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COMMEMORATED ON NOVEMBER 23The Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky was inherent on May 30, 1220 in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessk. His get going Yaroslav II, Theodore in Launch (+1246), "a tranquil, kindheartedly and companionable prince", was the younger son of Vsevolod III Abundant Hideaway (+ 1212), brother of the Holy Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich (February 4). St Alexander's mother, Theodosia Igorevna, a Ryazan princess, was Yaroslav's third companion. Their long forgotten son was the Holy Prince Theodore (June 5), who lifeless to the Member of the aristocracy at age fifteen. St Alexander was their on the spot son. His last was used up at Pereslavl-Zalessk, everywhere his get going was prince. The generous tonsure of the lad Alexander (a haughtiness of initiation to be combatant) was done in the Savior Transfiguration House of worship of Pereslavl by St Simon, Bishop of Suzdal (May 10), one of the compilers of the Kiev Caves Paterikon (Lives of the Fathers). From this Elder-hierarch, St Alexander standard his first blessing for soldiers service in the name of God, to face the Russian Religious and the Russian Land. In 1227 Prince Yaroslav, at the convene of the inhabitants of Novgorod, was sent by his brother Yuri, the Endless Prince of Vladimir, to frank as prince in Novgorod the Endless. He took with him his sons, Sts Theodore and Alexander. Peeved with the Vladimir princes, the inhabitants of Novgorod frankly invited St Michael of Chernigov (September 20), and in February 1229 Yaroslav with his sons lifeless to Pereslavl. The textile exhausted peacefully: in 1230 Yaroslav with his sons returned to Novgorod, and St Michael's young person Theodosia was betrothed to St Theodore, the advanced brother of St Alexander. At the back of the death of the bridegroom in 1233 the children princess went to a monastery and became fantastic in monastic exploits as the nun St Euphrosyne of Suzdal (September 25). From his children existence St Alexander went nap on his father's campaigns. In 1235 he participated in a contest at the Torrent Emajogi (in bestow Estonia), everywhere the forces of Yaroslav totally crushed the Germans. In the similar to go out with Yaroslav went to Kiev, "settling" his son, St Alexander, to frank impartially as prince at Novgorod. In 1239 St Alexander entered in the field of marriage, prize as companion the young person of the Polotsian prince Briacheslav. Numerous histories request that the day the princess was baptized was the Broadcast Day of her virtuous husband, and she was named Alexandra. His get going, Yaroslav, blessed them at betrothal with the holy wonderworking icon of the Theodore Close relative of God (the get going was named Theodore in Launch). Afterwards, St Alexander ad infinitum prayed previously this icon. Later, it was demanding from the Gorodetsk Monastery, everywhere he died, by his brother Parsley of Kostroma (+1276), and transferred to Kostroma. A very stale time had begun in Russian history: from the East came the Mongol Regiment destroying everything in their path; from the West came the forces of the Teutonic Knights, which blasphemously and with the blessing of the Roman Pope, called itself "Cross-bearers" by at home the Pass through of the Member of the aristocracy. In this awful hour the End of God raised up for the use of Russia holy Prince Alexander, a heavy-duty warrior, man of prayer, serious and citadel of the Land of Russia. "Without the association of God bestow would not squeeze been his prince." Abetted by the infiltration of Batu, by the ruin of Russian cities, by the shock and woe of the nation, by the havoc of its top sons and leaders, a group of crusaders complete incursions in the field of the borders of Russia. Top were the Swedes. "A king of Roman bank on from the midnight land," Sweden, in 1240 gathered a heavy-duty armed authority and sent them to the Neva on patronize ships under the association of his son-in-law, Yarl (Prince) Birger. The greater Swede sent his messengers to Novgorod to say to St Alexander: "Fight me if you squeeze the stamina, for I am ahead of clothed in and I am prize your land detainee." St Alexander, later not yet twenty existence old, prayed a inclination time in the church of St Sophia, the Greatness of God. He recited the Psalm of David, saying: "Judge, O Member of the aristocracy, persons who hurt me, rod not keen persons who rod not keen me. Cancel abstract of shell and buckler, and attractively up to help me" (Ps. 34/35). Archbishop Spyridon blessed the holy prince and his air force for the contest. Leaving the church, St Alexander exhorted his troops with words of faith: "The power of God is not in empty, but in truth." Through a slighter authority, ingenuous in the Holy Trinity, the prince hastened towards the cynic to await help from his get going, not sophisticated whether the cynic would robbery, nor seeing that. But bestow was a mind-boggling omen: at dawn on July 15 the warrior Pelgui, in Launch Philip, saw a ability, and on it were the Holy Martyrs Boris and Gleb, in express lilac gear. Boris said: "Brother Gleb, let us help our kinsman Alexander." For instance Pelgui reported the idea to the prince, St Alexander commanded that no one necessity speak about the amazing thing. Emboldened by this, he urged the air force to rod fearlessly not keen the Swedes. "Offer was a heavy-duty slaughter of the Latins, and a several swarm was killed, and their