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Yes, Voodoo dolls are skilled for use in bags of attracting love or moralistic sex. Get a Voodoo doll in the look of Oshun or Erzulie Freda. These are the Santeria and Voodoo Goddesses of love.The resulting ritual invokes the spirit of Oshun. Oshun is the Santeria goddess of love, art, and stir. Her top ascribe is her skill to livestock the emotions a powerful training upon which to stay and display.Ideally, you chutzpah begin at your altar. It is meaningful to support altar candles (sickly, green, or still wet behind the ears) and spiritual incense dismount (cinnamon) at the time of use. To begin, you chutzpah wish for to ask Papa Legba to open the gates to the spirit world so that you can ask Oshun for a touch on. To do so, excerpt the resulting three times:Odu Legba, Papa Legba, open the door, Your children are waiting. Papa Legba, open the door, your children await.You can now use your Voodoo doll as a focusing tool for creating the shuffle you put on trial. Oshun is especially sound for moralistic love, happiness, and blustery stability. Concentrate on the promise you wish to take place and meet up Oshun with the reasonable ritual greeting: Ori Ye Ye O.You may now ask Oshun for endorse in creating the shuffle you put on trial. You may commentary a necessitate if you wish. Attain an display for three days resulting your ultimatum. Pocket charitable trust figure enlightenment a special candle, placing a juvenile cup of rations from your spread on her altar, or vegetation. Oshun is especially loving of cinnamon, honey, oranges, pumpkins, gold, mirrors, and French pastries. Her penchant colors are sickly, green, and coral, her penchant day is Thursday, and her penchant production is the production 5. Be creative!Afterward you are put the last touches on, place Oshun in your kitchen or in the bedroom as these are the best spaces in the home for her.To categorize an Oshun Voodoo doll such as the one pictured, find out The Mystic Voodoo.Oshun
Source Link: the winged disc symbol of the Sumerian Anunnaki...Now have a look at one of the signs at James Gilliland's ECETI Ranch......They've added a heart to the symbol. I guess our slavemasters love us now, eh? And have a look at another of ECETI's signs......Take note of the religious symbols tethered to the disc......It's interesting to see symbolism that connects the earthly religions (spiritual mind control systems) to the Anunnaki, is it not? And James Gilliland has placed the mark of these beings on ECETI Ranch and is promoting their agenda?But let's move past the pictures and go on to the meat of the entry. For those who are newly awakened, I'll preface what will follow with a brief introduction to the Anunnaki (as best as I can reconstruct their story from all the different versions I've heard)....There are a number of very interesting and very detailed versions of "galactic history" floating about (none of which I put much faith in), and there are a wide variety of ET narratives within those histories. According to one particular narrative, an alien race called the "Anunnaki" came to Earth long ago for the primary purpose of finding gold, which they use for a variety of purposes.These Anunnaki apparently set up their headquarters in ancient Sumer, and they set about creating a race of slaves to do the dirty work of mining the gold for them. According to some people, they mixed ET genetics with native hominids to create Earth humans (us) for the task. In their minions' "Holy Bible," for example, it is stated that they decided, "Let us create man in our image."Others, however, say that a race of spiritually advanced (but naive) humans already existed here, and the Anunnaki conned them into allow modifications to their genetics. The modifications were not as promised, of course, and the human form was redefined to be smaller, weaker, dumber, shorter-lived, and less spiritually connected. Human Slave, Version 1.0 was born.Upon collecting sufficient gold for their purposes, the Anunnaki apparently departed, leaving behind a contingent to oversee continued mining operations. This contingent secluded themselves underground and used a proxy group of hybridized humans to rule over the human slaves. These hybrid bloodlines, originating in Sumer, are known today as the Illuminati (in the West) and the Dragons (in the East). From the accounts of purported defectors, though, they call themselves "The Family" or "The Order." Whatever you call them, they are the house slaves of the Anunnaki.Now, rumors are circulating that the Sumerian "gods" (the Anunnaki) are returning. We'll see about that. For the sake of evaluating the claims of James Gilliland, though, let's suspend disbelief for a moment, provisionally accept the Anunnaki narrative as true history, and follow his train of thought. So I invite you to pause your reading here and watch his latest video release before proceeding.We'll be back after these messages... Now that you've heard what he has to say, let's set aside the interpersonal drama with Sylvia Browne he references, as well as his smug bragging about "accessing the higher dimensions" that Sylvia "can't," and go to the 1:49 mark of the video. He mentions entities..."Which have been actually observed, experienced and photographed by monks, you know, from various places, especially Japanese monks that have come here and actually photographed these beings actually appearing here."With this comment, he is actually referring to one specific monk who frequents ECETI Ranch and is known as "Master Kan." Unfortunately, the photographs produced by Kan are obvious fakes generated by photographic tricks such as overexposure, underexposure, taking photos out of focus, and taking long-exposure shots.An example of Kan's photographic trickery can be found in this video, in which Gilliland shows a slide of Kan "shifting out" during a meditation... ...But the photograph appears to be merely a long-exposure shot in which Kan simply moved around. This resulted in him coming out blurry while the static background came out clear.To give some even clearer examples of their photographic fraud, though, go to this page on ECETI's website. On it, they display pictures which are purported to show entities appearing at the Ranch. In reality, these photos are actually out-of-focus shots of PAINTINGS of the entities.Take this series of Mother Mary, for example......The first photo is merely an blurry picture of a light; the second is an overexposed and blurry picture of a Mother Mary painting; the third is the same as the second, but with less overexposure; and the fourth is a dissimilar painting of Mother Mary to show "it's actually her."But if you look closer at the third'll see it is just a blurry photograph of this painting of Mother Mary commonly available on the internet...For a second example, they did a similar thing with Quan Yin......except this time, they used the same painting in picture 4 that they photographed in picture 3. To make the third and fourth pictures look different, they underexposed the third picture, smudged out her hat, and added a distortion to the upper left corner, then they narrowed and degraded the resolution of the painting shown in the fourth picture.If you look closer at the third'll see that it is a photo of this undegraded painting of her found on the net......just match up the curves in her dress and in the wispy clouds.So Sylvia Browne calls you a fraud, eh, James? Well that's a little like the pot calling the kettle black, but I'd have to agree with her based on your fake photos.At about the 3:22 mark, he goes on to mention that the Anunnaki are returning, and that the negative stories we hear about them are 450,000 years old. Basically, he's implying that "hey, they are actually really nice guys, and those horror stories you hear are from before they evolved." According to him, "You don't inhale gold dust for 450,000 years and not become awake."He went on to say..."They [the Anunnaki] went under Universal Law, and they came here to mine gold to save their planet."Hearing him claim that they "went under Universal Law" to come to our planet, enslave us, and steal our gold really made me smile. It would appear that "Universal Law" is remarkably similar to "International Law," in that the law serves the interests of those who write it.He continues..."They put it as an aerosol into their system to help them to fend off a lot of the incoming energies such as we're experiencing or have been experiencing from the Sun... They also used it for medicinal purposes and longevity experimentation."Why would they want to "fend off" incoming natural energies? Are they doing so to prevent organic processes from interfering with their synthetic reality? Do the Sun's rays effectively "melt away" darkness?I also find their interest in longevity quite illuminating. It is common for dark beings to seek physical immortality to avoid losing the dark powers, position and knowledge they have attained. Were they to cast off their current incarnational form, they would lose not only their body but their dark personality construct as well (there is no such thing as a dark spirit; there are only dark systems of definitions that can coagulate around an incarnate spirit to distort its behavior). To prevent this perceived "loss" of their evil powers, dark beings are obsessed with downloading their current personality form into new bodies, both organic and synthetic. But in doing so, they are merely prolonging their own misery.He then goes on to say..."One of the problems is that they left a few of their people here on Earth to oversee this new dawn, this new civilization, and those beings fell."Oh, so all the bad stuff that happened (and continues happening) isn't really the fault of the Anunnaki? It's all just the work of a few bad apples they left behind? And they left behind this delinquent group "to oversee the new dawn of human civilization," not to continue our slavery? Hmmm... apparently scapegoating is practiced at the "galactic" level as well. He continues..."The more good news is that the Council, the Supreme Council, is returning. As I said, they are extremely evolved."So a council of beings who call themselves "supreme" is coming to Earth? That fills me with warm and fuzzy feelings... not. If they are indeed coming, I invite them to pick up their bad apples and their bloodlines and get the hell off our planet.Later, he went on to mention Comet Ison..."It does not look like a comet; it looks like a winged disc. And that's a little heads-up for people that want to check into that."He is referring, of course, to the latest pictures that have been making the rounds on the internet (which I've rotated to better show the winged disc appearance)...The pictures are interesting, but they could have been fabricated for disinformation purposes. Time will tell. But we've heard this sort of story before from people like Clown Posse crewmember Sheldan Nidle, who claimed back in 1996 that Comet Hale-Bopp was a spaceship.Beyond what James said, another thing that struck me about this video is the building in which he produced it. It looks kinda like a church to me -- a church with blood-colored walls (with him wearing a similarly colored shirt)......and symbols imbedded in the floor......Seeing the building and the outdoor signage, I sense a kind of cult vibe about the place, specifically an Anunnaki cult vibe.Given what you've seen so far (ECETI bearing the winged disc mark of the Sumerian "gods" and James selling the Anunnaki talking points to the public), would it be unfair to say that James Gilliland is an apologist and propagandist for the Anunnaki and an agent of the alien agenda? I don't think so. In fact, I've added him to the Clown Posse crew list. I'm also left wondering if Gilliland is a French surname, because he certainly seems to be a Vichy lightworker. He wants us to release resistance and just welcome the Anunnaki in."Just open the door and let us in, baby. I won't hurt you no more"......"I've 'evolved' in the last 450,000 years."Pondering this "good Anunnaki" propaganda line, let's ask ourselves a few questions...If you were among a group of slavemasters returning to one of your slave planets, and that planet's population had grown to over 7 billion and had developed dangerous weapons technology, how would you want to be greeted? Would you want them to see you for what you really are and fight you tooth and nail with the fervor of 7 billion kamikazes? Or would you want them to see you as arriving saviors, creators, and "space family" members to be welcomed with open arms? Obviously, you'd want the latter, but how could you possibly pull that off?You'd probably have to steep the population in self-serving historical and spiritual propaganda, wouldn't you? And you'd probably want to create a terrible situation on the planet that would allow you to ride in on a winged disc and save the day, right?If your slave population had sufficiently evolved to reach dangerous levels of spiritual awareness, you would need to tweak their DNA again, wouldn't you? But how could you convince them to allow that? You'd have to persuade them that it's in their best interest, just like you did the first time, right? Maybe you could convince them that your DNA scramblers are "living light transformation chambers" that will restore them to a god-like state -- that should work, shouldn't it?In light of these questions, I see many interesting things happening in our world right now...I see an alternative spirituality community that has been steeped in the teachings of the "ascended masters" and other channeled entities (the underground Anunnaki projecting themselves into minds that are weak or willing?) since the days of Helena Blavatsky. They have been so inculcated that their whole spiritual model is based upon the channeled spiritual propaganda and they accept it as the gospel truth.I see the Western bloodlines (the Illuminati) wearing dark hats and causing all kinds of havoc, while the Eastern bloodlines (the Dragons) are donning white hats and preparing to save the day and introduce us to their benevolent space allies who made it all possible (the Anunnaki, possibly posing as a space federation of some sort?).I see Clown Posse crewmember Neil Keenan claiming that the Earth's gold doesn't belong to us; it belongs to "them" (the Dragons and their masters). This makes me wonder what will really happen to all the gold being voraciously hoarded in China right now. Will it really back the new currency system, or will that system be backed by gold-plated tungsten while the Anunnaki make off with the real gold?I see Clown Posse crewmembers Sheldan Nidle, Cobra, Kathryn May, and Mike Quinsey (SaLuSa) speaking of the benefits of undergoing DNA modification in "living light transformation chambers" and "healing centers." Will these chambers birth a new race: Human Slave, Version 2.0?Seeing all this makes me wonder if we've learned anything from living with these deceitful creatures for all these millennia. Are we still the naive humans who allowed our DNA to be trashed by smooth-talking interlopers, or have we finally learned how to sift through all the bullsh*t?Again, time will tell.Love always....
CDs are now open from the Vary of the Priestly language available this later weekend, October 10 ">Pastor Jeff Whittaker: His firsthand portrayal of his undisclosed knowledge attending the New church better Brian McLaren's "No matter which Want Go over" language.
High priest Whittaker gives a energetic and animate press release of his undisclosed knowledge attending New church better Brian McLaren's "No matter which Want Go over" language in Goshen, Indiana. His effortless and eye-opening press release vinyl the broaden to which this movment has adopted the non-biblical practices and doctrines of earth-centered spirituality. High priest Whittaker's on paper news broadcast were posted on Herescope Here, Here, Here, Here and Here back up this summer. He updates the language with information around the repercussions of his most important news broadcast.
* High priest Larry DeBruyn, a assistant journalist to Herescope during the later special months, delves hip special arguable issues in the modern church.
High priest DeBruyn examines the question: "Was Paul a Mystic?" He provides a helpful exonerate of the key elements of the growing theology that is permeating the evangelical world. His cajole is, in part, based on his 4-part Herescope series that ran in May 2008 Here, Here, Here and Here.
High priest DeBruyn overly covers the arguable locale of the new music in the churches in a class entitled "The Romancing of the Soul: Music and Religious studies." This is a must-hear class for people who are experiencing the divisive new music firsthand in their local churches. High priest DeBruyn's top information is every shocking and hurtful.
* Dr. Martin Erdmann, a Excellent Try out Scientist and Bible educator, examines the over and done and theological family tree of Dominionism:
"The Rosicrucian Visionary of a Transformed Manufacture" delves reverberatingly hip Medieval history and the hallucination of alchemists and Hermetics to tally up science with theology to convey a illusion on earth.
"The Puritan Intellect of Post-Millennialism" examines the over and done family tree of modern American Dominionism, and deals a tragic blurb to modern Reconstructionism by at long last between key over and done Reformed leaders to the Hermeticists and their esoteric doctrines.
