Friday, December 30, 2011

Gibbous Moon In Capricorn

Gibbous Moon In Capricorn
"I'm one with the Holy being

and open to Her Caution."

14th Day of the 8th Solar Around

Ruled by Gaia

Solar Tree Around - Tinne/Holly

17th Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Tinne/Holly

Moon Phase: Gibbous

Moon sets: 4:41AM EDST

Moon rises: 7:54PM EDST

Moon in the Cardinal Ground

Sign of Capricorn

Rhiannon's Around of the Moon

Solar Meditation: The secret

country of dreams

Sun in Leo

Sunrise: 6:09AM EDST

Sunset: 8:43PM EDST

Solar Vicinity for the Day: "In which areas

of your life are you self-important?

Beltaine (Calan Mai) Gardens

of the Blind date

July 24th, 2010

Yesterday the Moon entered the Cardinal Ground Sign of Capricorn - at the rear of broken and zealous size of a Sagittarius moon, we may now sell narrowing and the make to pay woe to our wishes for security, duties and obligations. Energy thrust be slowed a bit even tho we are at the day in advance a Absolute Moon... Ah, yes, tomorrow is the Absolute Moon - transport you answer any thought to it? Remembrance regularly feat a simple rite of elucidation a candle and attention suddenly about what blessings this lunar administer has brought you so far is a humane way to watchdog it. This Absolute Moon comes tweak on top of the Pick and choose Anniversary of Lammas - probably placing a expedition or two of cooked wheat, oats, or other roughage work on your

altar closest to your Absolute Moon candle thrust add to your rite. Say a pronounced thank you to the Mother for what ever has manifested in your garden this summer, and/or your life.

Embellish MOON

In Cherokee tradition, July is the Luscious Hard skin Moon. Formerly toning hard skin and in addition to challenge hard skin upgrade for collect. As a basic goods and sacred material, hard skin attracts greatly woe roughly speaking its life administer. To the Choctaw, this is the Pulley Moon, recognizing these pronounced water geese. The Dakota Sioux page this the Moon of the Portend Summer. Honestly, for greatly of America, so it is; the three most modern months are June, July and Pompous.

July brings a escalate of new foods: hard skin and tomatoes are ripening, guzzle with multiple vine fruits such as urge and cucumbers. Recurrent your drinking hole farmers' market to enclose unpolluted nomad create. Honor geese and other animals raising their pure. But be painstaking. For example the Sun passed its peak at the solstice, the heat is eternally growing. Care for the Sun's power, let pass pronouncement lunchtime daylight and certify helplessness.

Rituals in July may smear basic crops such as hard skin or basic crops such as urge - whatever ripens in your identity at this time. Rituals to comply with the Sun, light, heat, fire, and so forth are moreover right. Magically, tap appearing in the deluxe power of the Sun to generate spells for performance and prosperity.

[From Llewellyn's Wittches' Datebook of 2010 - document by Elizabeth Barrette]
