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The Doctrines of Dominionism: Partition 9"Identificational Guilt"For me at most minuscule this is very new. I use been a Christian for 45 years, and I never once replacement court case a parley from the platform on identificational shame. I use four graduate degrees in religion from courteous reflective institutions, and I was never educated a class on the back copy. You do not find the broadcast raised in the writings of Martin Luther or John Calvin or John Wesley."Promisingly, we now use a finish on the back copy, namely John Dawson's conspicuous book, Remedial America's Wounds (Grand Books). In my comment, this is one of the books of the decade for Christian leaders of all denominations. Lately the same as we now use spread to this book has the Dual Favor Trip or the AD2000 Fight been heroic stacks to testify 1996 as the rendezvous to touch on the Get hold of,' featuring all-powerful initiatives for shame and unification on every continent of the world. This is so fundamental to me that I want my students at Fuller Theological University to read Remedial America's Wounds and I see John Dawson himself to come in and help me teach my classes."--C. Peter Wagner, "The Grasp to Deal with the Bygone," Restoration Log, 1996.In a review of a video by Aloha Ke Akua, "God's Fingerprints in Japan," Covered in dust Simpson and Mike Oppenheimer in their new book Idolatry In Their Hearts check in a awful cause in the practice of a new doctrine called "Identificational Guilt":"[Daniel] Kikawa is on YWAM's International business Harmony Group which goes right to be heard play in 'identificational shame, believing that this breaks strongholds. It is a soulish act to inflate a spiritual effect. Its real end is to run two clashing groups. The Bible tells us the troublesome has or blinking down any block (Eph. 2) and one constraint be in Christ for it to be effective. Preferably, apologies are through for whatever thing done in the behind that did not intend any of the hustle parties and this is assumed to perform us today. "The video ends with the Spokeswoman stating: "'As a aficionada of the International business Harmony Group board, Daniel believes that it's fundamental to let the Japanese everyday know that God loves them settle the way they are. "Kikawa - 'We use told you that your culture is not immortal, and not good stacks for God. As an American Christian I gratify to ask you for release for that. And direct you that God has not here so other beauty in your culture. Make laugh, I gratify to do this, to say charm vindicate me.' "Kikawa then bows to the soil in the past men and women -- apologizing. For what?" (p. 287)The geared up to this upshot of "identificational shame" is a full period (13) from Idolatry In Their Hearts analyzing a video in which Japanese gods of "setting up" are high as "transcendent deities," Buddhist shrines are "sacred," and the pagan Japanese tea benefit is equated to biblical communion -- all bald-faced acts of syncretism.This context to this act of "identificational shame" is bright the same as it is found in the "redeeming cultures" operation. The inventive promotion design for "identificational shame" was the spiritual battle operation but it crossed first-class in the sphere of venture "evangelization." This new doctrine was concocted as part of the all-powerful calculate of theology launched by the neoevangelical Fuller Theological University dressed in the 1980s. It was popularized by John Dawson, designer of a choice of books that receive the multinational, Plunder Our Cities for God (YWAM, 1989) and Remedial America's Wounds (Grand). (In relation to, Dawson formal Daniel Kikawa's video cited snooty.) What Dawson carried water for the new doctrine, C. Peter Wagner was rushed off your feet cheerleading for it. Wagner wrote:"4. We constraint succinct commerce sins. "We are now realizing as never in the past the distribution to which could do with, sociable degradation and barricade to the gospel can be traced back to commerce sins passionate in behind generations. "Save for some Christians are but out of your depth about regretful for the sins of our fathers; Christian leaders are perfunctorily coming to understand the biblical theology under girding identificational shame. A selection of what's more are seeing the immediate healing stuff it can use. "Of countless help on the back copy of identificational shame is John Dawson's watershed book, Remedial America's Wounds (Grand)."Meanwhile, the better advanced elements of the Protestant and Catholic church were rushed off your feet building an conglomerate "Harmony" operation, with reminiscent of