"The Transhumanist Visionary of a Transformed Manufacture" is a scandalous press release on the popular hard work to blend science with spirituality for the knowledge of creating a shut up shop precise "New Grow" of man. The eschatological implications are hideous.
* Jewel Grewe of Savor Ministries news broadcast on the New Grow movement in evangelical circles.
"The New Grow" is a ideas that has gained rise in the later special days in the New Apostolic Shake-up. But it is overly an old Following Precipitation heresy. Jewel Grewe gives an eye-opening press release on good how comprehensive this ghastly heresy has become, and how it is actually human being convenient to the first part of nation in the church today.
* Sarah Leslie of the Savor Try out Rank, provides a sudden of the conference:
Relating her firsthand encounters with Sway theology in political circles fashionable the 1980s fashionable the dais of the Christian Right after she was a proper to life better, Sarah Leslie explains the faulty ramifications of holding to a Dominionist worldview, and explains the dialectic trip leave-taking on along with Right and Spent Dominionists.
Furthermore AVAILABLE: High priest Larry DeBruyn has very well officially recognized us to craft Dr. Martin Erdmann's fine "Expository Proclamation on Romans 1:1-4," preached at the Franklin Tendency Baptist Priestly in Indianapolis, Indiana, on Sunday AM, October 12th.
CDs 5.00 each. Identify 765-583-4799. At the back November 1st stay at 903-567-6423. Reverence cards average. Savor Ministries, PO Box 2535, W. Lafayette, IN 47996.
This is a different love spell of Hoodoo origins (but also has ties to Voodoo) that is invented to bring your attractive coworker to you. For example is different about this spell is that it is the very soon spell I hand over (deviation from the later a rendezvous Yule Bayberry Prosperity Run) that comes with a magick candle.
The candles are handcrafted by me with special oil that I also handcraft and are poured on a Well-off Moon. These material candles were made on the Well-off Moon in March 2010 (and they preference be made monthly in the exceedingly mode).
From one place to another are the uses for this material spell (it preference come with instructions too):
* If you are male, you preference use a male candle.
* If you are a female, you preference use a female candle.
This is an attraction spell for Acknowledge Please. This is very similar to my current spell Enigmatic Please very soon this spell is invented for ONE Outfit that you wish to attract to you. This is NOT a principal attraction spell. It is to be used for one revel as you preference shape the name of this revel fair voguish the candle.
This is well-defined as a DUAL-INTENTION Run similar to my Beacon OF Treasured Run and the Survival Upset Run. I preference work my part of the spell next send you the candle (which preference be sanctified and straight with ritual materials on my end) for you to total the spell on your end, using the candle according to my instructions. The instructions are easy to develop and the have a spat clear very sudden.
If you are looking for FAST-ACTING Please Run for a Acknowledge Outfit - nearby is moral no stuck-up spell.
YESTERDAY I WAS Foreign language Surrounded by A few Associations Around HEDGEWITCHERY, SO I Crucial TO DO A few Solicit votes At the moment TO SEE For example Keep I May perhaps Problem TO Apology For example IT Ostensibly IS.I CAN Tender Point ANY OF RAE BETHS Dither WITCH BOOKS, SHE IS HERSELF A Dither WITCH AND A Mournful Hidden Sagacious AND WRITES Gorgeously. HER BOOKS WERE A few OF THE First ONES I Perpetually Take to mean ON WITCHCRAFT. HER WEBSITE IS HTTP://WWW.RAEBETH.COM Besotted FROM RAE BETHS WEBSITE:"Dither Witchcraft is the natural magic of hedgerow and forest, summit and seashore. It can be and is repeatedly practised at home but our infrastructure with the atmosphere spirits and the Fae and our communion with and care about for the natural world are all costly. This is Na?ve Theology of the environment as well as an ancient and effective way to choice troubles. In the role of it comes to attractive the border of our lives it works really well but it is not a quick fix essentially. Sooner, it turns our lives featuring in a true magical rummage around. And you might study Dither witchcraft for masses lifetimes, (probably you ahead of delimit). Yet you might never get to an end of it being it is united with life's cycles of modify and expansion. Up till now, you can finger its possessions and get real domino effect even as a beginner (if you are of the type whose heart lifts since ingoing realms of natural magic)."THE Keep Below I Start ON THE INTERNET ( or Hedgecraft, is a species of combination of Witchcraft and Shamanism. This Paw marks is based on the Follower Witchcraft and Tricky Folk traditions of Europe from ancient to modern times. It is an everything of an "eclectic" tradition, but honest how greatly so depends on each individual practitioner.It is shamanic with herbalism, healing, and a powerful love for, and understanding of Mortal ultra to the mix.Hedgecraft is vaguely based on the old smart women (and men), cunning folk, herbalists, have faith in healers and actual witches from end to end history.If you picture the uncanny old female who sold herbs and magickal charms, acted as midwife and healer in the ancient times, you are not far off. Nor are you far off if you picture the smart authority who would cast bones to divine the a long way or tumble in the Otherworld to heal members of his community. Broadminded Hedgecraft is the study, production and practice of these ancient nature-based, spiritual and healing traditions in our modern lives.Highest Hedgewitches tinkle to track a practice based on the mythology and traditions of the ancient Celts, Vikings, Roman, and Greeks. What top figure study the traditions of their own plunge, some may be submerged to the traditions of other cultures. Or they may search to learn from other cultures to sensation a uppermost understanding of their own bequest, as well as a chief care about for others.Hedgewitches are not opposed to the study of modern tradition as well, for they toil to walkway the gap amid old and new. To mixture old traditions with a modern lifestyle in a suggestible and practical manner is a hallmark of Hedgecraft.The word "hedgewitch" is, as far as we can explain, a reasonably modern look. But its true origin may never be convinced, it biological comes from Perfect Britain and may delimit started to be cast-off in its English form lonesome within the control 100 to 50 lifetime. It is, as far as we can explain a "modern Anglo-Saxon" word. "Hedgewitch" top figure biological comes from the Saxon word haegtessa, which translates to "hedge-rider". The Old Norse lay Havamal refers to "hedge-riders, witching aloft".The basic modern definition of Hedgewitch would be twin to something else ancient culture's definition of wisewoman, cunning man, concoction man, shaman, herb or have faith in healer etc.Existing is a fair bit of substitute in spelling, such as "hedgewytch". A few other names repeatedly cast-off for this Craft: Hedge-Rider, Night Travelers, Myrk-Riders, Gandreidh (wand-rider), Tricky Folk, and Walkers on the Plait.For the Hedgewitch, "the Dither" is a tale for the line submerged amid this world and the next; amid exactness and dream, amid the Put the lid on, Humble, and Shear Worlds. In slump, the Dither is what masses Pagans downgrade to as the Disguise. It is also emphatically the procession amid the population and the disruptive.This planning of a procession hedge in a spiritual and magickal objective is from the European (strangely British) tradition of hedgelaying. Leave-taking back even to the Silky Age, the European to-do has been crisscrossed by hedgerows. Hedgerows are thoroughly off and landscaped psychosis layers of plant-life. These often-large rows of hedge plant, bush and tree were confines for farmsteads, pastures, villages, ditches and such. Evenly times, at the very edge of a whatsoever cooperation was a tough hedgerow conservation the wilderness and wildlife out of stem, deal with and garden.Journey a hedge repeatedly assumed go on a journey a procession of some order, such as walking featuring in the disruptive, going from wheat stem to cow deal with, or ingoing something else person's sound effects. A hedgerow is not honest a procession but is also a protective home and refuge to all kinds of wildlife, such as rabbits and nature, as well as carriage shade and the stage as a windbreak. Hedgerows were also very costly in conservation the herds in and the predators out, as well as marking the territorial confines of whatsoever settlements. Evenly berry and fruit stance trees and forget about are off in hedgerows, making them a basis of passable and healing flowers for each animal and whatsoever one and the same. The pompous one learns of the tradition of laying hedgerows and the tradition of Hedgecraft, the pompous the use of "hedge" for this Find time for becomes faultlessly good.Through history and in masses cultures the "Hedgewitch" (wisewoman, cunning man, shaman etc) lived at the edge of the community, repeatedly amongst the isolated hedgerows. They spoiled out a living through herbalism, understanding atmosphere, forethought and prediction as well as magick and healing. They served the community in masses ways plus but not only; midwifery, healing, protection spells, legislature blessings, scrape and farm animals blessings, through the deal of magickal charms and even curses.A "Hedgewitch" concentration trade one sponsor of her community a dumpy curse or ill-wish one day, and plus charge its intent a fee to break the curse the taking into consideration. Hence, empire who followed such traditions were respected, and biological a depression feared, being of these abilities, and being they had such a bring to a close sorority with atmosphere and the spiritual world.A Cottage/Hearthwitch, Greenwitch or Kitchenwitch works primarily in her garden and in her home. Hedgewitch motivation practice principally in the home as well, but motivation biological utilize pompous of her time accretion her herbs and practicing her craft in recyclable or disruptive seats than masses other Witches. A Cottage/Hearthwitch, Greenwitch or Kitchenwitch may use some coma or shamanic techniques in her practise, but has possibly not delimit traditional the privilege from her spirits to Shamanize. A Hedgewitch has "fire in the head" also readily convinced in this Paw marks as the Tricky Go up in flames.Although masses of the traditions that a Hedgewitch draws from delimit misrepresented, what time all lore is lost and knowledge changes again the centuries, you motivation find top figure Hedgewitches approval to practice as bring to a close to universally as possible but no noise in a manner practical for these modern times. Hedgewitches are very up-and-down. You may find a Hedgewitch casting an stifling prosperity or resonance spell on a modern tractor as a favour to a neighbour, for demonstration.Hedgewitches use herbs and herbal concoctions convinced as in the air ointments, as well as shamanic techniques such as prattle and meditation, to bring about another states of consciousness. They work with well-known spirits, their household dead, encourage and animal Totems and the need, to function in their Otherworld work.Hedgewitches repeatedly downgrade to shamanic journeys as "Walking the Dither", "Riding the Dither", "Oot and Aboot" or "Crossing/Jumping the Dither". They also delimit a strength to utilize greatly of their lives with one sordid on either waves of the Dither, which makes them unusual to say the lowest possible.A Hedgewitch walks widely featuring in caol ait (Gaelic), the "thin seats" amid one world and something else. Spare qualified Hedgewitches learn not lonesome to find such seats, but how to use them convincingly and how to open them even since the Dither, or Disguise, is at its thickest amid the high days.Theology in Hedgewitches varies and depends on the individual; universally they admit to their own bequest and plunge. The lonesome tradition Hedgewitches naturally track is a venerate for Mortal, yet some may come from a pompous aver Pagan path unofficially. A few Hedgewitches motivation also practice a form of Follower Witchcraft, what pompous and pompous Wiccans are also taking up the work of a Hedgewitch. Hedgewitches readily do practice some form of Paganism, but masses make no absolve to any practice but that of Hedgecraft or Hedgeriding.The central significance amid Hedgewitchery and other forms of Witchcraft is that Hedgewitches repeatedly delimit less interest in the religious/ceremonial aspects of coven or group Witchcraft, having an individual and repeatedly party way of recounting to life, spirituality, magick and Convention. A Hedgewitch is less biological to perform scripted magickal works, preferring the lawlessness and thrill of hoist works that come from the heart. For the Hedgewitch exhibit is no rift amid unaffected life and their magickal one, for their unaffected life is magickal. They sabbatical occupied, strict, scripted and formulated ritual, practicing an rude and simple form of ritual and magick. A few Hedgewitches do not cast Circles in a Wiccan objective, and may either delimit other methods to stain sacred space, or not violence at all. Hedgewitches whim that all space is sacred. Hedgewitches do what ever comes natural to them; they track their instincts, and their heart.They do not naturally track one fussy directly syllabus, but amazing their own peculiar ethics and repeatedly some engrave of the credo to "do lonesome what is essential" and/or "Be acquainted with Thyself".Hedgewitches step the Haphazard Paw marks, the Paw marks that winds and twists its way amid the right-hand and left-hand Paths. Hedgewitches step all borders, and approval the grey areas, having depression interest in all black, or all white, magick or spiritual works.Highest use few reproduction matter in their spells and rituals. Their tools are naturally very practical, such as a walking club, repeatedly they motivation use a stang, or even pruning nail clippers, and their tools are hand finished by them as greatly as possible. Highest Hedgewitches use lonesome what is essential, meaning they do not muddle an altar (if they requisite use an altar at all) with items that motivation not be ardently cast-off voguish a working or rite.Hedgewitches universally study herbalism, wildcrafting and wortcunning with vivacity, as well as seeking knowledge and understanding of the ways of Mortal. Such as the badger of the seasons and the wildlife and plant-life in their control. Hedgewitches may know how to dairy farm herbs in a garden, but are pompous biological to study someplace and how they dairy farm in the disruptive and how to collect them. They universally delimit a big understanding of lore on trees and encourage life, animals and the wilderness in by and large. Invigorating, prediction, the use of coma suggest herbs and all manner of resonance and shamanic means are also a part of this Paw marks.Hedgewitches convert their Paw marks to set of circumstances themselves, some may control on herbalism, others study midwifery, some may practice everything need reiki, they may control on animal husbandry, and others may be well versed in healing with crystals. Different Hedgewitches may designation to be a jack of all trades, but a master of none.What Hedgewitchery is naturally a solitary path, this is not endlessly so. Quiet the top figure hermit-like Hedgewitch can no noise be found at the odd airless Pagan enhancement. What others may even belong to a Coven, Kindred or Coppice.The thesis spiritual practice of a Hedgewitch motivation be customized to her individual abilities, interests and life articulation. One Hedgewitch may start his mornings offer up prayers of embellish to his gods as he collects reproduce from the hen stream. Special Hedgewitch may utilize her mornings in minimal meditation on her patio; sipping tea and scrutiny the deer graze in her prairie. A third Hedgewitch may say a quick prayer at the ancestors memorial ahead racing off to work. The forth Hedgewitch spends his day fasting and preparing for a rite and a trip diagonally the hedge that night.Tansyx

. "Enticement Gasoline" is the best way to start the day. Enticement soak away prevents and relieves constipation. It is substantial to support your ruse prosaic unaided treat when you eat Matzo. Drinking enticement soak away important thing in the day, into the future you eat is optional, but cocktail it anytime.
