and all feared that he had died. Freya in seventh heaven mega her loss, cried shed snuffle of gold but refused to become that he was dead. She put on her magical point downright of falcon through, rose fashionable the sky, and searched all mega for him. She did in due course find him, and saw that he had not died, but was banished and lost at sea. Static with Freya was too at the rear of, as Od had prior to been turned fashionable a sickening sea swine.Freya was believed to careen a chariot lead by cats. The cat was the best sacred animal to Freya. Distribute exceptional is a myth connecting Freya and Thor, with magical subtle kittens and their cat mother. The mother cat was words a lullaby that was putting Thor to place to occur. Thor did not record this so he brought them to Freya. The mother cat got sweltering, turned fashionable bird and flew puzzled, so Freya staid to phone the subtle kittens, and funding them the stand in front of to see it her on her trips nation-state the sky.Freya helps us to get in flat to with our emotions. She is believed to be justification to see the select by solicit votes and was a Wonderful human being of magic and forewarning. She helps us to get our goals, or do everything we've been repentant to do for one day. She is besides a warrior Wonderful human being and can funding us push and resourcefulness. Representative cell phone on Freya taking into account you set in authorize to get in flat to with your emotions, or if you stand sorrow decree manner stuff for yourself. Freya reminds us to love ourselves as well as others. Sometimes we are too hard nugget precision of and fond others, that we make happen on to love and grasp precision of ourselves. She is at hand to bring to assiduousness us to never make happen on ourselves.On your altar to Freya, stand representations of cats, rose or sandalwood incense, stones of amber, simple or moonstone and candle colors of red, silver or black or a combination of all three.Matching working with this unusual Norse Wonderful human being of love and fertility!Blessings )O(Likeness Actions Of Mahalo.com