You can see everything in your payment, or you can use one of the tabs spanning the flowerbed of the map to definitely inform bound to happen items. What time you find the workbench/resource/smurf/apprentice you are looking for, you can thus flow that item to produce your smurf impulsively run to it.
One thing to application, the map general feeling definitely inform you what you produce formerly exposed. It general feeling not let slip you anything about what is under the gas you produce not yet cleared, with the protection of some of the special smurfs in the game. You general feeling be accomplished to see where smurfs take pleasure in Smurfette, Cultivator, Grave, Postman, and even some of your lot trainers are (Baker, Act toward, etc.).
The map can be accessed by clicking on the nip on the flowerbed departed hand stain of the rawhide. This general feeling interval out a menu that shows you the map and your chaser.
Let's capture a touch on at how to use the tabs spanning the flowerbed to help you find what you are looking for.
The at first tab, and the one that opens by default, general feeling inform you everything in the map. Your smurf general feeling inform up as a soft (male) or rare (female) smurf principal. All of the other smurfs general feeling be indicated by their faces on the map (on the contrary Grave group of touch on a bit take pleasure in Grouchynot secure what happened existing). Any of the apprentices inform up in the map as the item they are crafting, and you can see the huts from the smurfs that were saved and became helpers. All of your resources inform up as detailed icons of the give, and you can now see all of them, as one day as they are exposed. You no longer tolerate to assemble the resources to be accomplished to find them another time.
The second tab on the map shows you all of your exposed crafting tables. Sunstone Smelter, Workbench, Invention Architect, Kiln, Treasure Smelter, Tablets Mean, Ore Smelter, Cauldron, Currency Stove-top and Fodder Mechanism.
The third tab general feeling inform you where to find all of the special smurfs in your game. Full of fun, Painter, Papa, Panache, Vanity, Embark, Alchemist, Smurfette, Miner, Adroit, Act toward, Careful, Greedy, Cultivator, Nat Smurfling, Baker, Chef, Postman and Grave. As better special smurfs are new to the game, they general feeling become visible on this tab as well. This tab general feeling not inform you your apprentices. They general feeling be on fresh tab.
The fourth tab shows you all of the resources you produce exposed in your payment. What you produce planted in any of the dust plots you get with Cultivator, Nate Smurfling, Smurfette, or that are found under some of the gas general feeling likewise inform up in this view. The list below the tab general feeling likewise inform you how many of each give you produce. One solution thing to application period - this list shows you the full tally of the resources, even they produce composed been picked. To get an gather tally of how many dated resources you produce, you general feeling still tolerate your chaser.
The fifth tab general feeling inform you were all of the uncover-able gas are, and are color coded to let slip you what profession the gas belong to. Untrained is council house, yellow is fare and furious is alchemy. One of the bolster of this recommendation view is that you general feeling be accomplished to see where some of your lot trainers are. For example, the new game I started on my iPhone because Pessimistic Skies Cheery at first came out is at level 5 in the fare post, and if I use the recommendation view, I can see that in one of the yellow gas, existing is a smurf to bring. From earlier knowledge of the game, I know this is Baker Smurf.
The sixth and best tab on the map is the apprentices tab. This tab general feeling stress all of the apprentices you produce exposed so far by viewing you an image of the item they are/have crafted for you.
We touch on on to hearing what you produce to say about the map. Let us know in the weapon below what you handhold of the map. Has it complete your Smurf Continuation easier?