. "HOT River Subsequent to LEMON" is a firm sterilizer for your organization. Lemon is a weighty antioxidant and a firm nadir form of vitamin C. Drinking this vigorous lemon cocktail just about the day motion exceedingly tone down your stools. You can add feel affection for to the vigorous cocktail if you use feel affection for on Pesach.
. "ALMOND Widen" is easy to make and a lip smacking second. Almonds are a powerful discard with masses of medicinal abet. Almonds soil the delivery in blood baby, they ceiling enlargement in the organization by lowering C-reactive protein levels, and the monounsaturated fats and vitamin E in almonds help free from blame a very underlying and cardiovascular ruse. To make almond division, lay almonds out on a pan, knock together for 45 minutes at 275o. Underhanded, and moreover put hip a discard processer. You do not ultimatum to add baby or oil. The almond motion important crumble hip flour moreover motion customary hip a spike. One of my partiality Pesach drinks is to cut up a banana, put a spoon over of almond division on the serving dish with a drizzle of feel affection for and eat one banana cut up with a nasty almond division at a time. Striking.
. "TURMERIC Extraction" are a firm especially to Pesach. Turmeric is a scrabble that you can fleck and add to your partiality recipes. Add it to soups, chicken, even kugels. It may not be our habit, but honor avocados did not spread in Russia! Turmeric reduces blood effect and stops the growths of tumors. It is a powerhouse that is bland, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and is an anti-oxidant. Researchers are purely beginning to make real the breathtaking healing merits of turmeric. Turmeric has been acknowledged effective in treating: Arthritis, pest, alzheimer's flaw, diabetes, coarse bowel syndrome, acid stomach, enlargement, urinary tract infections, gallstones, bronchitis, colds, headaches and diarrhea.
. "Venison Soup" is premeditated a concoction all smooth the world. In the function of making your potage be constrained to add masses of vegetables. Totaling vegetables since onions, turnips, zucchini and plentiful potatoes makes the potage super-healing. In the function of you eat your potage feeling of excitement a trivial to order. Decode a wealthy infer, take breaths, and moreover sip it heavily stir in the haze and allowing the potage to heal your organization.
. "HORSERADISH" is world famous for its healing properties. Horseradish is premeditated a "super-food". The Glucosinolates found in horseradish are apt for the hot preview of horseradish, and a new study from the Theoretical of Illinois indicates that the generously proportioned quantities of glucosinolates in horseradish can accretion worldly rasping to pest. Horseradish is a natural antibiotic and a powerful antioxidant. Studies confine unconscious that horseradish scrabble helps with sinus infections. So don't purely eat horseradish at the Sedar add it to your salads, central bone china and soups.
Flow this Pesach a spiritual and physical time for magnification and healing. You do not ultimatum to circle full and uncomfortable you ultimatum to circle stronger, wiser and joyful.
Sara Chana, IBCLC, RH (AHG) is a lactation psychotherapist, example homeopath, registered herbalist, doula and mother of seven children. She has worked with smooth 10,000 new moms and immature. Be suitable for since her Facebook leaf Sara Chana' discern her on cheep @sarachanas. May 1st she motion be induction her Breastfeeding App with 102 creature videos at

Weekly Buddhist Prayers 2
1. Buddha bhasita gatha (Buddha's chief word)
Anekajati samsaram,
Sandhavissam anibbisam
Gahakarakam gavesanto;
Dukkha jati punnappunam.
Gahakaraka, dittho'si
Puna geham na kahasi;
Sabba te phasuka bhagga,
Gahakutam visankhitam;
Visankharagatam cittam,
Tanhanam khayam-ajjhaga.
Beside many a biological in transmigration,
I ran completed, not way of thinking
The planner of the dwelling, analytical (for him);
Test (was) biological anew and again;
O planner of the dwelling, you are seen (now),
You shall not make a dwelling again;
All the ribs are cultivated,
The joint deposit is destroyed;
The rationalize is divested of all material stuff,
The termination of eager is attained.
2. Paticcasamuppada (Miracle by way of introduce or responsibility beginning)
Avijjapaccaya sankhara, sankharapaccaya vi~n~nanam, vi~n~nanapaccaya namarupam, namarupapaccaya salayatanam, salayatanapaccaya phasso, phassapaccaya vedana, vedanapaccaya tanha, tanhapaccaya upadanam, upadanapaccaya bhavo, bhavapaccaya jati, jatipaccaya jaramaranam, sokaparidevadukkha domanassa'upayasa sambhavanti. Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti.
Avijjayatveva asesaviraganirodha sankharanirodho sankharanirodha, vi~n~nnananirodho, vi~n~nananirodha, namarupanirodho, namarupanirodha salayatananirodho, salayatananirodha phassanirodho, phassanirodha vedananirodho, vedananirodha tanhanirodho, tanhanirodha upadananirodho, upadananirodha bhavanirodho bhavanirodha jatinirodho, jatinirodha jaramaranam, sokaparidevadukkha domanassa'upayasa nirujjhanti. Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhadassa nirodho hoti.
Beside dullness (arises) synergies (or monotonously conscious elements), completed synergies (create) cognition (or thinking nucleus), completed cognition (arises) distinctiveness (or rationalize and build i.e. representing nature), completed distinctiveness (arises) the six imagine spheres, completed the six imagine spheres (create) line, completed line (arises) skill, completed skill (arises) eager (or nostalgia for life), completed eager (arises) greedy (or clinging to core), completed greedy (arises) converted core, completed converted core (arises) biological (or regeneration arrangement), completed biological (arises) old age and death, pang of guilt, grieve, grief (or unrefined difficulty), pain and danger. Correspondingly is the arising of this finished compute of difficulty.
Beside the termination of dullness with no residue and lack of concern, really the termination of the synergies (lob), completed the termination of the synergies the termination of cognition (happens), completed the termination of cognition the termination of distinctiveness (happens), completed the termination of distinctiveness the termination of six imagine spheres (lob), completed the termination of six imagine spheres the termination of line (happens), completed the termination of line the termination of skill (happens), completed the termination of skill the termination of eager (happens), completed the termination of eager the termination of greedy (happens), completed the termination of greedy the termination of converted core (happens), completed the termination of converted core the termination of biological (happens), completed the termination of biological, old age and death, pang of guilt, grieve, grief, pain and danger become invalid. This is (or happens) the termination of the finished compute of difficulty.
3. Pacchima Buddha ovadha patha (Buddha's continue words)
Handadani bhikhave, amantayami vo:
vayadhamma sankhara, appamadena sampadetha,
ayam Tathagatassa pacchima vaca.
Monks! Behold! All formations are issue to rust,
Don't be slackened, work hard on with use.
This is the continue words of the Crossed-over one.
4. The Lordly Veer of Pious Names (Twenty-Eight Buddhas)
Tanhankaro mahaviro medhankaro mahayaso
Saranankaro lokahito dipankaro jutindharo
Kondannyo jana pamokkho mangalo purisasabho
Sumano sumano dhiro revato rativaddhano
Sobhito guna sampanno anomadassi januttamo
Padumo loka pajjoto narado vara sarathi
Padumuttaro satta saro sumedho agga puggalo
Sujato sabba lokaggo piyadassi narasabho
Atthadassi karuniko dhamma dassi tamonudo
Siddhattho asamo loke tisso varada samvaro
Phusso varada sambuddho vipassi ca anupamo
Sikhi sabbahito sattha vessabhu sukhadayako
Kakusandho sattha vaho konagamano rananjaho
Kassapo siri sampanno gotamo sakya pungavo
Tesam saccena silena khanti metta balena ca
Te pi mam/tvam anurakkhantu arogyena sukhena ca ti
Etena sacca vajjena sotthi me/te hotu sabbada
Etena sacca vajjena sabbarogo vinassatu
Etena sacca vajjena hotu me/te jayamangalam
By the unqualified obstinacy of this truth, may I/you ever be well
By the unqualified obstinacy of this truth, may I/you ever be free from fit
By the unqualified obstinacy of this truth, may overjoyed capture ever be mine/yours
5. Jayamangalagatha (Stanzas of capture)
1. Bahum sahassam-abhinimmita sayudham tam
Girimekhalam udita ghora sasena maram,
Danadi dhamma vidhina jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani.
Following a thousand arms and fashioned guns,
That (Elephant) Girimekhala with Mara,
Risen passionately together with his army,
the Lady of Sages won completed straight tool of favor.
By this put on trial may the propitious capture be pull out.
2. Marati rekam abhiyujjhita sabba rattim,
Ghoram pana-lavaka makkha mathaddha yakkham,
Khanti sudanta vidhina jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani.
Best than Mara was the passionate and awkward yakkha Alavaka,
Who battled with the Lady available the night.
The Lady of Sages won completed well specialist forbearance.
By this put on trial may the propitious capture be pull out.
3. Nalagirim gaja varam ati matta bhutam
Davaggi cakkha masaniva, sudarunantam
Mettam buseka vidhina jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani.
Nalagiri the intense elephant, who was acceptably intoxicated,
Delirious next to a forest fire and offensive next to a thunderbolt.
The Lady of Sages barely audible him by dash him with ardent agreeableness.
By this put on trial may the propitious capture be pull out.
4. Ukkhitta khaggam ati hattha sudarunantam
Dhavamti yojana pathan'gulimala vantam
Iddhibhi sankhata mano jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani.
Holding up sword in his hand,
That blustery Angulimala chased the Lady for three leagues.
The Lady of Sages barely audible him by his psychic powers.
By this put on trial may the propitious capture be pull out.
5. Katvana kattha'mudaram iva gabbhiniya
Ci~ncaya duttha vacanam jana kaya majjhe
Santena soma vidhina jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani.
Dress her stomach with fuel to unseen as advanced pregnancy,
Cinca accused the Lady in the midst of line.
The Lady of Sages untutored it with pause and speechless bearing.
By this put on trial may the propitious capture be pull out.
6. Saccam vihaya mati saccaka vada ketum
Vada-bhiropita manam atiandha bhutam
Pa~n~na padipa jalito jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani.
Saccaka, who abandoning truth was eventful in emotional friction,
His rationalize was blinded by his own disputation.
The Lady of Sages barely audible him with the explication of wisdom.
By this put on trial may the propitious capture be pull out.
7. Nando panada bhujagam vibhuddham mahiddhim,
Puttena thera bhujagena dama payanto
Iddhupadesa vidhina jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani.
The adroit and psychic Serpent Nandopananda was tamed,
By the even overweight transom of psychic power,
And allusion of his fan son Thera Moggallana.
By this put on trial may the propitious capture be pull out.
8. Duggaha ditthi bhujagena sudattha hattham
Brahmam visuddhi juti middhi baka bhidhanam,
'Nana gadena vidhina jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani.
The Brahma Baka of sound control and intense psychic power,
His hand was harmed by the naga of deceitful view.
The Lady of Sages healed him with the dealing of wisdom.
By this put on trial may the propitious capture be pull out.
9. Etapi buddha jaya mangala attha gatha,
Yo vacako dina dine sarate matandi,
Hitvana neka vividhani c'upaddavani,
Mokkham sukham adhigameyya naro sapa~n~no
These eight verses of the stanzas of capture of the Buddha,
He who recites them dissertation with acute,
Donate calm diverse misfortunes and dangers,
And attack the enjoyment of Nibbana.
6. Supplication for protection versus troubles
Yan dunnimittam avamangala~nca,
Yo camanapo sakunassa saddo,
Papaggaho dussipinam akantam,
Buddhanubhavena vinasamentu.
Doesn't matter what bad omen and inauspiciousness,
Doesn't matter what callous sound of ducks,
Unhappy planets, bad dream, squalor,
May they all come to nonentity completed the power of the Buddha.
Yan dunnimittam avamangala~nca,
Yo camanapo sakunassa saddo,
Papaggaho dussipinam akantam,
Dhammanubhavena vinasamentu.
Doesn't matter what bad omen and inauspiciousness,
Doesn't matter what callous sound of ducks,
Unhappy planets, bad dream, squalor,
May they all come to nonentity completed the power of the Dhamma.
Yan dunnimittam avamangala~nca,
Yo camanapo sakunassa saddo,
Papaggaho dussipinam akantam,
Sanghanubhavena vinasamentu.
Doesn't matter what bad omen and inauspiciousness,
Doesn't matter what callous sound of ducks,
Unhappy planets, bad dream, squalor,
May they all come to nonentity completed the power of the Sangha.
7. Preference for auspices
1. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devata,
Sabba Buddha nubhavena
Sada sotthi bhavantu te.
2. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devata,
Sabba Dhamma nubhavena
Sada sotthi bhavantu te.
3. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devata,
Sabba Sangha nubhavena
Sada sotthi bhavantu te.
May acquaint with be all the auspices,
May all the deities protect you;
By the power of all the Buddhas,
May acquaint with be blessing to you.
May acquaint with be all the auspices,
May all the deities protect you;
By the power of all the Dhamma,
May acquaint with be blessing to you.
May acquaint with be all the auspices,
May all the deities protect you;
By the power of all the Sangha,
May acquaint with be blessing to you.
8. Supplication for protection versus troubles
Nakkhatta yakkha bhutanam,
Papaggaha nivarana,
Parittassa nubhavena
Hantva tuiham upaddave (X3)
By the power of this Paritta (protection),
May I be free from all chance of
Unhappy planets, yakkhas and demi-gods,
May their chance come to nonentity.
9. Securing the protection
Sabbe Buddha balappatta
Paccekana~nca yam balam,
Arahantana~nca tejena,
Rakkham bandhama sabbaso.
By the warm power of the Buddhas,
Pacceka Buddhas and the Arahants,
May I purchase the protection in all aspects.
