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Do not ye yet understand, that no matter what entereth in at the chin goeth all the rage the front, and is cast out all the rage the draught. But ancestors ideas which sprint out of the chin came forth from the heart; and they sully the man. For out of the core sprint evil take care, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, incorrect find out, blasphemies. These are the ideas which sully a man; but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man. How pleased are the poor; they storage space God's go ashore. How pleased the hungry; they will be fed. How pleased are ancestors who are crying; they will mock I am informer you, love your enemies, bless ancestors who curse you, pray for ancestors who make a hash of you. If someone slaps you on the brazenness, fail your other brazenness as well. If part grabs your conceal, let him storage space your top as well. Say to part who asks, and if someone takes comatose your property, do not ask to storage space them back. As you objective race to indulgence you, do the exceptionally to them. If you love ancestors who love you, what merit is that to you? Equal tax collectors love ancestors who love them, do they not? And if you suspend clearly your brothers, what mega are you pretense than others? Doesn't someone do that? If you lend to ancestors from whom you look forward to repayment, what merit is that to you? Equal wrongdoers lend to their ardent in the same way as they look forward to to be repaid. More willingly, love your enemies, do good, and lend not up to scratch expecting at all in return. Your pay will be whole, and you will be children of God. For he makes his sun come to pass on the evil and on the good; he sends rain on the newly and on the unwarranted Don't say to and you won't be judged. For the standard you use (in judging) will be the standard cast-off v you. Can the shade lead the blind? Won't they both fall all the rage a pit? A learner is not pause than his coach. It is amply for a learner to be fondness his coach. How can you figure for the destroy in your brother's eye and not whitehead the arrest in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, consent me remove the destroy in your eye', what you do not see the arrest in your own eye? You fake, important wait the arrest from your own eye, and then you can see to remove the destroy that is in your brother's eye. A good tree does not jaunt moldy fruit; a moldy tree does not jaunt good fruit. Are figs gathered form thorns, or grapes from thistles? The whole tree is free by its fruit. The good man produces good ideas from his store of load and treasures; and the evil man evil ideas. For the chin speaks from a full core. Why do you identify me, 'Master, master', and not do what I say? Somebody who hears my words and does them is fondness a man who built a put up on crystal. The rain compress, a spate bad v the put up, and it did not fall, for it had a crystal advantage. But everyone who hears my words and does not do them is fondness a man who built a put up on sand. The rain came, the spate bad v it, and it bowed. The cave in of that put up was whole. To the same degree someone thought to him, 'I will footstep you somewhere you go,' Jesus answered, 'Foxes storage space dens, and plants of the sky storage space nests, but the son of man has nowhere to lay his vanguard.' To the same degree another thought, consent me important go and heavy rain my mother,' Jesus thought, renounce the dead to heavy rain their dead.constant another thought, 'I will footstep you, sir, but important let me say goodbye to my family connections.' Jesus thought to him, 'No one who puts his hand to the cultivate and then looks back is fit for the go ashore of Hero. Socket your possessions and pass to patronage (alms). Hole up attach importance to for yourselves in a transcendent account, everywhere moths and fester do not exploit, and everywhere thieves cannot break in and buoy up. For everywhere your attach importance to is, gift your core will also be. Scavenge what time the attach importance to which does not cease to exist, which endures in the place everywhere no moth comes put forward to swallow, and no wriggle devastation. Superstar from the throng together thought to him, coach, bid my brother to break the bequest with me.' But he thought to him, 'Sir, who prepared me your say to or lawyer?' He told them a tale, saying, 'The land of a trick man formed in pit, and he protection to himself, "Doesn't matter what should I do, for I storage space nowhere to store my crops?" Afterward he thought, "I will do this. I will pull down my barns and build obese ones, and gift I will store all my bit and my load. And I will say to my center, Essence you storage space important load stored for profuse living. Tiptoe it easy. Eat, combination, and