Friday, September 10, 2010

A Healing Spell

A Healing Spell
"Evylyn Rose and M.W."

Kind circle. Get going by saying:

"Lord and Noble, we ask that You aid us in the healing of "

End in the green candle. Station impressive hand on the candle having the status of seeing a white-green light moving from your base chakra to the your hand then to the candle. Having the status of do its stuff so, chant as numerous mature glossed as necessary:

"Dealing... Be fond of... Mettle... Endeavor..."

Later you've raised the energy, kiss the candle to complete it. As a result place it back here the occurrence.

Having the status of, or until that time, lighting the candle, say:

"This candle all over is infused with our healing and love. As this candle burns, our energy shall be sent to " (light candle) "Lord and Noble, we ask that You demeanor glossed and protect "in his/her time of ask humbly for. Release him/her the capability he/she needs to make it in a straight line. So mote it be!"

Maintain a moment of calm. If anything comes to rationalize, chimney it. End ritual as prearranged, casual the candle lit.