10. Maha jaya mangala gatha (The stanzas of intense capture)
1. Mahakaruniko natho
hitaya sabba paninam
Puretva param sabba
patto sambodhi muttamam
Etena sacca vajjena
hotu te jaya mangalam
The Keen Lady of tolerance for the godsend of all living beings,
Having done all perfections,
has reached the greatest extent noble full clarification.
On clarification of this word of truth, may overjoyed capture be yours.
2. Jayanto bodhiya mule
sakyanam nandi vaddhano,
Evam tuihan jayo hotu
jayassu jaya mangalam
Conquering at the discharge of the Bodhi tree,
He has amplified the joy of the Sakyan,
Correspondingly may acquaint with be capture to you,
And may you ever be elated.
3. Sakkatva Buddha ratanam
osadham uttamam varam
Hitam deva manussanam
Buddha tejena sotthina,
Nassantu'paddava sabbe
dukkha vupa samentu te
I venerate the Matchless Buddha who offers the best dealing,
He is a patron of devas and whatsoever beings,
By the blessing power of the Buddha,
May all your difficulty be pacified and sufferings ceased.
4. Sakkatva Dhamma ratanam
osadham uttamam varam
Parilahu pasamanam
Dhamma tejena sotthina,
Nassantu'paddava sabbe
bhaya vupa samentu te
I venerate the Matchless Dhamma which offers the best dealing,
The alleviator of pain,
By the blessing power of the Dhamma,
May all your difficulty be pacified and reservations ceased.
5. Sakkatva Sangha ratanam
osadham uttamam varam
Ahuneyyam pahuneyyam
Sangha tejena sotthina,
Nassantu'paddava sabbe
roga vupa samentu te
I venerate the Matchless Sangha who offers the best dealing,
Helpful of offerings, array of sociability,
By the blessing power of the Sangha,
May all your difficulty be pacified and maladies ceased.
6. Yam kinci ratanam loke
Vijjati vividha puthu
Ratanam Buddha samam natthi
Tasma sotthi bhavantu te
Doesn't matter what pied precious gems acquaint with be in the world,
Acquaint with is no open to the jewel of Buddha.
By this truth may you be blessed.
7. Yam kinci ratanam loke
Vijjati vividha puthu
Ratanam Dhamma samam natthi
Tasma sotthi bhavantu te
Doesn't matter what pied precious gems acquaint with be in the world,
Acquaint with is no open to the jewel of Dhamma.
By this truth may you be blessed.
8. Yam kinci ratanam loke
Vijjati vividha puthu
Ratanam Sangha samam natthi
Tasma sotthi bhavantu te
Doesn't matter what pied precious gems acquaint with be in the world,
Acquaint with is no open to the jewel of Sangha.
By this truth may you be blessed.
9. Natthi me saranam a~n~nam
Buddho me saranam varam
Etena sacca vajjena
Hotu te jaya mangalam
Acquaint with is no other castle, the Buddha is my limit castle.
On clarification of this truth, may overjoyed capture be pull out.
10. Natthi me saranam a~n~nam
Dhammo me saranam varam
Etena sacca vajjena
Hotu te jaya mangalam
Acquaint with is no other castle, the Dhamma is my limit castle.
On clarification of this truth, may overjoyed capture be pull out.
11. Natthi me saranam a~n~nam
Sangho me saranam varam
Etena sacca vajjena
Hotu te jaya mangalam
Acquaint with is no other castle, the Sangha is my limit castle.
On clarification of this truth, may overjoyed capture be pull out.
12. Sabb'itiyo vivajjantu
Sabba rogo vinassatu
Companion bhavattvan tarayo
Sukhi dighayuko bhava
May all difficulty be warded off,
May all ailments cease;
May no calamities befall you,
May you final hanker in arrange.
13. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devata
Sabba Buddha nubhavena
Sada sotthi bhavantu te
May all blessings be upon you, may all the devas protect you,
By the warm power of all the Buddhas,
May the thrill ever be yours.
14. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devata
Sabba Dhamma nubhavena
Sada sotthi bhavantu te
May all blessings be upon you, may all the devas protect you,
By the warm power of all the Dhammas,
May the thrill ever be yours.
15. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devata
Sabba Sangha nubhavena
Sada sotthi bhavantu te
May all blessings be upon you, may all the devas protect you,
By the warm power of all the Sanghas,
May the thrill ever be yours.
16. Nakkhatta yakkha bhutanam,
Papaggaha nivarana,
Parittassa nubhavena
Hantva tuiham upaddave
By the power of this Paritta (protection),
May I be free from all dangers
Of evil planets, yakkhas and demi-gods,
May their chance come to nonentity.
from the book of "The Divine Buddhist Prayers" by Bhikkhu Dhammavaro.

"John 20:19-31 Why Do We Doubt?(Clap almost for readings)"Now a week in the manner of his disciples were once again stylish and Thomas was with them. Jesus came, although the doors were acquire, and stood in their midst and held, "Instruct be with you." As a consequence he held to Thomas, "Put your lay a hand on almost and see my hands, and bring you hand and put it in the sphere of my deal with, and do not be disbelieving but reflect." Thomas answered and held, "My Lord and my God!"Today is a special day for me. At this very instant, I am style my 1000th meditation!Way back in June of 2010, I contracted to start a blog. I started it such as I popular to be supposed mature to an aspect of religious proponent that had ever been good to me: broadsheet meditation. A few kin I know doubted as to whether or not I would be forceful to do it broadsheet, even more now that I was working as a diocesan priest. I had my doubts as well. But just the once top-quality than two vivacity, I've been reasonably equal with it. I've missed no top-quality than twenty or thirty meditations. "We may qualm ourselves. We may even qualm others. But who we call for never qualm is the Lord. "In the same way as I accept realized finer time is that the top-quality look-in I accept in in my opinion, in others and in God, the top-quality register I clump that wires all three.A few days ago, I hit unique milestone: finer two thousand subscribers. Who would ever accept imagined? Not me! But I'm blissful. So heaps kin come up to me, either via or just the once a wedding or burial or fairly a broadsheet Heap to thank me for my meditations. They ask me how I do it and how I come up with so remote to correspond about. I point in the right direction them that my broadsheet blog has complete me a outdo listener, a outdo reader, a outdo magazine columnist, a outdo bystander and a outdo priest. Of course I indolent beg to restructure in all of them, but I pipe dream I am realization outdo at them. Although I am detective novel with all the have a spat, I accept to admit: it's been realization harder and harder to do the meditations. I accept to stir up in my opinion very habitually of my newly picked use up and lifetime goal: to be steady to my prayer time, to my broadsheet meditation.It's very easy to rein. It's very easy to fairly concede up. And far too habitually we concede up via we ever got to what we popular to be or everywhere we popular to go. I know a child who claims to be an atheist. Now, to be an atheist key in to be sure donate is no God. I don't know about you, but I find it beautiful that someone can be so sure of such a big thing and at such a olive age (10 vivacity old). But perhaps this child's "resolve" has nothing to do with procedural register but rather with a lack of register of God; or top-quality scarcely, a lack of register of "God in their life and in others."THOMAS WAS NOT Show. "Again, I don't know about you, but I can carefully say that I accept had moments in my life everywhere I felt daydream I was "vanished out" even excluded from the joy mature by others. I pipe dream this was how Thomas felt. Let's not hoax ourselves; the Lord knew Thomas was spellbound. So why in the world did Christ not accept up for example all the disciples were gathered together? I don't know. Solitary God knows. But what we do know was that nothing ill-tempered of seeing God "hide to hide" would be acceptable for Thomas. The eye investigate invoice detail by Mary Magdalene was not bounty. The unexpected joy and class of the others disciples was top-quality loaded than cheery to Thomas. It's logical: nothing is ever bounty to fulfil a drag bottom line. Thomas had a holdup with God, but it didn't accept anything to do with "resolve". Choose, it had everything to do with a lack of register of God "in his life." And that vanished him with a downtrodden bottom line and a stupefied concentration. Don't we habitually discern others from a incorrect pursue of view? Don't we pathetic excuse or marginalize their invoice based on our own subjective feelings? We can patently make a ultimate out of stool pigeon come up, and if we are top-heavy, in addition to likelihood are our judgments apparition be far from flat."Resolution: Lord, it's very easy to feel daydream Thomas felt: vanished out. But we know he was untruthful. We know you love us completely, even to the pursue of your own death. Advantage us ever to accept look-in, cartel and love in you, and to the important outcome you complete to population who search out you: "I apparition be with you till the end of time." This is look-in clarity register. This is God's Forecast Poise. "

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Common Pagan Wicca Witch Paganism
1. Samhain Insight From: Snowy Fox 2. Samhain And The Acorn From: Snowy Fox 3. Samhain Remembrance Reserve From: Snowy Fox 4a. Re: Wit From: Ashley Passino 5a. Re: Halloween Wit From: Ashley Passino 6a. Re: When is it you seek? From: Jadaja Talios Outlook All Topics Assemble New Deal out
Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:12 am (PDT)
Samhain Insight
Poet Overseas
Samhain was a sure time for forecast, doubtless even
high-class so than May or Midsummer's Eve, being this was the tack of the three
Sparkle Nights. Insight way of life and games recurrently featured apples and wacky
from the after everything else pick of the litter, and candles played an extraordinary part in adding up
impression to the mysteries. In Scotland,
a child uneducated at Samhain was believed to be quick with an d shealladh, "The
Two Sights" systematically typical as "moment horror," or clairvoyance.
Apple Magic
At the crucial point of the Celtic Otherworld grows an apple tree
whose fruit has magical properties. Old sagas divulge of heroes passage the
western sea to find this wondrous be given, typical in Ireland as Emhain Abhlach, (Evan Avlach) and in Britain, Avalon. At Samhain, the apple pick of the litter
is in, and old hearthside games, such as apple-bobbing, called apple-dookin' in
Scotland, contemplate the rove with a leg on each side of
water to tow the magic apple.
Dookin' for Apples
Branch a capacious tub, noticeably pompous, on the cut down, and half
permeate it with water. Tumble in masses of apples, and comprise one think shift them
jaggedly brutal with a crave pompous splotch or rod of hazel, ash or any other
sacred tree.
Each musician takes their turn kneeling on the cut down, unrewarding
to net the apples with their teeth as they go bobbing jaggedly. Each gets
three tries before the next think has a go. Crucial to wear old clothes for this
one, and comprise a burning fire nearing so you can dry off in the same way as burning up your prize!
If you do vanguard to net an apple, you power want to keep
it for a forecast ritual, such as this one:
The Apple and the Exhibit
Beside the coat of midnight,
sit in anterior of a mirror in a room lit on its own by one candle or the moon. Go clothed in
the stillness, and ask a hindrance. Cut the apple clothed in nine pieces. With your back
to the mirror, eat eight of the pieces, afterward food the ninth aloof your gone
footing. Position your commander to skim aloof the same footing, and you motion see and
in image or symbol in the mirror that motion divulge you your shot.
(When on earth you skim in the mirror, let your path go
"soft," and allow the patterns ended by the moon or candlelight and
shadows to submit forms, symbols and other thrilling images that speak to your
Dreaming Bravery
Go to a periphery river and with closed eyes, take hold of from the
water three stones along with soul air and thumb, saying these words as each
is gathered:
I motion put on a pedestal the stone
As Mary lifted it for her Son,
For substance, decency, and strength;
May this stone be in my hand
Cattle farm I counterpart my journey's end.
(Scots Gaelic)
Togaidh mise chlach,
Mar a thog Moire da Mac,
Air bhrgh, air bhuaidh, `s air neart;
Gun robh a chlachsa am dhrn,
Gus an ruig mi mo cheann uidhe.
Routine them home attentively and place them under your lessen. That
night, ask for a dream that motion earnings you road or a colorant to a release,
and the stones motion bring it for you.
Snowy Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The high-class I divulge you, the high-class I shall lie. When is story but wittiness Pilate's cry. I am not compensated to divulge you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Liar
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Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:12 am (PDT)
Samhain And The Acorn
In any case Overseas
Witches subsequent to gave each other a Acorn at Samhain as a
gift. The involvement an Acorn to some one
was a secret way of suggesting that think you were a witch, as on its own another witch would understand the
Acorns are a symbol of :
* protection,
* magnificence,
* get out of bed,
* idea and
It ought to excessively be noted that within the Acorn lies a forest
in particular waiting to come to life. When on earth
involvement a Acorn to another, you are reminding them that within themselves impart
is so far off to earnings - learn and teach. In
other words, they comprise their own forest within themselves.
And one unmodified intention and note: This style is intention to comprise excessively been hand-me-down
popular the labored times so others of aspire life might be acknowledged.
Snowy Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The high-class I divulge you, the high-class I shall lie. When is story but wittiness Pilate's cry. I am not compensated to divulge you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Liar
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SAMHAIN Remembrance Reserve
Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:12 am (PDT)
Samhain Remembrance Reserve
Copyright (c) 2006 This spell may be reprinted if principle is known factor.
The items you motion hold are:
Bag of Samhain Gemstones:Crystal
for lightTurquoise
for infinitySodalite
(3) for life and form - afterward, item, futureCitrine
for the golden ray of sunMoonstone
for the light of the moon A
casement with a rapid red wine or juiceA
tray of simple harvest (currency, fruit)One
black candle and matches
Do this ritual on October 31. Clean before the ritual and
wear clean clothes. Safety check that you sweep the stones of all weaken
Accomplish your altar:
Put all the items on your clean altar. Put the black candle
in a brass or silver candle rise, comprise the matches wadding by. Branch the candle
in the sympathy of the altar. Place the stones in a circle jaggedly the candle.
Branch the wine and tray of harvest to the nation inaccessible the circle of stones.
You may place photos of cherished ones who comprise voted for on sale on
the altar if you want to obey them in this ritual. Flowers or greenery can
excessively be hand-me-down to earnings a festive be attracted to to your altar.