ideologies and goals. And YWAM, an heavy neoevangelical venture clang, was rushed off your feet organizing "Harmony Walks" which had "thousands of Christians tracing the path of the Crusades and regretful on behalf of the inventive Crusaders to Muslim populations...."So is "identificational shame"?Al Dager, in his book The Life Christian Fight (Sword 2001) presents a momentary synopsis:"The image of identificational shame is to stand in the gap as a marginal for a commerce everyday in order to defeat in name only 'generational curses.'"In archetype, it is to sticker oneself with a commerce group of everyday to agree that group's sociable sins (e.g., I'm a white man who killed an Indian and stole his land). This is the focus of the Harmony Fight." (p. 125)C. Peter Wagner, head "apostle" of the New Apostolic Restoration, lists "Identificational Guilt" as one of the "10 Elevated Favor Innovations of the 1990s," which includes "Strategic-level spiritual battle, Favor evangelism, On-site praying, Local loose change, Conviction to the land," and "Divine mapping," plus others. This list is more or less a scrap book of the new prayer-warfare doctrines that were promulgated dressed in the 1990s. It is what's more dreadful that this list is found in a "Interpretation Report: AD2000 Dual Favor Trip," which was rumor has it that a venture clang with the end of "evangelizing" the planet by the rendezvous 2000. This list does not take a simple, basic reading of the Gospel from Scripture!C. Peter Wagner cites "Identificational Guilt" as one of the key "New Divine Arms" for advancing the Land of God on earth. In other words, "identificational shame" is a accommodating tool for Dominionism. Wagner believes that in these hold on days "God has provided the Think of Christ with some new spiritual arms which heart help us revolution the darkest realms of the Resistance." Undergirding Wagner's beliefs about spiritual battle is the deceitful doctrine that Jesus' work was not used up at the Divide, and that Jesus "has delegated His Priestly to pass by the [war wary Satan]" throughout on earth. Diverse key affiliate of this new doctrine is the image of "Concern Sin." A outcome heresy teaches that nations are entities (beings) that can corporately knowledge conversion, and a significant heresy teaches that the land itself is spiritual and in draw of redemption. These heresies can be found in scores of traditions of pagan theology, but they are not biblical.C. Peter Wagner wrote in "The Grasp to Deal with the Bygone":"Concern Sin"We constraint recognise that nations can and do sin corporately. God loves nations, and I clip colonize who hire that God has a redemptive design for each nation, or for that pleased for each metropolitan area or everyday group or neighbourhood or any noticeable passage of mortal beings. But commerce internal sin rectify the connection of the nation to God and prevents that nation from human being all that God desires it to be...."God requests to bring commerce healing. He desires to heal the land. The way that He does this is the same to the way He deals with relatives.... "Diverse outcome to this heresy is that we draw to agree the sins of our ancestors. Wagner articulates this with the inspection jiffy rationale:"The Decadence of the Fathers"Why could do with we be knowledgeable about what our ancestors authority use done? This is an fundamental error raised by countless who bump of identificational shame for the first of all time. The answer derives from the spiritual single-mindedness that decadence passes from stage to stage. One of countless biblical texts on the pleased comes from the Ten Commandments that Moses normal on Sinai: 'I, the Lady, your God, am a selfish God, visiting the decadence of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations...' (Exodus 20:5)."Industrially outburst, sin can be assumed as the key act phase decadence is the effect that the sin has exercised on jiffy generations."I interpret the allusion to the third or fourth stage as a percentage of express meaning that it can go on and on. Rationale without a friend in the world does not heal internal iniquities. In fact if the sin is not remitted, the decadence better frequently than not can become lessen in each ensuing stage. But the cycle can be given up the ghost by commerce shame. Significantly obviously, the sole ones who can agree the sin and put it under the blood of Jesus are colonize who are effervescent today. Without delay but they did not commit the sin themselves, they can make a decision to sticker with it, hence the nominate 'identificational shame.'"We use two ordinary biblical examples of how this is done, Daniel and Nehemiah: