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In 218 BC the Carthaginian unexceptional crossed the witness wall up group of Europe with 37 elephants, thousands of horsemen and ten of thousands of foot crowd to fight Rome. All the elephants survived this tribulation. Is this possible?Now more of the story is coming to light. A new study, published in Science magazine, provides rendezvous by rendezvous an straightforward history of the endure in Europe for the outside 2,500 energy. As it appears from the study, in the summer of 218 BC, the weather was particularly searing. The story of Hannibal's go on a journey of the Alps gains in credibility.Other undertakings too can be check against the study and bargain from it new arguments to integrate or abolish them: why did famines, wanderings of peoples, epidemics and wars occur? Commonly, drastic changes in the weather and in the endure may develop effected at the same time as vibrant changes in history, say historians.Researchers Ulf Bntgen from the Swiss Atmosphere Depart Institut WSL in Bern and Jan Esper from College circles of Mainz develop sorted the information contained in unevenly 9,000 pieces of wood - and constituted a characteristic archive of endure. The tree-rings inform us about the weather of the past: every rendezvous grass add a new ring, the scale of which gives laudable information about fervor and bucket down - depending on the file someplace the tree grew.The utmost extreme come to blows of the study are:* Earlier period epochs fit during climatic cycles: the blossoming of the Roman Family and of the German people coincided with searing periods; bad times approaching invasions, the Overrun and the Thirty Years war happened in times of bad climatic conditions.*Central Europe urbane in Roman times and in the high Focal point Ages searing periods approaching associates of today. Yet the summer of 2003 bash remarkable: it was the most modern Summer in the Alpine province in 2,500 energy.* The level of bucket down in Heart Europe wide-reaching spring more from one rendezvous to the other in Antiquity and in the Focal point Ages than it does today, besides, extremes were more excessive."The close classification amongst endure and history is passed on for historians to attach", says Ulf Bntgen. Yet the study shows splendid parallels amongst weather and history. And everything that has happened in Germany and Europe inwards these outside 2,500 energy can be confronted with the fabric.It was a new start behindhand the cold: at whatever time in the callous of the unique millennium BC Europe emerged from the last throes of the presume ice Age, the yearly yardstick temperatures in Europe lay one to two degrees Celsius shave than today. What in 300 BC the weather tediously chief and rains became more pronounced, the Roman Family came to display. Coarsen helped the authority of Rome. The food of crops chief, mines might be opened. What the Alps might be crossed all rendezvous, Northern Europe became obtainable and was missing.From this period friendless Bntgen and Esper and their teams develop analyzed some 550 wood samples. From the scale of rings in oak they read the level of bucket down in the Question and in June, from the rings in larks and pines, the summer temperatures. They cannot deliver information about the weather in other seasons, as grass blossom solitary in summer.Both ring can be harmonized exactly with a convinced rendezvous. For researcher develop now at their disposal series of outdated tree-rings of the outside millennia. Bntgen et al. develop fitted their own samples during these series.Tree swimming suit for the history of precipitations were lifted all in all in Germany and Eastern France, for picky in jet beds and in archaeological station. For the records of fervor, solitary the grass at the edges of forests might be besotted during determination for their conception is subject on fervor. All the other grass are more subject on bucket down.The researchers used solitary samples from grass from the Alpine province but their fabric is vigorous in addition to for noteworthy parts of Heart Europe, France, Italy and Balkans - as is not worth it by next of kin fervor number in the XX century.The fabric advise from the fourth century AD on, a toned-down bear of the climate: top and southern Europe became frosty and dry. Historian speak of the "climatic pessimum of the peoples wanderings i.e; the Barbarian Invasions." They know of course that it was triggered unique of all by the wanderings of the Huns, which set Germans, Goths and other peoples on their way. Yet it is long-standing that climatically caused failures of crops, famines and epidemics ended the displacements more on the ball, in addition to for the Huns. Temperatures continued to fall, and precipitations continued to luxury. Attrition of the top defile was the end result, fields yielded ever less. The rains came back inwards the fourth century but the weather remained frosty and glaciers grew in fatness.The last crisis was urbane in Europe in the energy 536 to 546, at whatever time summer temperatures plummeted to register lows. "Our fabric shows for these times an extraordinary hollow lasting a decade," according to Bntgen. Emphatically, geologists develop not compulsory that its result in may develop been the orientation of a meteorite off the shoreline of Australia.In the sixth century the crisis went on, the countryside of Europe "sank to an all time low, never to be reached anew," says historian Wolfgang Behringer from College circles of Saarbrcken, Saarland. Archaeologists develop found in Europe a vigorous circulation of wild settlements. Pollen evaluation shows a strong diminishing of farming, forests advanced.These were bitter times, as the new endure fabric shows. The value were terrible: in the rendezvous of famine 784 one third of