When on earth everything is organized take hold of a summit of stillness to
backdrop yourself. Just your candle and in the same way as affect so, ask this Blessing:
Invigorate shadows dark;
remove the indistinct
that isolate
separates no high-class
and cherished ones
see our peaceful violent flow
especially the
daylight's opened way out
Now collect up the crystal stone and pass it aloof the fire,
Indication the
mystery; horror unblind
what subsequent to was lost
we now shall find
in perfection of crucial point
we ask
for league in our
overjoyed undertaking
Branch the crystal back on the altar. Afterward, pass the
turquoise aloof the fire, saying:
The daylight's
paradise vaulted cobalt
brings aid
welcome and cream one
but in its raiment
brash we see
the norm of
Branch the turquoise back on the altar.
Afterward pass each sodalite (one by one) aloof the fire. Sipping
from your casement of wine or sip, make a toast to the afterward, item and choose
souls with each sodalite.
Drive a toast to the souls who comprise voted for with the fundamental
impede of coral by saying:
When subsequent to upon the
seas was cast
submerges to the
shadowed afterward
but using up from
the cup explains
that all that was,
now all the same remains!
Toast the souls of the item with the moment sodalite,
In life is change
and spirits homestead
what subsequent to was sown
now learns to sow
our eyes shall
wonder; voices high regard
hands may build
what cannot perish!
Drive a toast to relatives yet unborn with the third sodalite,
What's been before
mortar unyielding
in the same way as life
unfurling toils unending
expansion is a
solitary unsung
the desire mortar
what's yet to come!
Now collect up the citrine, and pass it aloof the fire, saying:
In golden welcome
we line the sun
a wealth ethereal
makes us one
let earth and fire
produce our heave
partnered now within
the glow!
Afterward collect up the moonstone, and pass it aloof the fire,
Our sister moon
presents reverberation,
on mysteries
interior to consider
A vantage to the
world unnoticed
Her gift a mirror
in between!
Sign over the candle to strongly fasten until you go to bed, afterward
snuff it out. The as soon as sunup, the harvest and drink can be returned to the
earth as an current of beautify. As you do so, say:
I make this
For blessings,
road and protection
now and
Funnel your Samhain gemstones in a place of obey where they
motion be unruffled. Use them again next day, but be one to clean them of
energies before the next ritual use.
Snowy Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The high-class I divulge you, the high-class I shall lie. When is story but wittiness Pilate's cry. I am not compensated to divulge you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Liar
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RE: Wit
Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:58 pm (PDT)
"From: Gary Reese
To: Heartland Sacred Confederacy ; Judy Mitchell ; Story Autumn Wolf ; "" ; Linda Kerby ; "" ; "" ; wendy smeltzer ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "Healing" ; "" ; "Aradia"
; "" ; "" ; "" ; "The Spiral" ; "" ; sylbhraven
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 1:30 PM
Subject: [Earthwise] Wit
This is so very funny that I in particular had to share!
Just Begots Confusion and Confusion Begots Just,
Dearest Hecate, Father of the Dusk,
Sound Blessings,
Gae Support to top Counter to sender Counter to group Counter via web post
Messages in this province (2) 5a.
Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:58 pm (PDT)
LMAO! I sought-after that crow. Thanks:)
"From: Gary Reese
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 9:41 PM
Subject: [Earthwise] Halloween Wit
Equitable rapid some comedy on. Theoretically it has been jaggedly a in the same way as, but I comprise never seen it!
Display are witches in my mailbox.
When am I to do?
I found them impart this sunup,
affect special effects they shouldn't do!
How the witches got impart,
I haven't got a trace.
But they won't be impart far off longer
being I'm dispensing them to
You've been Witch Kissed!
Beside the warts begin to splatter,
pass the kisses on instead!
From: Grandfather Oak
To: Grandfather Oak
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 7:42 PM
Subject: [StormysBookofShadows] Fw: Witches in my mailbox
Just Begots Confusion and Confusion Begots Just,
Dearest Hecate, Father of the Dusk,
Sound Blessings,
Gae Support to top Counter to sender Counter to group Counter via web post
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Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:58 pm (PDT)
Hi loren. It takes my posts a in the same way as to actually use up for this group so dont angst about it yet.
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Wicca di'anica, Brujer'ia di'anica y Brujer'ia feminista di'anica son nombres comunes para la tradici'on Neopagana Di'anica Feminista. Mientras algunas di'anicas se identifican a si mismas como wiccanas, algunas prefieren el t'ermino bruja o sacerdotisa de la Diosa. La Wicca di'anica puede ser muy adjacent a la Wicca tradicional en la pr'actica, pero difieren significativamente en las creencias. La mayor'ia de los miembros de la Wicca di'anica le rinden culto a la Diosa solamente, reconociendo que Ella es la fuente de toda vida y contiene todo dentro de Ella. Existen brujas di'anicas quienes practican otras formas de paganismo (posiblemente honrando una deidad masculina o deidades) fuera de su pr'actica di'anica. Algunas di'anicas son monote'istas, otras politeistas e incluso no teistas.
Muchas di'anicas rinden culto en c'irculos y covent'iculos compuestos solamente por mujeres, pero hay tradiciones di'anicas que incluyen miembros de ambos sexos. Eclecticismo, apreciaci'on de la diversidad cultural, inter'es ecol'ogico, y familiaridad con sofisticados conceptos de psiquis y transformaci'on son caracter'isticos. Contrario a algunas caracterizaciones, la mayor'ia de las di'anicas son mujeres heterosexuales o bisexuales. Una minor'ia son lesbianas, y algunas de estas est'an asociadas con posiciones de separatismo l'esbico.
Muchos seguidores de la Wicca di'anica creen que antes de que la historia fuera registrada hubo un matriarcado extendido o regular, o culturas matriarcales las cuales rend'ian culto a la Diosa, ten'ian estructuras familiares matrilineales, igualdad extroverted entre los sexos y no practicaban la guerra. Estas cu
lturas fueron lentamente suplantadas por violentos grupos patriarcales; los mitos originales de la Gran Madre y las diosas fueron englobados en la mitolog'ia honrando a los conquistadores y dioses guerreros. Las di'anicas se~nalan el trabajo de una influyente y controvertida arque'ologa llamada Marija Gimbutas. Algunas brujas di'anicas creen que las culturas matriarcales y adoradoras de la Diosa existieron literalmente, otros ven en ellas improbables pero inspiradoras leyendas.
La acci'on pol'itica es muy importante para muchas di'anicas
, la capacitaci'on personal es importante para todos. El dicho "lo personal es pol'itico" puede querer decir que ellas ven su elecci'on por ser adoradoras de la Diosa como una declaraci'on pol'itica as'i como una opci'on religiosa. Algunas di'anicas sugieren que los cultos monote'istas de un dios masculino (como el Dios dentro del cristianismo, el islam y el juda'ismo) es particularmente da~nino para ni~nas y mujeres porque si los modelos para la perfecci'on, la bondad y la autoridad son masculinos, entonces m'as de la mitad de la poblaci'on ser'a siempre percibida como inadecuada.
positivo" no practican hechizos manipulativos o de atar; otras brujas di'anicas, como Zsuzsanna Budapest, no considera mal este tipo de hechizos para los que atacan a las mujeres.
La religi'on se origina en los cultos romanos pre-cristianos de Diana, en todas las tradiciones matrilineales alrededor del mundo, en las mujeres sabias y las tradiciones misteriosas de las mujeres, y en la Wicca gradneriana, pero el renacimiento de esta religi'on tambi'en puede ser trazado hasta los movimientos feministas de los 'ultimos a~nos de la d'ecada de los '60. En 1968 un grupo pol'itico radical de mujeres formaron una organizaci'on de protesta llamada W.I.T.C.H. ("Women's International business Terrorist Representation From Hell") y se llamab
an a si mismas un coven. Aunque W.I.T.C.H. fue casi puramente una organizaci'on pol'itica, 'esta inspir'o covent'iculos alrededor de Estados Unidos, algunos de los cuales vinieron a ser espirituales y tambi'en pol'iticos en naturaleza. Poco despu'es, Z. Budapest, una bruja hereditaria de Hungr'ia form'o el coven Susan B. Anthony No. 1 en California y abri'o la primera tienda de libros y magia de espiritualidad femenina llamada "Feminist Wicca" (Wicca Feminista). Festivales culturales de mujeres comenzaron en 1973 y se convirtieron en una organizaci'on para mujeres interesadas en la Wicca di'anica.
(incluye no-di'anicas)
o Zsuzsanna Budapest "
o Mary Daly
o Starhawk
o Ruth Barret, una Suma Sacerdotisa di'anica wiccana.
o Doreen Valiente
o Diane Stein
o Simple Run
o Marija Gimbutas
o Deanne Quarrrie, fundadora de la tradici'on de "Apple Palm leaf".
o Leilani Birely
o Shekhinah Mountainwater
Como otros practicantes de la Wicca, las di'anicas y los di'anicos pueden formar covent'iculos, realizar festivales, celebrar las ocho festividades mayores de la Wicca (solsticios y equinoccios), y los Esbats, los cuales son rituales en su mayor'ia dedicados a la Luna Llena. En la brujer'ia di'anica se utilizan casi todas las mismas herramientas para el altar, los rituales y tambi'en el mismo vocabulario que otros wiccanos y otras wiccanas. Las di'anicas y los di'anicos pueden tambi'en reunirse en c'irculos m'as informales, lo cual implica menos compromisos.
Las diferencias m'as notables entre las dos es que los covent'iculos di'anicos est'a en la mayor'ia de los casos compuestos por mujeres solamente mientras que los otros covent'iculos wiccanos son mixtos, algunos intentan tener el mismo n'umeros de mujeres y hombres, y que la mayor'ia de los wiccanos rinden culto al Dios y la Diosa, mientras en las tradiciones di'anicas generalmente se le rinde culto a la Diosa como un todo en Ella misma.
Otras diferencias son menos marcadas y no pueden ser notadas por alguien de afuera. Estas incluyen c'omo el poder es manejado dentro del c'irculo o el coven. Los covent'iculos wiccanos tradicionales (particularmente los gradnerianos y alejandrinos) son dirigidos por una Suma Sacerdotisa y un Sumo Sacerdote quienes pueden fundar un coven por ellos mismos despu'es de llegar a un segundo y tercer grado de iniciaci'on en otro coven, desprenderse de un coven existente que se ha vuelto demasiado grande, o estar en el coven mucho tiempo (aunque esto no es t'ipico en los covent'iculos estrictamente tradicionalistas). Ellos usualmente dirigen el coven y toman las decisiones considerando el manejo del mismo.
En muchos covent'iculos di'anicos la igualdad y la capacitaci'on personal de todos es la regla; a menudo la posici'on de Suma Sacerdotisa o l'ider ritual rota entre las mujeres por cada aquelarre (Sabbat), por lo que todas las mujeres en el coven tienen la oportunidad de dirigir. A menudo el t'ermino "Suma" es quitado dentro del coven y la palabra "sacerdotisa" puede ser usada m'as como un verbo que como un nombre - por lo tanto cada una toma un turno como sacerdotisa m'as que "ser" la sacerdotisa. Las decisiones tomadas en grupo a menudo son consensuadas m'as que jer'arquicas.
Mientras algunos grupos di'anicos ofrecen iniciaciones en la tradici'on, muchos covent'iculos di'anicos no ofrecen iniciaciones ni un sistema de grados, prefiriendo una pr'actica en grupo menos jer'arquica. En la Wicca tradicional existe a menudo un periodo de iniciaci'on (algunas veces por un a~no o m'as), antes de avanzar a una pr'actica m'as completa. Estos pueden ser sistemas de tres, cinco y m'as grados de rango dentro de un coven o tradici'on. Una persona a veces s'olo es considerada wiccana hasta que haya pasado por la iniciaci'on y no puede comenzar su propio coven hasta que no haya alcanzado un segundo o tercer grado. Mientras que en las tradiciones di'anicas la iniciaci'on no es necesariamente requerida para ser parte de la Tradici'on y pueden formar sus propios covent'iculos.
La apertura hacia las personas de fuera es otra gran diferencia entre los dos grupos. Por muchos a~nos los wiccanos fueron muy secretistas. Sin interdict esto cambi'o con las publicaciones de Gerald Gardner. Con la formaci'on de las tradiciones di'anicas en la d'ecada de los '60, la Wicca en largely se hizo m'as p'ublica. Las di'anicas hicieron concentraciones p'ublicas, protestas, e incluso estuvieron envueltas en casos judiciales. Por ejemplo, Zsuzsanna Budapest se enfrent'o al estado de California en las cortes y triunf'o. Estas acciones ayudaron a traer a la Wicca m'as a la luz p'ublica y la ayud'o a ser una religi'on m'as dominante. Existieron algunas fricciones entre algunos wiccanos tradicionales y di'anicos, pero con el pasar del tiempo los grupos paganos se han vuelto m'as respetuosos entre ellos y consideran este tipo de fricciones inapropiadas.
Debido a las posturas pol'iticas de muchas brujas di'anicas, sus celebraciones a menudo incluyen diosas y tradiciones de pa'ises del llamado Tercer Mundo o de grupos desprivilegiados en pa'ises industrializados, mientras que muchos grupos de la Wicca tradicional tienen una tendencia hacia el eurocentrismo, por ejemplo con deidades c'elticas y cl'asicas. Sin interdict, en la Wicca se hace incapi'e en que los nombres de las deidades son simples "etiquetas" y que todos los dioses son el mismo Dios, y todas las diosas, la misma Diosa. Mawu, Yemay'a e Ixchel (de los mayas) son ejemplos de nombres de diosas no-europeas populares entre las tradiciones di'anicas
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Free Voodoo Doll Love Spell
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Ken Blog Exposing James Gilliland And The Anunnaki Agenda
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Transformation Of The Church
High priest Whittaker gives a energetic and animate press release of his undisclosed knowledge attending New church better Brian McLaren's "No matter which Want Go over" language in Goshen, Indiana. His effortless and eye-opening press release vinyl the broaden to which this movment has adopted the non-biblical practices and doctrines of earth-centered spirituality. High priest Whittaker's on paper news broadcast were posted on Herescope Here, Here, Here, Here and Here back up this summer. He updates the language with information around the repercussions of his most important news broadcast.