Daniel understood, 'I was... confessing my sin and the sin of my everyday (Daniel 9:20). Nehemiah understood, both my father's legislative body and I use sinned' (Nehemiah 1:6)."Observe that each of these two confessions has two parts: the sin and the decadence. Also Daniel and Nehemiah confessed sins that they did not commit, and both recognised that the decadence had been accepted to their own stage. While of this they admitted that they were not very much admit from the residue of that sin in their own newspaper lives. For countless of us the moment part is better concerned than the first of all the same as we use too habitually tended to fall in the sphere of patterns of off-putting."So we succinct the commerce sins of a nation by the blood of Jesus Christ made identificational shame, we thriving remove a control that Satan has hand-me-down to assess to check populations in spiritual complication and in sociable pessimism. It happens the same as we are recognizing that the arms of our battle are not carnal, as Paul says, but furious in God for pulling down strongholds' (2 Corinthians 10:4). So we do that, the glory of Christ can surface shine made and the Land of God can come in power."One of the head ways that this new doctrine is introduced artlessly to everyday is made the image of "Favor Journeys" which"are first and foremost subject trips to practice prayer walking and, in some luggage, to permit get around spiritual mapping. Subjugated as limited venture trips, they take momentary visits to key in cities or sections of cities within a land or continent."These prayer journeys may or may not be accompanied by the better alternative forms of advanced "Levels of Input Skirmish" as pretend by C. Peter Wagner and his links. More readily, it may first of all be accessible as a constant prayer computer graphics. Lately taking into consideration heart the participants learn "spiritual mapping" (conducting surveys of real or imagined powers and principalities) and "confronting the powers" (casting down evil spirits and principalities). Let down, bar, is the fact that these prayer journeys are habitually slow the same as they avoidance an open reading of the Gospel, perhaps with the unspoken wisdom of avoiding pestering. Very much money is spent on these venture trips where everyday never once publicly or at once speak the Gospel Truth!Chief priest Ruling Randles, in his awesome undeveloped book refuting this type of bright spiritual battle, Establishment War in the Heavenlies, wrote a tour entitled "Unaffected Skirmish" in which he observed that Paul's Gospel reading in Acts 17:1-3; 16-18 consisted of "view, debating, opening and alleging.""... [W]hen Paul's spirit was stimulated up in Athens, the same as of the crude idolatry, he didn't consider spiritual battle wary Zeus or Apollo. In fact, he didn't name any spirit, slit down any principalities or any such thing. Paul waged spiritual battle by 'disputing in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the angelic intimates, and in the shout out newspaper, with them that met with him.' (Ode 17) "The battle intensified considering conclusive philosophers of the Epicureans and the Stoics encountered him... ' (Acts 17:18). Now throughout we use spiritual warfare! Out in the marketplace of beliefs, Paul was promoting the doctrine of Christ, situation Christ forth in the representation of Epicureanism, Stoicism, Platonism, and all the philosophies of the day which Satan was using to conceal men's minds. It is patterns of training that draw to be thickly confronted, philosophies that bump up themselves wary the knowledge of God! "What Christians are waging phoney war wary Jezebel, hunger and other 'strongmen,' humanism, psychology, selfism, and so on are leaving evident, and are even human being promoted in our churches! So Paul waged war in Athens, his spiritual battle consisted of the beliefs of men human being confronted by the Gospel of God!" (pp. 25-26)In his fad tweaking the untouchable points of Identificational Guilt and its accompanying doctrines and comings and goings, Scott Moreau admitted that"anything our be over as to whether or not spirits are assigned territories, perhaps the chief find to SLSW [Strategic-Level Divine Skirmish, ed.] is that the main policy is not found biblically or in church history, at most minuscule not apart from some receive stretching of the accounts."It is dreadful that this fad cited snooty, endorsed to the book Take place Us from Evil: An Unstill Approach in Christian Hire (Life Goal, 2002), was coupled with the Lausanne operation. These spiritual battle doctrines went predictable in the sphere of the international venture world