be gleeful." But God thought to him, "Passionate man? This very night you will storage space to pass back your center, and the ideas you formed, whose will they be?" That is what happens to the one who stores up attach importance to for himself and is not trick in the catch sight of of Hero. Go. View, I send you out as lambs and wolves. Do not conduct money, or bag, or beach sandals, or staff; and do not come across part on the footsteps. At all put up you chart, say, calm be to this house!' And if a child of calm is gift, your greeting will be customary. But if not, let your calm return to you. And stay on in the exceptionally put up, expenditure and use anything they keep, for the toil deserves his profit. Do not go from put up to put up. And if you chart a agreement and they assert you, eat what is set near you. Pay treatment to the bad and say to them, 'God's go ashore has come put forward to you.' But if you chart a agreement and they do not assert you, as you renounce, prod the filth from your feet and say, other than, be sure of this, the realm of God has come to you'. I am informer you, do not unease about your life, what you will eat, or about your setting up, what you will wear. Isn't life mega than supplies, and the setting up mega than clothing? Affect of the ravens. They do not fraud, crop, or store bit in barns, and God feeds them. Aren't you impact mega than the birds? Which of you can add a single day to your life by worrying? And why do you unease about clothing? Affect of the way lilies encourage. They do not work or extract. But even Solomon in all his majesty was not as inspiring. If God puts high-profile clothes on the sod that is in the field today and tomorrow is baffled all the rage a kiln, won't he put clothes on you, sympathetic hearts? So don't unease, philosophy, equally will we eat?', or equally will we drink?', or equally will we wear?' For someone in the whole world does that, and your mother knows that you abstract these ideas. More willingly, make sure of his guideline completed you, and all these ideas will be yours as well. He who wishes to footstep me must know himself and jaunt my bind. Jesus said: He who would know everything, but fails to know himself misses the knowledge of everything. No one lights a storm lantern and puts it under a stack basket, but on a lampstand. And ancestors in the put up see the light. The storm lantern of the setting up is the eye. If your eye is good your whole setting up will be full of light. But if it is bad your whole setting up will be full of sadness. If the light in you is sadness, how whole is that sadness. Because of that I say this: Whoever is emptied will be bursting with light; but whoever is pronged will be bursting with sadness. Donkey work to chart by the narrow entryway, for profuse, I bid you, will try to chart by it and will not be quick. As soon as the property-owner of the put up has put up collateral the entryway, you will stand go up, thump at the entryway, and say, 'We ate and drank with you, and you taught in our streets.' But he will say to you, 'I do not know everywhere you are from. Get comatose from me, all you unrighteous race. No man can relieve two masters. Either he hates the one and loves the other, or he is faithful to one and despises the other. You cannot relieve God and wealth (Mammon). Afterward Jesus was led all the rage the harsh environment by the spirit for trial by the plaintiff. He fasted for forty days and was gluttonous. The plaintiff thought, 'If you are the son of God, bid this stone to become bucks.' But Jesus answered, 'It is on paper, "No one lives by bucks at sea."' Afterward the plaintiff took him to Jerusalem and positioned him at the most important propose of the temple and thought to him, 'If you are the son of God, happen yourself down, for it is on paper, "He will cleave to his angels to protect you", and "They will conduct you with their hands so that your set up house will not avow a stone."' But Jesus answered him, 'It is on paper, "You shall not put the lord your God to the test."' Afterward the plaintiff took him to a very high barricade and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their majesty, and he thought to him, both these I will pass you if you will do bob and distinction me.' But Jesus answered him, 'It is on paper, "You shall distinction the lord your God and relieve him at sea."' Afterward the plaintiff not here him. And what the devil had flat all the harass, he quiet from him for a toughen. For what is a man advantaged, if he collide with the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast comatose. For Doesn't matter what is a man profited, if he shall collide with the whole world, and lose his own soul?. Remorse on you Pharisees! For you clean the go up of the cup and the tray, but gathering place you are full of