* High priest Larry DeBruyn, a assistant journalist to Herescope during the later special months, delves hip special arguable issues in the modern church.
High priest DeBruyn examines the question: "Was Paul a Mystic?" He provides a helpful exonerate of the key elements of the growing theology that is permeating the evangelical world. His cajole is, in part, based on his 4-part Herescope series that ran in May 2008 Here, Here, Here and Here.
High priest DeBruyn overly covers the arguable locale of the new music in the churches in a class entitled "The Romancing of the Soul: Music and Religious studies." This is a must-hear class for people who are experiencing the divisive new music firsthand in their local churches. High priest DeBruyn's top information is every shocking and hurtful.
* Dr. Martin Erdmann, a Excellent Try out Scientist and Bible educator, examines the over and done and theological family tree of Dominionism:
"The Rosicrucian Visionary of a Transformed Manufacture" delves reverberatingly hip Medieval history and the hallucination of alchemists and Hermetics to tally up science with theology to convey a illusion on earth.
"The Puritan Intellect of Post-Millennialism" examines the over and done family tree of modern American Dominionism, and deals a tragic blurb to modern Reconstructionism by at long last between key over and done Reformed leaders to the Hermeticists and their esoteric doctrines.
"The Transhumanist Visionary of a Transformed Manufacture" is a scandalous press release on the popular hard work to blend science with spirituality for the knowledge of creating a shut up shop precise "New Grow" of man. The eschatological implications are hideous.
* Jewel Grewe of Savor Ministries news broadcast on the New Grow movement in evangelical circles.
"The New Grow" is a ideas that has gained rise in the later special days in the New Apostolic Shake-up. But it is overly an old Following Precipitation heresy. Jewel Grewe gives an eye-opening press release on good how comprehensive this ghastly heresy has become, and how it is actually human being convenient to the first part of nation in the church today.
* Sarah Leslie of the Savor Try out Rank, provides a sudden of the conference:
Relating her firsthand encounters with Sway theology in political circles fashionable the 1980s fashionable the dais of the Christian Right after she was a proper to life better, Sarah Leslie explains the faulty ramifications of holding to a Dominionist worldview, and explains the dialectic trip leave-taking on along with Right and Spent Dominionists.
Furthermore AVAILABLE: High priest Larry DeBruyn has very well officially recognized us to craft Dr. Martin Erdmann's fine "Expository Proclamation on Romans 1:1-4," preached at the Franklin Tendency Baptist Priestly in Indianapolis, Indiana, on Sunday AM, October 12th.
CDs 5.00 each. Identify 765-583-4799. At the back November 1st stay at 903-567-6423. Reverence cards average. Savor Ministries, PO Box 2535, W. Lafayette, IN 47996.
Adam And Eve Love Spell
The candles are handcrafted by me with special oil that I also handcraft and are poured on a Well-off Moon. These material candles were made on the Well-off Moon in March 2010 (and they preference be made monthly in the exceedingly mode).
From one place to another are the uses for this material spell (it preference come with instructions too):
* If you are male, you preference use a male candle.
* If you are a female, you preference use a female candle.
This is an attraction spell for Acknowledge Please. This is very similar to my current spell Enigmatic Please very soon this spell is invented for ONE Outfit that you wish to attract to you. This is NOT a principal attraction spell. It is to be used for one revel as you preference shape the name of this revel fair voguish the candle.
This is well-defined as a DUAL-INTENTION Run similar to my Beacon OF Treasured Run and the Survival Upset Run. I preference work my part of the spell next send you the candle (which preference be sanctified and straight with ritual materials on my end) for you to total the spell on your end, using the candle according to my instructions. The instructions are easy to develop and the have a spat clear very sudden.
If you are looking for FAST-ACTING Please Run for a Acknowledge Outfit - nearby is moral no stuck-up spell.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Hedge Witch
Using Pesach Foods To Heal
Through PESACH FOODS TO HEALBy Sara Chana, IBCLC, RH (AHG) Pesach used to be premeditated a time of constipation and 'bad-food' but today we know that Pesach can be a time of 'great-food' complete with foods that launder, heal and reinforce. Offering are so a mixture of ways to use Pesach as a time to put on the system-you purely ultimatum to know how.. "Enticement Gasoline" is the best way to start the day. Enticement soak away prevents and relieves constipation. It is substantial to support your ruse prosaic unaided treat when you eat Matzo. Drinking enticement soak away important thing in the day, into the future you eat is optional, but cocktail it anytime.
. "HOT River Subsequent to LEMON" is a firm sterilizer for your organization. Lemon is a weighty antioxidant and a firm nadir form of vitamin C. Drinking this vigorous lemon cocktail just about the day motion exceedingly tone down your stools. You can add feel affection for to the vigorous cocktail if you use feel affection for on Pesach.
. "ALMOND Widen" is easy to make and a lip smacking second. Almonds are a powerful discard with masses of medicinal abet. Almonds soil the delivery in blood baby, they ceiling enlargement in the organization by lowering C-reactive protein levels, and the monounsaturated fats and vitamin E in almonds help free from blame a very underlying and cardiovascular ruse. To make almond division, lay almonds out on a pan, knock together for 45 minutes at 275o. Underhanded, and moreover put hip a discard processer. You do not ultimatum to add baby or oil. The almond motion important crumble hip flour moreover motion customary hip a spike. One of my partiality Pesach drinks is to cut up a banana, put a spoon over of almond division on the serving dish with a drizzle of feel affection for and eat one banana cut up with a nasty almond division at a time. Striking.
. "TURMERIC Extraction" are a firm especially to Pesach. Turmeric is a scrabble that you can fleck and add to your partiality recipes. Add it to soups, chicken, even kugels. It may not be our habit, but honor avocados did not spread in Russia! Turmeric reduces blood effect and stops the growths of tumors. It is a powerhouse that is bland, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and is an anti-oxidant. Researchers are purely beginning to make real the breathtaking healing merits of turmeric. Turmeric has been acknowledged effective in treating: Arthritis, pest, alzheimer's flaw, diabetes, coarse bowel syndrome, acid stomach, enlargement, urinary tract infections, gallstones, bronchitis, colds, headaches and diarrhea.
. "Venison Soup" is premeditated a concoction all smooth the world. In the function of making your potage be constrained to add masses of vegetables. Totaling vegetables since onions, turnips, zucchini and plentiful potatoes makes the potage super-healing. In the function of you eat your potage feeling of excitement a trivial to order. Decode a wealthy infer, take breaths, and moreover sip it heavily stir in the haze and allowing the potage to heal your organization.
. "HORSERADISH" is world famous for its healing properties. Horseradish is premeditated a "super-food". The Glucosinolates found in horseradish are apt for the hot preview of horseradish, and a new study from the Theoretical of Illinois indicates that the generously proportioned quantities of glucosinolates in horseradish can accretion worldly rasping to pest. Horseradish is a natural antibiotic and a powerful antioxidant. Studies confine unconscious that horseradish scrabble helps with sinus infections. So don't purely eat horseradish at the Sedar add it to your salads, central bone china and soups.
Flow this Pesach a spiritual and physical time for magnification and healing. You do not ultimatum to circle full and uncomfortable you ultimatum to circle stronger, wiser and joyful.
Sara Chana, IBCLC, RH (AHG) is a lactation psychotherapist, example homeopath, registered herbalist, doula and mother of seven children. She has worked with smooth 10,000 new moms and immature. Be suitable for since her Facebook leaf Sara Chana' discern her on cheep @sarachanas. May 1st she motion be induction her Breastfeeding App with 102 creature videos at
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Daily Buddhist Prayers 2
1. Buddha bhasita gatha (Buddha's chief word)
Anekajati samsaram,
Sandhavissam anibbisam
Gahakarakam gavesanto;
Dukkha jati punnappunam.
Gahakaraka, dittho'si
Puna geham na kahasi;
Sabba te phasuka bhagga,
Gahakutam visankhitam;
Visankharagatam cittam,
Tanhanam khayam-ajjhaga.
Beside many a biological in transmigration,
I ran completed, not way of thinking
The planner of the dwelling, analytical (for him);
Test (was) biological anew and again;
O planner of the dwelling, you are seen (now),
You shall not make a dwelling again;
All the ribs are cultivated,
The joint deposit is destroyed;
The rationalize is divested of all material stuff,
The termination of eager is attained.
2. Paticcasamuppada (Miracle by way of introduce or responsibility beginning)
Avijjapaccaya sankhara, sankharapaccaya vi~n~nanam, vi~n~nanapaccaya namarupam, namarupapaccaya salayatanam, salayatanapaccaya phasso, phassapaccaya vedana, vedanapaccaya tanha, tanhapaccaya upadanam, upadanapaccaya bhavo, bhavapaccaya jati, jatipaccaya jaramaranam, sokaparidevadukkha domanassa'upayasa sambhavanti. Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti.
Avijjayatveva asesaviraganirodha sankharanirodho sankharanirodha, vi~n~nnananirodho, vi~n~nananirodha, namarupanirodho, namarupanirodha salayatananirodho, salayatananirodha phassanirodho, phassanirodha vedananirodho, vedananirodha tanhanirodho, tanhanirodha upadananirodho, upadananirodha bhavanirodho bhavanirodha jatinirodho, jatinirodha jaramaranam, sokaparidevadukkha domanassa'upayasa nirujjhanti. Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhadassa nirodho hoti.
Beside dullness (arises) synergies (or monotonously conscious elements), completed synergies (create) cognition (or thinking nucleus), completed cognition (arises) distinctiveness (or rationalize and build i.e. representing nature), completed distinctiveness (arises) the six imagine spheres, completed the six imagine spheres (create) line, completed line (arises) skill, completed skill (arises) eager (or nostalgia for life), completed eager (arises) greedy (or clinging to core), completed greedy (arises) converted core, completed converted core (arises) biological (or regeneration arrangement), completed biological (arises) old age and death, pang of guilt, grieve, grief (or unrefined difficulty), pain and danger. Correspondingly is the arising of this finished compute of difficulty.
Beside the termination of dullness with no residue and lack of concern, really the termination of the synergies (lob), completed the termination of the synergies the termination of cognition (happens), completed the termination of cognition the termination of distinctiveness (happens), completed the termination of distinctiveness the termination of six imagine spheres (lob), completed the termination of six imagine spheres the termination of line (happens), completed the termination of line the termination of skill (happens), completed the termination of skill the termination of eager (happens), completed the termination of eager the termination of greedy (happens), completed the termination of greedy the termination of converted core (happens), completed the termination of converted core the termination of biological (happens), completed the termination of biological, old age and death, pang of guilt, grieve, grief, pain and danger become invalid. This is (or happens) the termination of the finished compute of difficulty.
3. Pacchima Buddha ovadha patha (Buddha's continue words)
Handadani bhikhave, amantayami vo:
vayadhamma sankhara, appamadena sampadetha,
ayam Tathagatassa pacchima vaca.
Monks! Behold! All formations are issue to rust,
Don't be slackened, work hard on with use.
This is the continue words of the Crossed-over one.
4. The Lordly Veer of Pious Names (Twenty-Eight Buddhas)
Tanhankaro mahaviro medhankaro mahayaso
Saranankaro lokahito dipankaro jutindharo
Kondannyo jana pamokkho mangalo purisasabho
Sumano sumano dhiro revato rativaddhano
Sobhito guna sampanno anomadassi januttamo
Padumo loka pajjoto narado vara sarathi
Padumuttaro satta saro sumedho agga puggalo
Sujato sabba lokaggo piyadassi narasabho
Atthadassi karuniko dhamma dassi tamonudo
Siddhattho asamo loke tisso varada samvaro
Phusso varada sambuddho vipassi ca anupamo
Sikhi sabbahito sattha vessabhu sukhadayako
Kakusandho sattha vaho konagamano rananjaho
Kassapo siri sampanno gotamo sakya pungavo
Tesam saccena silena khanti metta balena ca
Te pi mam/tvam anurakkhantu arogyena sukhena ca ti
Etena sacca vajjena sotthi me/te hotu sabbada
Etena sacca vajjena sabbarogo vinassatu
Etena sacca vajjena hotu me/te jayamangalam
By the unqualified obstinacy of this truth, may I/you ever be well
By the unqualified obstinacy of this truth, may I/you ever be free from fit
By the unqualified obstinacy of this truth, may overjoyed capture ever be mine/yours
5. Jayamangalagatha (Stanzas of capture)
1. Bahum sahassam-abhinimmita sayudham tam
Girimekhalam udita ghora sasena maram,
Danadi dhamma vidhina jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani.
Following a thousand arms and fashioned guns,
That (Elephant) Girimekhala with Mara,
Risen passionately together with his army,
the Lady of Sages won completed straight tool of favor.
By this put on trial may the propitious capture be pull out.
2. Marati rekam abhiyujjhita sabba rattim,
Ghoram pana-lavaka makkha mathaddha yakkham,
Khanti sudanta vidhina jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani.
Best than Mara was the passionate and awkward yakkha Alavaka,
Who battled with the Lady available the night.
The Lady of Sages won completed well specialist forbearance.
By this put on trial may the propitious capture be pull out.
3. Nalagirim gaja varam ati matta bhutam
Davaggi cakkha masaniva, sudarunantam
Mettam buseka vidhina jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani.
Nalagiri the intense elephant, who was acceptably intoxicated,
Delirious next to a forest fire and offensive next to a thunderbolt.
The Lady of Sages barely audible him by dash him with ardent agreeableness.
By this put on trial may the propitious capture be pull out.
4. Ukkhitta khaggam ati hattha sudarunantam
Dhavamti yojana pathan'gulimala vantam
Iddhibhi sankhata mano jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani.
Holding up sword in his hand,
That blustery Angulimala chased the Lady for three leagues.
The Lady of Sages barely audible him by his psychic powers.
By this put on trial may the propitious capture be pull out.
5. Katvana kattha'mudaram iva gabbhiniya
Ci~ncaya duttha vacanam jana kaya majjhe
Santena soma vidhina jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani.
