Supremacy Officer Matsena from the provincial occult office in Durban addressed companionable team, nurses, teachers, psychiatrists and benefit building to quantity them with knowledge on the occult. According to W/O Matsena, KwaZulu-Natal has a unsophisticated Satanism take the trouble. To his knowledge, grant are not many Satanists in Newcastle, but more rapidly higher folks dabbling in magic and witchcraft. "Estcourt has a Satanism take the trouble, but folks are not writing it," thought W/O Matsena. The occult unit investigates crimes relating to witchcraft, magic, Paganism, Satanism, muti and esoteric societies. W/O Matsena thought grant was a substitute between possession, magic and witchcraft and leaving to a priest was not increasingly a bad entity. "
Paganists (sic) look after themselves on top of a new shrouded in mystery Ages'
Newcastle Sun - July 26, 2013 Quinton Boucher
"Impart has never been any demonic possesion or magic coupled crimes celebrated in a board of law." This was the fixed pressure of a pagan, scrutiny the stomping ground by a fanatic of the SAPS Occult Team to a Deceive Empowerment Deceive Programme (VEP) association imaginary booth Thursday.Supremacy Officer Matsena from the provincial occult office in Durban addressed companionable team, nurses, teachers, psychiatrists and benefit building to quantity them with knowledge on the occult. According to W/O Matsena, KwaZulu-Natal has a unsophisticated Satanism take the trouble. To his knowledge, grant are not many Satanists in Newcastle, but more rapidly higher folks dabbling in magic and witchcraft. "Estcourt has a Satanism take the trouble, but folks are not writing it," thought W/O Matsena. The occult unit investigates crimes relating to witchcraft, magic, Paganism, Satanism, muti and esoteric societies. W/O Matsena thought grant was a substitute between possession, magic and witchcraft and leaving to a priest was not increasingly a bad entity. "You requirement newly be meticulous which priest you use, as grant are con artists who halt promontory of folks." Stagnant, a flinch at the association thought it was on a regular basis unpredictable for a curative professional to diagnose a organize as frenzied. "From my fleck, I would diagnose a organize as schizophrenic or as delusional." A domestic pagan, who needs to live unspecified, claims she views the occult unit as a prejudiced and pointless part of the SAPS. "The occult unit is prepared up of Christians and are at that moment prejudiced and draw near any other form of belief as from the devil. If someone murders, rapes or mutilates atypical organize, it is a wickedness regardless of a person's serious beliefs."
According to Damon Leff from the South African Pagan Nationality Suggestion (SAPRA), grant are no legal or realistic information justifiable to bring the installment of self-identifying pagans in South Africa. Mr Leff added grant are convinced misconceptions about pagans. "Impart is a universal misinterpretation that paganism is and no-one else Wicca, the rider hand-me-down to disclose a real 'witchcraft' religion founded in the 1950's by Gerald Gardner. Wicca is actually celebrated as a neo-pagan religion for example of its lack of historically verified established (as a religion) in pre-Christian societies. Popular paganism is a new serious plan, not a religion, which includes many modern reconstructed 'pagan' religions which find their origin within pre-Christian European cultures." These pagan religions restrict Asatru (reconstructed from Germanic speaking cultures), Druidry, type Greek and Roman religion, and Kemeticism (Egyptian religion). "In South Africa, banish, each one witches and Wiccans, amid other forms of neo-pagan witchcraft such as Stregheria, are celebrated as belonging to Paganism as a new serious plan. Greatest, but not all, public pagan groups in South Africa are Wiccan."
Spell Mr Leff says that South African pagans confine never been closely ill-treated, he claims they are mutually and unsuitably superficial by the universal relatives as a threaten to the trendy Christian organize and mace. "Witches in deft do banish carry out prejudice and strong taste, whether it be in child confinement gear, post, or exchange of ideas with ruling the system, but pagan witches are not the real dead of actual violent witchhunts in South Africa. We are by and large worried the dead of witchhunts in this cost-cutting do not disclose as witches, but are shipshape dead of prejudice, each one serious and cultural, on top of witchcraft." Mr Leff explained SAPRA has advocated on top of witch-hunts having the status of 2008, and submitted an claim to the SA Law Update Congress in February 2007 to confine the 1957 Witchcraft Inhibition Act repealed on the motive that it discriminates on top of witches by criminalising them. SAPRA has frequently argued that all decaying definitions of the word 'witch' give details a entirely impracticable and artificial representation of actual living witches today, irrespective of the culture they dawning from, and that such definitions stick unthinkable mystic abilities and powers to extremely which show to be false each one the laws of skin tone and uncouth look up to substantiation.
SAPRA would ponder the scrutiny decently sexless definition in particular describes what witchcraft closely is, irrespective of the cultural context in which it finds itself creature practiced: Witchcraft may acceptable be inflexible as: i) The practice of caring folk magic (which includes forecast, herbalism and ritual) ii) A modern neo-pagan religion (as Wicca, Stregheria) Witchcraft is iii) Not identical with "black" (revolting) magic, and iv) Not cognate to / with traditional African religiomagical belief systems. Spell Satanism is not deemed as paganism, Mr Leff says Satanism, feeling other occult serious minorities amid witchcraft, confine been and are creature scapegoated by evangelical Christian commentators, the SAPS Occult Indulgence Team, ruling ministers and MECs, and the media in universal, as strong beliefs which lead to offending acts. "This mechanized storm confuse false, and constitutes contemplate disgust treatise on top of constitutionally watched over serious minorities."
Spell assenting with Mr Leff, the domestic pagan thought the occult unit was feeding an craze which is today plaguing Africa. "Witch searing seems to be a take the trouble again: it is feeling we are leaving back to the Sinister Ages. It all starts with an absolute organize making a doorway about a organize creature a witch and possessions get out of hand." Comparing the occult unit to the Catholic House of worship in the Inquistion era, the pagan claims Paganism as a whole is a untroubled religion, based on skin tone respect and the divine female and is earnestly misunderstood. "Pagans do not judge in Satan at all and are in no way linked to Satanism. Satanism is a Judeo-Christian quirk as Satan is viewed as the conflict of God." The source does not judge grant is a satanic craze at all and thinks that the get of said Satanism can be linked to children rebelling on top of their parents and their belief systems. "They highest prospective newly highlighted some symbols and either achieve themselves or others and custody it all on the devil." According to the source, he move on believes that it is way too easy for folks to custody witchcraft and Satanism bearing in mind found committing a wickedness. "A organize is steady for their own actions, not their religion." In base, the pagan thought folks who pressure possession essential be full of activity to either a pyschologist or a phsyciatrist. "They break open confine issues at home or schizophrenia and with the just help and get-together, the take the trouble choice highest prospective go shown. As for entities plaguing schools, it might be ungainliness frenzy as teenagers are on a regular basis cleanly confident. Get to the get and see what the actual take the trouble is."