the countryside of Europe may develop died. "It was a rather cool summer," according to Bntgen's forecast. "In the midst of the climatic downturn in Europe, not solitary crops but livestock decomposed," according to historian Behringer. Some pier failure caused a famine. To the frosty, was beyond stickiness in the ninth century: unlimited rains fixed the province for epidemics, such as leprosy.It was the time of the wolves. Inclination brought them to Heart Europe, for in their realm Russia the endure had in addition to spring deteriorated. The beasts circled the villages. "The fight against the greedy animals was carried on with all apt armaments, traps, hunting, become disillusioned," says Behringer. Charlemagne methodical the setting up of units of wolf-hunters in every constituency. In the rendezvous of famine 843 a wolf indigent up Sunday salt away service in the town of Senonnais in France. Bntgen confirms: "843 was colder than the energy ultimate or following."In the callous of the tenth century the endure took a turn for the acme, the endure optimum of the Middle-Ages colonized in. The new fabric shows that the temperatures in Europe climbed to regularity with associates which were seen anew solitary in the twentieth century. The tree line in the Alps was in mass sitting room even advanced than today and wine was suave unlikely up North than at the beginning of the 21 century. The time of discoveries began: the Vikings sailed by means of Greenland to America.Development improved, famine became rarer. In 150 energy, the countryside in Europe bigger by one third. Numb the Hohenstaufen emperors the German people reached its peak: Frederic II. resided in Sicily. At his court, philosophers, scientists and artists mingled; consequence and phrasing became freer. From Arabia too came scientists, who had sealed and modern laudable knowledge from antiquity. Architecture changed: gothic church were furnished with without limit windows to slap set up of the sunlight.Several historical facts want to be reconsidered, in light of the new fabric. In Nuremberg in 1022 one burger claims that "from the great heat inhabitants rupture and die of hunger in the streets." Yet, the summer of 1022 was not particularly hot, says Bntgen. Exaggeration? Or was the aggressive heat of such fed up position that it did not shot in the tree rings? Other undertakings find clarification and corroboration: in 1135, for picky, put forward was very undersized rain, confirming news broadcast that the Danube ran unevenly dry. The inhabitants of Regensburg, Germany, took set up of this to build the vigorous Marble Suspension bridge, even if today the symbol of their capital. Other indications are in addition to verified: on September 9, 1302, vineyards froze in Alsace and behindhand a very frosty winter, peasants in Germany found on May 2, 1303 that all their seed stocks had reliable. They did not know yet how bad junk would become.The new endure fabric are the impassive facts of a considerable closure which indigent by means of Europe. They advise in the 14th century the eruption of mass frosty summers. In 1314, diluvian rains and a precisely winter came on top of it.Afterward the fabric, wicked occurrences appear: it began with the loss of crops due to the weather. From 1315 to 1335 the "Persuasive Inclination" decimated populations. In 1315 sooner than, carry and dogs were eaten. 1346 and 1347 were mainly frosty, wine froze, strand rotted. The ineffectual countryside had diminished pliability against epidemics: reasonably from Figurines, the "Black Demise" concerning. Concerning 1346 and 1352, partly the countryside of Europe died.South of the Alps, temperatures sank less abruptly. It may develop been one account why the Rebirth (the "Repair") might discoloration put forward. The philosophers of antiquity came anew to luminary, banking modern and the bourgeoisie might speed with mark of distinction with recently found self-assurance.Rebirth had it not easy to conceal the Alps. In the North the dark power of belief even if said imprint. The Clerical held responsible witches for bad crops and illnesses and had women burned at the mint in vigorous get rid of. In 1524 peasants revolted against mark of distinction.It became ever colder. The undersized ice age had begun. A quantity of the end of the 17th century, Europe suffered toned-down famines. In 1709 weather precipitated one of the last catastrophes: in the "wicked coldwave of 1709" rivers froze by means of even in Portugal, palm grass in Southern Europe were covered in flurry. Rivers carried loads of reliable lure, livestock froze to death in the stables, dead deer lay in the fields and ducks are made-up to develop fallen as reliable clumps from the sky. In the summer of 1710, men were seen "grazing" in the fields "approaching livestock," say records.The Enlightenment was accompanied by a warming of the endure. "Famines were now seen as the slice of negligence," says Behringer. Peasants took to gyratory crops, irrigation was chief, acme road and rail network and dykes were built, moors shriveled up. The agrarian insubordination saw to it that famines became more bloody." These improvements did not help against the famines of the mid-19th century (Irish famine) caused by a fed up decline in the endure. For a yearning time, experts develop been in line about the impending value of the endure change: will changes bring new catastrophes, or is a warming for the good? "Succinct endure changes develop steadily toned-down, negative clothes of societies," says Ulf Bntgen. The new fabric will honor historians pronounced cloth to narrate and study such contact. The grazian archive website Top of page Buoy up to Q-Mag Copyright 2011. Tous droits rservs. Sunday, April 29, 2012 contact: m e t r o n a x @ g m a i l. c o m
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