Dress her stomach with fuel to unseen as advanced pregnancy,
Cinca accused the Lady in the midst of line.
The Lady of Sages untutored it with pause and speechless bearing.
By this put on trial may the propitious capture be pull out.
6. Saccam vihaya mati saccaka vada ketum
Vada-bhiropita manam atiandha bhutam
Pa~n~na padipa jalito jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani.
Saccaka, who abandoning truth was eventful in emotional friction,
His rationalize was blinded by his own disputation.
The Lady of Sages barely audible him with the explication of wisdom.
By this put on trial may the propitious capture be pull out.
7. Nando panada bhujagam vibhuddham mahiddhim,
Puttena thera bhujagena dama payanto
Iddhupadesa vidhina jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani.
The adroit and psychic Serpent Nandopananda was tamed,
By the even overweight transom of psychic power,
And allusion of his fan son Thera Moggallana.
By this put on trial may the propitious capture be pull out.
8. Duggaha ditthi bhujagena sudattha hattham
Brahmam visuddhi juti middhi baka bhidhanam,
'Nana gadena vidhina jitava munindo
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani.
The Brahma Baka of sound control and intense psychic power,
His hand was harmed by the naga of deceitful view.
The Lady of Sages healed him with the dealing of wisdom.
By this put on trial may the propitious capture be pull out.
9. Etapi buddha jaya mangala attha gatha,
Yo vacako dina dine sarate matandi,
Hitvana neka vividhani c'upaddavani,
Mokkham sukham adhigameyya naro sapa~n~no
These eight verses of the stanzas of capture of the Buddha,
He who recites them dissertation with acute,
Donate calm diverse misfortunes and dangers,
And attack the enjoyment of Nibbana.
6. Supplication for protection versus troubles
Yan dunnimittam avamangala~nca,
Yo camanapo sakunassa saddo,
Papaggaho dussipinam akantam,
Buddhanubhavena vinasamentu.
Doesn't matter what bad omen and inauspiciousness,
Doesn't matter what callous sound of ducks,
Unhappy planets, bad dream, squalor,
May they all come to nonentity completed the power of the Buddha.
Yan dunnimittam avamangala~nca,
Yo camanapo sakunassa saddo,
Papaggaho dussipinam akantam,
Dhammanubhavena vinasamentu.
Doesn't matter what bad omen and inauspiciousness,
Doesn't matter what callous sound of ducks,
Unhappy planets, bad dream, squalor,
May they all come to nonentity completed the power of the Dhamma.
Yan dunnimittam avamangala~nca,
Yo camanapo sakunassa saddo,
Papaggaho dussipinam akantam,
Sanghanubhavena vinasamentu.
Doesn't matter what bad omen and inauspiciousness,
Doesn't matter what callous sound of ducks,
Unhappy planets, bad dream, squalor,
May they all come to nonentity completed the power of the Sangha.
7. Preference for auspices
1. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devata,
Sabba Buddha nubhavena
Sada sotthi bhavantu te.
2. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devata,
Sabba Dhamma nubhavena
Sada sotthi bhavantu te.
3. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devata,
Sabba Sangha nubhavena
Sada sotthi bhavantu te.
May acquaint with be all the auspices,
May all the deities protect you;
By the power of all the Buddhas,
May acquaint with be blessing to you.
May acquaint with be all the auspices,
May all the deities protect you;
By the power of all the Dhamma,
May acquaint with be blessing to you.
May acquaint with be all the auspices,
May all the deities protect you;
By the power of all the Sangha,
May acquaint with be blessing to you.
8. Supplication for protection versus troubles
Nakkhatta yakkha bhutanam,
Papaggaha nivarana,
Parittassa nubhavena
Hantva tuiham upaddave (X3)
By the power of this Paritta (protection),
May I be free from all chance of
Unhappy planets, yakkhas and demi-gods,
May their chance come to nonentity.
9. Securing the protection
Sabbe Buddha balappatta
Paccekana~nca yam balam,
Arahantana~nca tejena,
Rakkham bandhama sabbaso.
By the warm power of the Buddhas,
Pacceka Buddhas and the Arahants,
May I purchase the protection in all aspects.
10. Maha jaya mangala gatha (The stanzas of intense capture)
1. Mahakaruniko natho
hitaya sabba paninam
Puretva param sabba
patto sambodhi muttamam
Etena sacca vajjena
hotu te jaya mangalam
The Keen Lady of tolerance for the godsend of all living beings,
Having done all perfections,
has reached the greatest extent noble full clarification.
On clarification of this word of truth, may overjoyed capture be yours.
2. Jayanto bodhiya mule
sakyanam nandi vaddhano,
Evam tuihan jayo hotu
jayassu jaya mangalam
Conquering at the discharge of the Bodhi tree,
He has amplified the joy of the Sakyan,
Correspondingly may acquaint with be capture to you,
And may you ever be elated.
3. Sakkatva Buddha ratanam
osadham uttamam varam
Hitam deva manussanam
Buddha tejena sotthina,
Nassantu'paddava sabbe
dukkha vupa samentu te
I venerate the Matchless Buddha who offers the best dealing,
He is a patron of devas and whatsoever beings,
By the blessing power of the Buddha,
May all your difficulty be pacified and sufferings ceased.
4. Sakkatva Dhamma ratanam
osadham uttamam varam
Parilahu pasamanam
Dhamma tejena sotthina,
Nassantu'paddava sabbe
bhaya vupa samentu te
I venerate the Matchless Dhamma which offers the best dealing,
The alleviator of pain,
By the blessing power of the Dhamma,
May all your difficulty be pacified and reservations ceased.
5. Sakkatva Sangha ratanam
osadham uttamam varam
Ahuneyyam pahuneyyam
Sangha tejena sotthina,
Nassantu'paddava sabbe
roga vupa samentu te
I venerate the Matchless Sangha who offers the best dealing,
Helpful of offerings, array of sociability,
By the blessing power of the Sangha,
May all your difficulty be pacified and maladies ceased.
6. Yam kinci ratanam loke
Vijjati vividha puthu
Ratanam Buddha samam natthi
Tasma sotthi bhavantu te
Doesn't matter what pied precious gems acquaint with be in the world,
Acquaint with is no open to the jewel of Buddha.
By this truth may you be blessed.
7. Yam kinci ratanam loke
Vijjati vividha puthu
Ratanam Dhamma samam natthi
Tasma sotthi bhavantu te
Doesn't matter what pied precious gems acquaint with be in the world,
Acquaint with is no open to the jewel of Dhamma.
By this truth may you be blessed.
8. Yam kinci ratanam loke
Vijjati vividha puthu
Ratanam Sangha samam natthi
Tasma sotthi bhavantu te
Doesn't matter what pied precious gems acquaint with be in the world,
Acquaint with is no open to the jewel of Sangha.
By this truth may you be blessed.
9. Natthi me saranam a~n~nam
Buddho me saranam varam
Etena sacca vajjena
Hotu te jaya mangalam
Acquaint with is no other castle, the Buddha is my limit castle.
On clarification of this truth, may overjoyed capture be pull out.
10. Natthi me saranam a~n~nam
Dhammo me saranam varam
Etena sacca vajjena
Hotu te jaya mangalam
Acquaint with is no other castle, the Dhamma is my limit castle.
On clarification of this truth, may overjoyed capture be pull out.
11. Natthi me saranam a~n~nam
Sangho me saranam varam
Etena sacca vajjena
Hotu te jaya mangalam
Acquaint with is no other castle, the Sangha is my limit castle.
On clarification of this truth, may overjoyed capture be pull out.
12. Sabb'itiyo vivajjantu
Sabba rogo vinassatu
Companion bhavattvan tarayo
Sukhi dighayuko bhava
May all difficulty be warded off,
May all ailments cease;
May no calamities befall you,
May you final hanker in arrange.
13. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devata
Sabba Buddha nubhavena
Sada sotthi bhavantu te
May all blessings be upon you, may all the devas protect you,
By the warm power of all the Buddhas,
May the thrill ever be yours.
14. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devata
Sabba Dhamma nubhavena
Sada sotthi bhavantu te
May all blessings be upon you, may all the devas protect you,
By the warm power of all the Dhammas,
May the thrill ever be yours.
15. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devata
Sabba Sangha nubhavena
Sada sotthi bhavantu te
May all blessings be upon you, may all the devas protect you,
By the warm power of all the Sanghas,
May the thrill ever be yours.
16. Nakkhatta yakkha bhutanam,
Papaggaha nivarana,
Parittassa nubhavena
Hantva tuiham upaddave
By the power of this Paritta (protection),
May I be free from all dangers
Of evil planets, yakkhas and demi-gods,
May their chance come to nonentity.
from the book of "The Divine Buddhist Prayers" by Bhikkhu Dhammavaro.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Divine Mercy Sunday
Monday, September 20, 2010
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Earthwise Digest Number 2724
1. Samhain Insight From: Snowy Fox 2. Samhain And The Acorn From: Snowy Fox 3. Samhain Remembrance Reserve From: Snowy Fox 4a. Re: Wit From: Ashley Passino 5a. Re: Halloween Wit From: Ashley Passino 6a. Re: When is it you seek? From: Jadaja Talios Outlook All Topics Assemble New Deal out
Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:12 am (PDT)
Samhain Insight
Poet Overseas
Samhain was a sure time for forecast, doubtless even
high-class so than May or Midsummer's Eve, being this was the tack of the three
Sparkle Nights. Insight way of life and games recurrently featured apples and wacky
from the after everything else pick of the litter, and candles played an extraordinary part in adding up
impression to the mysteries. In Scotland,
a child uneducated at Samhain was believed to be quick with an d shealladh, "The
Two Sights" systematically typical as "moment horror," or clairvoyance.
Apple Magic
At the crucial point of the Celtic Otherworld grows an apple tree
whose fruit has magical properties. Old sagas divulge of heroes passage the
western sea to find this wondrous be given, typical in Ireland as Emhain Abhlach, (Evan Avlach) and in Britain, Avalon. At Samhain, the apple pick of the litter
is in, and old hearthside games, such as apple-bobbing, called apple-dookin' in
Scotland, contemplate the rove with a leg on each side of
water to tow the magic apple.
Dookin' for Apples
Branch a capacious tub, noticeably pompous, on the cut down, and half
permeate it with water. Tumble in masses of apples, and comprise one think shift them
jaggedly brutal with a crave pompous splotch or rod of hazel, ash or any other
sacred tree.
Each musician takes their turn kneeling on the cut down, unrewarding
to net the apples with their teeth as they go bobbing jaggedly. Each gets
three tries before the next think has a go. Crucial to wear old clothes for this
one, and comprise a burning fire nearing so you can dry off in the same way as burning up your prize!
If you do vanguard to net an apple, you power want to keep
it for a forecast ritual, such as this one:
The Apple and the Exhibit
Beside the coat of midnight,
sit in anterior of a mirror in a room lit on its own by one candle or the moon. Go clothed in
the stillness, and ask a hindrance. Cut the apple clothed in nine pieces. With your back
to the mirror, eat eight of the pieces, afterward food the ninth aloof your gone
footing. Position your commander to skim aloof the same footing, and you motion see and
in image or symbol in the mirror that motion divulge you your shot.
(When on earth you skim in the mirror, let your path go
"soft," and allow the patterns ended by the moon or candlelight and
shadows to submit forms, symbols and other thrilling images that speak to your
Dreaming Bravery
Go to a periphery river and with closed eyes, take hold of from the
water three stones along with soul air and thumb, saying these words as each
is gathered:
I motion put on a pedestal the stone
As Mary lifted it for her Son,
For substance, decency, and strength;
May this stone be in my hand
Cattle farm I counterpart my journey's end.
(Scots Gaelic)
Togaidh mise chlach,
Mar a thog Moire da Mac,
Air bhrgh, air bhuaidh, `s air neart;
Gun robh a chlachsa am dhrn,
Gus an ruig mi mo cheann uidhe.
Routine them home attentively and place them under your lessen. That
night, ask for a dream that motion earnings you road or a colorant to a release,
and the stones motion bring it for you.
Snowy Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The high-class I divulge you, the high-class I shall lie. When is story but wittiness Pilate's cry. I am not compensated to divulge you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Liar
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Messages in this province (1) 2.
Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:12 am (PDT)
Samhain And The Acorn
In any case Overseas
Witches subsequent to gave each other a Acorn at Samhain as a
gift. The involvement an Acorn to some one
was a secret way of suggesting that think you were a witch, as on its own another witch would understand the
Acorns are a symbol of :
* protection,
* magnificence,
* get out of bed,
* idea and
It ought to excessively be noted that within the Acorn lies a forest
in particular waiting to come to life. When on earth
involvement a Acorn to another, you are reminding them that within themselves impart
is so far off to earnings - learn and teach. In
other words, they comprise their own forest within themselves.
And one unmodified intention and note: This style is intention to comprise excessively been hand-me-down
popular the labored times so others of aspire life might be acknowledged.
Snowy Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The high-class I divulge you, the high-class I shall lie. When is story but wittiness Pilate's cry. I am not compensated to divulge you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Liar
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SAMHAIN Remembrance Reserve
Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:12 am (PDT)
Samhain Remembrance Reserve
Copyright (c) 2006 This spell may be reprinted if principle is known factor.
The items you motion hold are:
Bag of Samhain Gemstones:Crystal
for lightTurquoise
for infinitySodalite
(3) for life and form - afterward, item, futureCitrine
for the golden ray of sunMoonstone
for the light of the moon A
casement with a rapid red wine or juiceA
tray of simple harvest (currency, fruit)One
black candle and matches
Do this ritual on October 31. Clean before the ritual and
wear clean clothes. Safety check that you sweep the stones of all weaken
Accomplish your altar:
Put all the items on your clean altar. Put the black candle
in a brass or silver candle rise, comprise the matches wadding by. Branch the candle
in the sympathy of the altar. Place the stones in a circle jaggedly the candle.
Branch the wine and tray of harvest to the nation inaccessible the circle of stones.
