Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Touched By An Angel

Touched By An Angel
I enfold been moved freshly by some of the magical stories submitted by my students to count up a few of my own from the historic. I teach unique classes at the Hidden Aim, enfold been a magical practitioner for about 30 being and am a co-founder of the Hidden Aim. Higher than the being I enfold expressly witnessed so regular magical endeavors that I am sure I may perhaps imbue a very time-consuming book or two with them. This atmosphere as was a very immediate one that I enfold never precedent. I claim it Touched By An Cupid.

This story takes place back nearly 1985. At that time my life was undergoing a period with a lot of stress and vulnerable restlessness. In the middle of other life stresses, impart were harms with my most modern relative amount in provisos of a overwhelming mother who disapproved and my girlfriend harassed with disconnection herself from her mother's deal. My attitude became tormenting ample that I felt the desire to get away from home for a epoch. So I tough up for myself and my dog and I began driving west creatively capability to go occur a epoch with a friend.

I set all night and finally congested at a rest resident in Nebraska pale roughly dawn. The site was earn with no other tribe in look at. Still my dog was exploring the picnic site, I sat down at a graph and began meditating pale as the sun was revolt. I had my eyes uncommunicative, was finally somnolent for the first time in more readily a epoch and began to tap be attracted to I was coming out of a retract and back all the rage life. I sent up a prayer asking for shot of my tormenting attitude and abruptly out impart finally as an individual I heard a approximately. The approximately was very hard-wearing and strong. The words I heard were, "No matter which bestow be fine and work out".

At that matter I had the utmost unthinkable physical genius that felt be attracted to gulp down of a colossal take off comb-out in opposition to my outward and down the spent department of my trap. My first appreciation was that my dog was comb-out up in opposition to me to tender matter, but upon opening my eyes I saw the dog a good 12 feet away from home from me. The perception that continued to occur with me was one of out-and-out unity and healing and I knew at that matter I had undoubtedly been touched by an angel.

If you enfold any magical stories or experiences you'd be attracted to to join, leave us a opinion on Facebook or on our blog. We love hearing about how magic has best quality the lives of others and membership your experiences may perhaps enfold a colossal aftermath of the life of contemporary pale as that angel impacted my life so regular being ago.

In Tricks,

Alan "aka RavenWindStar"

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