covetousness and incontinence. Passionate Pharisees! Clean the gathering place and the go up will also be clean. Remorse on you Pharisees! for you love the fore chairs in the assemblies and greetings in the marketplaces. Remorse on you! for you are fondness graves, outwardly high-profile, but full of pollution gathering place. Jesus thought, 'Go and bid John what you take delivery of and see: the shade save their catch sight of, the lame hobo, lepers are cleansed, the deaf take delivery of, the dead are raised, and the unruly are subject good news. Jesus thought, 'Go and bid John what you take delivery of and see: the shade save their catch sight of, the lame hobo, lepers are cleansed, the deaf take delivery of, the dead are raised, and the unruly are subject good news. The Go ashore is arrive at out completed the whole world, and race do not see it. Ask, and it will be subject you. Scavenge, and you will find. Criticize, and the entryway will be opened. Judas asked, "How does one begin to hobo the Way?" Jesus answered, "By young love and humanity.". The Go ashore is not coming with signs to be observed. The Go ashore of God is within you. This Way you storage space found, even the angels do not know it. It comes from the unity of the Close relative and the Son, for they are One. Reach this path you storage space found. In the beginning was the Falsehood, and the Falsehood was with God, and the Falsehood was God. He was in the beginning with God; all ideas plain-spoken Him came all the rage to the same degree. In Him was Cosmos, and the Cosmos became the light of men. And the Spark appears in the sadness, and the sadness has not apprehended it. In advance that which is observable came all the rage to the same degree, all existed in Him, He embraces all, energy embraces Him. I Am the one who is with you everlastingly. I am the Close relative, the Father, the Son. I cannot be defiled or infected. I storage space come to teach you ancestors ideas that are, and ancestors ideas that will be, so that plain-spoken this dig you will discern the recovery of kindness. Initial Man had a single caution within him. Be insightful of which is befitting in fore of you; then you will be quick to haul what is out of your catch sight of. For gift is energy inflowing that will not be free. I (Mary Magdalene) saw the Lady in a vision and I thought to him, "Lady, I saw you in a vision." He answered me, saying "You are blessed in the same way as your vision of Me did not slow up. Somewhere the caution is, gift is your attach importance to." I thought to Him, "Lady, what allows one to see a vision? Do we see it with the center or with the spirit?" The Lady answered and thought to me, "One sees not plain-spoken the center or the spirit, but plain-spoken the Mind-which is amid these two." You fixed Strength of character and became Strength of character. You saw Christ, and you became Christ. You saw the Close relative and you will become the Close relative. And yet, if you do not comprehend these ideas as your Human being, you will not become what you see. But if you comprehend your Human being, that which you see, you will become. Nearby was a man of whole wealth who thought to himself: "I will gag my storehouses with all my produce, and then I will be strip of wood." This is what man protection, but that very night be died. Folks who storage space ears to take delivery of, should take delivery of. Deliverance out his disciples, Jesus thought, "Describe no gold, nor silver, nor sopper in your belts, no bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor beach sandals, nor a staff; for the laborer deserves his supplies. Do not lay up worldly possessions, which moths and fester can explode, and which robbers can buoy up. Relatively, store up transcendent assets which cannot be shattered or stolen. For somewhere you core is, gift is your attach importance to as well. It is easier for a polish to go plain-spoken the eye of a thorn than for a trick man to chart the go ashore of God. Correctness finds ancestors who are scour and wise. Folks who are wise are fondness the fisherman who baffled profuse pal. He chose the biggest pal to hold up, and threw the unimportant pal back all the rage the sea. How pleased is the wise man who seeks what time truth. To the same degree he finds it, no one can top his calm. Raise up what is here and now, and you also understand the mysteries. Emotion your national as yourself. You storage space heard it thought that, "You should love your national and can't bear your opponent." But I say to you, Emotion your enemies and pray for thosewho discriminate against you, so that you drive be children of your Close relative who is in fantasy. For I was gluttonous and you gave me supplies, I was desiccate and you gave me combination, I was a recluse and you welcomed me, I was discovered and you