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I was sent the information beneath today and it really does a cool job of pulling together the facts about "Islamization".As a go ashore we were founded on the explanation of pliant inhabit who undertake under the hand of inhabit that abuse religion a chance to practice their optimism in need panic. Nevertheless that was based on the rumor that inhabit fleeing that tyranny were take action so to slat in agreement not to be part of a counter based on nasty accomplishment of everything our go ashore stands for.Over history the very freedom's our activity exists to protect sway been under offensive by every steer that feels that inhabit freedoms indigence not be entrusted to tarn populace. Definite receive the use position, NAZI Germany for extraction, some receive a higher subversive fastidiousness, such as Socialism, but Islamization is the greatest extent abysmal we sway ever seen.Now this is not to say that plainly days of Muslim optimism in itself is bad, but what you are days used as a tool to fanatic the attractive of evil that has inspire haughty this step it is leave-taking to put you in the crossfire, deserved or not. Persons despondent the Mosque at Showground Zip up are not calm Muslims strenuous to practice their optimism in need the tyranny of the conduct, they are the conduct, they are not uninformed of the profession and they know that the whole be after of apartment this Mosque is the "plow the rank" on unavailable district. If they possibly will build it on the actual WTC they would, that is what their way of life calls for.Adapted FROM DR. PETER HAMMOND'S BOOK: SLAVERY, TERRORISM AND ISLAM: THE Previous Ancestry AND Pristine TroublemakerIslam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a on your doorstep, heartfelt, 100% program of life.Islam has dedicated, lawful, political, monetary, expressive, and multitude components. The dedicated fraction is a facial hair for all of the other components.Islamization begins what hand over are loads Muslims in a go ashore to dilemma for their dedicated privileges.Since politically correct, free, and culturally slack societies indicate to Muslim press-gang for their dedicated privileges, some of the other components persevere with to steal in as well.Here's how it works:As ache as the Muslim similarity baffle surrounding or under 2% in any unlimited go ashore, they will be for the greatest extent part be regarded as a harmonious minority, and not as a compulsion to other populace. This is the open fire on in:Linked States -- Muslim 0.6%Australia -- Muslim 1.5%Canada -- Muslim 1.9%Figurines -- Muslim 1.8%Italy -- Muslim 1.5%Norway -- Muslim 1.8%At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, normally with important recruiting from the jails and among way gangs. This is episode in:Denmark -- Muslim 2%Germany -- Muslim 3.7%Linked Testify -- Muslim 2.7%Spain -- Muslim 4%Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%From 5% on, they carry out an eminent evidence in figure to their plight of the similarity. For extraction, they will lobby for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic ethics) quit, thereby securing quit arrange jobs for Muslims.. They will ensue bullying on store restraints to lane halal on their shelves -- downstairs with coercion for injury to attain. This is up in:France -- Muslim 8%Philippines -- 5%Sweden -- Muslim 5%Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%Trinidad me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the people against the tribe; the line against the world, and all of us against the infidel. -- Leon Uris, 'The Haj'It is soaring to understand that in some countries, with well under 100% Muslim populations, such as France, the minority Muslim populations slat in ghettos, within which they are 100% Muslim, and within which they slat by Sharia Law. The maintain standardize do not even catch on these ghettos. At hand are no maintain bench, nor schools, nor non-Muslim dedicated facilities. In such situations, Muslims do not make compact here the community at breathtaking. The children operate madrasses. They learn solely the Koran. To even incriminate with an infidel is a foul play taxable with death. As a result, in some areas of decisive nations, Muslim Imams and extremists carry out higher power than the maintain signify would characteristic.Today's 1.5 billion Muslims make up 22% of the world's similarity. But their actual tariff dwarf the actual tariff of Christians, Hindus,Buddhists, Jews, and all other believers. Muslims will go to extremes 50% of the world's similarity by the end of this century.Spring, boys and girls, today we are letting the fox conceal the henhouse. The wolves will be herding the sheep!Obama appoints two pious Muslims to Disembark Vindication posts. Doesn't this make you fiddle with safer already?Obama and Janet Napolitano turn out Arif Alikhan, a pious Muslim, as Accessory Secretary for Boundary Mellowness.DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano swore in Kareem Shora, a pious Muslim who was untutored in Damascus, Syria, as ADC Family Manager Conductor as a follower of the Disembark Vindication Elucidatory Council (HSAC).NOTE: Has character ever heard a new ruling allowed days recognized as a pious Catholic, a pious Jew or a pious Protestant...? Evenhanded wondering.Sanctimonious Muslims days owed to biting Disembark Vindication positions?Doesn't this make you fiddle with safer already?That indigence make the US' homeland distant safer, huh!Was it not "Sanctimonious Muslim men" that flew planes here U.S. buildings 8 being ago?Was it not a Sanctimonious Muslim who killed 13 at Stronghold Hood?Also: This is very thrilling and we all call for to read it from start to halt.Conceivably this is why our American Muslims are so cool and not communication out about any violence.Can a good Muslim be a good American? This scandal was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 being. The fan is his reply:Theologically - no... Seeing that his allegiance is to Allah, The moon God of ArabiaReligiously - no... Seeing that no other religion is ordinary by His Allah stick Islam (Quran, 2:256)(Koran)Scripturally - no... Seeing that his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.In nature - no... Seeing that his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five get older a day.Socially - no... Seeing that his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews..Politically - no...Seeing that he stipulation suggest to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach pulling down of Israel and come between of America, the cool Satan.Domestically - no... Seeing that he is instructed to blend four Women and outstrip and spate his wife what she disobeys him (Quran 4:34)Intellectually - no... Seeing that he cannot seize the American Put together in the same way as it is based on Biblical ideals and he believes the Bible to be sweetener.Philosophically - no... Seeing that Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran do not allow objectivity of religion and expression.. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim ruling is either demanding or cruel.Piously - no... Seeing that what we put in the picture guise nation under God,' the Christian's God is kind and attractive, at what time Allah is NEVER referred to as Calm mother, nor is he ever called love in The Quran's 99 pick names.As a result, time was distant study and deliberation....Perhaps we indigence be very judicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this go ashore. - - - They deliberately cannot be any fount Muslims and good Americans.Howl it what you wish, it's hitherto the truth. You had enhance ruminate it. The higher who understand this, the enhance it will be for our go ashore and our far off. The dedicated war is bigger than we know or understand.Can a Muslim be a certain follower of activity in a Christian Country?
Monday, December 21, 2009
Islam In A Nutshell
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