Anubis - God of the Complete and Lord of Mummy Wrappings. The God of the dead and renovation. He is co-conspirator with the truth and conveyance. He is the foremost of the criminal world and a guide for all souls in transition.
Bast or Bastet - Divinity of Sumptuousness, Sensuality and Dismiss Defeat.
The Divinity of the Sun, hallucinate and act. In addition to the Divinity of the East, lushness, music, healing, fire, the Moon, protection and sex. She is the mother of all cats and the advocate of all flora and fauna. A very caring and variety Divinity to work with.
Geb - God of earth the initial king of Egypt. He is steadily portrayed treachery in the sky goddess, Nut. In his function as a god of earth, he is a magnificence deity. Birds swell within his personnel, the dead are imprisoned inner him, and earthquakes are his delight. He is extra than a god of the perform of the earth - in fact, he is a god of everything restricted within the earth.
Hathor - Divinity of Wellbeing. The Divinity of beauty, love and hallucinate. She is a human being with the horns of a cow. She steadily carries a wheel.
Horus - A cosmological God and the avenger of evil. Horus is seen in the form of a man with the head of a falkon or as a falcon with the Moon as one eye and the Sun as the other.
Isis - The mother and limit Divinity. She is co-conspirator with common, virility, healing, fatherliness, conjugal tenderness, the Moon, magick and resurection. She is deliberate to be the utmost powerfull magickian in the handiwork.
Maat - Maat is the Egyptian goddess of truth and morality. She is married to Thoth, and is the schoolgirl of Ra, the sun god. In enclosure to truth, she embodies empathy, make even and divine order. In Egyptian legends, it is Maat who steps in some time ago the handiwork is fashioned, and brings empathy amidst the jungle and commotion.
Nephthys - The Divinity of magick, dreams, transmutation and atmosphere. She is co-conspirator with the earth, magnificence and conveyance. She takes the form of a human being with a primitive writing on her head.
Nut - Divinity of the Sky. She is conservational and snub, stars fire from within her personnel. She completely appears bare.
Osiris - God of the Criminal world. God of manufacturing, whack, religion, way of life, arts, crafts, law and resurection taking part in eternal life. He is the brother and wife of Isis. He takes the form of a mummy with the head of a alive man. His facade steadily has a refuse green cast.
Ra - Top God. The Eye of the Sun. The Sun God. The glowing of all life, truth, rituals, spells and prosperity, Ra is a man with the head of a falcon. As the sun appears to move corner to corner the sky, so he arrangements unswerving the sky. At night, he journeys unswerving the criminal world and his head becomes that of a ram.
Shu - God of Air. In addition to recognizable as Su. Son of Atum. Inception of Nut and Geb.
Sektmet - Divinity of War and Opponent. In addition to recognizable as Sakhment, Sekhet, and Shesmetet.
Taweret - Taweret was an Egyptian goddess of childbirth and magnificence - but for a seeing as, she was deliberate a demon. Link with the hippopotomus, Taweret is a goddess who watches finer and protects women in slog and their new juvenile.
Thoth - God of mysteries, secret wisdom, the take care of, arithmetic and magick. He is any co-conspirator with the Moon. According to subtitle, he wrote 42 books, with a book of symbols with which to emerge taking part in the a long way away - the informant for the modern-day Tarot.