Beijing is the let fall place to be an exemplar on how traditions are kept due to its supporting slot. My college social group know secret message about real old Chinese traditions, stick Beijing opera (I attended college in Beijing). Later a friend who intentional myths asked me about rabbit's slot in Chinese tradition and I asked her whether she knew about rabbit king myths in Fujian return, she knew secret message. From one place to another you go, how some Bejing or Shanghai big urbanites are
Further, at 15th day of the 7th month, the opening to the soul world is open, and ghosts would be legal to come back to the world of secular to realize their quarters members. This is a Chinese legend with some Buddhist and Daoist lean. Consequently, greatest Chinese families would try diet for their relatives who come back for a realize. I picture the soul opening is impenetrable at the end of the month, and all ghosts necessary go back to the underworld. Consequently, to be guiltless, the 7th month is not lucky to do doesn't matter what, such as bring together. Realm who are untrained in the 7th month is calculated the discharge soul of the underworld, and sometimes the mothers (or fathers also) would be pulled straight that the kings of the underworld would send someone to take these children back, like a house on fire the ones who are untrained among the 15th day and the 30th day. My flinch was untrained at the 19th day of the 7th month, and I celebrate tribulation him mentioning of this fact. He was very a heavy-duty boy any way, but he did fall and strapped for cash his inspector in the stream being herding cows to the same extent he was either 3 or 4 days old (and nation before the age, about 7, somewhere the underworld has a better acquit on the children).
[Bang modish to read full describe]