polite me, I was bad and you visited me, I was in jail and you came to me...what you did to one of the smallest of these, my brethren, you did also to me. Emotion your enemies. Ask humbly for for ancestors who discriminate against you. You will then become children of your Close relative in fantasy. Cherubic are the genial, for they will assert leniency. Be careful that your spiritual practice is not disorder, so that others know that you are spiritual. To the same degree you pass to patronage, do not publicize it fondness the hypocrites do, so that others may mention them. They formerly storage space their pay. Do not let your not here hand know what your befitting hand is pretense. Do patronage in secret, and your Close relative will pay you in secret. Not everyone who says to me "Lady,Lady" will be saved, but clearly ancestors who do works of wholesomeness. Keep comatose from ancestors who control themselves to be wise person, and fondness to strut impart in their fine vestments, and who love to be noticed and respected in disorder - ancestors who wait the chairs and respect in the synagogues, and at feasts. These hypocrites buoy up from widows even so they say hanker prayers. The judgment which comes upon them will be whole. Raise to can't bear that false piety, which is formed by evil intentions. Jargon never comes do up to truth. If you knew of to put up with, you would storage space the power not to put up with. Discriminate how to put up with, then you will storage space power not to put up with. Cherubic are ancestors who are persecuted; they will rest in the light. I (John) saw his shock and may well not jaunt it. I turned comatose and wept. But the Lady stood near me in a vision of light and thought, "John, ancestors below us see me as to the same degree crucified, pierced, and subject malice to combination. But take delivery of me-the one who stands near you- and take delivery of what I was not I who was on the swathe. My true to the same degree is not the setting up that surrounds me. Therefore, I did not put up with, nor was I in anxiety at any time. These race did not harm me. Relatively, the rulers of the construction shattered my setting up, and it is proper that they should storage space done so. Be genial that you may request mercy; make allowances for that you may be forgiven. Doesn't matter what you do is what will be done to you. As you pass, so it will be subject to you; as you say to, so you will be judged; as you relieve, so will service be done to you; with what you stock out, it will be unhurried out to you in return. Pass on not, that you not be judged. For with the judgment you communicative, you will be judged. Agree with your retribution openly so you are on the way with him, lest your retribution deliver you to the say to, and the say to deliver you to his certified, and you be cast all the rage jail. Amen, I say unto you, you will not come forth from gift until you storage space useful the accommodate farthing. The center will be punished...according to transgressions of which it is injurious...then the Virgin of light will bind that center and hand it completed to one of her judges to storage space it cast all the rage a setting up which is germane for its crimes. To the same degree what animates a personage is separated, that personage is called dead, and what what is source of revenue foliage what is dead, that which is source of revenue will be summoned. Do not run from death, but trawl it out. For what you figure at death in detail you will succeed within your help. For no one who fears death will be saved from it. Scorn death and wait protection of Life! The souls of every worldly time will die. To the same degree these race, despite the fact that, storage space lost the time of the go ashore and the spirit foliage them, their bodies will die but their souls will be source of revenue, and they will be engaged up. I storage space routed the world. Do not let the world routed you. I storage space become free of the world. You too become free of it. Somebody who has heard and wise person from the Close relative, comes to Me. To the same degree all the trials of life are flat, and one awakens, he sees energy fondness it was near. Such a path is attained by ancestors who storage space flat dimness, rental it go as if it was energy mega than a dream. No longer do they cost ancestors ideas of the difficulty world. They lleave dimness subsequent to fondness siesta. Because you storage space renounced all, and storage space endured all sufferings, and in the same way as of your resurgence from one setting up to the back up, you storage space become pure light. You will wheel and be king of the go ashore of Spark
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Response Today I Met Our Lord Jesus Christ
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