The afterward questions are unlimited with the awareness of spicy the believer toSEARCH and SEE, and as well as to Really Separate.
1. Do you look after Israel's food laws (Leviticus 11)?Or, do you control Christ's highly developed prophet plain-spoken Paul in Colossians 2:16?2. Do you look after Israel's Sabbaths (Exodus 16:29-30; 31:12, 16-17)?Or, do you control Christ's highly developed prophet plain-spoken Paul in Colossians 2:16 (c.f. Galatians4:10,11; Romans 14:5)?3. Do you look after Israel's Passover of Exodus 12:14?Or, do you control Christ's highly developed prophet plain-spoken Paul in Colossians 2:14, 20 (AlsoEphesians 2:15)?4. Do you control Israel's mission of Mark 16:15-18?a. Do you verbalize its gospel?b. Do you convene the afterward signs?(1) Do you cast out devils?(2) Do you speak in new languages?(3) Do you array up serpents?(4) Do you taste poison?Or, do you go swallow with Christ's highly developed prophet plain-spoken Paul in Ephesians 3:1-9?5. Do you control normally the words of Christ to Israel in Matthew 10:1, 5-13? If not, whynot?a. Do you cast out devils?b. Do you heal all practice of sickness?c. Do you "go NOT" to Gentiles?d. Do you go solely to the lost of Israel?e. Do you launder lepers?f. Do you found the dead?g. Do you impart neither gold, silver, nor brass in your purses?h. Do you impart no scrip (i.e., file or rawhide bag for pat lightly)?i. Do you convene solely one suffusion, one two of a kind of shoes?Or, do you attempt Christ's highly developed prophet to Paul having to do with all blessings that arespiritual in the heavenlies in Christ (Ephesians 1:3), practically than the physical blessings sotypical of Israel?6. Do you teach forgiveness according to the but of Israel's Affirm Mercifulness ofMatthew 6:12, 14-15?Or, do you accept and teach forgiveness on the underpinning of Christ's highly developed prophet throughPaul in Ephesians 1:7; 4:32; i.e., "according to the funds of His chic, ... Limp oneanother even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you?"7. Do you usher a Near-term give birth to for yourself as years where Israel's twelve Apostlesare?a. They will sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28).b. They will be parallel with the cubed twisted municipality, having the gates named afterthe twelve tribes of Israel (Presentation 21:12), and the twelve foundations namedafter the twelve apostles (Presentation 21:14).Or, are you jointly-raised and jointly-seated with Christ in the relaxing places accordingto Christ's highly developed prophet plain-spoken Paul in Ephesians 2:6?8. Do you attempt Abraham in circumcision as a sign of the split so as not to be "cut off"from God's split in contract with the tips of Emergence 17:14?Or, do you review Christ's highly developed prophet plain-spoken Paul in Galatians 5:1-4?a. "Bring about fast thus in the free expression wherewith Christ hath completed us free..."b. "... if ye be circumcised, Christ shall pleasant you nonbeing."c. "... every man that is circumcised, that he is a cheat to do the whole law."d. "Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are fair by the law,ye are FALLEN FROM Comfort."Besides, do you review Colossians 2:11 as a yet extra advance upon fleshly, manmadesymbolical circumcision?9. Do you attempt Israel's pattern of water launch as set forth in Matthew 3:6; Mark 1:14?a. "And they were baptized of him in Jordan, CONFESSING THEIR SINS"b. "John did yell in the wilderness, and preached the Inauguration OF REPENTANCEFOR THE REMISSION OF SINS"Or, do you review the launch of Christ's highly developed prophet plain-spoken Paul in Romans 6:3-4:c. "... that so many of us as were BAPTIZED Here JESUS CHRIST were BAPTIZEDINTO HIS Superficial thus, we are Buried Afterward HIM by Inauguration INTODEATH?"d. And that this Inauguration Here CHRIST JESUS, Here HIS Superficial accomplisheswhat no water launch can, namely: "For as many of you as convene been BAPTIZEDINTO CHRIST, convene PUT ON CHRIST" (Galatians 3:27)?e. And that this launch is unique inasmuch as God is the BAPTIZER; Christ inHis Superficial, money and renewal is the ELEMENT; and God cojoins us withChrist?f. And that this launch is the ONE launch of Ephesians 4:5?10. Do you rally Israel's New Treaty as yours, even period it is eternally addressed to theHOUSE OF ISRAEL and the Upper house OF JUDAH (c.f. Hebrews 8:6-9; Jeremiah 31:31-33)?Or do you, according to Christ's highly developed prophet plain-spoken Paul, arrest the place of a noncovenantpeople (Ephesians 2:11-13)?And do you stratum your blessings upon a right mind of God Before nearby were anycovenants as stated in Ephesians 1:3-4?Lastly, unless you are practicing Both of the leader ten items, you are in one practice oranother, "separating the word of truth." Both truth will be found to be usual with its context;i.e., place, time and right mind.As God's prophet changes or varies, so too, shall the coating measured folks changes. If youobserve and mark of respect folks changes on a usual underpinning, you will be "justifiably separating the wordof truth" (II Timothy 2:15).(author indistinct - shortened)
B I B L E S T U D E N T ' S P R E S S TMStudy Ridge, PO Box 265, Windber, PA 159631-800-784-6010 / www.StudyShelf.comTaken from the Bible Student's NotebookTM, a weekly Bible study distribute cooperative in two formats(electronic and stamped)