commander-in-chief was deceased with a signal upon his front elevation from a spicy pierce." An angel of God barely helped the Typical army: seeing that sunrise came, on the opposite bank of the Torrent Izhora, everywhere the air force of St Alexander was weak to improvement, was a swarm of the slain cynic. When of this collect at the Torrent Neva on July 15, 1240, the nation called the saint Alexander Nevsky. The Teutonic Knights remained a cruel cynic. In a lightning-quick fighting in 1241 St Alexander recaptured the ancient Russian mainstay of Kopore, expelling the knights. But in 1242, the Germans succeeded capturing Pskov. The cynic boasted of "subjecting all the Slavic nation." St Alexander, notice forth in a winter fighting, unbound Pskov, that ancient home of the Holy Trinity, and in flow of the go out with 1242 fought a upbeat contest not keen the Teutonic Method. On the ice of Bring together Chud all armies clashed on April 5, 1242. Raising his hands towards the announce, St Alexander prayed: "Judge me, O God, and imagine my turbulence with a full of oneself nation and in attendance help to me, O God, as to Moses of old not keen Amalek, and to my great-grandfather Yaroslav the Sensible not keen accursed Svyatopolk." By his prayer, by the help of God, and by soldiers possibly will the Crusaders were splendidly destroyed. Offer was a awful slaughter, and bestow was such a loud of appealing spears and swords that it seemed as but the empty amalgamate were in signal and not doughty ice, for instance it was inundated with blood. For instance they turned to place away from home, the cynic was pursued and slashed by Alexander's air force "as if they sped dictate the air, and bestow was nowhere for the cynic to place away from home." Later, they led a swarm of captives at the last the holy prince, marching in debase. Colleagues deliberately understood the large-scale older meaning of the Endless War of the Ice, and the name of St Alexander was emblazoned in the vicinity of Holy Russia, "dictate all the lands, from the Egyptian Sea to Magnify Ararat, from all sides of the Varangian Sea to Endless Rome." The western boundaries of the Russian land were resolutely safe, and it was time to television Russia from the East. In 1242 St Alexander Nevsky and his get going Yaroslav journeyed to the Regiment. Municipal Cyril blessed them for this new service of patronize hardships: it was necessary to turn the Tatars from enemies and plunderers in the field of righteous allies, and this affected "the obedience of an angel and the wisdom of a twist." The Member of the aristocracy crowned the holy directive of the defenders of the Russian land with be the victor, but this affected existence of misery and prey. Prince Yaroslav accepted from this life. Having complete an semblance with Khan Batu, he was affected, even, to travel to distant Mongolia, to the course of all the itinerant line. The condition of Batu himself basis dangerous, he sought the corroborate of the Russian princes, wishing to break with his own Blonde Regiment from distant Mongolia. And bestow in turn, they trusted neither Batu nor the Russians. Prince Yaroslav was polluted. He died in torment, existing the Holy Injured person Michael of Chernigov, whose next of kin he nearly became, by only ten days. For example his get going bequeathed him an semblance with the Blonde Regiment, it was necessary for St Alexander Nevsky to abstract fast to it in order to put away a new negative effects of Russia. Sartak, the son of Batu, had typical Christianity, and was in charge of Russian family with the Regiment. He became his friend, and to the same extent a brother to him. Vowing his corroborate, St Alexander endorsed Batu to activation a fighting not keen Mongolia, to become the fundamental power in all the Endless Steppes, and to make the most of up the Tatar Christian commander-in-chief, Khan Munke (highest of his Tatar Christians were Nestorians) on the throne in Mongolia. Not all the Russian princes turbulent the wisdom of St Alexander Nevsky. A variety of hoped for European help in the stumbling block not keen the Mongol Attach. St Michael of Chernigov, Prince Daniel of Galich, and Andrew, St Alexander's brother, conducted thought with the Roman Pope. But St Alexander well knew the fortune of Constantinople, under arrest and grief-stricken by Crusaders in the go out with 1204. His own for one person experience skilled him not to responsibility the West. The semblance of Daniel of Galich with the Pope, munificent him zilch in return, was a treachery of Consistency, a unia with Rome. St Alexander did not wish this to be present to his Religious. For instance ambassadors of the Roman Pope appeared in 1248 to seduce him too, he wrote in conclusion that the Russians were finish to the Religious of Christ and to the belief of the Seven Ecumenical Councils: "These we know very well, but we do not defer to your teaching." Catholicism was not right for the Russian Religious, and a unia signified a rebuke of Consistency, a rebuke of the basic of spiritual life, a rebuke of the older later foreordained by God, and the dooming of itself to spiritual death. In the go out with 1252 patronize Russian cities rose up not keen the Tatar Attach, basic Andrew Yaroslavich. The condition was very forlorn. Anew bestow arose a threat to the very natural life of Russia. St Alexander had to have control over to the Regiment what time exceptional, in order to service a punitive Tatar launch an attack on the Russian lands. Defeated, Andrew fled to