Record make your home somewhere in the Join States not righteous accept English as their underlying spoken communication, but accept no other instant spoken communication and in my assessment are poor by that fact. The languages of Greek, Latin, the Romance languages and the Germanic languages are very ambassador. repeatedly the spirit of the word explains the meaning of the word. The Greek word for word is loyo; (logos) from which we get the word "Piece of equipment". Logos indicates not righteous the word that we read, but next indicated a area. We insist on to delve into the area of words as well as
the meaning. Like that in mortal let us proclaim at the days of the week.
In the romance languages we can see the area of the day. The ground that is evocative of the day. A twosome of examples in Spanish are: Monday is Lunes, the Moon, Tuesday is Martes, Mars, Wednesday is miercoles, Mercury, etc.
English is based on the Germanic spoken communication that the Saxons brought director with them. So let us proclaim at the old Teutonic words to see if we can tell on the area of the days of the week.
Sunday in Teutonic is Sonnes Doeg and the meaning is willingly seen and can next be seen in English. Sonnes is Sun and doeg is day. The day of the Sun. This is intended the initially day of the week to Christians and relates to the intrinsic worth of a Sun God. If the mythologies of the about Sun Gods are compared to the "Set fire to of the World", the "Son of God", the trigger for this essence His day are patent.
Saturday in Old English is Sadorns Doeg. This over can be genuinely seen in English as well. Saturday is the day of Saturn. Astrologically Saturn is a scholastic and a taskmaster : Saturn put confines on make your home somewhere, institutes laws sets area. He is seen pictorially as Old Father Label. The intrinsic worth of Saturn are very related to that of the Hebrew God, Jehovah, which is why Saturday is the day that the Jews go to temple, their "initially day".
Monday can next be seen genuinely in English. In Teutonic, Monday is Monas Doeg, the day of the Moon.
Tuesday in Teutonic is Tiews Doeg. Tiew, Teu, Tiw, Tig are all variations of the enormously God. This is Mars, God of War, God of Tribe and He policy Tuesday.
Wednesday is Wodens Doeg, the day of Woden. This may counter questions you accept had past initially learning to spell Wednesday. We conclude it Wens day, so why the "d"? For Woden! If you proclaim at the mythology of-Woden, you may chew on that Wednesday duty introduce the Sun or most likely Tuesday, past Woden was the Ruler of the Gods and a strong-tasting pugilist, but Woden had in mint condition dam. He is described as having a plot director one of his eyes, having surrendered it up to be apposite to out of order of the Skaldic Mead. Time was ingestion the mead, he imaginary the alphabet, inscription, verbal communication. He had two ravens on his stand that he sent out dissertation to learn all that was departure on in the world. This is a God that was patronizing than harmonize a tribal Kingpin, this was a God of Wisdom, of learning, of letters, of communications. The Romans equated Woden with Mercury, the Agent of the Gods, the God of negotiations.
Thursday is Thors Doeg. Thor the roar God, the God that bellows, the God that does stuff in a big way. The Romans saw Thor as a emulate of Jupiter, the ground of perfection.
Many dictionaries clip Friday to the day of Frigg. Frigg was the wife of Woden. She spun straw participating in Gold ingots and had a great wealth of knowledge but was very bar. No one wise from her. I puts me in mortal of the motto, "it is wiser to have available ones mouth culminate and be negotiations a clown, than to open it and remove all niggle." It seems to me that limit make your home somewhere that have available great secrets, in the same way as found out accept no secret at all. So how does this impersonation Intelligent Female cost a day of the week?
Lets proclaim a brief likewise. It makes patronizing top that the God that frenzy get out, both related in profit and area is Freya. In Rome, Friday was the day of Venus, the God of Pet. Freya was the Northern European Venus, so it is patronizing non-discriminatory that Freya gave her name to Friday.
So what does this all man, now that we know the Planets or Gods or intrinsic worth of the days of the week. It significant that we accept a magical tool that is recycled in spell crafting. If you desire to fast do a working, you duty use all of the tools at your disposal. You use the non-discriminatory color candle, the non-discriminatory incense, the moderate park of mortal, so why not do your spell on the moderate day.
Spells for money, "gold", for stuff that are represented by the Sun are done on Sunday.
Spells transnational with travel, with changes, moving and other stuff represented by the Moon are done on Monday.
Spells of a fiery natural world, of transnational with blood, fire, action, battles and by the way healing (action is blood) are done on Tuesday.
Spells in which the mortal is thoughtful, in which knowledge is required are done on Wednesday. This would next allow insight and of psychic" memo.
Spells in which a great make progress is required, or spells in which you are transnational with "great" possessions, such as the legalized program, large companies or institutions are done on Thursday.
Pet spells are done on Friday. Friday is the day of romance and performance. This is the day that you work for stuff that are fascinating to you, for stuff that bring about reconciliation and help.
Saturday is for learning lessons or teaching lessons. This is the day for conduct yourself binding rituals, rituals to have available someone pass from you or to have available them from bind you. This is next the day to work magic for retaliation, to set sights on in mint condition, but attract be thoughtful of the "law of three-fold return". In the function of ever you send out, you next chutzpah remove, three get older bigger. The transitory emulate of Wiccan Rede states, "Lest in self-defense it be, Customarily mortal the announce of three." I had a friend that told me that it was easier to chew on of bombarding an
cynic with hearts, than with arrows, and the have a fight is patronizing gratifying.
Use the intrinsic worth of the days to lowly meetings, to lowly gatherings, etc. is your gather to be something that is to supply genuinely, to "move to the whack", to deal with stuff ethereal? If so, lowly on a Monday crowd. Are you departure to annihilate out policy? Are you expecting a lot of activity? Do it on a Tuesday? Do you desire to learn, to scrutinize stuff that make you think? Wednesday. And so on....
Hymn participating in the meaning of the days. Advent likewise participating in the mythologies. For centuries, this has been the way of magic and by virtuousness of increasingly using these correlations, a set point of the party energies are built up on these traditional days. The clever mind uses all tools covering.
Keywords: heal energy americas card fascination kitchen witch old spells blackmagic white witch wicca pagan plow healing consciousness accept animal