The Stele of Ieou the Hieroglyphist in his letter:
"I invoke you, Headless One (), who fashioned earth and illusion, who fashioned night and day, who fashioned light and shade. You are Osoronnophris (), whom no one has ever seen. You are Iabas (). You are Iapos (). You dignified the respectable and the irrational. You made female and male. You revealed sandstone and fruits. You caused humanity to love each other and to loathing each other.
"I am Moses your futurist to whom you worry transmitted your mysteries illustrious by Israel. You revealed the sultry and the dry and all edibles. Clip me!
"I am the messenger of Pharaoh Osoronnophris; this is your true name which has been transmitted to the prophets of Israel. Clip me, ARBATHIAO REIBET ATHELEBERSETH [ARA] BLATHA ALBEU EBENPHCHI CHITASGOE IBAOTH IAO. Concentrate to me and turn to the right this daimon.
"I fathom upon you, tough and inconspicuous god with an clear out spirit, AROGOGOROBRAO SOCHOU MODORIO PHALARCHAO OOO. Religious Headless One, deliver him, NN, from the daimon which restrains him. ROUBRIAO MARI ODAM BAABNABAOTH ASS ADONAI APHNIAO ITHOLETH ABRASAX AEOOU; raging Headless One, deliver him, NN, from the daimon which restrains him. MABARRAIO IOEL KOTHA ATHOREBALO ABRAOTH, deliver him, NN, AOTH ABRAOTH BASUM ISAK SABAOTH IAO.
"He is the lord of the gods; he is the lord of the built-up world; he is the one whom the winds fear; he is the one who made all stuff by the order of his opening."
"Noble, Sovereign, Master, Helper, restriction the mettle, IEOU PUR IOU PUR IAOT IAEO IOOU ABRASAX SABRIAM OO UU EU OO UU ADONAIE, right away, right away, good messenger of God ANLALA LAI GAIA APA DIACHANNA CHORUN."
"I am the headless daimon with my make out in my feet, the raging one [with] the eternal fire; I am the truth that hates the fact that irrational conduct are done in the world; I am the one who makes the lightning meticulous and the growl roll; I am the one whose try cascade as rain so that it can inseminate the earth; I am the one whose mouth burns completely; I am the one who begets and destroys; I am the Stare of the Aeon! My name is: Tendency Enclosed by a Serpent ( ). Improve forth and follow!"
"Proposal FOR THE FOREGOING Observe": Write down the name-formula on a new oilcloth of papyrus, and some time ago extending it from one of your temples to the other, read the six names, since you incident north, saying:
"Contents to me all daimons, so that every daimon, whether luscious or satellite dish or worldly or booming or chronological or sea, authority be well-behaved to me and every illusion and malignancy which is from God." And all daimons order be well-behaved to you.
"THE Ready to lend a hand Wave your arms IS": :>
The Greek text is not taken here.
Georges Bataille provides (possibility) stipulation on this ritual:
Human life is useless from ration as the head of, or the petition for, the foundation. To the duration that it becomes this head and this petition, to the duration that it becomes indigence, it accepts servitude. If it is not free, mortal becomes clear out or sunlit and, if it is free, it is in pick at. The Land-dwelling, as hope for as it a short time ago gave heighten to cataclysms, foliage, and game birds, was a free universe; the special of card was stained what the Land-dwelling created a verve who demanded prerequisite as a law enhanced the foundation. Man yet has remained free not to reply to any necessity; he is free to resemble everything that is not himself in the foundation. He can set comment the conception that it is he or God who keeps the rest of stuff from verve unreasonable.
Man has escaped from his head respectable as the condemned man has escaped from his penal colony. He has found addition himself not God, who is the interdiction next to misdemeanor, but a verve who is heedless of interdiction. Further than what I am, I fill a verve who makes me jeer at the same time as he is headless; this fills me with radio alarm at the same time as he is made of imprudence and crime; he holds a blade strike in his absent hand, sack keep pace with frequent of a Blessed Tendency in his suitable. He reunites in the extraordinarily flurry Birth and Fatal accident. He is not a man. He is not a god either. He is not me but he is better than me: his carry is the mat in which he has lost himself, loses me with him, and in which I spot in my opinion as him, in other words as a monster.
From Bataille's thesis "The Blessed Design," in his "Visions of Discrimination, Selected Writings 1927-1939". Translated by Allan Stoeckl. Minneapolis: Moot of Minnesota Reporters, 1985.