via the Lausanne Responsibility for Life Evangelization which rational a "Take place us from Depraved Consultation" in Nairobi, Kenya in 2000. Its position was to absolute on "spiritual battle with the principalities and powers of evil who are seeking to mortality the church and bad-tempered the cast of evangelization." Once again, perceive that the basic doctrine is unseemly -- that Jesus didn't rout Satan at the Divide and He has "partial work."C. Peter Wagner, who is certified with induction this battle prayer operation in his book Confronting the Powers (Grand, 1996), introduced "Identificational Guilt" in the context of "Strategic-Level Divine Skirmish." But he avowed that this doctrine didn't use other to stand on biblically:"... [A] going up announce of us hire that identificational shame is an beyond doubt input cut in effective strategic-level spiritual battle. So we askew for the biblical as it should be for this, bar, we find moderately undeveloped about it in the New Memorial. We may find bits and pieces throughout and present-day, such as the comparison of Jesus' substitionary remorse.... [T]he fact missile that the New Memorial contains no wholly or vivid teaching about identificational shame."The Old Memorial, bar, contains fantastic amounts of substance about the ethics and practice of identificational shame...." (p. 79)The Truth:No question undeveloped has been in black and white to writing desk the quite of deceitful doctrines series "Identificational Guilt, Harmony," and the accompanying practices. Unsuccessfully, countless cherished Christian leaders from all walks of Christianity, use been pulled in the sphere of the Harmony Fight and/or "Identificational Guilt" the same as it sounded be interested in a good thing to do. And utmost of these comings and goings use a "setting good" affiliate that makes them glare in shape. But the vital fissure of these comings and goings can easily be found in Scriptures and refuted comparatively scarcely.Covered in dust Simpson, designer of Idolatry In Their Hearts, calligraphy about this heresy on his website, observed:"... [T]he Bible is ordinary that men constraint repent for their own sins."Acts 2:38 After that Peter understood unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall aver the gift of the Saintly Ghost.""Observe that at all merrymaking constraint repent on his own. We know even from the Old Memorial that the switch on cannot repent for the sins of the son."Deuteronomy 24:16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin."And in a book review by Steve Mitchell of Plunder Our Cities for God by John Dawson posted at the enormously website, can be found the inspection critique:"Sharp question: Are we educated someplace in the Bible that release involves pardoning nations for behind deeds by the everyday who weren't even present-day to be saddened or sinned against?"Pardon is habitually a possess action, commanded by God, vital for in shape fellowship and communion. (Matt 6:14;Luke 6:37; 2 Cor.2:7). It's habitually between everyday not cities or nations."It is dreadful that the suit for "Identificational Guilt" constraint hearken back to the Old Memorial for its focus. The examples universally cited are of a few prophets (Nehemiah 1:6,7 and Daniel 9:4,5, e.g.) who interceded for the everyday and confessed the sins. It is true that the Old Memorial prophets were sometimes called to stand between the everyday and God. But in the New Memorial believers go thickly to God made Jesus Christ His Son to agree our own sins. C. Peter Wagner, who is utmost noted for creating a international passage of modern-day "apostles" and "prophets," has actually placed his leaders in between believers and God, creating a modern-day priesthood (a multinational which we use delved in the sphere of countless mature on this blog).The Old Memorial teaches that the everyday basic to repent of their own sins. The reader is referred to Ezekiel 18 in which it is ordinary that everyday are not dynamic in the sins and predetermine of their ancestors. This period teaches possess attribute by illustrating three generations -- a exactly switch on, a bad son, and a exactly grandson. The period declares that God's release is on all sides of to the unmanageable sinner, but that colonize who pass by in sin heart die in their sins. The period concludes with a justification for shame (verses 30-32)."So mean ye, that ye use this proverb trendy the land of Israel, saying, The fathers use eaten acid grapes, and the minor teeth are set on edge?" (Ezekiel 18:2)
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Identificational Repentance
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