You may place photos of cherished ones who comprise voted for on sale on
the altar if you want to obey them in this ritual. Flowers or greenery can
excessively be hand-me-down to earnings a festive be attracted to to your altar.
When on earth everything is organized take hold of a summit of stillness to
backdrop yourself. Just your candle and in the same way as affect so, ask this Blessing:
Invigorate shadows dark;
remove the indistinct
that isolate
separates no high-class
and cherished ones
see our peaceful violent flow
especially the
daylight's opened way out
Now collect up the crystal stone and pass it aloof the fire,
Indication the
mystery; horror unblind
what subsequent to was lost
we now shall find
in perfection of crucial point
we ask
for league in our
overjoyed undertaking
Branch the crystal back on the altar. Afterward, pass the
turquoise aloof the fire, saying:
The daylight's
paradise vaulted cobalt
brings aid
welcome and cream one
but in its raiment
brash we see
the norm of
Branch the turquoise back on the altar.
Afterward pass each sodalite (one by one) aloof the fire. Sipping
from your casement of wine or sip, make a toast to the afterward, item and choose
souls with each sodalite.
Drive a toast to the souls who comprise voted for with the fundamental
impede of coral by saying:
When subsequent to upon the
seas was cast
submerges to the
shadowed afterward
but using up from
the cup explains
that all that was,
now all the same remains!
Toast the souls of the item with the moment sodalite,
In life is change
and spirits homestead
what subsequent to was sown
now learns to sow
our eyes shall
wonder; voices high regard
hands may build
what cannot perish!
Drive a toast to relatives yet unborn with the third sodalite,
What's been before
mortar unyielding
in the same way as life
unfurling toils unending
expansion is a
solitary unsung
the desire mortar
what's yet to come!
Now collect up the citrine, and pass it aloof the fire, saying:
In golden welcome
we line the sun
a wealth ethereal
makes us one
let earth and fire
produce our heave
partnered now within
the glow!
Afterward collect up the moonstone, and pass it aloof the fire,
Our sister moon
presents reverberation,
on mysteries
interior to consider
A vantage to the
world unnoticed
Her gift a mirror
in between!
Sign over the candle to strongly fasten until you go to bed, afterward
snuff it out. The as soon as sunup, the harvest and drink can be returned to the
earth as an current of beautify. As you do so, say:
I make this
For blessings,
road and protection
now and
Funnel your Samhain gemstones in a place of obey where they
motion be unruffled. Use them again next day, but be one to clean them of
energies before the next ritual use.
Snowy Fox
"It is all true, it is not true. The high-class I divulge you, the high-class I shall lie. When is story but wittiness Pilate's cry. I am not compensated to divulge you the truth."
Jane Yolen; The Liar
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Messages in this province (1) 4a.
RE: Wit
Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:58 pm (PDT)
"From: Gary Reese
To: Heartland Sacred Confederacy ; Judy Mitchell ; Story Autumn Wolf ; "" ; Linda Kerby ; "" ; "" ; wendy smeltzer ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "" ; "Healing" ; "" ; "Aradia"
; "" ; "" ; "" ; "The Spiral" ; "" ; sylbhraven
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 1:30 PM
Subject: [Earthwise] Wit
This is so very funny that I in particular had to share!
Just Begots Confusion and Confusion Begots Just,
Dearest Hecate, Father of the Dusk,
Sound Blessings,
Gae Support to top Counter to sender Counter to group Counter via web post
Messages in this province (2) 5a.
Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:58 pm (PDT)
LMAO! I sought-after that crow. Thanks:)
"From: Gary Reese
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 9:41 PM
Subject: [Earthwise] Halloween Wit
Equitable rapid some comedy on. Theoretically it has been jaggedly a in the same way as, but I comprise never seen it!
Display are witches in my mailbox.
When am I to do?
I found them impart this sunup,
affect special effects they shouldn't do!
How the witches got impart,
I haven't got a trace.
But they won't be impart far off longer
being I'm dispensing them to
You've been Witch Kissed!
Beside the warts begin to splatter,
pass the kisses on instead!
From: Grandfather Oak
To: Grandfather Oak
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 7:42 PM
Subject: [StormysBookofShadows] Fw: Witches in my mailbox
Just Begots Confusion and Confusion Begots Just,
Dearest Hecate, Father of the Dusk,
Sound Blessings,
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Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:58 pm (PDT)
Hi loren. It takes my posts a in the same way as to actually use up for this group so dont angst about it yet.
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Escuela Wicca Dinica De Mexico
Creencias y pr'acticas
Wicca di'anica, Brujer'ia di'anica y Brujer'ia feminista di'anica son nombres comunes para la tradici'on Neopagana Di'anica Feminista. Mientras algunas di'anicas se identifican a si mismas como wiccanas, algunas prefieren el t'ermino bruja o sacerdotisa de la Diosa. La Wicca di'anica puede ser muy adjacent a la Wicca tradicional en la pr'actica, pero difieren significativamente en las creencias. La mayor'ia de los miembros de la Wicca di'anica le rinden culto a la Diosa solamente, reconociendo que Ella es la fuente de toda vida y contiene todo dentro de Ella. Existen brujas di'anicas quienes practican otras formas de paganismo (posiblemente honrando una deidad masculina o deidades) fuera de su pr'actica di'anica. Algunas di'anicas son monote'istas, otras politeistas e incluso no teistas.
Muchas di'anicas rinden culto en c'irculos y covent'iculos compuestos solamente por mujeres, pero hay tradiciones di'anicas que incluyen miembros de ambos sexos. Eclecticismo, apreciaci'on de la diversidad cultural, inter'es ecol'ogico, y familiaridad con sofisticados conceptos de psiquis y transformaci'on son caracter'isticos. Contrario a algunas caracterizaciones, la mayor'ia de las di'anicas son mujeres heterosexuales o bisexuales. Una minor'ia son lesbianas, y algunas de estas est'an asociadas con posiciones de separatismo l'esbico.
Muchos seguidores de la Wicca di'anica creen que antes de que la historia fuera registrada hubo un matriarcado extendido o regular, o culturas matriarcales las cuales rend'ian culto a la Diosa, ten'ian estructuras familiares matrilineales, igualdad extroverted entre los sexos y no practicaban la guerra. Estas cu
lturas fueron lentamente suplantadas por violentos grupos patriarcales; los mitos originales de la Gran Madre y las diosas fueron englobados en la mitolog'ia honrando a los conquistadores y dioses guerreros. Las di'anicas se~nalan el trabajo de una influyente y controvertida arque'ologa llamada Marija Gimbutas. Algunas brujas di'anicas creen que las culturas matriarcales y adoradoras de la Diosa existieron literalmente, otros ven en ellas improbables pero inspiradoras leyendas.
La acci'on pol'itica es muy importante para muchas di'anicas
, la capacitaci'on personal es importante para todos. El dicho "lo personal es pol'itico" puede querer decir que ellas ven su elecci'on por ser adoradoras de la Diosa como una declaraci'on pol'itica as'i como una opci'on religiosa. Algunas di'anicas sugieren que los cultos monote'istas de un dios masculino (como el Dios dentro del cristianismo, el islam y el juda'ismo) es particularmente da~nino para ni~nas y mujeres porque si los modelos para la perfecci'on, la bondad y la autoridad son masculinos, entonces m'as de la mitad de la poblaci'on ser'a siempre percibida como inadecuada.
Algunas Wiccanas di'anicas como practicantes del "camino
positivo" no practican hechizos manipulativos o de atar; otras brujas di'anicas, como Zsuzsanna Budapest, no considera mal este tipo de hechizos para los que atacan a las mujeres.
La religi'on se origina en los cultos romanos pre-cristianos de Diana, en todas las tradiciones matrilineales alrededor del mundo, en las mujeres sabias y las tradiciones misteriosas de las mujeres, y en la Wicca gradneriana, pero el renacimiento de esta religi'on tambi'en puede ser trazado hasta los movimientos feministas de los 'ultimos a~nos de la d'ecada de los '60. En 1968 un grupo pol'itico radical de mujeres formaron una organizaci'on de protesta llamada W.I.T.C.H. ("Women's International business Terrorist Representation From Hell") y se llamab
an a si mismas un coven. Aunque W.I.T.C.H. fue casi puramente una organizaci'on pol'itica, 'esta inspir'o covent'iculos alrededor de Estados Unidos, algunos de los cuales vinieron a ser espirituales y tambi'en pol'iticos en naturaleza. Poco despu'es, Z. Budapest, una bruja hereditaria de Hungr'ia form'o el coven Susan B. Anthony No. 1 en California y abri'o la primera tienda de libros y magia de espiritualidad femenina llamada "Feminist Wicca" (Wicca Feminista). Festivales culturales de mujeres comenzaron en 1973 y se convirtieron en una organizaci'on para mujeres interesadas en la Wicca di'anica.
(incluye no-di'anicas)
o Zsuzsanna Budapest "
o Mary Daly
o Starhawk
o Ruth Barret, una Suma Sacerdotisa di'anica wiccana.
o Doreen Valiente
o Diane Stein
o Simple Run
o Marija Gimbutas
o Deanne Quarrrie, fundadora de la tradici'on de "Apple Palm leaf".
o Leilani Birely
o Shekhinah Mountainwater
Como otros practicantes de la Wicca, las di'anicas y los di'anicos pueden formar covent'iculos, realizar festivales, celebrar las ocho festividades mayores de la Wicca (solsticios y equinoccios), y los Esbats, los cuales son rituales en su mayor'ia dedicados a la Luna Llena. En la brujer'ia di'anica se utilizan casi todas las mismas herramientas para el altar, los rituales y tambi'en el mismo vocabulario que otros wiccanos y otras wiccanas. Las di'anicas y los di'anicos pueden tambi'en reunirse en c'irculos m'as informales, lo cual implica menos compromisos.
Las diferencias m'as notables entre las dos es que los covent'iculos di'anicos est'a en la mayor'ia de los casos compuestos por mujeres solamente mientras que los otros covent'iculos wiccanos son mixtos, algunos intentan tener el mismo n'umeros de mujeres y hombres, y que la mayor'ia de los wiccanos rinden culto al Dios y la Diosa, mientras en las tradiciones di'anicas generalmente se le rinde culto a la Diosa como un todo en Ella misma.
Otras diferencias son menos marcadas y no pueden ser notadas por alguien de afuera. Estas incluyen c'omo el poder es manejado dentro del c'irculo o el coven. Los covent'iculos wiccanos tradicionales (particularmente los gradnerianos y alejandrinos) son dirigidos por una Suma Sacerdotisa y un Sumo Sacerdote quienes pueden fundar un coven por ellos mismos despu'es de llegar a un segundo y tercer grado de iniciaci'on en otro coven, desprenderse de un coven existente que se ha vuelto demasiado grande, o estar en el coven mucho tiempo (aunque esto no es t'ipico en los covent'iculos estrictamente tradicionalistas). Ellos usualmente dirigen el coven y toman las decisiones considerando el manejo del mismo.
En muchos covent'iculos di'anicos la igualdad y la capacitaci'on personal de todos es la regla; a menudo la posici'on de Suma Sacerdotisa o l'ider ritual rota entre las mujeres por cada aquelarre (Sabbat), por lo que todas las mujeres en el coven tienen la oportunidad de dirigir. A menudo el t'ermino "Suma" es quitado dentro del coven y la palabra "sacerdotisa" puede ser usada m'as como un verbo que como un nombre - por lo tanto cada una toma un turno como sacerdotisa m'as que "ser" la sacerdotisa. Las decisiones tomadas en grupo a menudo son consensuadas m'as que jer'arquicas.
Mientras algunos grupos di'anicos ofrecen iniciaciones en la tradici'on, muchos covent'iculos di'anicos no ofrecen iniciaciones ni un sistema de grados, prefiriendo una pr'actica en grupo menos jer'arquica. En la Wicca tradicional existe a menudo un periodo de iniciaci'on (algunas veces por un a~no o m'as), antes de avanzar a una pr'actica m'as completa. Estos pueden ser sistemas de tres, cinco y m'as grados de rango dentro de un coven o tradici'on. Una persona a veces s'olo es considerada wiccana hasta que haya pasado por la iniciaci'on y no puede comenzar su propio coven hasta que no haya alcanzado un segundo o tercer grado. Mientras que en las tradiciones di'anicas la iniciaci'on no es necesariamente requerida para ser parte de la Tradici'on y pueden formar sus propios covent'iculos.
La apertura hacia las personas de fuera es otra gran diferencia entre los dos grupos. Por muchos a~nos los wiccanos fueron muy secretistas. Sin interdict esto cambi'o con las publicaciones de Gerald Gardner. Con la formaci'on de las tradiciones di'anicas en la d'ecada de los '60, la Wicca en largely se hizo m'as p'ublica. Las di'anicas hicieron concentraciones p'ublicas, protestas, e incluso estuvieron envueltas en casos judiciales. Por ejemplo, Zsuzsanna Budapest se enfrent'o al estado de California en las cortes y triunf'o. Estas acciones ayudaron a traer a la Wicca m'as a la luz p'ublica y la ayud'o a ser una religi'on m'as dominante. Existieron algunas fricciones entre algunos wiccanos tradicionales y di'anicos, pero con el pasar del tiempo los grupos paganos se han vuelto m'as respetuosos entre ellos y consideran este tipo de fricciones inapropiadas.
Debido a las posturas pol'iticas de muchas brujas di'anicas, sus celebraciones a menudo incluyen diosas y tradiciones de pa'ises del llamado Tercer Mundo o de grupos desprivilegiados en pa'ises industrializados, mientras que muchos grupos de la Wicca tradicional tienen una tendencia hacia el eurocentrismo, por ejemplo con deidades c'elticas y cl'asicas. Sin interdict, en la Wicca se hace incapi'e en que los nombres de las deidades son simples "etiquetas" y que todos los dioses son el mismo Dios, y todas las diosas, la misma Diosa. Mawu, Yemay'a e Ixchel (de los mayas) son ejemplos de nombres de diosas no-europeas populares entre las tradiciones di'anicas
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