the Swedes seeking the help of persons very robbers whom his heavy-duty brother had argument with the help of God at the Neva. St Alexander became the decree Endless Prince of All Rus: Vladimir, Kiev and Novgorod. A heavy-duty duty previously God and history lay upon his shoulders. In 1253, he repelled a new German launch an attack not keen Pskov; in 1254 he complete a tighten with Norway participating in peacetime borders; in 1256 he went on a fighting to the Finnish land. The speaker called it "the dark fighting," having the status of the Russian air force went nap dictate the polar night, "leaving to obscure chairs, weak to see neither day nor night". At home the depression of paganism St Alexander brought the light of Gospel preaching and Typical culture. All the coastal subdivision was polite and opened up by the Russians. In 1256 Khan Batu died, and frankly his son Sartak was polluted, the one who was to the same extent a brother to Alexander Nevsky. The holy prince journeyed a third time to Sarai in order to close mild-mannered children of Rus and the Regiment with the new Khan, Berke. However the successor to Batu had typical Islam, he vital the semblance with Typical Rus. In 1261, by the diligent efforts of St Alexander and Municipal Cyril, a diocese of the Russian Typical Religious was agreed at Sarai, the course of the Blonde Regiment. Offer followed an mature of heavy-duty Christianization of the pagan East, and St Alexander Nevsky prophetically speculated about the older vocation of Rus. The holy prince hand-me-down every incident to help yourself to his home land and the calm its allotted cut across. In 1262 by his charge in patronize of the cities the Tatar collectors of headstone and the swig of soldiers were closed. They waited for a Tatar reprisal. But the heavy-duty intercessor of the nation once more journeyed to the Regiment and he sympathetically directed the object in the field of relatively altered major road. Having been dismissed for the civil disobedience of the Russians, Khan Berke ceased to send headstone to Mongolia and proclaimed the Blonde Regiment an neutral particular, making it a right shell for Russia from the East. In this heavy-duty uniting of the Russian and Tatar lands and peoples the later multi-national Russian State was matured and strengthened. Later, within the periphery of the Russian Religious, was encompassed nearly the realize inheritance of Ghenghis Khan to the coasts of the Soothing Marine. This unscrupulous have control over of St Alexander Nevsky to Sarai was his fourth and run. The later of Rus was rescued, his charge previously God was wide-ranging. But his power was in sum ardent, and his life put to the service of the Russian Religious. On the return have control over from the Regiment St Alexander fell pallid ill. Powerless to get to Vladimir, in a monastery at Gorodets the prince-ascetic gave up his spirit to the Member of the aristocracy on November 14, 1263, carrying out his inept terrestrial path by treatment the monastic schema with the name of Alexis. Metropoltan Cyril, the spiritual Open and friend of the holy prince, said in the entombment eulogy: "Acquaint with, my child, that ahead of the sun has set for the land of Suzdal. Offer will be no higher prince in the Russian land." They took his holy mass to Vladimir, the have control over lasted nine days, and the mass remained undecayed. On November 23, previously his cremation at the Nativity Monastery in Vladimir, bestow was unashamed by God "a wondrous amazing thing and variety of barrier." For instance the mass of St Alexander was placed in the grave, the steward Sebastian and Municipal Cyril at ease to tolerate his hand, in order to put in it the spiritual gramota (document of exculpation). The holy prince, as but in material form, reached out his hand and took the document from the hand of the Municipal. "When of their dread, and they were slight capable to plummet from his mausoleum. Who would not be surprised at this, for instance he was dead and the mass was brought from far comatose in the winter time." Therefore did God be passionate about the virtuous Soldier-Prince Alexander Nevsky. The large-scale Religious adulation of St Alexander Nevsky took place under Municipal Macarius at the Moscow House of worship in 1547. The System of belief to the saint was compiled at that time by the vicar Michael of Vladimir.TROPARION - Tone 4 Christ revealed you, O Fortunate AlexanderAs a new and illustrious give of wonders;A man and a prince well kind to GodAnd a divine ill-gotten gains of the Russian Land.Now we get into formation in bank on and loveTo be passionate about the Member of the aristocracy by gleefully recall you.He decided you the buoyancy of healing,Therefore yearn for Him to bear out your tragedy spiritual children,And to reserve all Typical Christians.KONTAKION - Tone 8 We reward you as a highest incandescent, spiritual star,Growing up from the east; leaving down in the west!As you enriched the Russian inhabitants with good works and miracles,So now identify us who spontaneous you in bank on, O Fortunate Alexander.Now as we observe your deteriorating numb, we ask you to defend the Member of the aristocracyThat He may bear out his tragedy servants and reserve all Typical Christians!SOURCE:"SAINT OR Public holiday POSTED THIS Think about it 2009(with 2008's become a member clothed in too and moreover, 2007's):"
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Repose Of St Alexander Nevsky
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